LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 337 Rogue Phoenix Merge

Chapter 337 Rogue Phoenix Merge
"Chen Mu, are you here?!"

As soon as Chen Mu walked into the restaurant, Uzi and Mala Xiangguo had already arrived.

These two people seem to really want to run away from RNG. One of them has almost not started for a year, but often plays the role of the scapegoat in the game.

The other one was no longer confident in his game, and even the rising scandal of match-fixing made him fall into deep self-doubt.

Chen Mu waved to the two of them and sat down.

"What the hell, what should we brothers do?!" As soon as they came up, Mala Xiangguo couldn't wait any longer and started asking for advice.

"Uh uh."

"No solution~" Chen Mu also had a preliminary understanding of the contract between the two people. To sum up, there was no solution in two words.

Then Chen Mu began to explain to the two how the RNG contract team played.

After all, the league has regulations on the length of players' competition contracts, which generally do not exceed three years, but agency contracts have no length of time and can be three or ten years.

The competition contract between the two people in front of them is not the main thing, the most important thing is the economic contract.

If you want to make a transfer, the problem of economic contracts cannot be solved at all.

It is impossible for other clubs to only sign a player's game contract and put the economic contract, which can best reflect money and economic value, in other clubs.

Let alone spend an unacceptable price to package all players’ contracts.

This is a contradiction.

Unadjustable contradiction!

After hearing what Chen Mu said on the spot, the Mala Xiang Guo was dumbfounded.

After a moment, he slapped his thigh: "Damn it, I signed a 10-year economic contract with RNG, what should I do now?!"

Chen Mu first observed three seconds of silence.

"Damn it, I've signed it for many years." Brother Zaozi also exclaimed.

"When QG rescued me from OMG, I was really grateful. But then the QG team couldn't play BO1 in 5 minute. RNG came to me. I was really grateful. I signed the contract without even looking at it. "come down"

Chen Mu observed another three seconds of silence.

"So, your contract is really unsolvable!"

"Either there is a savior who can pack up all your contracts and take them away from RNG, just like how QG took Brother Zaozi out of OMG. But that kind of price is generally unaffordable. Currently, there is no such thing in LPL. Savior, QG has gone bankrupt."

"Otherwise, we can only wait until the contract ends. No club will tolerate a player's financial contract not being in their hands!"

"Then what if we seek help from the alliance or the government?!" Mala Xiangguo still has a hint of fantasy.

Chen Mu shook his head.

"It's useless. You signed the contract in black and white. What can the alliance do?!"

"TMD, if it doesn't work out, I and RNG will be deadlocked, so I'll just blow myself up." Spicy Xiangguo had a very explosive temper, and he was filled with anger as his blood surged.

And Chen Mu sighed and said: "If everything is broken, it means that your contract is completely blocked by RNG. If you still want to continue playing games, you have to wait until your financial contract is completely over before any club wants you. Then you’ll probably have to wait until 2024!”

It was not just the spicy hot pot that was dumbfounded, but also Uzi next to him.

In 2024, I may have children~~
"My situation is a little different from yours." Chen Mu continued.

"At that time, I only signed a one-year game contract with RNG, and the amount of my contract was very small. It was probably only a fraction of yours. Even RNG looked down on me and did not sign a financial or live broadcast contract, so when my contract expired, I You can run away at any time.”

"However, after the MSI mid-season in the middle of the year, RNG also plans to give me a large amount of tournament bonuses. The amount is huge, but it requires me to sign a supplementary contract."

"I refused without thinking. It's not worth spending my whole life just for the mid-season tournament prize money." Chen Mu told the two of them about his situation.

"Brother Feng, do you know?"

The two of them nodded numbly. Isn't Brother Feng their head coach during S7? !How could I not recognize this?

"It is said that Brother Feng signed a non-competition contract with RNG for the full-year bonus at the end of S7. Now that he has returned to Wanwan, he is also unemployed and cannot engage in LOL coaching-related careers within three years."

"You know, Tinkerbell, right?! Where is your loyal little brother Zaozi?! He also ran away from RNG and was sued by RNG for liquidated damages of 5000 million."

After hearing the example given by Chen Mu, Mala Xiangguo and Uzi were even more stunned.

"What should we do?!" The two of them just said a few words blankly.

Chen Mu also shook his head helplessly.

Just when the two of them were desperate, Chen Mu gritted his teeth and asked, "Do you two really want to run away from RNG?!"

"Why don't you wait for RNG to support me in my old age?!"

"I want to play for a few more years!" the two said firmly in unison.

Chen Mu thought for a moment and said slowly: "I have a possibility, but it may not succeed. Instead, it will get myself into trouble."

"What kind of trouble is there at this time?! Tell me, brother!" Spicy Hotpot is like seeing the dawn in despair.

"Where did Able go before the monster A?!" Chen Mu did not answer directly, but asked a sideways question.

"Able's subsequent performance was not so impressive, and the ranking in the Korean server was very worrying. It seems that he was relegated to the secondary league by RNG!" Uzi paid attention to this player.

Chen Mu nodded and said, "Yes, this is your 'role model'!"

"To sum it up, RNG is not stuck, you are valuable, RNG will naturally squeeze out the last drop of blood!"

"But you are worthless, RNG will naturally abandon you like worn out shoes!"

"If you two are bad guys and have a bad reputation, will RNG still have your contracts stuck?! By then, RNG might trade your contracts quickly!"

"Of course this is just a possibility. It's up to you how to do it."

After listening to Chen Mu's words, Mala Xiangguo and Uzi also had some enlightenment.

The "sin" he signed seems to be really unsolvable. Apart from a savior coming to get him, only RNG takes the initiative to "dump the trash"!

After a while, the two of them regained their composure. They had to live their lives no matter what. Didn't Chen Mu already provide a possibility? !
"Stop talking about us, how are you?!"

"Isn't the IG champion team doing well?! Why did you leave the team?!"

"Did these big North American investors really give you a $600 million contract?!"

Mala Xiangguo and Brother Zaozi began to ask about Chen Mu.

And Chen Mu also smiled and nodded, and kept saying nothing.

"I want to switch to jungle~"

"???????" "???????"

Malaxiangguo and Uzi had question marks on their faces. What happened today was obviously beyond their ability to accept.

"Brother, what do you think?!"

"Brother, you are almost worth a small goal in the top lane position, why do you want to switch to the jungle?" These two people really couldn't understand Chen Mu's thoughts.

Chen Mu also laughed: "I have a hunch that next year's version will change drastically. The position of the midfielder is very important, especially the jungler."

Chen Mu didn't say much, but spoke ambiguously.

What could he say? !You can’t say that you have come back from time travel and are reborn. Next year, your status as top laner will be reduced, but your status as a midfielder will be improved~
"Okay." The two of them could only force themselves to end.

Maybe this is Big Daddy’s uniqueness~~
"Then do you have any intention of joining the team?!"

"Maybe I will go to FPX. They promised to build a team with me as the core, and they have the right to make suggestions for selecting team members."

"They also agreed that I would switch to jungle!"

"Holy shit, let me tell you, FPX is spending so much money during this transfer period?!" Mala Xiang Guo complained.

While Chen Mu and others were chatting on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

On the other side of the Pacific, the domestic LPL transfer market is turbulent. As the transfer period is coming to an end, countless big deals have burst out, but the online crowd is overwhelmed.

"RWSMLZ declares its departure from the team. The contract between RW E-Sports Club ADC player SMLZ and the club has expired. After friendly negotiation and communication between the two parties, I would like to thank the first-generation Rogue Warrior Sima Laothi for his dedication and efforts this year. White horses and silver guns, chasing dreams in Kyushu, one day for Xia, practice it for life!"

Also making statements were top laner Mouse, mid laner Doinb, and jungler Xiaofu.
RW is officially disbanded!

The one with the bigger moves is naturally the wealthy FPX team.

After confirming the initial intention with Chen Mu, FPX directly began to take drastic actions.

First of all, the coach is no longer available, and White Crescent BSYY has left the team.

In general, Bai Yueya is a domestic coach who is very motivated. He likes to dig into details, but cannot lead the overall situation. He likes to win by surprise and raise the upper limit of the team, but cannot stabilize the lower limit of the team.

Sometimes it’s a bit whimsical, and sometimes it’s also “fantastic”~
Top laner Gimgoon Jin Gong debuted in OGN. After playing in Samsung Blue and KTB, he came to the LPL. After coming to the LPL, he spent most of his time in the secondary league. The LPL standard is small and transparent.

It’s cheap, stay in the team~
Jungler Papper, the original RNG substitute jungler, had no outstanding performance, and the one transferred from RNG was not as cheap as Jin Gong.

The substitute jungler Shinichi is cheap, and the second team just happens to be short of people.

Stay in line!

Mid laner Cool Stateless is also the biggest player in FPX at present. Stateless is really "stateless" now. The operation of the elderly and the awareness of the elderly have turned into an "old state".

Substitute mid laner Bing, this Bing is not Bin's soldier. He was once a high-scoring streamer. In order to pursue his dream, he joined FPX at a very low salary.

However, when I came to the professional arena, I found that it was completely different from the live broadcast. The one-handed tsar could also perform a fatal "three consecutive games", which was shown to people who doubted their life.

Although it’s cheap enough, FPX doesn’t want to keep it.

ADC Lin Weixiang LWX and assistant Liu Qingsong are a classic bottom lane combination in the LPL. They have basically been playing together since they entered the industry. They are not well-known and the price is cheap. It is difficult to find such a cost-effective bottom lane combination in the LPL. .

Stay in line!

After having sufficient exchanges and communication with Chen Mu, FPX management set its sights on the newly disbanded RW.

It's a pity when it comes to RW. When the Daimoku team was formed, they had great success.However, the performance pressure is too great, and traditional e-sports giants such as IG, EDG and RNG are firmly blocked from the world competition.

So this year there is almost a full KTV.

Top laner Mouse, mid laner Donib Big B, and ADC Sima Laothi are all unemployed.

So FPX came over with an olive branch.

Everyone was instantly moved!
After Mouse Aguang was kicked by RW, he was a little frustrated. He knew his own strength. It was okay to play as a blue-collar top laner, but if he was asked to shoulder too much responsibility for the team, he really couldn't do it. Ah~
Looking at Chen Mushen's average performance in this year's World Championship, he was overwhelmed by just watching, so he wanted to retire and try to be a commentator, which is exactly what anchors do.

But I didn't expect that FPX's contract was thrown over.

At the same time, he hinted that Chen Mu will most likely come to our FPX this year!

Aguang had an orgasm in an instant~
Oh my god, there is such a good thing. If Chen Mu went to FPX, he would most likely go to see the water dispenser, but seeing as TheShy is also a substitute, he hasn't gotten the skin yet!
Hesitating for even a second is disrespectful to Chen Mu.

The next moment, Aguang signed the contract.

Although the contract amount is not large, he is aware of his popularity, and this is the price he pays.

After SMLZ, the old thief of Sima, saw the contract offered by FPX, he signed it without even thinking.

Sometimes he really couldn't figure it out. His strength was not bad, but why did he go back as he was getting around? !
Every year the teams I go to are being relegated, and each team is not as good as the other. Although I have been in contact with other teams after leaving RW, each team is cheaper than the other.

Is he extremely depressed too? !

Is it true that you really have to smile all the time so that good luck will come naturally? !
So after getting the configuration of FPX's future lineup, he signed a big name without even thinking about it. What else should he consider in joining the team with Chen Mu? !

Look at Ah Shui, just by finishing the last hit in the world championship, he won the world championship? !

As for the FPX team, there is also an ADC Lin Weixiang, so what does it matter?The pressure is so great now that there is no need to compete for jobs anywhere.

As for the relationship between the old thief Sima and his assistant Liu Qingsong, they are actually very familiar with each other.

The stories about the old thief Sima, Liu Qingsong and the factory director in Tieba are also much older~~
So after the old thief Sima signed this word, although there was no smile on his face, his sullen heart actually wanted to laugh~
As for Mr. Doinb Big B in the middle, FPX has also been in contact with him for a long time.

In fact, if Chen Mu doesn't come to FPX, FPX also plans to win over Mr. Big B.

After chatting with Doinb, FPX management found that he is a very thoughtful player, and FPX is also a little worried about Chen Mu's desire to switch to the jungle, so there is a great need for such a unique mid laner to lead the field.

And how could Doinb refuse? !

He is also about to lose his job and cannot find a job. How can he be picky? !

In S8, he did gain some popularity in the intercontinental competition.

However, there is currently not much demand for mid laners in the 1LPL division. E-sports giants such as RNG, EDG, and IG either have well-known domestic mid laners like Xiaohu, or they have strong foreign players like this broiler and a junior.

As for a bad team like LGD, Doinb himself doesn’t want to go.

So he didn't have much choice.

Going to FPX was a smooth process.

The three core members of the RW Generation Rogue Team, "Big Hero", left the team for only a day or two before they were successfully captured by FPX.

RW and FPX successfully merged!

(End of this chapter)

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