LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 278 IG vs G2 War Begins

Chapter 278 IG vs G2 War Begins

Gwangju Women's University Universiade Gymnasium.

The venue looks a bit old, but this gymnasium has held many large-scale domestic sports games in Korea, and this girls' school is also a very historic university in Korea.

Yesterday, there was a civil war between the two Korean teams, and the stadium was full of seats, but today the audience was much sparser.

However, there are still many domestic fans who have traveled all the way to South Korea just to cheer for IG.

And the person at the center of the IG fan group is the principal Wang Shicong.

I saw him personally holding a banner with the words "Go on IG" written on it, and Xiaolou was sitting next to him.

And the number of fans cheering for G2 is obviously a lot less. After all, Europe is still too far away from Korea. Even if G2 fans want to come and cheer for G2, they still have to consider the cost.

At this time, the IG players and other staff were already in place in the backstage lounge.

Then, under the auspices of Roaring Emperor, the players and coaches of IG and G2 took to the stage one by one.

But the most eye-catching thing in the audience was not the troublemaker Wang A P, nor the handsome Chen Mu, but the shoes of the jungler Ning Wang.

A pair of pink AJs, that is a sao gas!
It seems that the new shoes can lead Ning to run in the wild area of ​​the whole map, and Gank supports the head to get a cool!
After the players from both sides appeared on the stage, the atmosphere on the scene reached its peak. Although there were mostly LPL fans on the scene, there was still a loud cheer for the two teams.

Even the on-site live broadcast director understood it very well. The camera first glanced at the lively atmosphere of the scene, and then slowly zoomed in. He seemed to know that the boss of the IG team had also come to the scene, and gave back to Principal Wang Shicong. A close-up.

And Wang Sicong also greeted the camera calmly.

At this time, the atmosphere in the LPL live broadcast room also ignited.

"IG come on! Chen Mu Chong Duck Duck!"

"G2, just wait for me, Ah P, just wait for me, you are used to tweeting, right?! My little IG will not kill unknown people!"

"Chen Mu, climb over this mountain, and the world will see how handsome you are!"

"giegie is so handsome!"

"Damn it, King Ning's new shoes actually stole giegie's limelight (funny) (funny)"

"Isn't anyone paying attention to the fact that the world's No. [-] ADC has fallen to the stage and pulled down banners?!"

"The 100% winning rate ad is reduced to pulling down banners on stage to cheer. Is this a distortion of human nature or moral depravity..."

"Even if iG wins and wins the championship, I'm not as happy as I imagined, because I can't see my favorite adc enjoy this moment, lost. It doesn't matter, wait for your king to return, come on, the world's number one adc, IG, WXZ!~"


In the commentary booth of LPL, three commentators are already in place.

"Okay, dear audience friends, good evening everyone! I am a doll!"

"Hi everyone, I'm Miller!"

"Hi everyone, I'm Guan Zeyuan!"

"We are currently in the Gwangju Women's University Universiade Gymnasium in Gwangju, South Korea, and we are now in the second match of the semi-finals of the League of Legends S8 World Championship that everyone is looking forward to!"

"IG vs G2!"

"Prior to this, KT has easily defeated AFS with a 3-1 record and won the first place to advance to the finals!"

"Perhaps, you may feel that the previous games were not exciting enough and lacked that taste. But the upcoming duel will never disappoint you! Because if these two teams are placed on the final stage, I will not Will be surprised!"

"That's right, these two teams are all qualified to compete for today's championship trophy, but now they meet in the semi-finals ahead of schedule! They are the last hope of our LPL division - the IG team! And the latest king of Europe - G2!"

The three commentators first said a few polite words about the scene. They couldn't come up and say that IG swept G2 [-]-[-], and they always wanted to create a little suspense for the audience in front of the live broadcast room.

"Speaking of these two teams, that's too much! But we won't mention all kinds of past events, and we won't mention the complicated statistics. Let's just talk about the events of the last week, which is already very informative!" The baby took over the topic, and then started to make trouble. "In the past few days, no matter whether it is domestic or foreign, there has been a lot of noise on the Internet! But before the game starts, let me ask you, do you think IG can sweep G2 today?"

"If I analyze from the perspective of the excitement of the game and the commentary, I hope that the two teams will play five rounds, but if I analyze the strength of the two teams, I 2% don't think so. I think IG swept G[-] [-]-[-]. Because IG has Chen Mu!" Naturally, Miller couldn't weaken IG's aura, no matter what, he still wanted to believe it, and then questioned it.

"Zeyuan, what do you think?!" Finally, the question was thrown to Guan Zeyuan.

"I have the same opinion as Mr. Miller. If there is no Chen Mu, someone told me before the game that IG would sweep G2 and advance. I would think that he doesn't understand the game. He must be joking with me."

"But he is Chen Mu! You can always trust Chen Mu, you can always trust a god!"

Now Guan Zeyuan seems to be transformed into Mu Chui, and first blows a rainbow fart.

And now LPL audience fans have also discovered that it seems that only Mu Shen can defeat Guan Shen, and Guan Zeyuan's poisonous milk seems to have no effect on Chen Mu.

I remember that as soon as I finished talking with Miller, the baby spread her hands: "You two have already said what I wanted to say. Since this is the case, what else should we say? The BP of the two teams has already started. Let us witness this full of gunpowder. The Great War of the Century!"

Since G2 defeated RNG, G2 has become, like IG, the most watched team in this S game, and a long time ago, people always like to compare G2 with IG, because the styles of the two teams Very similar.

According to statistics, the number of kills and deaths in the first 15 minutes of all professional teams around the world.

In this statistics, IG has the highest value, while G2 is the second.That is to say, in terms of bloodshed, the collision in the early stage of this game will be extremely intense.

Such two teams with similar styles meet together, the game will be very exciting.

Not to mention that before the official match, the two teams had already spoken harshly in the air, creating a strong smell of gunpowder.

G2 is full of fun, and Ah P among them is the troublemaker.

The day before the game, G2 directly released a poster.

Some of them were holding bows and arrows, some were holding shields, and some were holding an axe. Those who are familiar with it know that these are the five heroes who won RNG in the final game of G2: AD Verus, support Bron, mid laner Enchantress, jungler Olaf, top laner Sword Demon.

As for the collapsed building behind the poster, among them are the statues of RNG's dynasty and UZI, and the 2 people of G5 continued to move forward to face IG!

At the same time, a sentence was added, which translates to: Stepping on the ruins of RNG's golden temple, our fighters move forward and make history in the World Championship!This is our time!
RNG has been back to China for a week, and the corpse was whipped out, which also humiliated the fans of LPL.

But how can IG be cowardly at this time? !Now IG is the last card in the LPL, no matter how hard it is, we have to fight for it.

Then IG's art designers worked overtime urgently, and then released a poster to fight back.

A picture quite national style, a dragon roars, but someone holds a huge sword, the god descends to the earth, and kills with one sword!

At the same time, it is also quite domineering to match the characters without falling into the clouds and without killing the nameless.

As for the title of not beheading the nameless, it naturally means "little IG does not behead the nameless".

The game has not yet started, and the fans of both sides are about to fight on the extranet.

But at this time, it's not time to move your mouth, but to really see the truth with your hands!
At the same time, ten players from both IG and G2 have already sat on the player's seat and adjusted the peripherals.

After the staff signaled, BP officially started.

IG is on the blue side and G2 is on the red side.

"Ah?! IG is on the blue side?!"

"Shouldn't Chen Mu be given the counter seat?!"

"Uh, maybe IG has gained a new understanding in the past few days!"

Baby Miller Zeyuan and the three exclaimed one after another, the commentator and the audience were a little surprised just by choosing a side.

When rolling the dice for side selection, IG was lucky. In fact, it had the priority to choose the side. However, IG did not choose the counter position of the red side, but chose the blue side.

According to the logic, with Chen Mu around, it should be best to hold the counter position in your hands, so that you can better target the top road.

But IG did the opposite and chose the blue side.

Then IG and G2 started a tit-for-tat game.

For a BO5 battle like this in the semi-finals, the two sides have already formulated the game strategy and BP focus before the game, and they have already made various plans.

Therefore, in the first game, both sides carried out BP according to the established procedures, and the speed was relatively fast.

Only after playing one or two games and knowing the opponent's hidden routines, the two sides will adjust the BP strategy against each other, and then the BP will be compared.

G2 first banned Daomei, this hero can be hit or high, and the upper limit of operation is too high, so IG will definitely take it, so just press it.

Then he banned Xia and Kai'Sa, the bottom lane OP heroes. It seems that this is going to test Ah Shui's hero pool.

However, the BP strategy of IG against G2 is also very simple.

Coach Jin directly banned the big head on the first floor. This is the unique underpants of the G2 team ADCHjarnan, and as soon as G2 came up, they banned Kai'Sa and Xia, the two versions of the most convenient AD heroes. The probability of getting the big head is as high as 90%. .

But Coach Jin and so many IG analysts are not just for nothing, they have been guarding against your move for a long time, and they will be banned directly without any hesitation!

Then the jungler Nightmare was banned. This hero's ability to bring rhythm after level [-] is still too scary.

The last hand was left to Syndra, and the first hand was respected by Ah P.

Although Ah P's stinky mouth belongs to his stinky mouth, but the current state is a bit violent, especially after playing RNG, it means that he has evolved a bit.

And G2 is also uncharacteristically, one of Chen Mu's hero pools in the top lane is not banned, but all of them are released.

As for Urgot, who became popular in the finalists and group stages of the World Championship, no one cares about it. After all, everyone knows that choosing Urgot is the cash machine for long-handed heroes like Jess and Victor. You only need to bring one A harbinger of theft, steal whatever you really want.

When every team plays IG, they will feel distressed because of the lack of ban positions, and at the same time, they will feel headaches because of the IG of the red side.

Because the red side holds a final counter position, and IG has the ability to make a big fuss and complete a big job in the last counter position.

In the top eight, IG played against C9. C9's top laner Liricoce was bombed by Chen Mu's skateboard shoes, the captain and Victor.

But now that IG took the initiative to choose the blue side, the counter position is in the hands of G2, and it's not that G2 didn't study the show routine.

The ban on hero selection by both parties ends, and it is the turn of the selection stage.

IG went straight to the point, showing its attitude without the slightest hesitation.

Jess on the first floor!
Everyone knows Chen Mu's Jayce. He has the unique ability to pull a kite. There are no natural enemies on the road. Even if you play any long-handed hero, you can play it.

In the current version, the hero Jess has a high priority in the IG team.

And G2's hero selection is also very fast, it seems that IG has long been expected to choose Jess.

On the first floor, directly determine the auxiliary bull head, a hero with a good ability to force open.

Then the second floor directly locked down Sword Demon!
"It seems that G2's top laner Wunde is very brave, he is a little unconvinced, and wants to touch Chen Mu!" Wa Wa seemed to be sure that Sword Demon was on the road.

But looking at G2's hero selection, IG is also proceeding according to its own ideas.

The second and third floors are determined to assist Bron and ADC Lucian, a classic combination.

As long as Braum is passive, Lucian can basically hit the stun in seconds.

And it's G2's turn to choose a hero on the third floor, which is Ah P's hero selection interface.

This person is indeed G2's troublemaker!
Under the gaze of everyone in the live broadcast room.

A woman with red glasses and a red cape appears.
Of course, Ah P didn't make sure, it just turned on for about ten seconds.

Then it was replaced by Sivir, the wheel mother. RNG lost the game in the end, and Uzi used the hero.

But this time, Ah P locked down.

The third floor of G2, ADC wheel mother.

And Ah P's hand to show Wei En, it can be said that RNG's forehead is mocking, and he has been back to China for almost a week, and he will be pulled out to flog the corpse.

And the audience in the LPL live broadcast room were also very angry, after all, Ah P slapped them in the face.

"Big guts!"

"Damn it, you're so angry! Being ridiculed with a slap in the face!"

"Why are you so angry, don't blame RNG for not living up to it!"

"IG gave me this shit, come on!"

"Don't worry, if you like Liang Wei En, someone will treat you!"


The first round of banpick for the two sides is over, and it is time for the second round of BP.

IG continued to take down the enchantress and rock sparrow and did not give Ah P a chance to play.

And G2 also banned Qinggangying and Akali, and at the same time did not give Ning Wang and rookie a chance to play.

But at this time, Coach Jin and G2's coach smiled at the same time, as if they both had their own cards.

Then the jungler Xin Zhao appeared on the fourth floor of G2.

It was the turn of IG's fourth and fifth floors, and first helped King Ning lock down the jungler Prince Demacia.

The last hero.

IG did not hesitate at all, as if it had already thought up the lineup.


And when IG locks the hero, G2 basically locks the last hero in seconds.

Raven, Swain!

(End of this chapter)

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