LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 294 Pre-match special training


There is a gap of four or five days, which is not short, but it is definitely not long.

Regarding KT, IG’s opponent in the finals, there are different opinions on domestic post bars and forums. Some believe that this year is the most promising, while others believe that Korean fear will not be cured. Similarly, some people will always believe in Chen Mu.
All of a sudden, ghosts and monsters from all walks of life also rushed out.

At this time, IG also began to enter intense and targeted training, and now there is only one opponent left, and it is only necessary to study him thoroughly.

IG's analysts have watched all the KT team's game videos since the summer split over and over again. Which heroes have the highest win rate this season?What hero is the player best at using?From the study of the corresponding lineup tactics for the most familiar lineup on the opponent; to the habit of the players in the game to make vision, the route of the jungler and the jungler, even a small loophole will become a fatal flaw in the game.

There are even some people who are specifically looking at the accounts of several KT players, just to see if they have practiced any tricks to show their heroes these days.Just in case it comes to the World Championships, it's better to be able to deal with it.

In fact, not only IG is doing such a thing, but the opposite KT team is also repeating such actions.

At the same time, IG is afraid to make an appointment with the team in the LCK division for the training match.

According to professional ethics, the video of the training match should be kept strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed to a third party or anyone.

But if you really want to play your hand on this, if you can't find evidence, there is nothing you can do. You can't put your hope of winning the championship on other people's professional ethics.

This kind of thing is unlikely to trust the professional ethics and competitive sportsmanship of the Koreans.

Therefore, most of the teams in IG's training match are still domestic teams.

RNG, EDG, JDG and other top teams in the LPL division.
However, RNG did not agree to IG's request for a training match at this time.

Now their internal affairs are already a mess. It can be said that the ass can't be wiped clean. How can they still have the mind to play training games with RNG.

S8 suffered such a disastrous defeat, and the entire club was in a state of flux. From the coach of Dinghaishenzhen, to the analysts behind the scenes, to the players, all had strange thoughts.

Especially some rumors from outside made the management very passive.

But it doesn't matter, who is RNG? !

Pa, a contract was thrown in everyone's face.

Suppress everyone directly!

Cut off everyone's minds.

If you want to transfer, you can't!
If you want to show off, I'll hold a retirement ceremony for you!
If you want to retire, first write me an autobiography and make some money!
However, RNG didn’t pay attention to IG, and other teams were happy to sell IG’s face. Everyone looked up and looked down. The circle of LOL was not big, and many managers and coaches of the team worked in this team for two years, and then switched to other teams.

Now that IG has reached a critical moment, helping IG is equivalent to helping yourself in the LPL division. If IG can really win the championship, you can also get a good name.

You see, I have a credit for IG winning the championship. After all, we were IG's gold medal sparring partner before the game!
In EDG's training room, many people have already gathered, not only the players of the first team, after knowing that EDG will play a training match with IG, the substitute players, coaches, analysts, and some players of the second team all gathered. After coming together, I want to know what is the difference between the team that broke into the World Championship finals at this time and myself? !

Is there really a difference in operation, or is there better cooperation between the players, or is the team's operational ability strong? !

After a while, the room was opened and ready. After the players entered the training room, everyone was surprised.

Because the ID of the top laner is not that man, but TheShy~
What's happening here? !

"Why TheShy?! Why not Chen Mu?"

"That's weird, is IG hiding something?"

"But what do we need to hide in the training match with our EDG?! We are not an LCK team?!"

"Yeah, it's really weird, maybe something happened to IG?!"

Everyone in the training room was talking about it, there were all kinds of speculations, even the discord within the team, the Ueno split the night before the finals, and there were speculations that they would leave tonight.

Ed Zhu happened to be in the training room too, and he was excited to see this situation. Could it be that our chance has come?But it's not so good to steal IG's home at this time.

But people who are not familiar with Chen Mu don't know the inside story, but Abu and Meiko are used to it.

This is that Chen Mu!

During the closed training before the Asian Games exhibition this year, Chen Mu was exactly the same as this time.

During the training match, I couldn’t pull my hips, and my performance can’t be said to be bad, but in the game, it’s as if I didn’t have him. The performance is very satisfactory. It can be said that it’s not bad, but it’s definitely not C. A blue-collar worker who is so normal that he can no longer be normal one.

If it wasn't for the fact that Chen Mu fell into the eyes of the leader and couldn't be replaced, and there was no substitute for the top laner position, or Abu wanted to replace him.

But when it comes to the official competition field, it is completely different.

If Chen Mu's state during the training match is compared to a ghost, then Chen Mu on the field is a god!

Chen Mu has almost killed the entire arena to silence~
"Don't guess, don't guess, just play your own training games well, and be your own training partner at ease, whoever let you down, or someone else might be your training partner." Looking at the discussions in the training room , Abu clapped his hands and said.

However, his heart was alive, and he exchanged glances with Ed Zhu, the boss in the training room. It seemed that some actions were on the agenda~
Although Chen Mu did not participate in the training match between IG and EDG, brother shy is also very fierce. He played EDG from the beginning to the end without any power to fight back.

Seeing this, Abu shook his head helplessly.

Looking at it this way, EDG's configuration this season is really a bit too weak.

Judging from the strength of the player's face, he is not the opponent of the opposite IG.

Who are the people on the other side? !
Let's not talk about Chen Mu, a real big devil in the top lane, a player whose personal ability is too strong to be targeted.

The key point is that the other five players are also very strong. TheShy is also a player with excellent personal ability. The middle lane broiler is known as the existence of the chicken Allah. get the title.

JKL, as a new generation of ADC who just debuted from LPL this year, has never lost to any of the top ADCs in LPL. King Ning is also a jungler with his own characteristics. The cooperation between Baolan and JKL is also getting better day by day.

Let’s take a look at what crouching dragons and phoenixes I have in my family. The top laner RAY is wise and wise, and the jungler Haro is a veritable crouching dragon and phoenix~
The big-headed Iboy, who originally had high hopes, failed to hold up the banner, and instead became mediocre day by day. As for the factory manager, he is almost a mascot!
This kind of team configuration, no matter how good the BP is, no matter how much you target the opponent, it is useless if you can't fight in the game. There is a gap in fundamental strength, and the game cannot be won!

Therefore, rebuilding a new generation of EDG is inevitable, and Abu, who just happened to be promoted to manage the LOL branch of the EDG club, must take action
In the past two days, IG's competition and training games, although they are kept secret, there are still many people in the circle broke the news, and there are all kinds of messy news, among which TheShy in the IG training games is the most , not Chen Mu.

And the fans outside listen to the wind and it is the wind, and the rain is the rain, and there are all kinds of rhythms.

"Why Chen Mu isn't on IG, I really don't understand!"

"I don't think there is any rank in Chen Mu's account. Occasionally, two of them are all one-leaf green. What's going on?"

"Fuck, it won't be too big, will it?"

"Damn it, this is the finals, don't do it."

"According to gossip, Chen Mu is leaving IG."

"Hehe, traitors are like this~"

"The dog upstairs, hurry up and crawl for the master."

"Hee hee, you can take a look at Chen Mu's PUBG "rank amount", it's not a lot at all."

"What skin should I choose? Sword Princess or Jess?"

Countless concerned fans went to the IG club's official Weibo to leave messages, hoping that IG could answer.

However, when the outside world was speculating, Chen Mu was still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai at this moment, leaning on the armchair in the training room, leisurely swiping his phone and reading online comments.

And several other players are working hard in the training match.

Coach Jin looked at Chen Mu and shook his head helplessly.

It's not that he doesn't want to take care of it, it's that he can't do it at all.

For players who can achieve such C in the competition, they must have their own unique training methods and methods!

Can you speak of his food?Definitely not, he was already so strong in the competition, he was only short of playing five by himself.

If you force him, it will have the opposite effect, so Coach Jin can only let Chen Mu go.

Wang Sicong also came to the training room a few times. Although he was very surprised by Chen Mu's performance, he couldn't say much!
It can only be regarded as a little willfulness of a peerless master!

On December 11th, it was another sunny day.

Incheon Munhak Stadium.

Incheon Munhak Stadium is located in the South District of Incheon Metropolitan City, South Korea. It was completed in 01 and is the venue for this year's League of Legends World Championship Finals.

The roof, shaped like a sail and a mast, is in harmony with the ridgelines of the earth. The main stadium has one floor above and five floors on the ground. It can accommodate 10,000+ people watching at the same time. It is an important cultural and sports center in Incheon and even South Korea.

By the way, this Incheon Munhak Stadium is also one of the venues for the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup. Football teams from many countries have left "unforgettable memories" in this stadium.

Today, the stadiums that can accommodate more than [-] people are already full of seats.

The scene can be said to be full of gongs and drums, firecrackers, crowds of people, and red flags waving
The central stage has already been set up.
Just after noon, the stadium was already full of people. Unlike the previous life, there was no KT team in the previous life, and the final was FNC, so the local Korean fans were always a little bit less interested.

But this time is different, KT has entered the finals.

Korean fans are excited, and the China-Korea war that has been hyped for a year is finally coming to an end this year. Before, it was always said that the China-Korea war was even a bit of a match. After all, the teams in the LPL division have not been in the finals for several years. It's the final.

But this year is the rise of the LPL division. From the MSI mid-season competition, to the intercontinental competition, and then to the Asian Games exhibition game, the Chinese team has won wildly all the way. Of course, all of this is inseparable from the big devil.

Now the big devil has come to this stage again
So how can Korean audiences and fans chill KT's heart in the local battle? Most of the audience are fans of KT and LCK.

Of course, fans who have traveled thousands of miles across the country and came to Incheon to cheer for IG are indispensable in the venue.

Two in the afternoon.

IG's bus drove into the parking lot of the stadium.

Chen Mu took the lead and got off the bus with a backpack, followed by JKL and others.

When I got out of the car, another bus just pulled into the parking lot.

Chen Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, it was KT's bus, and Deft Alpaca led the KT people out of the bus.

But the last person is beyond everyone's expectations, General Pawn.

Throughout the LCK summer split of S8, General Pawn played very few games in KT Rolster. He only played once and lost the game.

However, this is also a decline in state caused by a serious back injury.

Originally, KT's substitute wanted to bring the jungler Rush, but after a long time of consideration, he chose Pawn. The reason is that although the mid laner Ucal is a young player, he performed well and put Pawn firmly on the bench.

But when it comes to the World Championships, it's not the old acquaintance mid laners in the domestic league that you see every day.

So KT finally brought Pawn to shake the field.

The two sides nodded to each other, although the smile on the face was still hanging, but the corners of the cold mouth were very stiff.

On the final battlefield, the biggest enemy is in front of you, how can you still laugh? !

Then the two parties came to the exclusive lounge.

The makeup artist began to perform facial treatments on the contestants. This was the last match of S8, and it was going to face nearly [-] million viewers all over the world.

If you don’t make your image look better, it’s not about losing face for yourself, it’s about losing face for your team, it’s about your division, it’s about League of Legends.

What's more, everyone is young and in puberty, and half of the ten people have their faces bursting with beans, and the serious ones are like King Ning.

By the way, the acne on the face of KT's mid laner Ucal is similar to that of King Ning~
However, there are still exceptions, and that is Chen Mu.

The makeup artist is amazing~
Just a simple take care of it.


The makeup artist praised the "work of art" created by herself, and she was even more handsome than the stars next door who were about to perform on stage~
In the following time, the players and coaches waited for the game to come.
Although in the training match, IG let TheShy play, but it was Chen Mu who started the match.

As time approached, the staff knocked on the door.

It's time to go on stage.

"Ding, I found that the host is on the stage of the finals of the League of Legends S8 World Championship, the God of the World Championship"

God of the World Tournament, let me see where your limit is! (end of this chapter)

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