LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 32 Solo Killing Thain

Chapter 32 Solo Killing Thain
When Chen Mu's sword girl is like a dexterous butterfly, flying in the middle of the team in Summoner's Canyon, and passing a small soldier next to Sion as the end, the passive Ionian enthusiasm is instantly stacked.

At this time, Thain, who was stunned by the E skill of Daomei E, had just recovered.

Looking at Thain who was close at hand, Daomei first made an AQ, attacking Thain who was marked with the E skill Wings and Two Blades, and triggered the damage of the flare by the way.At this time, Thain is the main Q skill, and the W skill shield is not so thick, and it will be lost soon after the sword girl's attack.

BDD quickly knocked off a bottle of compound medicine on his body, and hurriedly walked down the tower.

But when Daomei Q dies a minion, the passive effect of the small wooden hammer has been triggered to be violent, increasing her movement speed by 60, and Daomei will also gain 20 movement speed after each normal attack for 2 seconds.And the clumsy Thain is still far away from his own defense tower. If he doesn't hand in his skills at this time, he may really be killed by Sword Girl A.

But at this time, BDD saw that the situation was not right, and Daomei seemed to have murderous intentions, and wanted to kill herself alone. BDD is not stupid, if you don't leave, maybe you really can't leave.

So Thain immediately launched his big move in the direction of his own defense tower and rushed violently.

Looking at the old driver who started, BDD felt a little relieved. Thain's ultimate move, Rush, can be immune to any control skills. Even if Daomei R hits him, Thain can still get away.

But at the next moment, the golden light flashed, and BDD raised his heart again, only to see Daomei flashing in front of the old driver of Sean.

The toy car that the old driver of Thain had just started had been forcibly stopped by the knife girl "Miss Traffic Police".

Although Chen Mu's Daomei fell into a dizziness, the start that Sean had just started could cause the dizziness to be very short, and Daomei was relieved from the dizziness in an instant.

Then it was chasing Thain to level A non-stop.

BDD saw that his blood volume was dropping a little fast, he couldn't think so much in a hurry, and flashed towards the bottom of his own tower.

After Chen Mu saw Thain flashing into the tower, he smiled coldly in his heart, I already stopped you by flashing, how could I let you go like this? !
Then, press the R key very quickly!
Immediately following Thain's golden light was a row of piercing blade power!
The blade of the blade accurately hit Sion, and then immediately scattered to the outer circle, causing continued damage to Sion, and marking Sion again for 5 seconds, and at the same time formed a blade iron curtain around Sion.

Then Daomei turned into the goddess of war in Ionia again, and her Q skill followed the marked Thain without hesitation, causing some damage again.

But Daomei has also entered the enemy's defense tower at this time, arousing the hatred of the enemy's defense tower, and the defense tower immediately started firing energy bombs at Daomei.

However, Chen Mu was determined to kill him at this time, and he wanted to kill Thain no matter what.

BDD looked at Daomei, who wanted to jump over the tower and kill him, and his heart became more and more angry. He couldn't bear to be bullied like this while playing a meat.

At this time, Thain has been slowed down by Daomei's big move, and Thain also has no big move or double move, and Thain can't leave even if he wants to leave with his blood volume.

It's better to find a way to replace this sword girl.

Then BDD looked at his skill CD, the QW skill was still cooling down, but the E skill was still available.

Then BDD did not hesitate, and directly kicked the E skill, kicking the ball towards Daomei. If Daomei was hit by E, it would cause a huge deceleration and some damage. Even if he was forcibly killed by Daomei, Daomei would definitely Replaced by own defense tower.

If this is the case, I am not too bad.

But what he didn't expect was that the sword girl on the opposite side seemed to have seen through his thoughts long ago. After he just pressed the E skill, the giant ax just lifted up.

Relying on the mark still hanging on Sion, Daomei flexibly Q to Sion again, and shuttled behind Sion, avoiding Sion's skill.

Then Daomei tied A to Sain who had no skills, and then triggered the flare damage again.

No matter how fleshy his body was, Thain couldn't stop the continuous damage, and immediately fell to the ground and died.

But Daomei generously took the damage from the tower twice, and walked out of the defense tower without looking back.

After the resurrection, Sion's corpse looked at the distant Daomei and sighed, and there was nothing he could do.I had no choice but to go forward and level A again and again against the pawn line that has not yet been pushed. At this time, BDD can count as a pawn if it can get a pawn.

And as Chen Mu took out the sword girl in the third round of the game, he once again killed BDD online 1V1.The tone of the entire LPL live broadcast room is gradually unified.

Miller exclaimed: "Chen Mu's Daomei also single-handedly killed BDD's Sion online. Why didn't such a powerful player use it sooner? It made us worry for nothing!"

The baby shouted directly, "Yes! This person's knife girl is too silky! All skills are connected to level a, without a single pause! It's too silky!"

Guan Zeyuan also had to admire, "What I think now is that Dao Mei is not a hero like Syndra. Now that Chen Mu has gained such an advantage online, KZ has no way to compete with RNG for this fire dragon. .”

The LPL live broadcast room is also full of cheerful atmosphere.

And Shark Fighting TV, a live broadcast room of a certain Zhuzhu named Tengyang Young Master.

A fat, somewhat greasy man, who was about to smile, shouted in a strange tone.

"Yes, yes, BDD, just play like this. After playing the mid-season, apply directly to the LPL next season. I will approve it directly. When we come, we will arrange the application for joining the party."

And the barrage in the live broadcast room is also molesting the anchor, saying:
"Tuigui, does this person really not use skills? He can hide from any skills!"

"Curious about how many W's the anchor bought?!"

"You just need to know that our Zhuzhu's house was built step by step by our pastoral!"

"The anchor quickly knelt down and kowtowed to Chen Mu three times"

And this anchor named Tengyang Young Master Zhuzhu also smiled and said after seeing the barrage, "Ka Ke Ke, no problem, no problem, as long as this one wins, he will be my father from now on!"

Then the situation on the field of competition was as optimistic as the major live broadcast rooms.

The knife girl who single-killed Thain did not go home immediately, but immediately leaned towards Xiaolong pit. EZ and Morgana, who had RNG's bot lane right, also leaned towards Xiaolong, and Karsa's pig girl was already in Xiaolong. The pit has been waiting for a long time.

Although Olaf from Peanut wants to grab this little dragon as much as possible, this little dragon is a fire dragon, and its attributes are too fragrant. Olaf from Little Peanut has been standing above the little dragon pit, trying to see the blood volume, flash down, and Karsa Fight punishment.

But RNG didn't give it a chance at all, and directly pulled Huolong out of the Xiaolong Pit, and Olaf above the Xiaolong Pit could only sigh.

With the steady fall of Karsa's punishment, the first dragon was captured by RNG!

(End of this chapter)

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