LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 340 Little Phoenixes Gather

Chapter 340 Little Phoenixes Gather

On December 12, the weather was getting colder and colder.

The transfer period ended yesterday, but Chen Mu had already started moving large and small bags the day after the transfer period ended.

Some of the new FPX players have moved to the club base immediately, and he is not the fastest.

Chen Mu's luggage is not too much, just some clothes, daily necessities and daily necessities. The bed FPX base has prepared the latest ones.

The FPX club base is located in a quiet villa complex in Pudong. FPX rented two villas here, one for the training of the League of Legends branch, and the other for the training and offices of other branches.

By the time Chen Mu walked into the FPX base dragging large and small bags, Yang Yan had been waiting at the entrance of the base for a long time.

When she saw Chen Mu, she almost smiled crookedly. She didn't look like a leader at all.

This is her biggest harvest this year, her biggest treasure, but she can't give it to her. What's wrong with waiting at the door?
"Are you cold?"

"It's not cold."

"Will it be a little hot?"

"It's okay~"

"Then you must be hungry!"

"Uh-huh, I'm not hungry~"

"Quick, quick, give me a hand~" Yang Yan directed the logistics staff next to her to help Chen Mu.

"Okay, thank you~"

Originally, she wanted to find someone to help Chen Mu handle all the moving matters, but Chen Mu had to fend for himself.

However, Chen Mu’s luggage is not heavy, and one or two people can easily carry it.

Yang Yan and a few helpers helped Chen Mu put the luggage in the bedroom.

The bedroom that the FPX Club arranged for Chen Mu was a single room, approximately nearly twenty square meters.

The contract is already tens of millions, so there is really no need to arrange another room for two people for Chen Mu.

Basically all the furniture and beds in the bedroom are complete, so you can move in with your bag.

"Yang Ma" helped Chen Mu make arrangements for every detail, and then she went about his business.

She has a lot on her plate.

FPX operations officially announced the successful connection between FPX and Chen Mu yesterday, and countless FPX fans who have been with it for ten years came uninvited and rushed to tell each other.

Even though Tengjing and the Alliance suppressed their nausea, they still had to cooperate with the people from Qujia.

Because this is Chen Mu, currently the person with the largest traffic in League of Legends and even e-sports.

Wherever he goes, there is focus and hot searches! !

The FPX club also directly launched marketing activities, such as Weibo lottery celebrations and joint activities.
It also attracted countless melon-eating netizens in the LPL division to the FPX club’s official account.

This is the charm of Chen Mu.

Originally, these people were completely incompatible with FPX. If it weren't for Chen Mu, these people might not have even glanced at FPX's Weibo until FPX was disbanded.

But now we look at the breaking news of Chen Mu’s transfer, coupled with FPX’s series of marketing activities.

Some of these people will also be converted into traffic for the FPX club and even the parent company of FunPlus.

The FPX club has secretly added some private goods and started marketing its parent company Qujia~
Chun Li, who was sitting in the office, was almost laughing.

Not to mention the terrifying traffic and topic discussions caused by the marketing activities, just because Chen Mu fell into love and fell into the little phoenix, the moment the dust settled, long-awaited investors came one after another and presented various endorsement contracts.

After IG won the championship, the originally empty team uniforms were covered with trademarks within a month.

Although the current FPX team uniform design is very good-looking, with a bright red uniform and a flying phoenix logo, it is a pity.
Unfortunately, except for two or three fixed partners, there are not many trademarks.

Now this full sense of happiness is coming to FPX~
Although most of them are just Chen Mu, he will also have the FPX logo when shooting!

There are also many sports brands and electronic product endorsements for the whole team, and everyone makes a lot of money.

Doinb and others are also a little stunned. This handsome guy is really a golden boy. He hasn't even shown up yet, but just being next to him has already made them a small fortune~
It is one thing for Doinb to come to FPX to pursue results, but on the other hand, he also needs to transform.

Originally, he was planning to retire and become an anchor, but when the FPX contract was placed in front of him, he was instantly moved and signed without hesitation.

But it doesn't mean that he has to give up his live broadcast career. To succeed in his live broadcast career, traffic is essential.

From this point of view, for him, S9 is simply a bad start.

As for Chen Mu switching to jungle? !

It’s a joke, just sprinkle it with water!
Usually the jungler acts as a dog to the mid laner, but in his case, it's not impossible to act like a dog to the jungler.

Anyway, being a dog for other people is still a dog~
Two days after Chen Mu moved to the club, basically all the new FPX players had arrived, and the old players also left the game and moved out of the base.

Looking at the e-sports arena where only new people are smiling and old people are not crying, although it is cruel, it is also very realistic.

It’s not just e-sports, it’s like this everywhere, and it’s even more cruel than this.

At least this is just a lonely exit, other places might step on you.

In the final analysis, the foundation of everything is performance.

If you have achievements, you will naturally be held in the palm of your hand, but if you have no achievements, it would not be surprising to abandon you like a pair of worn shoes.

Although Cool Wu State and others are famous, they have no achievements to rely on.

If Faker retires one day, do you think SKT would dare to treat Faker like this? !Not afraid of LCK fans skinning them alive.

As all the FPX players arrived, Chunli and Yang Yan held a small banquet in the club to welcome them.

The remaining members of the team, Jin Gong, Liu Qingsong, and Lin Weixiang, also took their leave early and returned to the club early.

The FPX team was in the first round of the S8 Summer Split playoffs and had a holiday as early as September.

The team will undergo a major overhaul next year, and they will return to the club early even if they can still sit still.

The banquet was not fancy, but very simple.

It’s just that the FPX chef prepared a table full of specialty dishes, which can be regarded as a welcome refreshment for the newcomers.

At the banquet, all FPX members gathered.

Not only are all the official starting players, but also the coaching staff, key management and analysts.

In addition to the familiar Chunli, Yang Yan, and Zhan Ma.

There is also a girl, Yaqi.

He is also a senior analyst of FPX.

You may be underestimating this person. He is a top-notch data analyst who returned from overseas. He graduated from Duke University in the United States. After graduation, he joined Riot Games and then returned to Tencent.

Later, he was invited by FPX Club CEO Li Chun to join FPX as an analyst.

Born in a serious major.After a dinner, we exchanged greetings with each other, and basically everyone became familiar with each other.

Especially with Doinb, a funny monkey, who is enlivening the atmosphere. Even though we are all new friends, it is not too embarrassing.

If Rookie's speaking is an authentic Level [-] XJ dialect, then Doinb's speaking is close to Mandarin.

There is no communication barrier at all, and it can actually promote communication among the team.

This is the benefit of Doinb, at least on the surface, he will maintain a good team atmosphere.

If Xiaotian comes, maybe everyone will be at the dinner table.

As for whether Doinb dares to play another scenario where the middle and jungle break up and the relationship is broken.

The current LPL is not the LPL of the S6 era. If he plays the same script again, he will really end up in the LPL competition.

Then not only the LCK division will not be able to accommodate him, but the LPL division will also not be able to accommodate him.

What's more, Doinb is not the only one who is active in the atmosphere. Don't forget, there is also Mouse Aguang in the team~
This is the child of light~
Those who love to laugh will never have bad luck. Yishouguang's bright smile directly affects the whole team.

Jin Gong, another player on the top lane, looks fierce but is actually an honest person and is undoubtedly the pressure-resistant player in the team.

Being able to completely sacrifice oneself, stand on the second tower on the top lane and hang up for 3 minutes, just to buy enough opportunities and time for teammates, is a treasure for any team.

You must know that let alone a formal game, it is just a qualifying match. If you are a top laner and can't smell the enemy lines for 3 minutes, it will be like standing in front of the second tower and watching the enemy lines go by one after another as if you are in prison. It will collapse.

Not to mention it is still a much-anticipated game. If it were Yuyu, he might not be able to log into the game for three days.

Chen Mu only wanted to say one thing to this kind of person.

"Dear prison chief, hello!"

ADC Lin Weixiang LWX is also very smart.

As for Liu Qingsong and Sima Laojie, they are two men and women. Although they became teammates for the first time, they are also old acquaintances.

Both of them were well-deserved bar stars in Tieba at that time. During the period when they were the second best in Tieba, they left an indelible "black history" in Tieba~
If the factory director's ID of "Ming Lian," was a beginning, then Liu Qingsong's "tearing the wound," and becoming the name of "Tear Shao" can be regarded as a perfect inheritance of the factory director's second love.

Then Sima Laothi is another way to become famous. He became a bar star in the black WE bar. Later, he made his debut because of the saying "you do what you do, you go up" and became one of the LPL's relegation emperors.

Chen Mu, on the other hand, does not have the upper body to be a world champion, so he is naturally an easy-going person, even a bit funny.

After a simple banquet, everyone became familiar with each other and got along harmoniously.

The next day, other teams were still off-season.

FPX simply held a small meeting to reorganize and finalize the work plan for the S9 Spring Split.

The Spring Split of the LPL Division will start the regular season on January 2019, 1, and will end on April 14 according to the schedule. There will be a Spring Festival holiday in the middle, which will last nearly three months.

Then it is only mid-to-late December, nearly a month before the start of the game, and it is still early.

But at this time, FPX is also approaching a brand new team, and there are too many things that need to be solved.

The first is the management contracts of these new players.

The financial contracts of Mouse, Doinb, Sima Laothi, including Chen Mu, with the original club have ended, and all financial contracts have been under the name of FPX.

Not just live broadcast contracts, but also endorsement ads, etc.
Since FPX spent so much money to sign you, they will naturally have to make money to repay their investment.

Where to make money, naturally from endorsements and advertising.

Yang Yan also spent several hours in in-depth communication with Chen Mu and others before starting to select suitable endorsement ads.

Others don't care, but Chen Mu can't.

If something really eye-catching comes to you for advertising, will you accept it? !

And professional things are done by professional people.

With the help of professionals like Yang Yan, people like Chen Mu can completely detach themselves from these external affairs and focus on their own e-sports journey.

Then there is a headache for the head coach Zhanma.

This is almost a brand new team, how to lead it?How to break in?

At first, he thought Chen Mu came to FPX as a top laner, but he didn't expect that he would be a jungler!
If it’s the top order, that’s different, just take off from the spot~
Chen Mu's playing style in the top lane last year was recognized by the jungle community as a dream player, whether he played offensively or controlled the map.

The top lane is completely threaded, and the entire upper half of the jungle area on the opposite side is safer than its own jungle area. The control rate of Canyon Pioneer reaches 90.00%.

No matter if you are playing in the wild with Zac the Pig Girl or Blind Monk Spider, you can just farm in the jungle. Isn’t that nice?
But Chen Mu decided not to play top lane this year and switched to jungle.

And Chen Mu’s jungle strength is still a mystery~
But fortunately, there is Doinb in the middle, an opponent with a strong sense of rhythm. No matter whether Chen Mu wants to play in the jungle position, or whatever, at least Doinb can lead the jungler to play together.

This is also good news.

As for the two rotating ADCs in the bottom lane, they are both very good and can match well with the assistant Liu Qingsong.

The two top laners rotating in the top lane are both solid blue-collar top laners.

Looking at it this way, the key point to break the game lies with Chen Mu.

Not to mention that Chen Mu has all the strength in the top lane position, even half of it. He doesn't dare to make too big a splash this year. At least he is guaranteed to enter the World Championship.

And now that the S8 season is over, the new S9 season is about to begin.

According to Riot Games' rules, the new season is usually a completely new change.

It can be expected that Riot Games’ new season changes this time may be earth-shaking, and even directly change the entire game.

So the pressure on War Horse is still relatively high.

But the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge. There is no use thinking about it now. After all, these players are gathered together and have never played a game. No matter how much you say, it is useless.

Moreover, there is still some distance before the start of the Spring Split. The version is changing every day, and there will be major changes at any time, making all training impossible.

So, let’s take a vacation first~
Let’s leave it for a week first~
With the beginning of the new year and entering 2019, the LPL division has also entered a brand new season in 2019.

Tengjing and the Alliance have also announced the competition system of the S9 season as they have been waiting for.

Since the number of participating teams in the LPL has expanded from the previous 14 to 16, making it the region with the largest number of participating teams in the world, the previous double-loop within-group + single-round outside-group competition system cannot continue to be used.

Therefore, the LPL competition system of S9 has indeed changed. The East and West are no longer divided into groups, but only large groups in a single round-robin. The regular season still uses BO3.

At the same time, the regular schedule of the 2019 LPL Spring Split was also released, with the first stop in Shanghai on January 1th.

A closer look at the opener.

Good boy, direct good boy!
I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or Tengjing is deliberately causing trouble. Knowing that FPX formed the Galaxy Battleship this year, they directly arranged an opening match today.

And the opponent is the RW team, a team that was almost sucked dry by FPX.

Popularity, traffic, rhythm, grievances, all are there!

Tencent, the god of marketing!

(End of this chapter)

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