LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 341: An Kai is possessed? !

Chapter 341: An Kai is possessed? !
April 1

Shanghai Hongqiao Tiandi Performing Arts Center.

The opening game of the LPL Spring Split has officially begun.

LPL fans are feeling very uncomfortable after not having any games for two months.Therefore, the venue today was also crowded with people, and the tickets had already been sold out.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the entire venue was already filled with spectators.

The opening ceremony also started on time, and the host was still the Immortal Grip Ren Dong.

The countdown begins on the big screen.

3, 2, 1
The carefully produced vlog began to play, first reviewing the S8 season LPL as a fruitful year, and then looking forward to the future.

After the vlog ended, the 16 LPL teams appeared one by one.

The first team to appear was the surprising RNG team, but the team representative Uzi walked out listlessly holding a trophy, which seemed a bit shabby.

Originally, RNG had a bad reputation in the past few months, but the LPL still praised RNG and made RNG the first to appear.

Then two new teams that joined the LPL, SDG and V5, appeared immediately, and the following teams also appeared one after another.

The last two teams are FPX and IG. The FPX team representative is of course Chen Mu.

This cannot be replaced by others. It is estimated that one-third of the people came to see him in today's game.

The last one to appear was IG.

Although Chen Mu left IG, it is still the only championship team in the LPL, and the lineup is still full.

There is also an exclusive BGM. When Ah Shui walked out of the stage, the exciting RISE resounded throughout the audience.

BGM unique to IG!

When all the representatives of the sixteen teams came to the center of the stage, on both sides of the station, it also marked the official start of the LPLS 9 season.

After an embarrassing opening ceremony performance, we finally came to the main game.

Today, LPL has arranged two opening games, both of which are popular teams.

One is FPX vs RW where Chen Mu is, arranged at golden 7 o'clock.

The other one is IG vs TOP at five o'clock.

One of these two teams is last year's championship team. Although Chen Mu has left the team, its popularity is still terrible. The other is another top galactic battleship in this year's LPL. The top laner is 369 who performed well in the German Cup. The mid laner is Knight, the hopeful golden left-hander known as the domestic mid laner.

The league is also causing trouble and deliberately found two topical games in the opening game.

Therefore, the audience at the scene was filled with the smell of gunpowder as soon as they entered the venue.

There are champion fans of IG, personal fans of Chen Mu, powerful fans of Knight’s golden left hand, and fans of RW Rogue.
"Welcome everyone to watch the first game of the 2019 League of Legends Spring Split. IG and TOP will bring us the opening game of this year. Hello everyone, I am Wawa."

"Hi everyone, I'm Miller!"

"Hi everyone, I'm Guan Zeyuan!"

"Today's two games, I have to say, well, they are very interesting." The baby was hesitant and did not dare to say it clearly.

Miller was very straightforward: "Hey, today the FPX team's starting ADCs are Aguang, Doinb and SMLZ, but these three have to face their old club RW Rogue. Player Chen Mu has also transferred to FPX, but it happens that His old club also came to the scene today, or something."

Guan Zeyuan: "Uh-huh, put it this way, it's really a bit complicated~"

Wawa laughed and said: "Yes! This year our LPL teams have made a lot of changes in their lineups. For example, TOP has undergone a major change. The mid laner will start with the much-anticipated Knight player."

The audience in the audience cheered when they heard the key words mentioned in the commentary!

"Golden left hand! Little hand!"

"But IG hasn't changed much. We still try our best to maintain the few people we had last year, but that man is no longer around~"

The director's shot also showed the IG people sitting in the game seats wearing IG's classic white team uniforms.

Another wave of cheers also echoed throughout the venue. The championship team is the championship team after all, and cannot be compared with the fledgling TOP. It instantly surpassed the volume of the TOP fans and directly drowned out the voices of the TOP fans.

"Ahhhh! Ah Shui!"

"Ah Shui! Mom loves me!"

Several IG people on the stage looked at each other and smiled bitterly. Although the man Chen Mu has left the team, there are still many fans of the championship, and IG's mother fans and husband fans have already transferred their "love" for Chen Mu to Ah Shui. on the body.

Although Chen Mu is very handsome, JKL is young~
With ten people from both sides debugging the peripherals, the first game of S9 in the LPL Division officially started.

And this is also a brand new attempt after the changes to version 9 ​​of the S8.23 preseason.

For these sixteen teams, this version can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes, and all teams are standing on the same starting line.

The enhancement and weakening of heroes is secondary. After all, every version will change. It is also a compulsory skill for professional players to learn to adapt to the version.

But some changes can directly make a professional player retire on the spot.

The first thing to change is the talent runes, from the precision system to the resolute system, from the main system to the secondary system, a comprehensive change, either enhanced, weakened, or even directly removed.

This has a huge impact. Different people have different understandings of rune selection and gameplay. This change may change one person's gameplay.

The next change is the kill bounty mechanism.

The kill bounty after a hero causes a kill is increased, and the new economic advantage of minions and wild monsters will also affect the bounty.At the same time, the bounty of the lagging side is reduced.Set a bounty limit per kill.

To put it bluntly, this change in the bounty mechanism resulted in the emergence of 1000 economic giants.

This is also a change that changes the entire game. Generally speaking, when the C position in the team kills continuously, it is basically difficult to come back.

But this change directly changes this situation. If you are not careful and your 1000 economy is obtained by the opposite mid laner or ADC, the situation will be different.

This change also makes the game more competitive and can help disadvantaged teams recover from economic deficits by killing bounty heroes.

The last change is also the biggest change.

The tower skin mechanism of the defense tower is out.

This change can be said to affect the progress of the League of Legends game within five years.

When the tide goes out, you only know who was swimming naked!
This Tapi mechanism is like a magic mirror. Once the mechanism comes out, not only the LPL, but all the gangsters in the world will be revealed.

Before the Tapi mechanism, you could still play an Ornn and hang around on the top lane, waiting for the level up to equip your teammates.

But when Tapi comes out, you still play an Ornn, and others play a swordswoman Qinggangying or Obama. Tapi eats up all of them in 10 minutes. If he doesn't kill anyone in 15 minutes, he just has a two-piece set. How to play? !

So the time has come for the real test of professional players~
These are the three major impacts brought by the S9 preseason version 8.23. Although there are many miscellaneous changes, they are not as big as these three changes.

In the match between IG and FPX, it is obvious that IG's strength and understanding of the version are superior.

Although Chen Mu is gone, Brother Shy is still there!

Although Chen Mu's limelight in the S8 season eclipsed TheShy, preventing TheShy from reaching its previous heights.

But facing Chen Mu, who is dominating the world at the height of his power, all teams are frantically looking for a suitable top laner. However, after searching around, they found that the person who can best compete with Chen Mu is still in IG.Prince Ning just changed his father, it was Chen Mu before, and now TheShy, his rhythm is still very stable.

After Ah Shui's baptism in the World Championships, he has gradually become able to take on big responsibilities.

TOP, on the other hand, is much more immature. Facing the experienced and ruthless IG, TOP doesn't have many chances to fight back, and they were crushed in two games without any suspense.

IG2 defeated TOP 0 and won the first win of the LPLS9 season.

With the game between IG and TOP over, it’s the second game of today’s opening game.

FPX Little Phoenix vs RW Rogue
Moreover, the alliance also specially gave the most popular 7-point prime time to these two teams.

As get off work ends and school ends, the popularity of LPL live broadcast rooms continues to rise.

After learning about Chen Mu's first game after switching to jungle, countless Chen Mu's personal fans and fans rushed into the live broadcast room.

Even the players, coaches and analysts from other teams stopped training matches to watch Chen Mu's game.

I want to see what kind of sparks this former king on the road will create when he switches to the jungle position.

"Chen Mu Chen Mu!"

"Come on, little Phoenix!"

"Mubao, you are the strongest, come on!"

"It's so funny. I still can't understand his whims~"

"Hehe, this is the charm of Chen Mu!"

"How is this team FPX?! I've never heard of it before. Is it reliable?"

"FPX, an LPL team, has a famous top laner, no, it's the jungler Chen Mu (Gotou) (Gotou)"

"Okay, after what I said above, I understand a lot (funny) (funny)"

"Although I feel a little confused, it doesn't matter. Chen Mu, you are the most handsome (squint) (squint)"

"I can only say, question Chen Mu, believe Chen Mu, understand Chen Mu, and become Chen Mu."

"Not to mention too much, Chen Mu, YYDS!"


With Chen Mu's appearance on the stage, the barrage about the FPX team in the LPL official live broadcast room has also increased significantly.

In the past, when FPX went on stage to compete, there were only two or three big cats and kittens on the scene, and there were only a few barrages in the live broadcast room. Some of them were fans and traffic purchased by the FPX club itself.

But now the club has not spent a penny, the shouts of the fans at the scene are deafening, and the barrage in the live broadcast room has almost covered the screen.

Is this Chen Mu’s popularity? !

The various teams in the LPL also once again realized Chen Mu's terrifying popularity and directly brought an unknown team to the LPL first-line star team.

This boy is so terrifying~
As the players from both sides prepared for the game and debugged the peripherals, the game officially began.

In previous games, Chen Mu always sat in the top lane seat on the outermost left side, but now he sits in the jungle position between the top laner and mid laner.

This change is indeed unique.

In fact, from the time he joined the FPX club to the start of the S9 Spring Split, Chen Mu also practiced jungle hard.

However, changing positions is not that simple. Top laner and jungler can be said to be two completely different things.

The top laner only needs to do his or her own thing well. He can carry silently and alone in the top lane alone, or he can be a prison cell in the top lane alone until he can free himself by playing in a team.

Your overall control over the situation is really limited. When your lower half of the jungle completely collapses, it will be difficult for you to do things on the top lane.

But the jungler is more like the "father" of the team, and jungle farming is only one of his sources of economic and level experience.

He also needs to take into account gank and anti-crouching to help his advantageous lines expand their advantages. At the same time, he also needs to help his disadvantaged lines stabilize the situation and prevent collapse. He also needs to take into account the control of map resources. The control of dragons and canyon pioneers is increasingly important. In team battles, You must also perform well and do things that suit your position.

Compared to the top laner, the jungler is more like an all-rounder, going wherever needed, otherwise the jungler would not be called a wild father.

Although Chen Mu has been studying hard and practicing hard during this period, the results are not bad.

In the pub game and even training matches, herbivorous junglers like Pig Girl, Wine Barrel, and Zach can play well with other similarly herbivorous junglers.

However, more demanding jungle heroes like Leopard Girl and Kindred are still in the rookie stage, and it is difficult to have their own rhythm.

However, during this period of time, Chen Mu relied solely on his own strength and did not use the God of the World Championship even once. After all, every minute of the God of the World Championship is precious.

With Chen Mu's efforts, the Rogue and Little Phoenix merged, and Chen Mu also had his own ambitions.

Although he won the World Championship last year, the two leagues within the LPL failed miserably. Chen Mu still doesn't even have a league trophy.

And this time Chen Mu wants to complete his Grand Slam journey in the S9 season!

The team's configuration is already top-notch, and he also has nearly a thousand minutes of World Championship experience, so he can make the final decision in key games.

But the rest of the round requires Chen Mu’s own efforts~
Get rid of your thoughts and return to the game.

BP is already under the command of the war horse, and they are fighting against each other back and forth.

Doinb also interjected a few words from time to time to help the war horse with BP.

After nearly a month of running in, War Horse discovered that Doinb really has his own system, which really helped him a lot in helping him with BP.

"Liu Qingsong, old thief Sima, how about I help you two with the Verustam combination in a minute?! You two just need to hold on to the bottom lane, and Brother Mu and I will set the pace in the middle and jungle."

"it is good."

"The two of us are fine."

"Aguang, I'll help you get it when we get on the road. There's a high probability that it's either Urgot or Thane. It depends on the opponent's choice."


"Brother Mu, in a moment you can play Pig Girl Wine Barrel, and I'll choose someone in the middle that's easy to match, and the two of us will link up."

Dionb's little mouth kept talking non-stop.

But as he spoke, his mouth stopped. The reason was that the voice that would have responded to him did not sound.

Doinb suddenly turned his head to look at Chen Mu next to him.

In previous training matches or daily rankings, every time he spoke loudly, Chen Mu would respond with a smile, but there was no reaction at this time.

Doinb takes a closer look.
Chen Mu, who was smiling just a second ago, put on the headphones with one hand.

The smile on his originally smiling face faded away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth slowly flattened.
If I must say it, Doinb remembered a picture.

Ankai? !
(End of this chapter)

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