LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 293 After the game

Chapter 293 After the game
IG3:0 swept G2.

After the game, other teammates hugged excitedly with the coach, but Chen Mu sat on the chair calmly.

After a while, seeing Chen Mu standing up coldly, everyone in IG thought that Chen Mu was coming to celebrate with them.

But Chen Mu just stood up indifferently, and brushed past them.

uh uh
Only then did the teammates react, and when it was time to shake hands after the game, they all followed behind Chen Mu.

At the same time, looking at the jubilant IG player seats, the G2 player seats fell into dead silence.No one speaks, and I don't know what to say!I don't know where to comfort my teammates!
Facing the demon king who came from the depths of hell, everyone in G2 felt a deep sense of powerlessness. From coaches to analysts, to the players on the bench, not only did they feel powerless, but they also looked cold Chen Mu suddenly felt a sense of fear.

From an analyst's point of view, there is no way to analyze it.

Before the game, looking at the few ranks on Chen Mu's game account, the green record on one page, and the information obtained from the training game, this man has not played training games recently, and then look at the LPL league in the summer game. Performance, a mess, take the lead to send~
How to analyze this? !Analyze what? !
But when it comes to the World Championships, when they meet the top teams from various competition regions like them, they are completely different people. The laning is so thin that it can't be finer, the operation is clean and neat, and the single belt is perfect. team fight
No, he doesn't even need team battles anymore. After defeating you in the single lane of the top lane, it will either end the game in the end, or it will be an equipment economy crushing team battle~
When it comes to the coach, from BP, he has naturally fallen into a disadvantage, and it is a big disadvantage!
Untargetable, bottomless hero pool, you thought it was his underpants, but when you pull out the underpants, the bottom one is still underpants, you can’t target it on the road, you can’t stock up and stock up, from BP It has been corrupted, and most of the lineup obtained is fragmented, which means that there is one less player on the road!

When it comes to the players during the competition, it is even more miserable. You sit under the stage and watch these players being beaten up one after another, but these players are really miserable, and only they really know how hard it is. ah!

When laning, the position is like a script. As long as it is not a directional skill, it can only be a lock, and the opposite side will always move.Whether you predict it or release it directly, the opponent can always react.

Sometimes the players who played against him really wanted to rush over and ask the referee standing behind Chen Mu, did he really not have a USB flash drive inserted into his computer? !Is this really an operation that humans can type out? !
If Chen Mu takes the counter position, it will be torture from beginning to end~
At this moment, the G2 players looked at this handsome man who didn't have a smile on his face and walked towards them
Wunder looked at his trembling hands, although he really wanted to stabilize, but recalling the torment of the three games just now, he just couldn't stop.

The smile on the corner of the optimistic leader Ah P's mouth is gone, and his bitter face is uglier than anyone else.

Facing Chen Mu's extended right hand, everyone in G2 realized that they were about to shake hands~
Wunder opened his mouth to say something more, but couldn't speak again.

Lightly touching Wunder's hand, Chen Mu passed Wunder and walked towards the second person.
The jungler Jankos sat in the second place. He looked at Chen Mu, then at his top laner Wunder next to him, and finally shook his head helplessly.

Under the "leading" of Wunder, his wild area was successfully brought down by the sky, and even after three games, he didn't dare to go to his own top half of the wild area most of the time.

The next one, Ah P's face is so stinky, it's exactly the same as the faces of everyone in RNG a week ago.

Finally, there are AD and support. These two are lying on the losing side. In fact, except for the last game against Draven, he directly collapsed. Although the other two games were under pressure, at least they played well, and the line was considered stable. I stopped, but when Naihe fought together, he basically couldn't survive for three seconds.

After walking down the lap, Chen Mu still calmly led everyone back to his player's bench, packed up the keyboard peripherals, and prepared to leave.

While everyone was packing up their peripherals, the MVP had already come out.

After the three rounds, except for the last game where the MVP was given to Ah Shui's Delevingne, Chen Mu and Akali's performance was still flawless, but the kill was not as fast as Delevingne, but of course the first two games were given to Delevingne. Chen Mu, the perfect development of Ryze in one game, the unsolvable team battle, and the other sword girl who is invincible with a single belt, directly penetrated in a single line and ended the game
In the end, the MVP of the whole game was still given to Chen Mu. It was really incomprehensible. He is a well-deserved big devil on the top lane!
At this time, everyone has returned to the exclusive lounge of IG. The boss of IG, Wang Shacong, has been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing the return of several meritorious young men, Wang Sicong jumped up from his chair, hugged everyone one by one, and celebrated again.

When it was Chen Mu's turn, after looking at that cold face, Wang Sicong was stunned for a moment with his outstretched hand, smiled embarrassingly, and was about to take it back.

But suddenly.
Chen Mu's cold face suddenly smiled~
"Hahahaha, hello boss, hahahaha"

uh uh
Chen Mu suddenly couldn't help Wang Tiecong at this moment, and his retracted hand just stopped in the air, neither advancing nor retreating.

However, Chen Mu patted Wang Sicong on the shoulder instead, and then walked over to celebrate with the others one by one.

ah? !this? !
Is this guy a little schizophrenic? !

This was Wang Shacong's first feeling.

It turned out that there was no smile on his face, but suddenly he smiled!

But Wang Sicong shrugged, maybe this is the character of "God"? !Great people may have weird personalities!
At this time, the competition was over, the God of the World Championship had slowly faded from Chen Mu's body, the emotion of eternal reason faded from his body, and Chen Mu naturally returned to his normal personality.

After returning to his usual personality, Chen Mu was filled with uncontrollable excitement from the bottom of his heart.

Have you entered the S8 World Championship finals? !For a while, Chen Mu himself couldn't believe it~
In the last life, I just OB the whole game in front of the computer, but in this life, I actually sat on the field!
Chen Mu sat excitedly on the armchair in the lounge for a while, calm down~
Originally, the post-match interview was going to be given to Chen Mu, but Chen Mu refused because he was in an uncomfortable state and wanted to take a break, not to mention that the previous interview had already been given to Chen Mu, and one person cannot overwhelm everyone , What should be given up must be given up.

So this time the interview was given to Broiler, and the host of the interview happened to be Xiaoyu.

"First of all, congratulations to IG for defeating G2 [-]-[-] and getting the tickets to the finals. May I ask what rookie player thinks at this time?!" Xiaoyu came up to ask for his thoughts.

"Uh uh. I'm very excited now. I'm really a little excited. I made my debut in S4. It's been more than 4 years now, but I have never entered the finals. Now I can enter the final stage. My mood is already Extremely excited!" Broiler spoke incoherently, even forgetting his mother tongue.

Rookie made his debut in South Korea in 14. He won the OGN League Summer Championship as soon as he debuted, which is also the peak of his debut. Later, he came to IG at the end of S4. Except that IG entered the world championship once in S5, every time the world championship I haven't entered it before, and S5 was beaten into a shameful incident of surrender on National Day that time.

"Okay, it seems that rookie player is really happy." Broiler was so excited, Xiaoyu, his girlfriend, was also very happy.

The game is over, but the celebration has just begun.

However, within 10 minutes, #IG3:0G2#, #IG进入S8竞猜#, #IG牛逼# had already rushed into the hot search list on Weibo, soaring all the way up.

And in some LOL live broadcast rooms, watching the replay of the game, I can't recollect it for a long time, and a few old fritters in the live broadcast room of Deyun Club are still unfinished, and they start to analyze.

"Fuck, IG has really entered the finals, I feel like this year!" the child Youshen sat in the back, looking at the screen full of barrage, said a little enviously.

At the end, the boy Youshen babbled and said, "Oh, I feel like I'm retiring too early, I can go up to the jungler, isn't it just to be a dog for the road?! Or I will replace it. Ah Shui can do it too, and he can also make up for the bottom lane."


"Hey hey hey hey"

But what ushered in was the merciless ridicule of the other two old fritters.

"Squeeze, with this kind of road, I feel that I can come back. I just play Lulu and add a shield to him~" Xiaoxiao sneered ruthlessly.

"This person is really weird~ Usually in the domestic leagues, he laughs and jokes with you casually, but when it comes to the big competitions, especially the world competitions, he starts to be serious, and he will slap you crazily~" Xika was also caught by Chen Mu was completely convinced.

"I feel that his top lane is completely two games from other people's top lane. It's too scary, and his positioning is too exaggerated. Most people's dodge skills have anticipation, but this person is not, you go frame by frame Look, many of them are due to the effect of the opponent's skills, and when he moves again, he always hides based on his own reaction. It is impossible for ordinary people to have such a reaction, but he can dodge it!" Ge Yan began to analyze seriously road.

"And this person's control of the hero's attack distance is also accurate to tens of yards, and he can block the attack distance of tens of yards every time. If you can torture you, if you can switch to the ADC position, you will probably be a good player~" Xiaoxiao and Sika also followed the analysis.

But it can be summed up in one sentence, this man is too scary~
At the same time, the person involved was sitting in a bus heading for the hotel where he was staying.

The God of the World Championship receded slowly in Chen Mu's body. He was not used to it, so he leaned on the bus and closed his eyes to meditate.

But the laughter of another person on the bus never stopped. This person is naturally the boss of IG, Principal Wang.

Although it is a pity that he failed to show his ADC with a 100% winning rate on the stage of the World Championship, IG has also successfully entered the World Championship Finals, creating the best history of the team. ..
Wang Sicong was about to smile, sitting on the bus, the corners of his mouth never stopped.

While watching the bus, listening to the rainbow fart next to him, Wang Sicong didn't even arrive at the hotel, so he started waving his hands.

"All players plus coaches, fifty yuan per person~"

IG has already entered the World Championship finals at this time, which means that the team guarantees a runner-up. Although there is only one winner, and only the champion can be remembered, it cannot be said that the runner-up is not a result. Now that the result is achieved, There must be rewards.

Then Wang Sicong waved his hand again, and said: "If you really win the championship in the final"

Now that he has reached this point, Wang Sicong has ambitions for the championship.
"In addition to the championship bonus after winning the championship, I personally took out 700 million as an additional reward. That is to say, each of the six players and one coach will receive a reward of 100 million." Wang Sicong began to throw coins.

"There are also girl groups to choose at will~" Wang Saicong finally hinted.

"The boss is awesome~"

"The boss is mighty~"

"Principal's atmosphere~"

There were bursts of rainbow farts on the bus.

For a moment, Wang Sicong almost forgot that the contract between Chen Mu and IG was about to expire.

The celebration banquet that night was at one of the most upscale hotels in Gwangju, South Korea.

Naturally, Wang Sicong couldn't be stingy about this kind of thing, and he wished everyone in the world knew that his IG team had entered the S8 World Championship.

After the host and guest had a good time, Wang Sicong was also a little tired for a while. He watched the game all afternoon and drank some wine in the evening. Instead of going to the nightclub to have fun, he went back to the hotel to rest.

Naturally, the players can't be happy, and more important tasks are waiting for them. Finishing the semi-finals doesn't mean the game is over, but they are facing a bigger challenge.

After everyone returned to the hotel and had a night's rest and adjustment, when the next day was approaching noon, everyone woke up leisurely. After adjusting their condition, they got on the bus and headed to the final decisive battle.

Incheon! !
But for the final battle between IG and KT, there are too many heated discussions on the Internet.

Although the IG at this time has faintly become invincible, but many people have not relieved the symptoms of Han Han.

In the past few years, this game has always been dominated by Koreans. Almost all the championships in the big and small competitions are won by the LCK division, and the rest of the competition are basically accompanied by runners.

Even at last year's Bird's Nest, the Korean Civil War was staged, which was a great blow to LPL audiences and fans.

The once pessimistic mood spread within the LPL division, and the all-China class even became a joke.

That is to say, the LPL division has risen this year. Starting from the MSI mid-season competition, it has won consecutive victories all the way, winning the MSI mid-season championship, the intercontinental championship and the gold medal in the Asian Games exhibition game. The Korean fear is slightly better.

Now it's time for the world finals, and it's against KT, which is also in full swing.

For a while, some people’s fear of Korea flared up again. I have memories of the fear of being dominated by the Korean team these years~
(End of this chapter)

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