LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 335: Reaching the Peak, Chen Mu

Chapter 335: Reaching the Peak, Chen Mu
On December 12, the 1 League of Legends Annual Awards Ceremony was held grandly in Xi'an. A total of 2018 awards were presented at this awards ceremony.

Among them, the two awards of "Most Popular Player of the Year" and "Most Popular Event Commentator of the Year" are voted for by players.The remaining awards are based on the performance of the competition throughout the year (professional leagues, intercontinental competitions, MSI and finals). The nominees are scored and selected by industry media and practitioners, and are finally announced at the annual awards ceremony based on the scores.

The red carpet process went quickly.

If you talk to these e-sports players about games, they can talk clearly and logically, but when you talk about walking on the red carpet.

That would be a bit embarrassing~
Although everyone put on straight suits and shiny leather shoes, everyone still walked awkwardly on the red carpet.

But there is one exception, Chen Mu~
Some people walk awkwardly, some shyly walk with their heads down, some are as fat as a mountain, and some are as thin as a pole.
Only Chen Mu's appearance is always online and he is the most beautiful kid on the red carpet.

And wherever Chen Mu went, the screams spread, and even some of Chen Mu's female fans screamed until they almost fainted.

At the same time, Tencent also started to build momentum on the Internet. Various backstage photos that had just been taken were uploaded to the Internet. The hot searches for the annual ceremony quickly climbed to the top. It is difficult to imagine whether it would be popular with hundreds of professional players gathered together. .

The process of walking the red carpet goes very quickly. It won't be like the red carpet in the entertainment industry where everyone stays on the red carpet. Moreover, it's really cold outside. It's freezing in Xi'an in December.

The boys are okay, at least they have suit jackets and clothes underneath, but the girls are different, a dress is very beautiful.

After entering the infield, everyone felt a sense of warmth.

Compared with the outside, the infield layout is very gorgeous and exquisite, and the seats in the back row are reserved for some LPL fans.

The first row is for some of the official leaders of Tengjing, or the big bosses of brands in the LPL region. Big bosses of some clubs also came to the scene today. People like Ed, Zhu Baixing, Wang, Principal Chunli and others are arranged in the first row. , and some of the invited important guests also sat in the first row.

By the way, Chen Mu was also sitting in the front row, sitting with all the big bosses.

The second row is for the seats of the old and traditional giants in the LPL division.

This year’s championship team IG’s seats are arranged in the second row, and RNG and EDG also have some seats in the second row.

The seats in the back are also arranged according to team performance and popularity.

After waiting for a while, the infield was filled one after another, and the awards ceremony officially began. As the live broadcast started, viewers on all major live broadcast platforms could see the seats of hundreds of contestants.

Ren Dong and Yu Shuang, the two leading LPL hosts, looked at the camera with smiles on their faces.

"Hi everyone, welcome to watch the League of Legends 2018 Annual Ceremony, I am the host Ren Dong!"

"I'm the host, Yu Shuang."

"Welcome everyone to the 2018 League of Legends Annual Ceremony, we meet again."

Then the two started chatting awkwardly to ease the atmosphere: "It was really cold outside just now."

Ren Dong: "Yes! Although the scene is a bit cold, today our annual ceremony has indeed risen to a new level. Previous annual ceremonies were often combined with some events, but this time we are very pure. Now There are still 5 minutes left before the start, so let’s watch a promotional video of this year’s League of Legends review.”

A reversing clock lights up on the electronic screen to represent the passage of time.

——This is a brand new departure (spring split)
The picture shows the scene of RNG winning the Spring Split.

——Let two chase three and create a miracle (MSI mid-season)
In the picture, Chen Mu single-handedly turned the tide and won the MSI Mid-Season Championship.

——Sincere cooperation and concerted efforts all the way (intercontinental competition)
Miller's highly recognizable voice rang out: "We are the champions!! The LPL is awesome!"

——There is a spirit called never giving up (summer game)
On the screen is a clip of RNG winning the championship. Uzi won his first summer championship.

"Climb this mountain and the world will hear your name!" I remember the famous scene.

——Under the golden rain, Chen Mu’s divine status is stable (Global Finals)
What followed was a collection of exciting matches in the LPL division throughout the year.

However, it is said to be a collection of exciting matches in the LPL division, but in fact it is almost a collection of Chen Mu's personal famous scenes.

A one-on-one sword demon from the gods.

The swordswoman's gorgeous dance moves.

The finals flashed forward, killing Vayne five times in the game.

Jess takes the art of pulling to the extreme.
There are many famous scenes
"IG successfully climbed over the mountain, and everyone heard their story. Drinking ice for eight years can't cool your blood! We are the champions! We are the champions again!" I remember a voice with a bit of a Bayan accent sounded in the video


After the video was finished, the contestants in the audience began to applaud, some for themselves and others.

Yu Shuang sighed: "It's really an honor. We have personally participated in most of these battles, especially IG's championship, which is still vivid in our minds. It is really, really an honor. I believe that most of the audience is with us. I feel the same way.”

Ren Dong: "Okay, the 2018 League of Legends Heroes Respect Heroes Annual Ceremony is now officially underway!"

"Thank you! Thank you everyone. This year is a very important year for the LPL. We won the key to the MSI mid-season. We were the intercontinental championship. We were the gold medal in the Asian Games exhibition. We finally won the first championship in the history of the LPL. champion!"

"We have gained a lot this year, and it would not be possible without the hard work of everyone present, and of course it would not be possible without the new blood that joins the LPL family every year."

"The newcomer award is usually the first award to be awarded in the awards ceremony. Everything starts again. Then the two guests we presented this award are Feng Xiao, the Chinese brand leader of Tencent Mutual Entertainment League of Legends, and the fist live broadcast team. Zhao Mingyu!"

"Okay, let's see who our Rookie of the Year candidates are."

After the opening remarks, the first award was officially announced.

Then a picture appeared on the big screen on the stage, "The candidates for the Rookie of the Year are: Yagao, Haro, Jackeylove, Zoom, Xx!"

Zhao Mingyu came to the stage: "I announce that the player who won the best rookie in 2018 is! IG E-sports Club! Yu Wenbo!"

"He has amazing talent, strong laning, and full of energy; he also has an infinite desire to win, is sharp in team battles, and dares to fight!" The award speech on the big screen behind him was an exciting male voice.

"Two years of hard work, hard training in the spring and summer leagues, young people with big hearts; the unfulfilled promises of the predecessors, and when the future generations realize their ambitions, they will reach the top when they debut!"


Ah Shui stood up and walked onto the stage calmly, trying his best to steady his steps, but he still couldn't hide the joy in his heart.

Alas, everyone only gets one chance for Rookie of the Year, so who doesn’t want it?
In fact, before coming here, LPL basically agreed with them on what kind of awards they could win, and they would not make any sudden attacks.

The cultural level of the professional players here is not very high. They must at least have someone prepare an acceptance speech or something. Otherwise, after the award is presented, someone else comes on stage and hesitates to say a word. Wouldn't it be embarrassing? Everything is broadcast live here!
But when he came to the scene, Ah Shui, who was only 18 years old, was still very nervous.

"Hey! This is the champion of the s tournament!"

Under the stage, there were many second team members or youth training players looking at Ah Shui with envy in their hearts.

Principal Wang also clapped his hands and applauded with a smile on his face. Chen Mu has left the team, and Ah Shui has become IG’s team favorite. "Let our two presenters present the trophies to our rookies today!"

The two handed the glittering golden figure to Ah Shui, said a few polite words and then left the stage, leaving the stage to Ah Shui.

Yu Shuang: "Congratulations to Ah Shui for winning the Best Rookie Award today. I wonder what you want to say?"

"Um~Thank you for your support and encouragement~"


"Finally, I sincerely thank Brother Mu for giving us so much help!"

Ah Shui gave Chen Mu a final nod, and Chen Mu also smiled in response to Ah Shui's thanks.

In fact, the LPL League originally planned to give him the Rookie Award to Chen Mu. At that time, Chen Mu's name was added to the list of candidates.

Although Chen Mu signed in the LPL last year, he only made his official debut this year, so he can be considered a rookie this year.

But doesn't this mean that the general is awarded to Chen Mu? With Chen Mu on the list, who would choose Ah Shui? !
So when I first communicated with Chen Mu, I was rejected by Chen Mu. There were several important awards later, and Chen Mu was on the candidate list, so there was no need to eat all the cake.

The second awards started soon, and the Best Rookie Commentator award was awarded to Eleven.

The three best foreign players of the year, Rookie, Scout, and Doinb, chose the broiler. It would be unreasonable not to award the best foreign player after winning the championship.

Next, miscellaneous awards such as the best data analysis support of the year, the most popular commentator of the year, the most improved club of the year, the club marketing case award of the year, the club management award of the year, and the best manager of the year were all awarded.

But then it was time to award several important awards, and it was also Chen Mu’s home time.

Industry Breakthrough Contribution Award, winner: Jakarta LOL Asian Games Team.

This can be said to be an award specially established for the Asian Games team. After all, it has a great impact on the e-sports industry.

2018 Jakarta Palembang Asian Games Chinese Team and Support Team:
Head Coach: Ji Xing
Players: Chen Mu, Liu Shiyu, Su Hanwei, Jian Aoyao, Shi Senming, Tian Tian

Co-chief consultants: Sun Dayong Kezman, Li Guanjiong Heart
Data strategy consultants: (PentaQ team) Li Xiang, Zheng Hao, Liu Peng, Zhou Guoji, Li Bolun, Li Yong

The Chinese team is not just a few players on the stage, but a huge team behind it, but it was two party members, Abu and Chen Mu, who finally took the stage to receive the award.

The carefully written award speeches on the big screen were also played along with the VCR.

"In the August night sky in Jakarta, the national anthem is played and the national flag is raised. This time - for all summoners, for the League of Legends.

The prefix of their ID, the jersey behind them: CHINA.

The process of first suppressing and then rising, a state of becoming more courageous with each battle.In the decisive battle, we must be upright and surprisingly strong.Youth is a tribute to serve the country at this time.

They wrote the first page of a new history for League of Legends eSports’ debut in the Asian Games. "

Moving on to the next award.
"The next thing that needs to be awarded is the best top laner of the year. Who is he?!"

"IG, Chen Mu!!"

Hearing Ren Dong's voice, Chen Mu, who had just stepped off the stage, straightened his clothes and walked to the center of the stage again.

Last time it was a team award, this time it's an individual award.

A pair of black jewel-like pupils were as dazzling as if they were filled with stars. It was just a simple smile, so dazzling and brilliant.

The female fans in the back row of the awards ceremony immediately burst into the loudest screams.

"Chen Mu, Chen Mu!!"



Chen Mu also simply thanked everyone and then stepped down.

Best jungler of the year

Best mid laner of the year

Awards are ongoing.

For the annual MVP award, Chen Mu stood out from five candidates again.

This award is nothing that the judges need to consider. There may be competitors for other awards, but compared to MVP, who has more awards than Chen Mu? !
Chen Mu is the FMVP of the MSI Mid-Season Tournament, the FMVP of the Intercontinental Tournament, the national player in the Asian Games exhibition games, and the FMVP of the S8 Finals. Who else can the MVP of the year be given to him if it is not given to him? !
It would not be a good thing to give this award to anyone except Chen Mu. He might be called a "thief" immediately!
Finally, and the most important award, the most popular player of the year.

"The following award was voted by thousands of players and countless judges, and it is also the award with the highest gold content this year. Let us ask the general manager of LPL to announce to us the winner of the Most Popular Player Award of the Year!"

Since everyone already knew who would win the award from the beginning, the cheers and screams of the fans off the stage never stopped.

"Ah ah ah Chen Mu!"

"The faun!"

"I love you!"

Not only the fans cheered, but the players and the bosses behind the scenes also began to applaud. This award was voted for by everyone, so there was no suspense at all.

The previous award guests were all leaders from the LPL league, but when it was the turn of the most popular player award, it was the person in charge of Riot Games headquarters.

Although Ryze and Barbarian King were not present in person, a member of the management team was present.

"The most popular player of the year, Chen Mu!"

"His existence pushes the limits beyond the limits, and logic is no longer logical."

The general awards are only played by VCR, but when it comes to the most popular contestant award, the two hosts Ren Dong and Yu Shuang suddenly improvised and improvised a section before the VCR played.

"He is the enemy's nightmare and our own trump card. He brings the perfect operations and dream team battles that people imagine into reality, and the balance of victory is tilted because of him!"

"Summoners are convinced that his emergence has changed the history of top laners around the world in one fell swoop. They also firmly believe that his climbing will never stop like this, and his weapons will never rust!"

"Climb to the top, Chen Mu!!"

(End of this chapter)

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