LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 334 The Grand Ceremony Begins

Chapter 334 The Grand Ceremony Begins

With the full development of RNG's resources, various marketing methods have been launched, and RNG has put all its focus on Uzi. Mlxg, Xiaohu and others also personally went out to canvass for Uzi. Their own votes have already been stalled.

But the entire RNG resources were tilted towards Uzi, and Uzi's votes began to rise linearly.

Chen Mu seemed to have no intention of competing, so RNG was about to catch up with Chen Mu's votes.

But Chen Mu’s fans are not jealous either.

You, Uzi, play JB the best in the world, why can you be elected as the most popular player of the year? !
Why am I, Chen Mu, MSI Mid-Season Finals FMVP, Asian Games FMVP, and S8 World Championship FMVP not as good as you, the world’s number one, in playing JB? !
So even though Chen Mu himself never ended up personally, Chen Mu's fans still exploded.

The way to fight back is very simple. A big fan of Chen Mu made a 1-minute edited video.

Everything from Chen Mu’s debut to the end of the World Championship.

At the beginning of the story, RNG lost two games in a row in the MSI Mid-Season Invitational and was about to be unable to hold on.

At this time, a strange and handsome face appeared on the stage for the first time, but it shocked the beginning of the whole summer.
When Chen Mu was entrusted with the task of defeating the defeated army, he was ordered to save the building from falling in danger, let the two chase the three, and complete the impossible miracle.

This is also the first time that Uzi has won his first world championship.

Then in the blink of an eye, the rising sun shrouded the entire Summoner's Canyon like the scorching sun in the sky.

In the intercontinental competition, the invincible figure single-handedly defeated four teams in the LCK division, leaving an indelible impression on the world's audience.
Uzi also stood on the podium
The Asian Games exhibition match was a one-sided massacre, leading the Chinese team to sweep all opponents with an invincible attitude.
Uzi also won the Asian Games gold medal.
In the S8 World Championship, Chen Mu was still the invincible God of War. It was completely his own personal show. In the end, Chen Mu was bathed in the golden rain and the moment he lifted the trophy became eternal.

But on the podium, Uzi was nowhere to be seen.
An edited video of more than one minute was first posted on the forum, but was quickly forwarded crazily on Tieba and Douyin.

This video is so essential~
One side highlights every bit of Chen Mu. From the very beginning of his debut to the moment of winning the World Championship, all of Chen Mu’s wonderful moments are edited in.

At the same time, on the other hand, it was pointed out that without Chen Mu, where would your Uzi champions come from? !
Have you forgotten how Chen Mu led you in the MSI mid-season, intercontinental competition and Asian Games? !Without Chen Mu, if you look at the World Championship, he will instantly reveal his true colors and become the number one player in the world.

The meaning is very obvious.

When the tide goes out, do you know who is swimming naked? !
As soon as this video was circulated, voting for this annual awards directly became a hot search topic.

Countless people have joined this battle of who is the C position? !

The whirlpool on the Internet is also getting bigger and bigger.

"Damn it, this RNG is so cool?!"

"RNG is so shameless. What's wrong with robbing it? It's Chen Mu's!"

"RNM refunds the money. If Tencent dares to choose Uzi, you can refund all the skins I paid for for a year. I am a minor~"

"What's wrong with Uzi?! What's wrong with RNG?! The last hope of the All-China class!"

"I'm begging you, don't mention the all-China class again, don't you think it's embarrassing?! The top eight in the fearless bath, or the sword is aimed at S9?!"

"Chen Mu, YYDS!"

"Chen Mu is the number one player in the world this year, even if Faker comes, he won't accept any spots!"

"Chen Mu has the world championship, what do you, Uzi, have?!"


Chen Mu’s fans are fully aggressive
As if Chen Mu's votes were suddenly taken on steroids, they began to rise rapidly, instantly pushing Chen Mu's votes to a new level and once again widening the distance between him and Uzi.

Seeing that the commotion was too big, the puppy finally posted a Weibo message directly.

The general meaning is to give up the campaign for the most popular personal contestant event at the annual awards ceremony and directly give up the quota.

He and Chen Mu have a very good relationship in private. Participating in the annual awards ceremony was originally a good thing and a kind of recognition for the players, but if it continues, it may have the opposite effect and cause self-humiliation.

However, this Weibo was posted by Puppy on his own personal Weibo and was not approved by RNG management.

As soon as Uzi posted it on Weibo.


Another cup disappeared from Bai Xing's desk, and there was another ball of broken glass on the ground.

"CNMD, Uzi, you beep beep beep beep."

"Why did I spend so many resources? It wasn't for you, but you ended up not living up to your expectations!"

"Flying dance, it's all flying~"

Chen Mu's fans of strength, performance, husband, etc. were overjoyed, as if they had won a big victory, but it also seemed that the entire RNG club mobilized collectively and used all their resources to help Uzi.

But Chen Mu was alone here and did not use any IG resources.

But in the end, this veteran LPL player competed head-on for popularity and was crushed by Chen Mu.

No, to be precise, it was Chen Mu who was crushed by the popularity of an old top-level club. The meaning of this should not be too great. In the future, he would have to be avoided in all marketing efforts.

Seeing this, Chen Mu helplessly shook his head.

Intentionally planting flowers will not bloom, inadvertently planting willows and willows!

He really doesn’t want to compete for the so-called most popular player in the annual LOL awards ceremony. E-sports is about strength. As long as he can keep winning, it is the key to long-term success.

What's more, he is already in the limelight, so it doesn't make any sense to win the most popular player. He seems to have crushed RNG, but he has also become the target of all clubs.

The cake is so big, you can eat it all by yourself, that’s pretty cool~
However, this is also the sentiment of Chen Mu's fans. Since fans support him so much, Chen Mu naturally cannot let down the fans' expectations.

This year's 18 LPL Annual Awards Ceremony will be held in Xi'an. After the list has been finalized, Tengjing has arranged for Chen Mu's travel and accommodation in Xi'an.

Now Chen Mu is walking alone. Without the arrangement of the club, he can't invite the most popular player of the year and then let him buy his own ticket!
If Tengjing can do this kind of thing, LPL fans can really blow up the Penguin Building~
Time soon came to the opening day of the annual grand ceremony. Chen Mu simply packed up and got into the car sent by LPL Tengjing to pick him up.

Now that Chen Mu no longer belongs to the IG club, it is impossible to be picked up by the IG club's car, and it is impossible for Chen Mu, the biggest player in the LPL, to take a taxi to the annual ceremony.

So LPL Tengjing had to pick him up and drop him off in person.

Since the annual grand ceremony was successfully held at Xi'an Qujiang International Convention and Exhibition Center, it also meant to cooperate with the promotion of WE's new main venue in Xi'an.

In the past few days, all domestic LPL players, commentators, hosts and clubs, as well as many live broadcasters in the circle, will gather here. It is the largest and most complete party at the end of the year.Chen Mu has never announced his next team, and he cannot use the name of his previous team, so whether it is an All-Star event or an annual event, he will participate in his own name.

Walking into the backstage of Xi'an Qujiang International Convention and Exhibition Center, some clubs have already arrived. Compared to Chen Mu alone, other clubs have ten or twenty people gathered together.

"Brother Mu, Brother Mu, this way, this way."

Chen Mu looked from the side and saw that Ah Shui was waving to him. People from the IG Club had just arrived at the backstage lobby.

"Damn, he's so handsome~" Looking at Chen Mu's suit, Wang Shicong was a little unconvinced, but he had to admit it.

"Brother Mu, I really miss you!"

"Brother Mu, I miss you so much~" Others also greeted Chen Mu enthusiastically.

"Brother Mu, have you found the team? Come back if you can't, we can't live without you!" Prince Ning also smiled and hugged Chen Mu.

Chen Mu also laughed, but he couldn't help laughing in his heart.

"If I stay in the team, you will be unemployed!"

There is no limit on the number of people attending the LPL's annual awards ceremony this time, and IG even brought many members of the second team or youth training over to see the world.

However, the eyes of these young youth training players looking at Chen Mu were filled with envy.

We are all quasi-professional players for the first time, so we naturally understand Chen Mu’s strength and status best. Especially after the past six months of proven performance and the final crowning of the FMVP champion, he is no longer on the same level as them in every aspect.

Chen Mu has not changed much. Although he is a little older, one is born in the 90s and the other is born in the 00s. They are not from the same era.

But in terms of mentality, Chen Mu lowered his attitude even more.

In addition, these youth training players usually see each other in the IG club base, so they can be regarded as acquaintances by name.

So Chen Mu still greeted everyone.

"Chen Mu, long time no see!" An obviously feminine voice came from behind.

Chen Mu looked back and saw that EDG's team had arrived. Ai Dezhu, Abu, the factory director, Meiko, etc. were also a large group of people.

Abu, Meiko and Chen Mu all belong to the Asian Games exhibition team. They have almost lived together for more than a month and have become very familiar with each other. As the factory director is one of the team's coaching staff, Chen Mu also calls the factory director 777.

Although Ed Zhu and Chen Mu, the bosses of EDG, were not familiar with each other, they took the initiative to talk to Chen Mu.

This year EDG originally planned to spend a lot of money to acquire Chen Mu, but during the transfer period, the club suddenly changed its plan and could only give Chen Mu a symbolic contract offer.

This also makes Ed Zhu very sorry!
But just because we don’t have a chance this year doesn’t mean there won’t be opportunities in the future.

Anyway, Chen Mu's contract has not been finalized yet, so Ai Dezhu still took the initiative to show his kindness.

The next moment, Ai Dezhu and Chen Mu didn't say a few words.

"Chen Mu, did you arrive so early?!"

Chunli, the culprit of the Knife Girl, also arrived backstage with a crowd of people.

However, FPX, an emerging team with not outstanding results and little reputation, is a bit weak when facing the two traditional e-sports giants IG and EDG.

But when she thought about it, she had a very pleasant conversation with Chen Mu during this period, and some team building plans were progressing steadily. Chunli felt much more confident.

Although he is not tall, he always feels that Gao Wang is tearing Cong and Ai Dezhu~
After the three teams IG, EDG and FPX arrived, they all greeted Chen Mu warmly, but this was just the beginning.

How could the remaining teams not take action when they saw this? !
The next second, the team owners, managers, and head coaches of more than a dozen teams, whoever they could talk to, all gathered in front of Chen Mu, chatting with each other if they had anything to say, and they looked familiar.

What if Chen Mu joins his team one day? !

Many people here are idols in the eyes of outside fans, but here they are just ordinary young people.

Professional players, hosts, commentators, and streamers from all over the LPL gathered here to prepare for this gluttonous feast.

Everyone also followed the arrangements and went to various rooms to wait for the makeup artists to arrive. This time the LPL official held a grand ceremony and spent a lot of money to hire a team of professional stylists and sent them to various clubs to prepare.

After a year of development and championships this year, the LPL has reached its peak. The popularity is no longer what it used to be. Countless capitals that entered the market at a later stage in previous lives have already made plans to enter the e-sports industry. Even if they cannot win a spot in the LPL for a while, You can also start with LDL and gain experience first.

This year is already recognized as the first year of e-sports! !
Therefore, starting from S9 next year, the competition in LPL will only become more and more intense. With capital, there will be no shortage of funds to hold this year's LPL annual ceremony. The officials are also determined to make e-sports visible to the outside world. new ambience.

Therefore, this celebration included a red carpet, and the officials specially assigned a small team to Chen Mu to be responsible for his image.

If it were in the past, when it comes to playing games and e-sports, the first thing that comes to mind is the classic image of spicy hotpot.

Things like Shenchao's suit on the red carpet are an exception. His suit on the red carpet has been ridiculed by netizens for two or three years.

But this year, all the e-sports players in the hall were wearing suits and leather shoes.

A good image is still very important for the promotion of the overall industry~
However, Chen Mu's appearance is so good that he doesn't need too much attention. Moreover, as an e-sports player, he has to stay up late and face the screen all day long, but the quality of his skin is still good.

The makeup artist was useless, and there was nothing wrong with his clothes. She just simply did his hair again.

A Hong Kong-style side back highlights Chen Mu's masculine and handsome look.

Time soon arrived at the opening ceremony of the grand ceremony, and the first thing was to walk on the red carpet.

Teng Jing arranged the best time period for Chen Mu.

Chen Mu stepped out of the luxury car picked up by Teng Jing. Chen Mu was dressed very simply today, but it did not affect his appearance and temperament at all.

He is 1.8 meters tall, wearing a well-fitting dark suit and a purple tie. He has a fair face but a very masculine temperament.


"giegie is so handsome!!"

"Chen Mu Chen Mu, I want to give birth to a monkey for you~"

"Ah ah ah, I can't, I can't, I'm going to faint!"

When Chen Mu got out of the car, the female fans around him were a little dizzy~
(End of this chapter)

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