LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 333 LPL Annual Awards Presentation

Chapter 333 LPL Annual Awards Presentation
Today's live broadcast, Chen Mu did not go very late, but it ended after more than three hours.

Knowing that Chen Mu's live broadcast was about to end, the house manager he had given to before rushed to the live broadcast room after getting the news in a hurry.

Chen Mu's subsequent games did not go well.

You can't use the word "unsmooth" to describe it. Strictly speaking, it went very strangely, as if there was an invisible big hand controlling the situation.

Chen Mu knew that the director team of the national server was online. In the first game, Chen Mu started broadcasting very suddenly, and the director team had not yet reacted. But in the second game, all the anchors, agents, actors and various The people were already in full formation, ready to snipe Chen Mu.

Chen Mu's strength at this time was no more than that of a master. Faced with this situation, he was still unable to control it and was pushed around by others.

But the live broadcast just ended, at the same time.
ding ding~
WeChat rang. Chen Mu clicked on WeChat and saw that it was from the spicy hot pot that had just been arranged.

When he was at RNG, Chen Mu had a good relationship with everyone. Especially after the MSI mid-season, he was the best with Uzi, followed by Mala Xiang Guo.

Click on Voice.

"Brothers, have you downloaded the broadcast?!"

"The broadcast is down, what's the matter?!" Chen Mu replied and asked politely.

"How are you doing recently? What are you doing?"

"I'm trading stocks!" Mala Xiangguo's reply almost made Chen Mu spray out the sip of water he had just taken into his mouth.

Good guy!Has Buffett entered the A-share market in 19? !

"Hey, brother, let me ask you something. When you left RNG, how did you leave? Were there no conditions attached?!"

Then Chen Mu received another voice from Mala Xiangguo, and you could hear a frown on his face just by listening to the voice.

As soon as the voice of Mala Xiangguo came out, Chen Mu understood it instantly.

I understand the purpose of Mala Xiangguo looking for me.

Mala Xiangguo probably wanted to run away, but now he found that he seemed to have no way to escape!

Chen Mu immediately made a voice call and received the spicy hot pot.

This kind of thing cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

When Chen Mu first entered the LPL last year, he was just a little Karami, not even a hair. RNG even disliked him in training matches.

Under such circumstances, how could the contract given to Chen Mu by RNG be the same as that of Uzi or Mala Xiangguo.

I feel bad about Uzi and Mala Xiangguo. Regardless of other additional conditions, the liquidated damages alone can be prohibitive.

However, for a contract like Chen Mu, RNG is too lazy to get stuck.If Chen Mu is given the same contract as Uzi, RNG will suffer losses.

Last year, Chen Mu signed a short-term contract with RNG, which lasted only one year.

Secondly, it is just a simple competition contract and does not involve any live broadcast contract or economic treaty.

Moreover, Chen Mu can leave RNG directly without any means or methods after the contract period expires.

It's not like Uzi and Mala Xiangguo who want to run away or transfer halfway.

I have completed my work during the contract period. Now that the contract has expired, we have no legal connection. You have no reason to stop my contract.

To sum up, RNG is not stuck!
But what they didn't expect was that both RNG and Bai Xing miscalculated.

They are indeed not aggressive, but they also let go of the biggest top player in LPL.

After chatting on the phone, Mala Xiangguo flipped through the contract he signed a few years ago and was a little dumbfounded.

On the other hand, he didn’t read many books about Mala Xiangguo, but RNG really lied to him about not reading many books!
After hanging up the phone, Chen Mu shook his head helplessly.

Even if you let five-star critic MacArthur come and read the contract between Uzi and Mala Xiangguo, he would still say, there is no solution.

Contract Team, YYDS!

However, Chen Mu also made an appointment with Mala Xiangguo and Uzi to come out and have a good chat someday.

But these are all things for later. As soon as twelve o'clock in the morning this morning, the results of the All-Star voting were settled.

This year's All-Stars are different from previous years. In previous years, one professional player was directly selected from five positions to participate, but this year there are not only professional players, but also many anchors.

Chen Mu and Broiler participated in the All-Outstanding League directly as directly invited players from Riot Games and did not participate in the voting for the LPL division.

But letting Chen Mu participate in the LPL voting now is a bit too bullying. It would be ridiculous that the votes of the other 27 players are not half as high as Chen Mu alone.

The two spots for the IG team are all occupied by Chen Mu and Broiler. King Ashuining and others cannot participate in the election, and the rest is RNG's home field.

Uzi is criticized and criticized, and his comments are bound to be filled with bathing dogs, simple lanterns, team-breaking maniacs, five sons who are not good at it, and no championship in their lives.

But when it came to the All-Star Game, everyone still voted for him without hesitation.

There was only one professional player spot left, and Mala Xiangguo successfully won it. The factory director had half-retired, and no other team could compete.

The fourth bullet in his nightmare that no one could stop this year also earned him enough tears.

So except for uzi, he has the highest vote.

For a time, apart from IG, RNG was still the team with the largest traffic in the LPL division. Although the loss in the game was ugly, it became the biggest winner outside IG.

The four players participating in this year's LPL All-Star Game have been decided.

Chen Mu, rookie, uzi and spicy hotpot.

After seeing this lineup, netizens were satisfied.

"Wuhu, take off!"

"Today's All-Star lineup is indeed a dream team~"

“I can’t imagine how to lose with this lineup?!”

"I'll just use my flying dragon to ride on my face. Let's see what you say?!"

"U1S1, if only the chickens were replaced by tigers, we would be in the all-China class!"

"Huang Za, get out of here, all-Chinese class, all-Chinese class, all-Chinese class every day, look at the way RNG performed in the World Championship, it also deserves the three words of all-Chinese class!!"

"Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep"

This lineup is indeed the strongest dream team that can be produced in China.In addition to the All-Stars, there is also the LPL Annual Awards Ceremony at the end of the year, which is almost as important as the All-Stars. This grand event that gathers all insiders can also be regarded as the Oscar night in the e-sports circle.

Just after the All-Stars confirmed the results, the voting for the annual grand ceremony came again just two days later. There were actually not many awards that could be voted for, but the most important one was undoubtedly the most popular player of the year.

In the previous All-Star voting, Riot Games and Tencent simply did not bring Chen Mu to play, and gave Chen Mu a direct invitation spot.

But Chen Mu cannot be left out as the most popular player this year.

This award represents the player who is most loved and recognized by the audience this year. It is also a comprehensive reflection of personal popularity, personal strength and commercial value. Whoever wins this award can be said to be the default No. 1 this year.

Chen Mu didn't seem to care very much, and he didn't canvass for votes in public.

To put it bluntly, whether or not he fights for this award, it will fall on his head in the end. What he has to do now is quietly enter the village, and he can no longer stand at the forefront of the storm.

It can be seen from his sudden launch yesterday that his popularity is well-deserved. A three- to four-hour live broadcast can easily reach millions of gifts, which is no less than any entertainment star.

Not to mention personal strength, now all the e-sports forums and forums around the world are filled with Chen Mu’s exaggerated personal highlights.

What everyone was discussing was whether Chen Mu's extremely extreme operation was an unconscious coincidence, or whether everything was within his calculations.

If it was an unconscious coincidence, then it would be too many coincidences, but if everything was in his calculation, then...then it was really the coming of God.

As for commercial value, not only e-sports equipment manufacturers want to find Chen Mu to endorse, but also some brands that have nothing to do with e-sports have also approached Chen Mu.

However, the outside world has also become more enthusiastic about this LPL annual awards ceremony. This year is the first year of the championship. I don’t know how many new audience groups have been added. Whether it is the return of old players or the entry of new players, the number of people will only increase. few.

Moreover, there are also a large number of players from the LCK, LMS, and Europe and the United States, many of whom are attracted by Chen Mu, and they all focus on the LPL competition.

Just when Chen Mu was thinking about how to keep a low profile and cool down his temperature, after all, anything good in the forest would be destroyed by the wind. Chen Mu was about to take away the entire cake, so how could others not be jealous.

This kind of pulling and stepping is a very normal thing in the entertainment circle, but it is the same when it comes to the e-sports circle.

So everyone else was gearing up to figure out how to canvass votes, but Chen Mu had no intention of canvassing votes.

However, Chen Mu is very low-key, but that does not mean that his fans are weak in fighting spirit.

However, the fan groups of other club players also know very well who is the most threatening player at the moment, and conflicts with Chen Mu's fans are inevitable.

Where there is competition, there will be conflicts. In previous years, there was a lot of fighting, but this year it will only be more intense.

There is not too much competition on the IG side. Chen Mu has just left the team and is still half an IG member, so he will not attack his own people.

The factory director's little piggies have become less aggressive in the past two years. As the factory director has faded out of EDG's first-line lineup, the little piglets are just showing off the factory director's feelings.

WE's fans have also shrunk this year. Except for one Xiye, there are no players who can show off at all.

Ancient teams like OMG and LGD can't even sell their feelings anymore.

But when we get to RNG, the demons start to dance wildly, and the emperors are really tough.

During the time when the world championship was just lost, the tempo was too great, and the emperors had no chance to output against the wind.

But now that it has eased for a while, the emperors seemed to be resurrected and came out one after another.

Started to crazily build momentum for several RNG players.

Needless to say, uzi is the number one ADC in the world and will always be the best in the ADC position.

Malaxiangguo was promoted to be the number one jungler in the LPL division, a jungler of the reckless type, a jungler of the peerless type, and King Ning became a champion just by being a dog on the road.

Xiaohu has also been promoted as the domestic mid laner in the LPL division, with the best performance in history. No matter how strong the rookie is, he is just a Korean. As for Xiye.
Xila is laughing at me, Xiye is such rubbish, I am laughing so hard~

Even Letme was pulled out again, and the name of the five-five top order was pulled out and mentioned repeatedly.

That is to say, Xiao Ming is in the auxiliary position and Casa's reputation is really not high, otherwise these two people would have to boast again.

But you, Huangza, are still outputting against the wind in this headwind environment.

In an instant, everyone couldn't stand it anymore.

"Go take a shower~"

"What's the first?! The world's best blowjob!"

"Five sons can't do it, and they won't have a crown in their life!"

"Everyone is equal in the top lane, doesn't it mean that no one can beat him?!"

"Is there anyone who brags about Xiaohu?! Cancel your account, please do something useful, cancel your account!"

Among them, Chen Mu's fans are more powerful. There are not only new-generation groups, but also old players, champion fans, power fans, good-looking fans, husband fans, achievement fans, etc. There are all kinds of people.

On the spot, Chen Mu's fans became furious and began to fight. One fan was evenly matched with fans of the RNG club.

Chen Mu's votes exceeded one million just one hour after the voting channel was opened. The number of votes for No. 2 Uzi was just over [-]. People in the industry were shocked.

Except for Chen Mu and Uzi, everyone else's combined income is only about [-].

We knew that he was popular, but there was no quantitative data on how popular he was. Everyone thought that a few people would stage a magical fight, a very fierce battle for LPL rankings, but the suspense was already lost at the beginning.

You must know that last year's uzi won only more than 60 votes, and the gap that has been widened now is really like a moat.

The number of votes for No. 2 and No. 1 is ten times different. How can we play this? It’s impossible to play~!
The annual sex show that the melon-eating netizens are planning to watch has come to an end before it even begins. In addition to being disappointed, they will more or less ridicule a few words about "dog blowing in the shower".

Although the RNG side was shocked by this scene, they were not convinced. You are popular, but now you have left the team. Without the support of IG, you will not have as many resources as an established club like us.

The next second, at Bai Xing's request, all RNG players reluctantly came off the field to canvass votes for Uzi.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Chen Mu is the king of the LPL at this time, the Faker of the LPL. Isn't it because he is not happy to compete with Chen Mu now?

Have you ever seen any player in the LCK region dare to challenge Faker's authority? !
But Bai Xing was also dizzy, and Shi Lezhi became furious when he saw the words Chen Mu.

Why is our RNG inferior to IG? Would you rather cut your salary and go to IG than stay in my RNG? ?
Bai Xing watched the decisive battle between IG and KT in the World Championship, and for the first time, he hoped that the Korean team could beat the LPL team hard!
In the end, things went against expectations, IG still won the championship, and the man successfully ascended to the throne. He also became a joke in the management of the LPL clubs this year, a negative teaching material among negative teaching materials.

Therefore, all the resources that RNG can use off the field have been used. On Weibo, celebrities who have good friends with RNG have also begun to canvass for uzi. Those in the circle and those outside the circle, RNG's all-China class traffic blessing, is adding I went to canvass votes in person, and the number of votes also began to increase and catch up.

The momentum brought by RNG's mobilization of the crowd is indeed quite bluffing at first glance, and Chen Mu has officially left the team from IG. The resources of the IG club have nothing to do with him. Sorry to end up again.

Chen Mu himself doesn't seem to want to compete, and his personal Weibo only contains a few official messages posted a long time ago.

For a time, Uzi’s fan votes really caught up.
(End of this chapter)

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