LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 332 The darling of the live broadcast industry

As Chen Mu entered the public screen of the game, four messages popped up in an instant.

"Chen Mu?"

"Chen Mu?! Myself!"

"Faun! I am your fan, Faun!"

After entering the game, teammates immediately recognized Chen Mu with all kinds of excitement, and wanting to be friends.

At this time, in another live broadcast room, a thin man wearing glasses and with wisps of hair sat up straight.

This person was none other than Mlxg. He was in a bad mood during this period, so he kept looking sad.

His game ID is Diamond Jungle King. Although his ranking is only Diamond, which is lower than Chen Mu, Chen Mu is still a master, and occasionally someone will lead him to the king in double queue.

"Damn it, brothers! I'm in line for Chen Mu!"

"Fuck, it's true! I just went to see it."

mlxg seemed particularly happy, and his sluggish mood suddenly cheered up: "Hahahahaha, you are sure, you will score in vain!"

"??? Is this the face of slavery?"

"Where's your bad temper, boy?"

Seeing the comment on the barrage, mlxg said nonchalantly: "Why are you not happy? Chen Mu YYDS, you are playing like a machine. This one is so comfortable! Just catch it on the road! I will be Chen Mu's dog!"

"Ning Wang can win a championship even if he is a dog on the road, why can't I be a dog?" However, this sentence sounds quite sour.

"Is this the beginning?"

"Come here, lick the dog's name scene!"

"Daddy, if you catch the singleton, you will win?"


"Brother, look carefully, are you an assistant??"

At the reminder of the barrage, Mlxg took a closer look and found that he had filled in the auxiliary position, while Chen Mu was in the jungle position, and the top laner position was a passerby top laner.

But the next second, the passerby top laner posted a message on the public screen: "Mu Shen, do you want to go on the road?! I'll give it to you. It just so happens that Mr. Guo can also go to the jungle. I'll go to support and play a pike, and I'll come on the road at level [-] to roam. QAQ~”

Passerby ADC: "???????"

I don’t drink Coke: “Brother, forget it, you can play top lane, I will jungle QAQ~”

He is not filling in the jungle position, but the main selection interface is the jungler, and the secondary selection is the top laner.

He intends to move to the jungle position next season, so naturally he will start to warm up now.

Diamond Jungle King: “???”

You promised to be a dog on the top lane to win, so why was your jungle position taken away? !
But since Chen Mu has already said that he wants to play jungle, Mala Xiangguo is too embarrassed to ask Chen Mu for a position, so he can only stay in the auxiliary position.

After seeing the crocodile locked on the top lane, Chen Mu immediately locked the spider and confidently smiled at the live broadcast room: "Hmm~ The classic zoo combination, you know this one, so I'm going to start~"

Chen Mu also saw the water friend reminder in the barrage:
"What a fool? Is our support Xiangguo?! If I had known earlier, I would have given up my position~ But it doesn't matter. Xiangguo likes to catch, and I also like to catch!"

Entering the game, the top laner Crocodile had some health advantage against Qinggangying, and Speed ​​[-]'s Spider had already ran over: "I'm coming, brother, wait for me~"

Although the two of them didn't have double-row voice or typing, there is still the most basic Ueno tacit understanding on this point.

Chen Mu's spider squatted directly in the grass on the upper road for 10 seconds, but Qinggangying on the opposite side seemed to have a perspective hanger on and refused to be fooled, always keeping a safe distance.

Seeing that the jungle prince from the opposite side was about to arrive for support,
His top laner, Crocodile, couldn't stand it any longer, so he flashed Red Fury W and bit Qinggang Ying.

And after seeing the crocodile attack, Chen Mu immediately cocooned with an E.

But here comes the embarrassing scene.

The spider's cocoon passed by the green steel shadow by chance. The green steel shadow recovered from the dizziness of the crocodile's red rage W and also flashed to distance itself.

Originally thinking of E cocooning a hit, and then switching forms and flying directly to the sky, a set of QWE spiders who dropped the blue steel shadow in seconds, were directly awkward in place.

At the same time, there was also Crocodile who flashed the red angry W. He had no skills, and was rushed by the jungle prince from the opposite side to cooperate with Qinggangying to take the head.

"Uh-huh. Uh-huh. This wave. This wave."

"This wave is definitely see-through. I forgot to turn on the delay during the live broadcast~"

After hemming and hawing for a long time, Chen Mu finally thought of an explanation.

However, although his words were harsh, his movements were honest. He immediately typed on the public screen of the game: "My, my, my, brother, I'm sorry, I'll keep going next time. Let's beat up this Qinggang Shadow!"


"Don't come, let me develop it myself QAQ~" Answering Chen Mu with a QAQ was already the last sign of stubbornness among the Crocodile players.

And just in time, Mala Xiangguo, who was doing nothing in the bottom lane and was developing, cut the screen to the top lane and witnessed this "wonderful" scene.

The barrage was also extremely happy and started to feel weird.

"Wow~ So strong, so handsome, Mu Bao~"

"This wave of operations is too strong~"

"Prejudgment, absolutely prejudgment,"

"It's all my fault that this Qinggang Shadow is not cooperating at all. If Theshy comes, this wave will die~"

"This little boss, are you in love with gods and demons?! He doesn't move!"

"Forget it, brothers, I can't make it up anymore~ Hahaha."

"If you don't understand, just ask if this is the live broadcast room of the FMVP of the S8 World Championship?! Why does it look like Brother Ba's live broadcast room!"

"xswl, he knows the live broadcast effect very well."

Seeing Chen Mu's unbelievable operation, Mlxg's live broadcast room suddenly burst into laughter and joked.

"Gitui, Xiangguo, calm down!"

"Xiang Guo, based on your many years of experience in the wilderness, please evaluate Chen Mu's operation!"

"Mlxg said: It's okay, brother, but in his heart: I'll tell you~"

mlxg didn't care about the rhythm of the barrage, he just laughed.

"It's okay, it's okay. Our wild assistants will join forces in a while~one will die and the other will be sent~wait for me~"

But in this game, there is something about Chen Mu's ADC Anshan Uzi, but if you dare to call this name, you can't do without two brushes.

With Spider, the "reverse daddy" here, he just carried the game and almost defeated the opponent single-handedly with a 15-3 record.

After the game, Chen Mu wiped the non-existent sweat from his head. Today's jungle debut ended in failure.

But the next second, teammates from the previous game such as Brick Jungler King and Anshan Uzi sent friend requests.

Can this be refused?After all, he is a good brother who led him to win his debut in the jungle position.

With the end of Chen Mu's first game, the "big brothers" finally arrived.

Chen Mu started broadcasting too suddenly. He didn't have a fan base and didn't say anything on Weibo. After receiving a call from Dousha, he started broadcasting immediately.

Many people didn't know that Chen Mu had started broadcasting at first, but as half an hour passed, more and more people got the news and began to flock to Chen Mu's live broadcast room, wanting to see the S8 World Championship FMVP live broadcast room. .Half an hour after Chen Mu's live broadcast room started broadcasting, the popularity skyrocketed like a rocket.

One hundred thousand
With the arrival of the big brothers.

"Brother Traveling Frog" presented "Chen Mu a super rocket, come and watch~"

A gorgeous and exaggerated rocket rocket soared into the sky in Chen Mu's live broadcast room.

But Wang shreds green onions.

"Brother Traveling Frog" presented "Chen Mu" super rocket*2, come and watch~"

"Brother Traveling Frog" presented "Chen Mu" super rocket*50, come and watch~"

Wang Shicong then scattered 10 coins.

Although Chen Mu has officially announced his departure from IG, everyone still got along very happily. Chen Mu's departure is also due to the different goals and future development directions of both parties, so there is nothing dirty.

What's more, Chen Mu left the team from IG this year, but it doesn't mean that he can't return to IG from another team next year!

So when he heard the news of Chen Mu's broadcast, Wang Saicong came to check it out as soon as possible.

"Chunli" presents 2 super rockets to "Chen Mu", come and watch~"

"Chunli" presents 100 super rockets to "Chen Mu", come and watch~"

Suddenly, a strange ID appeared in Chen Mu's live broadcast room, but he fired a hundred rockets, twice as many as Principal Wang.

"Damn it, who is this big brother?! I don't recognize him!"

"Brother is confused. With this money, wouldn't it be possible?"

"Hey, where is the big brother here? This is clearly a rich woman! Chunli, Chunli~ This name sounds like a rich woman."

"Damn it, Chen Mu, you can't do that."

Looking at this unfamiliar ID, Chen Mu felt a move in his heart.

A name comes to mind, Li Chun. Chunli is just the reverse pinyin of his name.

Now he is also the team owner of FPX.

By the way, he was also the hero designer of Riot Games before, the same one who worked on Knife Girl back then.

Looking at all kinds of weird words in the live broadcast room, such as "it spread, Chen Mu was taken care of by a rich woman", "good boy, so you are so good", etc., Chen Mu also shook his head helplessly, annoyed Said: "This is a real big brother. He is also an insider in the LPL. He was also a designer at Riot Games before."

"Ahem. By the way, he was the one who cut the knife girl back then~"

Chen Mu's words directly caused huge waves in the live broadcast room.

"Good boy, it turns out to be you, but let me catch you~"

"Give me your address and I'll send you something right away."

"Returning my sword sister, not only cut my sword sister, but also directly changed it!"

"Tell me, are you holding back something bad to give Chen Mu a gift?"

And Chun Li was also typing in the live broadcast room: "Hahaha, I am now the leader of the FPX team, and I have admired Chen Mu for a long time QAQ~"

"Good boy, it turns out that you are holding back this bad idea!"

"Hey, I heard your kid's abacus beads from the next door."

"No, Chen Mu is from our IG."

"Chen Mu, can you please return to RNG? Please, Uzi needs you!"

"What kind of rubbish team is FPX, it can't be some LDL team! I also want to covet our Chen Mu!"

The last sentence directly embarrassed Chunli.

But he is right. FPX did not make it past the first round of the playoffs in the S8 Summer Split. At this time, there were no star players in the team. They were all outdated "old guys". It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were a broken ship. .

But this is exactly what FPX urgently needs to do now, to increase its visibility.

Even Wang Sicong, Chen Mu's former boss, came over and fired dozens of super fire shots. How could he, a team that might be about to sign Chen Mu and was about to rise, lag behind others? !

So Chunli fired a hundred super fire shots without hesitation.

You see, the effect is coming now. Chen Mu’s live broadcast room is now popular among millions, and the number of real viewers is probably quite large. Don’t these people all know the name of the FPX team now? !

Isn’t the 20 spent worth it? !
First, he gave gifts to Chen Mu, not to "other" outsiders, and he was able to gain the reputation of FPX, which surpassed Wang Sicong's limelight.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Chunli chatted a few words in Chen Mu's live broadcast room, and then went offline.

After all, it’s too annoying for him to weaken the identity of Dao Mei’s designer~
But he made a head start, and the planes of countless big brothers and rich wives flew into flames, covering Chen Mu's live broadcast room.

Some friends in the circle came to support him one after another.

For example, the Spicy Hot Pot that was just ranked with Chen Mu attracted two flights.

And Chen Mu has been discouraging him in the live broadcast room: "It's okay if you all agree. There is no need to give away so many gifts. After all, I am still an e-sports player. If you do this, I will drift away~~"

However, Chen Mu's words not only had no effect, but instead aroused even more provocation from the barrage.

"What do you mean?! Looking down on us?!"

"I just brush, I just brush, a little bit~"

"giegie Chen Mu, I really like you. I'm your big brother. Can we meet offline?!"

Chen Mu also shook his head helplessly and reiterated in the live broadcast room that minors are not allowed to buy gifts in his live broadcast room.

Then the next game starts.

I still chose the jungle position, the last round was really an accident~
Seeing Chen Mu's live broadcast room becoming more and more lively, the person in charge of operations standing behind the scenes of Dousha data monitoring began to tilt his mouth.

It was exactly as I expected,
Originally, Dousha's data traffic was a little ugly during this period, but today, all the data traffic was increased in one night.

This is Chen Mu!

Currently the top player in LPL!

But stupid people are still complacent, and smart people have already prepared for a rainy day.

The live broadcast contract between Chen Mu and Dousha is also very short and will expire at the beginning of next year. At this time, the person in charge of operations is already considering what sky-high price to pay to sign Chen Mu.

You must know that Huya was the first to go on the market in the middle of this year, which made Dousha's executives so jealous that they were about to bleed.

Huya signed Uzi with a lot of money before it went public, but how much time can Uzi play as a professional player? !How much profit can there be from gifts? !

If that's the case, Hu Ya will suffer a blood horse explosion~
But the important thing is how much data traffic Uzi brings, which are important conditions for listing.

It will soon be a listed company, so we can't be petty and picky about Soso.

Therefore, the current signing fee is still a small number in the face of future listings to make money.

What the Dousha platform wants to do now is to increase data, increase traffic, and increase sales. It has already planned to go public next year.

And Chen Mu is now an enhanced version of Uzi~
"If Chen Mu can be retained next year, maybe my position can be improved!" The person in charge of operations felt a little proud. (end of this chapter)

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