LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 329 Celebration Banquet and All-Stars

11 month 22 day.

Time flies, and it has been nearly 8 days since IG won the championship in S20. Although the heat has passed, it is still exciting to mention it now.

Just yesterday, the official also launched the last celebration event for IG's championship, which is a skin discount event. However, compared to the first championship of LPL, these activities seem a bit perfunctory.

However, Riot Games’ KDA women’s team skin plan is placed in the most conspicuous place on the client.

Tencent doesn't take it seriously. As the boss of IG, Wang Sicong must not let down the hearts of netizens. Why is he planning to hold a championship celebration banquet in a five-star hotel on the Bund in Shanghai today.

The venue for this event is W Hotel on the Bund, a very high-end five-star hotel. The cheapest room is several thousand RMB. However, Principal Wang has paid for a large area to hold the event. Compared to the cost of this celebration banquet, For the gifts given out, the booking fee seems to be a piece of cake.

The stage is already filled with all kinds of gifts
First of all, there are some very "ordinary" gifts outside. PS4, iPad, and iPhone are all participation award levels.

It is said that the biggest prize is an Aston Martin worth 400 million.

Moreover, this celebration banquet was attended by a lot of people, including official personnel, various e-sports media, and new and old IG players, such as IG veterans, PDD, Xiaoxiao, Xiaoyoushen, etc. It has already arrived.

It’s not just insiders, there are also many celebrities from the entertainment industry.

Wang Sicong's name as the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Entertainment Circle was not for nothing. Stars such as Lin Gou and Chen Chi were present.

By the way, Zhang Wei and Zhang Yida were also present, but he was not Wang Sicong's entertainment circle connection.

Last year at the Bird's Nest, Zhang Yida's bitter smile was heartbreaking, but this year, he can laugh heartily.

"Ahhh Ah Shui!!!"

"Chen Mu sign it for me!"

"giegie, I'm your fan!!"

As soon as the people from the IG club got out of the car, a large number of fans gathered around them. Who knew who the unscrupulous guy was who revealed the location of the party, but there were still a large number of fans squatting at the door of the hotel.

But this time, IG was well prepared after having the experience of the Korean nightclub last time.

Not only is there a sufficient security team to maintain order, but also a valuable gift is prepared for every fan present.

As soon as the owners of IG appeared on the stage, the hall filled with people instantly boiled.

In addition to various media, friends in the industry, and famous anchors of League of Legends live broadcasts, the most popular handsome man Xiao Cangmiss and others also came to the scene, and the female hosts of LPL also gathered around. Everyone greeted them friendlyly.

Looking at Chen Mu's handsome face, I already felt so handsome on the big screen, but offline it became even more smoky.

Compared with other people on IG, the guests at the scene wanted to come up and communicate with Chen Mu, who currently has the highest traffic.

Especially the female guests, if there weren't so many people present, they would have eaten Chen Musheng alive. You must know that Chen Mu is as popular as an entertainment star these days. If you just speculate on some scandals, the traffic will be enough. Been a while.

But due to gender, I can only say a few words to make him look familiar.

The other people were not as popular as Chen Mu, but they were also surrounded by a circle of people.

Apart from anything else, their faces froze with laughter. These people had never interacted with them before, and it was the first time for several of them to experience the benefits of becoming famous.

Will they be swollen and lost in the future?

The atmosphere at the celebration banquet was very lively. The host IG also invited Doll Miller. Both of them are experienced people. Most of the people present were their friends. It was just a trivial matter to stir up the atmosphere.

As the celebration banquet began, Wang Shicong served the main course without saying a word.

PS4, ipad, and iPhone are all part of the participation award level. If you want to participate, they will be given to you.
The celebration banquet lasted for about three hours, and the guests at the scene had enough to eat and drink~
In addition to entertainment stars and well-known anchors, most of the guests present at the event, including official staff and e-sports media staff, are ordinary office workers. Even the lowest participation award is estimated to be worth more than half a month's salary. .

But if you eat, drink, have fun, and take it well, you have to work hard.

After the celebration banquet, these e-sports media have already thought about the plans for tonight’s IG celebration banquet newsletter.

Naturally, all kinds of flattery.

After all, cannibals have soft mouths and short hands~
After returning to the studio, these e-sports media just planned to send out the press release to increase the popularity of IG.

Something even more explosive is coming.

After the celebration banquet ended, IG's official Weibo posted a Weibo post, not about tonight's celebration banquet, but about Chen Mu.

[Chen Mu, a former member of the League of Legends branch of the IG e-sports club, decided not to renew his contract after friendly negotiations between the two parties and resumed his free agency status!
Player Chen Mu joined the IG League of Legends division as a top laner in June 2018. During his time with the team, although it was only a short season, he led the team to win the 6 Intercontinental Championship and the S2018 World Championship consecutively!
Thank you for his dedication and hard work for the team in the past six months. IG cannot achieve this result without his help. IG thanks you! LPL thanks you!I hope that your future career path will go smoothly and achieve greater success, and I hope to see you again! 】

And at the same time.

Chen Mu also posted a message on his personal Weibo, which has the same meaning as IG’s official Weibo.

Thanks to the IG club for their help and acceptance. His achievements are inseparable from the entire team. Finally, I wish the IG club to achieve greater success in future games.

The two Weibo posts were updated almost at the same time, just like an atomic bomb was dropped during the already stormy LPL transfer period, and a mushroom cloud rose in the center of the storm.

At this time, the e-sports media who were planning to post about the IG celebration party were suddenly confused and confused for a while.

I drank too much at the IG celebration party and my eyes were blurry. Why did Chen Mu’s departure notice come out right after the celebration party? !
But I didn’t drink too much! !

Rubbing his eyes again, the official title was still there, clearly there.

In the next second, a shock woke up, and all the e-sports media staff frantically reached out to find the mobile phone next to them, either calling IG to confirm the news, or calling insiders to find out the inside story.
The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing his magical powers~
Everyone is thinking about frantically digging out some inside information as soon as possible.
This was the reaction of people in the industry, and netizens who followed IG and Chen Mu’s Weibo were stunned for a moment when they received this news.

Chen Mu left the team from IG? !

Isn’t today IG’s celebration party? !Why did it become official that he was leaving the team? !Am I dazzled by drinking too much? !
But I didn’t attend IG’s celebration party, nor did I drink! !
As soon as the two statements were released, in just 5 minutes, the entire Internet exploded.

All e-sports self-media reposted this Weibo post on Weibo, Douyin, Tieba or other platforms immediately.

No, not only the e-sports media, but even many self-media that have nothing to do with the e-sports industry have also taken advantage of this wave of popularity. Some beauty bloggers and food bloggers said that this wave of traffic is just right.

And soon, words like #陈木leave#, #IGchampionshipdisbanded#, #陈木leave#, #陈木wherewhere# rushed to Weibo hot searches, and they are still soaring.Oh, by the way, #王峰在双叕叕叕叏叏叏叏叏叏叏叏叏叏 solo concert again⁠" has also become a hot search topic.

However, the leather pants became a hot search, not because of his concert itself, but because the popularity of his concert was dampened by the explosive news from IG and Chen Mu~
In just 10 minutes, IG and Chen Mu’s Weibo posts had reached tens of thousands of posts.


"Is today April Fool's Day?! Or did I drink too much?! Or did I get aroused?!"

"You don't have any, it's IG and Chen Mu who drank too much at the celebration party today~ (squint) (squint)"

"Fuck, what kind of breaking news is this!"

"Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?"

"Mubao, why did you leave the team? What happened!"

"Ahhhhhhh, I can't accept this fact. It's only been a few days since I reached the peak. Is it just gone?!"

"Chen Mu, you promised to never leave us, why did you run away with the bucket! (covering face, laughing and crying) (covering face, laughing and crying)"

"Hey, isn't Chen Mu just like this?! He left RNG during the mid-season, isn't it exactly the same as now!"

"Hmph, it must be IG's problem. My giegie must be right. It's all Wang Shicong's problem."

"No way, no way, Chen Mu won't really go to SKT~"

"Everyone should look at the problem rationally. Now it is a club system. As long as it does not violate the law, you can join any team!"


The post bars and forums were also noisy, and all kinds of gossip were spread randomly.

Youzai said: "I just got off the plane in South Korea, and the interested parties have been anonymous for the first time. This is all true. SKT wants Chen Mu so much that he can't sleep. Brother Li even made it clear that Chen Mu will not come to SKT, and he is not in SKT." Wait, whichever team he joins must have a hot guy in the top lane~"

This kind of thing is pure cheating, it looks real at first glance, but it is judged to be fake.

However, some insiders broke the news: "It is said that the prices offered by several teams in North America are ridiculously high. After tax, they have reached 500w for a year. Chen Mu is very excited."

This post is very true and highly credible, and there are many people commenting on it.

"It's possible!"

"These ones in North America are not as good as others. The knife in your hand is so delicious. If this contract is signed for three years, wouldn't it be close to a small goal!"

"And these teams in North America don't have too much pressure. They just mess around in training matches every day, play randomly in the rankings, and compete in these competitions in the North American league. Chen Mu can't help but control them!"

"Chen Mu, you must withstand the sugar-coated bullets of capitalism. The LPL family cannot do without you."

"Don't be morally kidnapped, it's not illegal. If Chen Mu really goes to North America, he will be the first Chinese aid."

There are also real insiders who came out and broke the news: "Chen Mu wants to join a team with himself as the cornerstone of the team, and the most important thing is to switch to jungle. This is where we can't agree with IG. IG can't do it for Chen Mu alone." , abandoning the other five.”

But as soon as this message came out, it was stepped on.

"Hahaha, where did the original poster get this news?!"

"You are even more outrageous than the one who went to SKT."

"But why do I think this is possible? Who can know what Mu Shen is thinking? And IG will not kick King Ning just for Chen Mu alone, so that the team will not be able to lead him in the future."

"It's too much to switch to the jungle. I'm playing well in the top lane. I'm going to drive all the top laners around the world into isolation. Why do I go to the jungle?"

But often the truth that is closest to the facts is buried in posts with different opinions.

Just when the outside world was making noises and couldn't stop, the person involved had already hid in his small room and was leisurely scrolling through his mobile phone.

Chen Mu is still living in IG's base, although both IG management and Chen Mu have already had a showdown.

But Wang Sicong also said: "You can live in the IG base as long as you want. Housing prices in the Magic City are so expensive. It's better to rent a house outside than live in the base."

Although Wang Sicong knew it was impossible, as long as Chen Mu did not move out of the IG base for one day, there was still room for maneuver. What if Chen Mu changed his mind one day~
However, what Chen Mu is paying attention to at this time is not the ripples caused by the two statements issued by him and IG’s official Weibo, but another matter.
The end of the S8 World Championship announced that all the schedule for 2018 has been completed. He has passed the most important competition and achieved amazing and surprising results.

It is the offseason at this time, and almost all team players have entered the vacation and recuperation stage, but Chen Mu cannot rest, because with the end of S8, another annual grand ceremony, the All-Star Game, is about to begin.

Riot Games will hold this most anticipated event for fans around the world before the end of each S-game before the end of the year and the New Year. Audiences in each division can vote for a player in each position to form their own division's super galactic battleship.

It is particularly interesting to think about bringing together the big daddy-level players from all clubs in various positions in a division to form a team.

For example, if the factory director and the puppy compete at the same time, will they quarrel over whether to catch the second level?If Puppy and Chen Mu compete at the same time, will it be possible that team resources will be tilted towards Chen Mu and Puppy will directly perform a bath on the spot?

All in all, there are many things to watch. All-stars and all-stars must also depend on the popularity of the players outside the field.

Anyway, Chen Mu is [-]% able to go, and it is almost certain, but the competition for other positions is very fierce.

In the past, the factory director and Puppy were definitely the two people who went to the All-Star Games. Apart from anything else, their popularity was indeed the highest in the past.

But this year has changed a lot.

But there have been huge changes this year. EDG’s configuration is not good this year, and the factory manager is semi-retired, so it’s a bit of a seclusion behind the scenes. Therefore, the factory manager’s competitors include Xiangguo, King Ning, and now known as the son of the dragon. Kandi.

The idea of ​​RNG picking up lanterns has been played to death, and Ah Shui's IG won the championship this year. It was officially the most popular time, so it is very interesting to watch.

The competition for places in the secondary division is even more intense.

Because this LPL won the championship, the attention is very high. LPL fans want to win the All-Stars steadily and live a happy new year. (end of this chapter)

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