LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 31 The Murderous Chen Mu

Chapter 31 The Murderous Chen Mu
And when Daomei and Thain returned to the city to replenish their status, updated their equipment, and returned to the middle lane again, the equipment gap still made BDD a little unacceptable.

BDD took a look at the game panel. In addition to the original glory, Daomei added a small wooden hammer. Two of the three items are already in hand.

And BDD looked at his updated equipment. When he got home, BDD took out the cloth armor shoes regardless of 21, and then the remaining money was not enough to buy a "father's vest", so he simply bought a small ice armor and went out. up.

And Daomei released the equipment of net eclipse, which further increased the ability to kill Thain solo,
Not only does it increase health and attack power, but the most important thing is the passive effect of berserk. After each normal attack, Daomei will gain 20 movement speed for 2 seconds.And every time you kill a unit, gain 60 movement speed.For the clumsy Thain, once he was stuck by Daomei, he couldn't get away at all.

And sure enough, the sword girl who came back online, after pushing the line, did not invade Olaf's wild area with Brainless and Pig Girl, but stayed online to suppress Thain.

But BDD is very stable, Thain just shrank in front of his tower, waiting for the sword girl to push the line.

After Daomei pushed a wave of pawns, Thain just stood in front of his own defense tower, watching the pawns coming, first activated the W skill and walked forward, and a fully charged Q slammed down heavily.

In an instant, the ranged soldiers in the back row were killed, and the melee soldiers in the front row had already lost their blood. Immediately afterwards, Sion's W skill exploded, and the melee soldiers were also beaten up in an instant, and a wave of soldiers was easily dismissed. .

But Chen Mu wouldn't let BDD withdraw so comfortably, even if Thain was in front of his defense tower, Chen Mu would rush forward to exchange blood with Thain without any scruples.

I saw Daomei first put a blade under her feet, then the Q skill rushed directly to Thain, and then released another blade.Although Thain tried his best to move, he was still pulled by Daomei's E skill and fell into a dizziness. However, Daomei had no Q skill at this time, so she had to level A two or three times with Thain.

However, at this time, Daomei has neither fully stacked her passive nor triggered her Conqueror talent, and the Sain cloth armor shoes are already hanging under her feet, and the armor is stacked. Daomei's level A does not seem to be that painful.

And Thain was standing under his own defense tower at this time, and BDD dared to fight back. First, he kicked the ball with an E skill, which caused a huge deceleration to the sword girl, making it impossible for the sword girl to move, and then raised the giant axe, a Charged Q intends to smash down heavily.

And Daomei also immediately activated her W skill. Although Thain's charged Q hit Daomei, under the damage reduction of W skill, it did not cause too much damage.

In this wave of blood changes, although Thain himself received more beatings, his body is relatively hard, and his W skill has stacked a lot of blood, while the sword girl on the opposite side only took one of his QE skills, but his body is not strong. It is very brittle.So judging from the percentage of blood volume, the two sides lost about the same amount, probably about one-third of their blood volume.

In this wave, the two sides exchanged blood volume, and there was no follow-up skill, so the two simply distanced themselves, and took medicine to restore blood volume to each other.

This action gave BDD great confidence. It seems that he has chosen the right hero, Thain!
If I choose some kind of crispy mage, and I am caught by the opponent E in this wave, Daomei will definitely hand over R to kill herself.

As for himself, Thain is a big meat, even if he is at a disadvantage, he can still fight back and forth with Daomei, which gave BDD a certain amount of confidence!

BDD took a look at the flash that he had turned around again, and he was determined. When the next wave of pawns went online, Thain did not blindly shrink in front of the defensive tower, waiting for the sword girl to push the line, but tentatively walked up. Qian and Daomei are really on the line.

As expected, Daomei, who is not full of passive and starting conqueror talents, is not as terrible as imagined.

After she opened the W skill shield, Daomei was not very able to move herself with A, but BDD manipulated Thain first through the E skill, kicked a ball to a melee soldier, brushed Daomei, and caused Daomei One point of magic damage, and inflicts a slow.

Next, BDD learned how to behave this time. The Q skill is not used to clear the line, but to cast the Q skill on Daomei in seconds. Although the damage is not high, it can scrape a little bit, which is also a little bit.

After such a change of blood, I still have a little profit.

But he quietly didn't realize that after this wave of blood changes, his blood volume had dropped a bit, and even after taking the medicine to recover, it was only about two-thirds of the blood line.

When Chen Mu saw that Thain dared to exchange blood with him, he thought it was a good thing, otherwise he really couldn't find KZ's breakthrough for a while.

At this time, KZ and RNG are fighting back and forth in the top lane and bottom lane. Jian Ji has an advantage against Ornn, and the bottom lane KZ takes out Verus and Tahm, and the fault tolerance rate is too high, and Pig Girl has no sword His younger sister gave him courage, and he didn't dare to touch Olaf, who was already level six, alone.

The next wave of soldiers lined up very quickly, and this time Thain really wanted to repeat the same move.

Seeing Thain's unscrupulous appearance, Chen Mu smiled coldly in his heart, and instantly became murderous, and Daomei also began to speed up the speed of beating A's soldiers,

And BDD also seems to see through Daomei's thoughts, knowing that Daomei wants Q soldiers to stack passively and increase damage.

So he stepped forward with the W skill, and started to release the Q skill at Daomei, and raised the big ax high, but this time Sean did not continue the last second Q, but continued to accumulate power. Be confident that there is no soldier nearby who can just Q die.

Seeing that Thain was still consuming himself at this time, Chen Mu also smiled slightly, and if he didn't leave, then don't leave! !
At the next moment, press the W key, dance from the distance, a large number of blades gather in front of you, to resist the coming damage for the sword girl.

With Thain's Q skill fully charged, the heavy ax fell heavily, causing damage to the sword girl.But Daomei's W skill level [-] was also thrown at the same time, which resisted part of the damage, caused damage to Thain, and also scratched some minions.

Seeing that several minions have reached the appropriate blood volume, Chen Mu smiled slightly, it seems that the time has come!

Immediately afterwards, Chen Mu repeated the same trick, another extremely smooth EQE combo, targeting a soldier with residual blood, the blade appeared at the foot of the soldier in an instant, and at the same time as the sword girl Q was attacking the soldier, another blade quietly appeared at the soldier's feet again. Sean's feet.

The little soldier with residual blood died instantly, and the knife girl was passive!
At the same moment, the two blades flew towards each other, crossing Sion, hurting Sion, stunning Sion, and marking Sion.

Daomei is passive on two levels! !

At this time, Chen Mu once again showed amazing hand speed, flying back and forth on the battlefield like a beautiful butterfly. Within a second, three soldiers were killed again!
The fifth floor of Daomei is passive and instantly filled!Ionian Zeal triggers!

(End of this chapter)

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