LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 338 Contract Finalization

"Announcement on personnel changes in FPX League of Legends Division"

"Hello everyone, this is the FPX e-sports club."

"I am very happy to synchronize everyone. The FPX League of Legends branch has successfully signed a contract with Kim Tae-sang Doinb@DoinbQAQ, and FPX.Doinb is officially connected!"

"Sincerely thank Doinb players for their great trust in the FPX team. After multiple rounds of contact, a preliminary consensus has been reached. Based on mutual trust and strong willingness to cooperate, the FPX coaching staff and Doinb players finally reached an agreement after two-way evaluation and will work together. Compete in the professional arena and start a new journey."

During the evening rush hour on December 12, an official FPX Weibo account triggered the biggest news in the LPL S14 season transfer period.

There is more than one copy of this official Weibo, there are three copies in one post.

Mouse Aguang and SMLZ Han Jin also officially announced that they have officially joined FPX.

Seeing that the transfer period has reached the end, they didn't expect to get such a big deal, so they started to brag about it on FPX's official account.


"Guigui, RW Rogue and FPX Little Phoenix have merged!"

"Hey, FPX has attracted a lot of investment."

"Wuhu, take off~~"

"Damn it, the new Galaxy Battleship!"

"Sure enough, the longer the transfer period is held until the end, the bigger the deal will be."

"I don't care about any of this. I just want to know where Chen Mu is?!"

"It won't end in the end. Chen Mu will be unemployed~"

"It is said, it is said that Chen Mu is going to FPX (squinting) (squinting)"

"Zun Du Fake Du??"

"@FPX Esports Club, come out and refute the rumor!"


At the same time, FPX boss Chunli’s office.

Chun Li, Chen Mu, FPX League of Legends Division Head Yang Yan, head coach Zhan Ma, and other FPX management gathered together.

It turns out that Chen Mu just returned to the Magic City yesterday.

After the All-Star Game, Chen Mu was not in a hurry to return to China, but first chatted with Uzi and Mala Xiangguo.

Later, he was invited by Barbarian Kings Tryndamere and Ryze to visit the Riot Games headquarters.

Let’s talk about this year’s champion skins again. Chen Mu has too many choices, and many of the heroes are popular heroes with many people playing them. Riot Games wishes that all heroes would have a skin.

On the 12th, Chen Mu ended all his affairs and started to return. He only landed in the Magic City on the 13th.

The next day, the first thing Chen Mu did when he returned to the Magic City was to go to the FPX club's base to finalize the contract with FPX to join the team and other matters.

Coincidentally, as soon as Chen Mu arrived at the FPX club base, FPX had already officially announced three players to join the team.

Seeing Chen Mu appear at the FPX club base, the players within FPX instantly became climax.

"Damn it, Chen Mu~"

"Are you really coming to our FPX?!"


FPX also gave Chen Mu enough face. Club owner Chun Li and League of Legends branch manager Yang Yan came to the base gate to greet him in person.

Along the way, Chen Mu completely became a "curious baby" and was criticized by others.

However, Chen Mu also greeted him warmly. Maybe one of them was his future cooking aunt, so he couldn't offend her.

After arriving at Chunli's office and sitting down.

Chunli didn't get straight to the point: "How was it?! How was the trip to the All-Star Game?! Did you go to the Riot Games headquarters?! Tryndamere and Ryze actually have pretty good tempers."

Chunli used to be one of Riot's designers, so she naturally spent time at Riot's head office, so she exchanged a few words with Chen Mu.

Chen Mu also responded with a smile.

After chatting for a long time, they finally got to the point.

"How about Chen Mu?! We at FPX really do what we say!"

"We captured all the people you signed up for!"

Chunli said somewhat triumphantly, he was really satisfied with these people.

Even if Chen Mu didn't recommend it, he was still greedy.

Players like Mouse Aguang are not only cheap and easy to use, but also gained popularity in the 18 Intercontinental Championship. "Light's Barrage" dominated the live broadcast room in the entire LPL region for a while.

SMLZ Sima Laothi is also a very cost-effective ADC player. His reputation has always been very good and he has operational value.

Doinb has its own traffic and system. Although there was a split between the midfielder and jungler and he will leave tonight, now the jungler position is Chen Mu. If he dares to cheat Chen Mu, both the LCK and LPL competitions will be defeated. There is no room for him.

Now that RW has been disbanded, FPX listened to Chen Mu's suggestion and directly recruited RW's best talents.

"You are the only one missing now. The Galaxy Battleship will take off directly, pointing its sword at the S9!" Chunli became more and more enthusiastic as she spoke.

Chen Mu smiled and nodded in agreement: "Contract?!"


"Contract, don't you have to sign a contract?!"

Chunli was obviously stunned for a moment, then jumped up instantly: "Oh oh oh, yes, yes, the contract is there, hurry up, hurry up, get the contract!"

There was an instant uproar in the office, and then a contract with dozens of pages was handed to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu browsed it carefully and found that there was no change from the one that had been finalized before.

FPX has already sent the specific contract details to Chen Mu.

There are dozens of pages of contract terms. Chen Mu certainly doesn't understand the twists and turns of these legal terms, but he has already consulted a professional lawyer.

After there were no problems, he came to the FPX club today.

After seeing that FPX did not set any trap for him, Chen Mu casually picked up the pen on Chunli's desk and signed his name generously in full view of everyone.

Chen Mu has basically finalized all the contract details with FPX.

FPX is willing to build a team with Chen Mu as the core, FPX is willing to accept Chen Mu's switch to the jungle position, and even FPX gives Chen Mu certain rights to choose his teammates.

With this kind of treatment and status, Chen Mu has nothing to complain about.

So Chen Mu came back to sign the contract as soon as the All-Star Game ended.

Of course, Chen Mu also made some concessions.

For example, the signing fee has been reduced by part. After all, top laner Chen Mu and jungler Chen Mu are completely different things.

In the top lane position, Chen Mu has gone through countless hardships and conquered all the top laners in the world and won the FMVP of the World Championship, so he is naturally more valuable.As for the jungle position, although FPX can accept Chen Mu's willfulness, the value will naturally be compromised.

At the same time, Chen Mu also agreed to FPX. Under some special circumstances, Chen Mu also needs to start in the above single position, but sticks to the jungle.

This is also easy to understand. After all, everyone trusts and trusts Chen Mu's top laner. In certain life-and-death games, FPX still hopes that Chen Mu can stand up as a top laner and carry the overall situation.

FPX didn't expect Chen Mu to come to the base to sign the contract so happily today. Originally, they wanted to sign a jungler first. If Chen Mu doesn't come, there must be a jungler.

They fell in love with Team YM's prostitute teacher's subordinate Tian, ​​but since Chen Mu signed the contract so happily.

Forget it, if you can save some money, just save some money~
The arrival of Xiaozhenzhen and the arrival of FPX are also troublesome. If Chen Mu does not perform well, is it possible that Chen Mu will be asked to go to the water dispenser? How will the heat come about? !

Of course, the FPX management has something in mind. The future fans of the FPX team will not come to watch the game for the letters FPX, but for Chen Mu!
All in all, all in all, the moment Chen Mu signed his name.

FPX and Chen Mu are officially connected.
"YES, YES, YES, yeah yeah. Oh oh oh oh."

The first one to jump up was not Chunli or other management, but the head coach Warhorse.

Zhan Ma was the head coach of Wanwan in this year's Asian Games, but when he met Chen Mu, he was beaten to the point of losing his mind.

No matter what method is used, no matter what BP is used, no matter what lineup is used, there is no solution.

Now such a god has become his team member
The war horse was so excited for a moment that it was not allowed to take off~
At this time, others also reacted one after another, applauding and congratulating.


"Welcome Chen Mu to join the FPX family."

"If you don't understand anything in the future, just ask me."


When Chunli saw that Chen Mu successfully signed the contract, she immediately planned to book a restaurant to celebrate and announce the news to the outside world as soon as possible.

But on second thought.

The transfer period has reached its end and will be over in a few days.

Chen Mu's transfer news has been pending, but it has filled netizens with suspense.

He was obviously the FMVP of the S8 World Championship and the god of S8 throughout the year. However, there was no news after IG left the team. Isn’t it possible that Chen Mu was the only one who lost his job in the end?
Therefore, in the past few days, the outside world has been discussing where Chen Mu went.

Chunli and FPX have already signed Chen Mu, how can they not take advantage of this wave of traffic? !
So Chunli immediately changed her mind. Of course she had to continue eating, but the official announcement could be two days late.

After discussing with Chen Mu, FPX must wait until the last day of the transfer period before making a full official announcement.

This wave of popularity FPX is sure to make you crazy! !
Everyone in the office was the management or core figures of FPX, and they all promised that they would keep their mouths shut in the past two days and not talk loudly.

Later, FPX CEO Li Chun, also known as Chunli, and his party took Chen Mu to a unique high-end restaurant in Shanghai.

FPX now has strong capital and is not short of money at all.

At the dinner table, Chunli also took the initiative to introduce the club's management to Chen Mu.

However, when introducing a person, Chunli introduced them emphatically.

"Ahem, this is the person in charge of the League of Legends section of our FPX club, Yang Yan."

"You should be familiar with Chen Mu, right? The person you have had the most contact with during this period is Yang Yan."

"From now on, she will not only be the manager of the FPX League of Legends branch, but also your agent, Chen Mu." Chunli continued.

Chen Mu looked at a middle-aged woman sitting next to Chun Li. The middle-aged woman stretched out her hand with a smile on her face, and Chen Mu also extended his hand to shake her hand in a friendly manner.

"Hello, let me formally introduce myself. My name is Yang Yan. Please take good care of me in the future~"

Looking at the middle-aged strong woman in front of him, Chen Mu naturally knew.

In the FPX club, Chunli is the CEO of the entire club, but this woman is actually in charge of all matters in the League of Legends division.

Not only the daily eating and drinking, but also major events such as player signings, she is in charge.

He is also an old employee from Qujia, the parent company of FPX, and is very capable.

As for the fact that she is Chen Mu's agent, it is normal.

Although e-sports players basically do not have the concept of an agent, the value contained in Chen Mu's current economic contract is very terrifying. Some unions cannot play with it at all, and it is easy to damage Chen Mu's own image due to short-sightedness.

Just like the newly famous Factory Director and Puppy, although they have no agents, the two clubs actually have marketing teams dedicated to them to help them personally market and manage their fan groups.

And Chen Mu is a replica of the factory director and the puppy. Working alone is a thing of the past, and team marketing is the future.

And not only the FPX club attaches great importance to Chen Mu, but also Tengjing and Goose Factory attach great importance to Chen Mu.

A rising e-sports player who is as good as any top star.

Nowadays, some idol stars' houses are collapsing outside. The drug-taking and cheating teams take turns competing. Every few months, the entertainment industry is shocked when a house collapse occurs.

Penguin is also afraid that Chen Mu will have some bad habits and collapse his house.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a dedicated brokerage team for Chen Mu.

With his current level of fame, his collapse will have a huge impact on the entire LPL. This is not a matter of Chen Mu himself or a club, but will have a huge impact on the League of Legends and even e-sports.

If Chen Mu collapses, the positive image he has built with great difficulty by winning the 18 Asian Games and World Championships will be completely destroyed in an instant.

Therefore, as Yang Yan's agent, she can connect some resources with Tengjing.

"Sister Yan, I will be under your control from now on~" Chen Mu was also polite.

After all, he is the general manager of FPX, a person with the title of "Mother Yang" in the FPX League of Legends branch.

"You are really suitable for development in the entertainment industry. Fans will fall in love with you." Yang Yan also praised Chen Mu's appearance.

However, the e-sports circle is indeed moving towards the traditional sports star model, such as the former factory director and puppy.

For example, top sports leagues like the NBA, thanks to decades of hard work by event officials, have a much higher commercial value than celebrities in the entertainment industry.

Even because of the fundamental strength bonus of competitive sports, it is better than the entertainment industry in terms of competition.

This is also the model that Riot Games and all regional competition officials dream of. They have been working hard in this regard, and it is also the process of LOL alliance.

The consequence is that the rice circle has become serious.

But it’s really about traffic~
The recent support from fans and official support has made Chen Mu a little confused. Is he a traffic star or a professional player?

He still enjoys being sought after by the public, but he just doesn't want to put the cart before the horse. He is sought after because of his achievements. If he loses his achievements, everything will disappear.

So system, let me see where your limits are~~
"Um, Chen Mu, my daughter is a fan of yours, and so am I~ Can you sign two autographs for me?"

Yang Yan, who had looked like a strong woman just now, suddenly said a little embarrassed.

While Chen Mu was deep in thought, Yang Yan brought Chen Mu back to reality with one word.

Looking at the photo that was handed over and signing on the back, Chen Mu couldn't help but fall into deep thought again.

Is such a young boy just playing games? !

Is it you who wants the autograph or your daughter’s autograph? ! (End of chapter)

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