LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 30 The Gradual Breakdown of BDD

Chapter 30 The Gradual Breakdown of BDD
In the lounge of KZ, the coach looked at the big screen, and Thain was chased and beaten by Daomei in the second level. When he dared not return his hand, he closed his eyes in despair.

It seems that the Paris trip of their KZ team is over.The second level has already allowed Daomei to take the initiative online, and he can already imagine the next situation.

At this time, he was already thinking about how to explain to his boss after returning to China why the finals, which had gone smoothly, were defeated by an unknown kid in an extremely exaggerated way.

At this time, BDD was completely stupid. Although the onlookers saw him being beaten passively, but he was the one who was really facing the line, and only he knew what it means to suffer without being able to express it.

I chose a Sion because I wanted to rely on the high basic damage in the early stage, be able to push the line faster, and have enough flesh. No matter how strong Chen Mu's sword girl is, I will not be solo killed.

But why doesn't the script happen towards the script I expected?
The damage of Daomei's first-level Q skill is not high. It is easy to Q undead minions, but can't refresh her Q skills. The blood volume of those minions just now is from my point of view. Daomei is Q undead, but why can he How accurate is the damage estimate?It just happened to kill the minion with the limit damage Q! !
And just now I tried my best to get out of position, but why is his EQE combo so smooth? While EQ's a soldier, he hides the double-edged blade under the foot of the soldier, and another blade appears in front of him in an instant Under the feet, there is no pause at all. Is it really so silky? !Did you eat Dove chocolate? !

Why was he almost single-handedly killed after he had already chosen a piece of meat? !
Also, isn't this guy a top laner? Why is the hero pool in the middle lane so deep? !A total of three times, Syndra, Malzaha, and the sword girl in front of them all played operations that other professional players might not be able to perform in their entire lives!As a top laner, wouldn't it be nice to play Maokai, Twisted Dryad, and Big Tree? !

BDD has too many things in his heart that he wants to complain about, but at the moment his teammates are all nervously laning, and there is no one to say what he has to say.

BDD can already imagine the rhythm of the LCK forum after returning to Korea. After all, LCK's trolls are sometimes much more powerful than LPL. They really send blades, dead mice and the like to the team base.

And with the fall of his tp, looking at the sword girl who brought a large wave of soldiers into the tower, he can only suffer all the suffering.

Go on line!

Fortunately, Sion's summoner's skill was tp in this round, otherwise the experience loss of this large wave of soldiers would directly blow him up.But even if the tp is down, facing the soldiers with uneven blood lines, Thain's tower knife is not very good, and there is a sword girl next to him to interfere at any time.

But what was surprising was that although a few soldiers who were really helpless were missed, Thain still managed to get most of them. After all, as a professional player, he still needs tower sword skills.

And Chen Mu's sword girl also seemed very greedy, and didn't go home. After all the corrosive potions on her body were consumed, coupled with the blood recovery effect of the Q skill, the original sword girl's blood volume had dropped to less than half health, and she recovered again. It has reached a state of chaos.

At this time, Thain seemed to have no guts. Even if tp came back, the blood volume and the recovery medicine bottle suppressed Daomei, and he didn't intend to step forward to suppress Daomei.

And Daomei pushed two or three waves again comfortably in this way, and after reaching level five, she found a safe place to go home.

The next moment, after Miao bought the equipment, the tp lighted up and returned to the defense tower in the middle.

At this time, Daomei has Yaoguang and a real eye on her body.

With Yaoguang, Daomei's suppressing power is not at the same level, especially the curse blade effect of Yaoguang. After casting the skill, the hero's next normal attack will be enhanced with additional physical damage attack effects, and this The effect only has a cooldown of 1.5 seconds.

And the real eye also made Olaf of the little peanut peanut no chance to arrange him.

And BDD looked at his equipment again, and there was only a single compound potion worth 150 gold coins.

BDD sighed again, and had to go to jail again, so far, his own Thain didn't even have the qualifications to touch Porcelain Knife Girl.

And sure enough, the sword girl who went online again first placed a real eye in the key position of the first half of the field, and then placed a fake eye in the grass in the second half of the field to detect all the vision of the entire middle field, making Olaf There is no chance of gank around the back at all.

And the sword girl who had a good vision began to press and push the line unscrupulously. Thain could only passively accept the line pushed by the sword girl.

As for whether Thain can push the thread out.

That is impossible!

Because KZ has passed through the field of vision in the middle of the road countless times, and saw a woman riding a pig and waving a pig's whip, wandering around the middle from time to time, not going anywhere.

When Chen Mu saw that Thain was just passively guarding the line, he had no intention of exchanging blood with him at all.Chen Mu was also happy in his heart, it seems that the first two rounds put a lot of pressure on BDD! BDD chose a Thain to line up with himself. Except for the first wave of blood exchanges with himself, he had no intention of confronting himself head-on.

Simply, Chen Mu didn't mean to continue tormenting Thain on the line, so Daomei pushed a wave of lines, and immediately disappeared from sight, and accompanied the woman wielding a pig's whip, and invaded Olaf's wild area together.

Originally, the pig girl in the wild area was not qualified to touch Olaf at all, but at this time, Peanut looked at the woman wielding a pig whip and couldn't do anything, because there was a girl playing with a knife behind her.But what was even more exaggerated was that after the pig girl punished the big wild monster, the remaining small wild monster, the two Qs of the knife girl, took it for granted.

As for Jian Ji, who had the advantage in laning, she also had to retreat immediately as soon as she saw Zhu Mei and Dao Mei disappearing from sight again, so she couldn't completely suppress Ao En.

As soon as Olaf gave up his wild monsters and Jian Ji withdrew to a safe area, Dao Mei would appear in the middle again, and the line of soldiers that just happened to be freshly baked had also reached the middle.

As for Thain, who only has a bottle of compound potion on his body, he is not qualified to interfere with Daomei.

In this way, you come and go, and the game time comes to 10 minutes.

After receiving a wave of lines, Daomei did not follow Zhumei to invade the wild area again, but was generous in the middle, returning to the city in the sight of everyone in KZ.

As soon as BDD saw Daomei, he went back to the city. He didn't continue to torture himself and his teammates. He suddenly let out a big breath, so Thain also hurriedly closed a wave of soldiers, and then returned to the city to update his status and equipment.Otherwise, after Daomei updates her equipment again, she may have to jump over her tower with full blood!
(End of this chapter)

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