LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 330 Intention Team

This year’s LOL All-Star Game has been scheduled to be held from December 12th to 7th in the North American casino city of Las Vegas.

The rules of this year's All-Star Game are a little different from the past. In the past, the player with the highest votes from each of the five positions was selected to participate in the All-Star Game.

But there have been changes this year. Only four professional players, two voting players, and two will be directly invited by Riot Games based on the situation throughout the year will be selected from each division.

Chen Mu was naturally placed in the direct invitation list. Tencent and Riot Games also considered that Chen Mu's current popularity is too high, and participating in the voting is a bit of a dimensionality reduction attack. Even Uzi and the director combined are vulnerable.

So he was directly placed on the direct invitation quota, and the other direct invitation quota was given to IG's broiler.

The performance of the broiler chickens throughout the year is also noticed by everyone, and it deserves this direct invitation.

Without Chen Mu, the biggest "competitor", Brother Zaozi also showed his terrifying popularity.

As soon as the voting channel was opened, Uzi's vote count was instantly overwhelming. All the remaining people were tied together and could not surpass him. There was no doubt that he was crushed in popularity.

Fans of other teams are very sensible. Even fans of Ah Shui have to stay away and do not compete with Uzi fans for ADC. If they do, they will be humiliating themselves.

But for the last spot, both the top and middle ADCs are available, and there is a high probability that the Nosuke position will be given to them. They will have to fight for it. Those who do not know how to fight will not be able to win this spot.

Therefore, the outside world has very intense discussions about who this lucky guy is and whose fans are stronger and weaker. They are looking forward to who can break out of the siege.

However, Chen Mu only paid a little attention to the All-Stars who were hotly discussed by the outside world, and there were no other reasons than that.

Because this All-Star game is an entertainment game, it is not considered a main game at all.

So his system cannot be used at all.

Although Chen Mu has 1000 minutes of playing time for the World Championship, he does not want to use this precious time in this kind of entertainment competition.

So the thought of being beaten by dozens of top players in the world in front of the world's attention
By the way, there is also a solo in the All-Star Game, if you are eliminated in the first round.

The picture is so beautiful, I can’t even imagine it~
The popularity of another matter continues to rise.

That is where is Chen Mu going? !
That is because teams in other divisions have successively released news about winter transfers.

Various gossips about the transfer of a certain player or the introduction of players from other regions were flying everywhere. Countless melon-eating people were cheering and running around in the melon fields, once again feeling the unique atmosphere in the e-sports circle.

Just as the IG official Weibo announced that the contract period of the starting top laner Chen Mu has expired and he has officially become a free agent.

The hot searches about him on domestic Weibo have never stopped. The news this time is different from the past, and it has touched the hearts of countless LPL fans and Chen Mu's personal fans.

The e-sports circle, which had just been quiet for a few days, began to become turbulent again, and all major teams and clubs were gearing up to implement the plans they had already prepared.

The original contract quotes sent to Chen Mu by major teams all came to nothing, and no reply was received from Chen Mu. Everyone thought that Chen Mu had chosen to renew his contract with IG.

It's a pity that I can only lament how a flower was inserted into a pile of cow dung~
But now IG and Chen Mu have officially announced that Chen Mu has become a free man!

ah? !Did the surprise come so suddenly? !
The invitation contract to Chen Mu was just a try before, but now Chen Mu has become a free man.
Then I'm sorry, everyone, let's do it according to our ability!
Not only LPL clubs, but also clubs in major competition areas around the world reorganized their quotations and contracts and began to formally contact Chen Mu.

After the news that Chen Mu became a free agent was confirmed, several teams in North America directly wrote about it and publicized it.

The G2 team announced it to the public immediately, and immediately caused a sensation in the global e-sports circle with its offer of US$500 million for one year.

Domestic online public opinion was in an uproar. Converting 500 million US dollars into RMB is about 3500 million yuan. Three years is a little more than a small goal.

Is this profession really so profitable?Can I become a billionaire in three years?

After the C9 team took action, other European and American teams such as TL, G2, and FNC also followed suit. They started working on Weibo or Twitter, and began to quote prices on their own official media. The prices were high and low. Generally speaking, It is said that it is still in the range of 2000w-3500w RMB.

With such a high-profile signing plan, whether they can win over Chen Mu is a matter of fact. The main thing is to follow the trend and show their strength.

But the next moment, TSM announced its signing plan on its official Twitter. The price of 650 million a year once again set a new maximum salary in the e-sports industry.

Let these teams in North America know that whether they can enter the World Championship is one thing, but I, TSM, are the fantasy gods of North America!

The LPL e-sports circle didn't know what to say. The 650w Dora converted into RMB directly reached 4500w, which once again set a new height.

In fact, it's not that they can't offer 4000+, but that North America has simply stopped being a human being and directly promised that they can only sign a contract for one year.

After signing for three years, the capital behind them has a lot of ways to make a lot of money. How much money can they earn after signing for one year? As for competitive strength?How do they understand this.

If the capital knew about e-sports, it wouldn't have turned so many outsiders who only ordered takeaways into coaches and managers later on.

As for other e-sports players, their eyes are really filled with envy. Although the general salary has doubled in the general environment, compared to Chen Mu, who already has the maximum salary and has doubled it several times, the gap is really The size is too big to bear to look at, and it is indeed a cross-species difference.

Not to mention anything else, his salary alone can already buy two stains.

Except for Europe and the United States, all [-] domestic teams for next year have quoted prices to Chen Mu, and even IG has symbolically submitted another contract.

Basically, the weaker the players, the higher the pay, because they do not have the financial pressure of retaining other good players, and there is no burden in bidding. Almost the entire team's budget is reported to Chen Mu.

However, as long as Chen Mu was more rational, he would not choose such a standard.Although in the state of God, you can still achieve good results with four real eyes.

But the composition of these teams is too complicated. Some of them just got LPL league spots for a year, hyped them up, and then sold their spots after they were full.

There are more bottom teams that are in chaos, and there are all kinds of disturbances of fake matches everywhere.

Chen Mu, who is in the state of a god, has the confidence to play with four real eyes in the game, but he is afraid that there are four moles among the five members of his family~
By the way, RNG also issued a contract. Although other teams' contracts also have various clauses, RNG's contract is different.

It can’t be said to be a contract, it’s a book~
Except for one contract subject, the others were full of various restrictive clauses, which directly confused Chen Mu.

The contract team really deserves its reputation~
Then Chen Mu sneered and dropped the RNG contract into the trash can.

Even if he, Chen Mu, starved to death, died outside, and jumped from here, he would not sign this contract
This contract is a real scam!
Afterwards, Chen Mu looked at the 15 contracts on the table and fell into deep thought.

IG also sent a contract. Although both parties had discussed it openly and honestly, it was clear that the two parties could no longer cooperate.

But other LPL teams have sent offers, so IG has to send them!
In fact, the IG team 19 years ago was really good, very humane, and the management was very loose. Wang Sicong looked like a fool, but it was relatively easy to get along with.

When IG was playing like that in the S5 World Championship, Wang Sicong didn't expel them, but went to "order" them first.

But after the S9 season, IG has changed drastically. Part of the reason why IG has been so harmonious in 18 is that Wang Sicong attaches great importance to IG. He personally makes decisions on many matters.

However, at the beginning of 19, Wang Sicong’s Panda live broadcast collapsed, and a series of bankruptcies such as the Banana Project made Wang Sicong less concerned about the e-sports industry.

At the same time, IG also won the championship, which fulfilled Wang Shicong's dream. For a while, he didn't care much about the IG club.

In addition, his old man Wanda Group's property had a big problem, so his mind was not on this aspect.

So 19 years later, thanks to Su Xiaoluo's series of "miraculous operations", IG has been deteriorating day by day. There were even rumors of selling the team in S13.

And Su Xiaoluo didn't know if he blocked the nuclear explosion for Principal Wang, but Wang Shicong trusted him very much.

When the IG championship team was completely dispersed, Su Xiaoluo also ran away from IG.

Regarding IG, Chen Mu was also very sad.

EDG also sent a contract, but compared to the conditions and treatment offered by other teams EDG, it seemed rather ordinary.

Although Abramovich had been in contact with Chen Mu before, EDG's originally high-profile recruitment plan suddenly cooled down during this period.

It seems that the club has undergone new changes and still wants to maintain the original lineup of 18 and no longer make lineup adjustments.

It was just a symbolic price quoted to Chen Mu, just in case there was an unexpected surprise!
Although EDG is a team with a very mature operation, but looking at the two junglers, jungler Ha Huang and top laner Ruizhi Ruihuang, these two sleeping dragons and phoenixes are so smart that Chen Mu is too scared to hide.

And other teams also gave their own quotations and treatment, the contract amount is very high, but the contract period is 2-3 years, which is inconsistent with Chen Mu's principle of only signing a one-year contract.

In the end, Chen Mu selected 4 contracts.

Blg, DMO, RW and FPX.

The prices offered by these four teams were second best, and the main promise was to build a team with Chen Mu as the core, and Chen Mu had an absolute dominant position.

However, the conditions given by BLG are good, but it seems that what they value more is not Chen Mu's competitive strength, but his commercial value, which means that they are interested in his live broadcast contract.

It doesn’t matter whether BLG signs the competition contract for one, two or three years, but Chen Mu’s live broadcast contract is required to be signed with Bilibili for five years.

As for Chen Mu's previous live broadcast contract, Bilibili said that it was not a problem and that no matter how much the liquidated damages were, Bilibili would pay for it.

But once the five-year live broadcast contract is signed, it is almost bound to Bilibili.

DMO doesn't have so many requirements. It is the renamed team of the SDJ team that got the new quota this year, but compared to other teams, his team configuration is a bit worse.

Chen Mu took a look at his current configuration. Several players were either newbies or came from the secondary leagues.

Except for the fact that the ADC position is a familiar name that Gala can trust, Chen Mu is afraid that in the end the game will be full of moles~
So in the end RW and FPX are left.

In fact, for the RW team, Chen Mu's senses have always been very good.

In the 18 Intercontinental Tournament, Aguang said "I'll give you a fifth set"; the commentator Miller "hit his balls, beat his balls"; Teacher Big B's arms and roars made people feel excited and became a One of the indelible memories of the LPL division.

The top laner Mouse is known as the light of the top laner, and his song "The Big Tree of Light" was inherited from Guodian EDG.

The unique mid laner mixing method of Mr. B, a poisonous coin in the mid laner, is very impressive.

ADC Sima Laothi is also a top ADC in the LPL region, but he is unlucky and has to accompany him every year.

It may be that the presence of junglers and supports is not strong, but the Korean jungler seems to want to return to China next year, which is in line with Chen Mu's idea of ​​​​turning to the jungle.

In the 18 playoffs, RW was only a little short of the last, losing to EDG and failing to enter the final World Championship.

Therefore, RW has always been Chen Mu's key investigation target.

And RW's management also chatted with Chen Mu after sending him the contract, and the two parties also had a very happy chat.

But suddenly while chatting, a scene appeared that made Chen Mu dumbfounded.

In the past two days, the capital behind RW has run out of money, stopped playing, and withdrew its capital.
This sudden attack.But Chen Mu was caught off guard and almost went numb.

RW originally thought that the overall performance of the team in the S8 season was good and the reputation was also very good. Although it failed to enter the World Championship, it wanted to compete in the World Championship again after strengthening next year.

Imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

If you don’t have money, you’re still a weakling~
Originally, several players such as Aguang, Poison Coin, and smlz planned to renew their contracts after their contracts expired. However, this divestment directly led to the "KTV" of all RW players and a major change of personnel.

In addition to the support being too cheap, Mouse, Sima Laothief and others all lost their jobs.

Although RW still has a spot in the LPL division, they have all used a group of new players, and the prices are ridiculously cheap.

Seeing this, Chen Mu could only sigh, and RW could only cross it out from the selection.

Later generations of "robbers" became "gamblers", and Chen Mu was also afraid that he would become a weight on someone else's gambling table.

In the end, there was only one team left, FPX.

In fact, this team has also been in contact with Chen Mu very early.

After IG won the championship, Qujia, the capital behind FPX, looked really jealous.

That kind of flow, that kind of heat, just a little bit of it, can make Teng Jing feel as sick as eating a fly.

You must know that Qujia is Tencent's biggest competitor in the overseas game business sector, but in the domestic sector, Qujia has always been a shortcoming, incomparable to major companies such as Goosechangzhuchang.

So this year the big boss of Qujia made a big move, decided directly, increased investment, and launched a massive attack on Tencent's hometown this year.

The management themselves shook their heads when looking at the configuration of FPX in the S8 season. They even felt that this lineup was hopeless.

So the first thing is to strengthen, or even to change the entire team!

Anyway, Fun Plus is not bad for money~
Naturally, the first person I came into contact with was the creator of the S8 miracle, Chen Mu, who was in full swing. (End of chapter)

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