LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 336 All-Star Game

With the announcement of Chen Mu's name, the entire awards ceremony hall was in a state of excitement.

Chen Mu's VCR also started playing on the big screen on the stage.

He has a gentle and gentle temperament and a masterful operation.

He is fierce in the lane and takes the lead in team battles.

He is an expert who knows how to attack, he is the top damage-dealing player in the LPL, and his solo kill ability is the best among all the others;

He is the pinnacle of the IG Galaxy Battleship, the god who can kill every ten steps in the World Championship, and his support is unparalleled;
He has been tempered by the LPL and grown up, and he has reached the top of the world with the new IG army!
Summoners bestowed upon him the trophy of the most popular player.

I love his elegance, restraint, and personable demeanor.

Summoners thanked him for his devoted performance in the most peak battle.

If the horse and sword are there alone, why is it so difficult to find something in the bag?

He is reaching the pinnacle, Chen Mu!

Once the VCR playback ends.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

“Mubao is awesome!
"Chen Mu, I love you!"

"Ah ah ah, hubby, hubby~"

Logically speaking, this kind of award ceremony should not be kept absolutely quiet, but it should not be too noisy.

But Chen Munu's fans sitting in the back row couldn't contain their excitement.

Chen Mu listened happily in the audience. There was a saying that when an official praised someone, he was really good at licking it. The copywriting for this year's award ceremony can be said to be worth a million copies.

Just Chen Mu's copywriting alone had four or five items prepared.It is full of details, and a layman would have to ask what kind of god this is after listening to it.

Ren Dong on the stage shouted loudly: "Let us invite the most popular contestant of the year, Chen Mu! Please come on stage to receive the award~"

The camera was always locked on Chen Mu. When he heard the host's voice, Chen Mu adjusted his appearance slightly again and walked up.

"Every vote is our LPL fans' recognition of player Chen Mu. Congratulations to Chen Mu!"

"Let's hear what Chen Mu wants to say to everyone~"

Chen Mu shook hands with the award-presenting guests and walked to the microphone. He was familiar with it once and twice. In just half an hour, he had already been on stage four or five times, and he was already familiar with it.

"Hello everyone, I am Chen Mu..."

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"First of all, I would like to thank the fans, thank you for supporting me..."


Every time Chen Mu said a word, the fans under the stage would scream, and even some familiar players couldn't help but boo.

At this time, the atmosphere of the award ceremony is more in line with the atmosphere of e-sports.

Chen Mu also smiled slightly, and waited until the shouts at the scene subsided before continuing:

"This is the first time I have won the best player award. Thank you for your recognition. This award is very meaningful to me. I will continue to work hard in the future!"

"Climb to the top and reach the ultimate realm, never ending!"

As soon as the words fell, the applause on the scene was deafening. Countless bosses were heartbroken watching this scene, why are they not their own players, shit!
"it is good!"

"Okay, thank you Chen Mu, you can take a little rest, thank you!"

Chen Mu walked down, and the party came to an end. After the party was over, the official organized a dinner party and invited everyone present to participate.

It doesn't matter to big-name anchors, but some less-famous anchors or small e-sports media are simply asking for it. At the awards show, their seats are relatively far back, and it is difficult to get in touch with the celebrity players to catch up on the popularity. .

This banquet undoubtedly gave them an opportunity.

The bosses also have their own goals. With the players gathered so well this time, some transfer contracts and other contracts may be negotiated here.

Even the biggest treasure this year was sitting in the middle of the dinner, sitting with the organizers or league officials.

However, regarding this biggest treasure, major clubs seem to have received various gossips.

I had a great time chatting with FPX.

FPX has also made very big moves in the past two days, and has a scary amount of funds in hand.

After the annual ceremony, Chen Mu flew back to the Magic City from Xi'an without stopping for a moment.

For no other reason than that, the All-Star Game is about to begin.

This year’s LOL All-Star Game has been scheduled by Riot Games from December 12th to 7th in Las Vegas on the other side of the Pacific, and today is already early December.

This time's All-Star Game is also different from the previous one. Last year, the Galaxy Battleships from the division, which were voted by the division itself and unanimously recognized by the audience, came out to fight, and the confrontation was relatively high.

This year's regional competition has become less confrontational, but more interesting.

This year's All-Star event has undergone relatively large changes. In addition to retaining the 1V1 Solo competition, the contestants are also composed of professional players + popular anchors + celebrity guests.

From our LPL, in addition to the four professional players Uzi, Mlxg, Rookie and Chen Mu, we also invited Luo Yunxi, Sao Nan, Guan Zong, Rhythm, Shenchao, Ai Luoli, Yu Shuang and Zhou Shuyi, etc. Anchor or guest.

On December 12, Chen Mu and other players, anchors and guests embarked on a journey to the All-Star Game under the arrangement of Riot Games.

After all, there is still a Pacific Ocean to cross, and the time difference still needs to be adjusted when we reach the other side.

We can't let Chen Mu and others play in the All-Star Game with a black eye!

On the 7th, this All-Star event officially began.

Chen Mu took a look from a distance and saw that these guys are all acquaintances~
The LCK voted for Faker and Bang. Faker was not surprised at all, but it was unexpected that Bang, the man who beat Faker to tears, was also selected.

The direct invitation spot from the LCK division was given to Peanut.

On the North American side, Sneaky, the women's clothing tycoon, and Doublelift, the talkative king in the North American division, directly invited Licorice, who was beaten to the point of collapse by Chen Mu.

The European and American divisions are Broxah and Caps, and the LMS division is Maple and Westdoor.

The words in other competition areas are not very familiar.

European troublemaker Ah P didn’t make it this year, but it didn’t stop him from working on Twitter and working like crazy:

"God! They didn't choose me, they will definitely regret it~"

"Oh my god, Chen Mu actually came to Mai Rui Pit. Fortunately, you didn't choose me. I'm so lucky QAQ~~"

As he said that, Aite also talked about the top laners who were voted out in Europe and America.

"I wish you good luck, Brother~ God is on the other side~"

Brother Wang, the North American gossip king, also worked hard and left a message directly under Ah P's Twitter: "Oh~ I really envy you that you can sit in the audience and watch the game, but I can only work hard to play the game. You are really Makes people jealous~”

Ah P: "..."

The All-Star Game has officially begun.

On the first day, there are mainly European and American competitions, as well as entertainment competitions such as charity 2v2 tournament, extreme blitz, two-player mode, unlimited firepower, 1v1 knockout competition, etc.

Chen Mu also participated in various entertainment competitions with Luo Yunxi, Zhou Shuyi, Yu Shuang and others.

When it came to the 1V1 Men vs. Solo match, what was interesting was that Chen Mu’s opponent in the first round was Uzi.

Chen Mu is the strongest player this year, and Uzi is the solo champion of the previous two All-Star Games. I wonder if Riot Games deliberately caused trouble, and the two were lined up together in the first round.Therefore, this solo match is also full of highlights, and many netizens are squatting in the live broadcast room before it starts.

The solo competition is a blind audition, and players can also choose after discussing with each other.

Uzi naturally used the ace among his solo aces, Verus.

Chen Mu thought for a long time and took out Yasuo.

As a result, he was called upon by Uzi's Verus to doubt his life.

Chen Mu also didn’t want to use the God of the World Championship.

It is an entertainment competition in itself, and the meaning of entertainment is very strong. Others are just casually playing, but in the end, you are so serious, there is no need~
After Chen Mu lost to Uzi, Uzi scratched his head in confusion.

No way, it’s so easy to win~
He has already done all kinds of tricks against Yasuo, including seamless E, Q flash, and EQ flash to make him look like a Muggle.

Even his Verus carries a light shield, ready for a hundred solo attacks.

But unexpectedly, he defeated Chen Mu as a solo player in minutes.

Could it be that Chen Mu released the water, or the Pacific Ocean~
The barrage is also fun.


"Ah?! This?!"

"Chen Mu, come on, beat me to death for being the best in the world for boasting about JUzi~"

"This is too outrageous. Did Chen Mu let things slip on purpose?!"

"One glance is true, but it is judged to be false (squinted eyes) (squinted eyes)"

After a "cordial and friendly" interaction, the main match was held as scheduled, which was the competition in the division.

To be honest, the previous games were very easy, my mentality calmed down, and the atmosphere was very relaxed and happy.

But at this time, a question was placed in front of everyone, that is, how to form a team? !
This year's division competition is different from previous years. In previous years, the players with the most votes were selected in the five positions, which is already a complete lineup.

But this year is different. Professional players Uzi, Rookie, Mala Xiangguo and Chen Mu, and the others are anchors or commentators.

Three professional players are required, and the other two contestants are anchors.

Although Luo Yunxi, Zhou Shuyi and Yu Shuang are loved by the audience, their abilities are a bit lacking. Their abilities are at the gold and platinum level at best. Some people may only be in the silver level and just play entertainment games.

But when it comes to this kind of regional competition, in front of a group of professional players or former professional players, this group of little Karami is completely unsatisfactory. Forcing them to go up and fight at this time will not only attract fans, but also attract enemies.

Therefore, there are not many lineups to choose from in the LPL division.

As Thresh's super unique player, Rhythm has also been paired with many big-name ADCs in the LPL, so he is the perfect candidate for the auxiliary position.

Another former professional player is now the anchor Shenchao, and he is also a very popular anchor this year. The reason why he was voted to the All-Star Game is to perform the top order and send death to the veteran player Thain.

The remaining three positions are jungle, mid laner, and ADC.

But there are already corresponding professional players in this position.

In this way, Chen Mu is no longer needed.

But just let Chen Mu, the FMVP of the World Championship, just sit under the stage. No one can do such a thing? !

The final result of the discussion was that Chen Mu and Mala Xiangguo were in the jungle position for one game each.

As for the LCK division, the configuration is also very strong.

Top laner Watch is a former professional top laner, a handsome guy, jungler Peanut, mid laner Faker, ADC push stick, and support Madlife.

The third day, the last day of the All-Star Game.

The China-South Korea competition begins.

In the first game, the spicy hotpot was served.

Watch is originally a blue-collar top laner. He has retired for many years and his level has seriously declined. He was selected by the LCK audience because of his superb appearance.

Although Shenchao's level has dropped seriously, he still has a unique crocodile skill.Watch chose Sword Demon for the sake of the team.

In addition, Mala Xiangguo is no longer a human being, so he just squats on the road like a spider and cannot leave.

Crocodiles and spiders, without any awareness of gank prevention, they really can't survive~
The autistic bush that was caught directly on the road couldn't stay.

Rookie's laning strength is no less than that of Faker, and he is at the peak of his strength this year.

Brother Zaozi on the bottom road can now pick up lanterns, and his development is very stable.

Little Peanut has really become a little "brush" student.

At the All-Star Game, he was still farming, and his "Miracle Walker" was still farming~
In the end, a team from the LPL Division successfully won the first All-Star Game.

In the second game, Chen Mu replaced Mala Xiang Guo.

In the last game, Shenchao failed to get Thain, but in this game, he finally got the old driver as he wished.

This is also the reason why the LPL division voted for him, because they want to watch his death-defying Thain in the All-Stars.

In the last game, Watch chose a Sword Demon who couldn't play at the request of the team, but the result was clearly arranged by the Crocodile Spider combination.

In this round, he played a big bug, and ended up encountering Shen Chao's death flow, Thain.

In 8 minutes, as Shenchao became more and more proficient in sending death, the first tower on the road had already fallen.

At 12 minutes, the two Taga Canyon Pioneers on the top lane were completely controlled by the LPL.

15 minutes.

"toot toot"

Senior driver Thain drove his car and crashed into a tower in the middle road.

In addition, Chen Mu's Canyon Pioneer crashed into the middle, and the LCK competition area was slow to gather. The Canyon Pioneer hit three heads in a row, and one end was directly under the high tower in the middle.

In less than 10 minutes, all the outer towers in the LCK division were demolished.

In fact, Chen Mu's jungle role in this game was not that great. He was playing a pig girl, but Thain demolished the tower too quickly, and Chen Mu successfully controlled a vanguard.

There will be no more after that~
And Little Peanut is still clearing the jungle, and his "Miracle Walker" Little Peanut is still clearing the jungle~
The second game of the LPL division was also successfully won.

After the division competition is over, the All-Star Game is basically over.

In this All-Star Game, Chen Mu did not use the God of the World Championship.

In the final analysis, this kind of All-Star game is still an entertainment game, above all entertainment.

Except for the final competition in the division, Chen Mu originally wanted to use it.But these brothers were too fierce and refused to give him this chance!

The entertainment game is over.

Chen Mu, Mala Xiangguo, Uzi and others were not in a hurry to return home.Now is the official rest period, there are no games to play, and there is nothing to do when I go back.

And Chen Mu still has one important thing to do now
He made an appointment with Mala Xiangguo and Uzi to meet at a local Chinese restaurant in Chinatown.

I have nothing else to do but plan to have a good chat with Mala Xiangguo and Uzi about their contracts.

Mala Xiang Guo asked Chen Mu about this issue on WeChat before and asked him how he escaped from RNG. !Mala Xiangguo also has the idea of ​​​​running away from RNG!

Although Chen Mu explained it on WeChat, the more he explained the spicy hotpot, the more he fell into deep self-doubt!
It just so happens that Uzi is also troubled by this problem! (End of chapter)

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