LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 342 Whether there will be chaos on the road or not, Chen Mu has the final say

Chapter 342 Whether there will be chaos on the road or not, Chen Mu has the final say

Doinb looked at Chen Mu next to him in surprise. The smiling man was suddenly possessed by Ankai.

At this time, Chen Mu has entered the state of the god of the World Championship.

Although RW was not considered a strong team at this time, Chen Mu still resolutely chose to use the precious God of the World Championship.

For no other reason than FPX's debut in the S9 season is also his debut in the jungle position, and he must win it cleanly.

At this time, Coach Zhanma and other teammates also noticed something strange about Chen Mu.

"Chen Mu, are you okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"What's wrong, Brother Mu?"

"Isn't it nervous?"

Everyone cast concerned glances.

But the only response they received was a cold voice.


Although it was strange, everyone still looked back and the game was still going on.

In this round, FPX faced the RW Rogue Warriors version 2.0. In 2018, RW lived up to their title of "Rogue Warriors", but now after the reorganization, there is only one RW warrior left in the first generation.

In addition to assisting Killua to stay on the team, the first-generation Xia was stolen and scattered, and then several young players were brought up from the youth training market and the second team.

I don’t know RW’s current top laner Jiangqiao and substitute top laner Zhaoyun.

Jungle Xuzhu, not sure.

Mid laner HuaTian is unfamiliar.

ADCZwuji, no uh uh, this one once became famous for a while, that is, Zhang Wuji.

A brand new RW Rogue 2.0, but it is also developing towards a "gambler".

However, FPX is also causing trouble. In order to beat RW, FPX specially started the three old RW players, mouse Aguang, Doinb and smlz.

This is done just to stir up the topic.

Beating up your old club will always attract enough viewers~
After BP starts.

It's a new season, a new atmosphere, and the two teams are not familiar with each other, so they don't know what the depth of the opponent is.

So it's very casual when it comes to banning people.

That's right, just ban them casually.

Some heroes with strong versions are pressed out and some heroes who don't want to line up are pressed out.

FPX banned Luo, Galio and the policewoman here.

RW banned Sword Demon, Snake Girl and Victor here, mainly targeting Doinb's hero pool.

Then the selection phase begins.

Since it is the trial and error stage of the new season, everyone basically chooses according to their own hero preferences.

When it was Chen Mu's turn to choose the jungler.

Coach Zhanma held the same small notebook that all coaches had in his hand and asked: "Chen Mu, what do you want to play?!"

Chen Mu didn't say anything, but Doinb spoke first: "How about getting a pig girl!"

"Our midfielder and jungler are cooperating, and we have enough control. If we control anyone, they will die." Doinb directly gave Chen Mu a choice.

After nearly a month of contact, he and Chen Mu were already quite familiar with each other.

He also found that Chen Mu's jungler was completely different from his previous top laner. His jungler could not be called a vegetable, but he was definitely a herbivorous jungler.

But of course Doinb will not dislike Chen Mu, but will work harder to drive Chen Mu's jungler to play the game.

Of course, there is a reason for this. He has only been in FPX for a month and found that his live broadcast popularity has almost doubled during this period.

The gifts I received were not at the same level as before.

Although many viewers in the live broadcast room urged Teacher Big B, the live camera should not be pointed at him, but directly at Chen Mu sitting next to him.

But he doesn’t care, this is real popularity and gift~

Therefore, he also tried his best to drive Chen Mu's jungle rhythm.

In this game, he even wanted to buy Yasuo to give the opponent's new mid laner strength. If Chen Mu got a pig girl, it would be easy to go to the top or bottom lane to work with him.

But next second.
An unusually calm and cold voice came.

"I don't want to play pig girl."


ah? !this? !
Doinb almost spit out a mouthful of water and was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked.

This month, I encourage you to play with Leopard Girl, Kindred, and Rock Sparrow. If you don't play, you must hold on to Pig Girl, Wine Barrel, and Zach.

So when it comes to the official game, you want to play Kayn?

Chen Mu, are you really possessed by An Kai? !
Doinb didn't know what to say anymore, but the war horse next to him rubbed his chin and agreed.

The reason is simple, Kayn has strengthened.

In the previous pre-season version 8.23, other game mechanism changes were not mentioned. Among the hero changes, Kayn was greatly strengthened.

Therefore, the strength of this version of Kayn can definitely keep up with the rhythm of the game. Coupled with the trial and error stage of the new season, it is even more important to try this kind of hero with carry ability.

So War Horse thought for a few seconds and then nodded in agreement.

With the coach's consent, Kayn locked up the next moment.

Doinb also smiled and was not annoyed.

Originally, he was thinking of playing Yasuo. Pig Girl could provide control and facilitate the rhythm.

But now that "Wild Dad" wants to play Kayn, he can't play Yasuo, otherwise the AD output will be too much.

After thinking for a moment, he finally took out an Ice Girl.

Since Chen Mu wanted to play, of course he had to cooperate with him in the performance to the end. He could also choose an ice girl to match Kayn's rhythm and output.

Subsequently, the lineups of both sides were determined.

Top laner: Urgot vs Sion
Jungler: Kayn vs Gragas
Mid laner: Ice Girl vs. Blade Girl

ADC: Varus vs Kai’Sa
Support: Tahm Kench vs. Braum
While the game was loading, several commentators in the commentary box also started their own "neutral predictions"

Wawa opened according to the old rules: "Wow, Chen Mu took out Kayn here. This is really an unusual choice. This is really Chen Mu. You will never guess what Chen Mu's next hero pool will be!"

Miller also took up the topic: "Yes, this is Chen Mu. Even if he switches to the jungle position, it is so unexpected. But I just don't know if Chen Mu is the same as the top laner in the jungle position." Are you dominant?!"

"Huh? Zeyuan, what do you think?! One is Rogue 2.0 who has just come off the mountain, and the other is the newly formed Galaxy Battleship. Who do you like?!" The two of them threw the question to Guan Zeyuan in a classic way.

Guan Zeyuan knew that there was a pit in front of him, but he still jumped into it happily: "I am neither optimistic about FPX nor RW, I am only optimistic about Chen Mu." Guan Zeyuan has transformed into Chen Mu.

"Aren't you afraid that your poisonous milk will attack again?!"

"In front of the real God, my poisonous milk has no effect at all!"

"Chen Mu, YYDS!!" Guan Zeyuan said piously.

The audience in the LPL official live broadcast room was also happy.

"xswl, the moment Chen Mu put on the headphones, I really thought the factory director was here!"

"Director: Little Bizi, who are you implying?!" "Chen Mu's output in this game is not 4396, right?! (Squint) (Squint)"

"Why do I feel that Chen Mu is not very reliable as a jungler? Can anyone tell me?"

"I have watched his jungle live broadcast before. How should I put it? When he frowned, he was Winter Pig Girl; when he yawned, he was Gragas; when he raised the corner of his mouth, he was Rubber Zac."

"Isn't this the jungle version of Brother Ba?! (Funny) (Funny)"


As the live broadcast room went wild, the game officially began.

Both sides started very cautiously, and Chen Mu's Kayn did not cause trouble. He quietly ran to the upper half of the jungle to help Aguang position himself and guard his blue buff jungle.

Standing at the river and facing the pig girl across the river, they both seemed to be saying: "Come here, come here~"

1 minutes 05 seconds.

Chen Mu's Kayn directly left a false eye in the upper half of the river, and then retreated to the lower half of the wild area.

The pig girl on the opposite side also took a defensive position at the F6 river crossing and retreated directly.

However, when Chen Mu saw this ward position, he knew clearly in his heart that Pig Girl was also blue-opened in the lower half of the jungle, otherwise there would be no need for this ward position.

At 1 minute and 40 seconds, with the help of his teammates, Kayn had collected the red buff.

Then Chen Mu looked at the situation at an extremely exaggerated screen-cutting speed.

In the past, Chen Mu didn't actually need to switch screens frequently when he was on the road. Most of the time, he only needed to focus on the lane, and he only needed to pay attention to the situation when a team battle broke out.

But when it comes to the jungle position, it's different. In order to better gank or counter-crouch, it is commonplace to cut the screen.

Then Kayn clicked a signal directly on the top lane.

A faint and cold voice came: "Don't push the line, I'll be here soon."

"Ah?!" mouse Aguang hasn't reacted yet.

Your troops have just come into contact, and you say you want to come? !

However, the advantage of Aguang is that he has strong execution ability. Chen Mu said that he could immediately understand and cooperate with him.

The Urgot in his hand also immediately began to slowly push the line, and opposite Jiangqiao, Thain was indeed a fledgling player.

too young too simple.

A Q skill hammer seemed to hit Urgot, giving him a slight health advantage, but the Q skill hammer also affected a large number of troops.

The military line has begun to slowly push towards Urgot.

The Kayn jungle route in Chen Mu's hands is also very tricky. After the red is opened, he directly brushes F6 quickly, and then goes straight to the three wolves.

The three wolves were finished in 2 minutes and 20 seconds, but Kayn did not continue to brush his blue buff, but went straight to the river crab.

The view of the river grass is also clear, and there are no people on the river in the entire upper half of the wild area.

While Chen Mu was fighting wild monsters, he still maintained a dazzling screen switching speed to observe the overall situation.

You can clearly see Thain's movement toward the upper road river crossing.

Although RW's top laner Jiangqiao is very young, he is at least a professional player, and he is afraid of being caught for pushing the lane like this.

But even though Thain inserted an eye and illuminated the entire upper road and river crossing, he smiled slightly.

He is Kayn!

Although there is a field of view at the river crossing on the top road, and RW's F6 pit jungle area also has a field of view, it seems that Kayn has no way to get around RW's jungle area.

But the next moment Chen Mu's Kaiyin walked directly into the dragon pit, and used a skilled Q skill to go through the wall and reach the top of the dragon pit.

RW's two early accessory eyes had no effect at all.

At this time, Pig Girl was sitting across the wall, happily swiping her red buff, not realizing that Kayn of Super [-] had gone around to his jungle area.

What happened next was a matter of course.
Sion, who had already pushed the lane and was about to reach Urgot's defense tower, was suddenly pushed up by Aguang's Urgot. The Q skill was first used to slow down, and then the E skill carried Sion back.

At this time, Kayn made a huge detour and got out from behind Thane.

The clumsy Thane faced Urgot's deceleration and control, as well as Kayn's red buff. How could he have any chance of escaping?
The young Jiangqiao player still wanted to struggle hard and surrender his flash, because his pig girl was also on the way and was only two thousand yards away from him.

However, Kayn, who had the W skill, accurately took the kill.


The sound of first blood spread throughout the Summoner's Rift.

Although Chen Mu is no longer messing around in the top lane, Brother Mu has the final say whether the top lane is chaotic or not, but Chen Mu's identity has changed from top laner to jungler.

At this time, Pig Girl, who had just finished brushing the red buff and reached level three, hurriedly rushed to the battlefield, but what she saw was Thain who had turned into a corpse.

Seeing that the pig girl had lost all rhythm after less than 3 minutes, I didn't know what to do for a moment.

Go farming?My jungle area has been completely messed up by myself, and it is not in shape at all; when I go to gank, there seems to be no good opportunity.

At this time, Chen Mu's Kayn was racing against time, and after catching the old driver Thain, he returned directly to the jungle.

His world championship is precious. If it ends one second earlier, it will end one second earlier. He will not waste time.

Although Sion on the opposite side was killed, the line of troops was still stuck in front of his own defense tower. Aguang's Urgot TP came back and played very comfortably, and he did not need his help to push the line.

Kayn simply returned to his own blue buff jungle area and began to collect the blue buffs that he had not used just now.

While Chen Mu was smoothly interweaving his skills and peace, he once again cut the screen at an exaggerated speed to observe the situation, using his clever little brain.

Think about what the pig girl opposite will be doing at this time?
The pig girl on the opposite side has just appeared on the top lane to rescue Thain. She has red and blue buffs on her body and has also been upgraded to level three.

It means that he not only has the red and blue buffs, but also the stone man.

At this time, the river crabs in the upper half of the river were also collected by himself, and it could be said that there was nothing in the entire upper half of the wild area.

On the road, Aguang's Urgot controlled the line in front of his own defense tower, and Pig Girl had no chance to catch anyone.

In the middle, Doinb is playing another ice girl, and there is no chance of success.

Therefore, Pig Girl only needs one way, and she must go to the lower half of the wild area.

In the lower half of the wild area of ​​Zhumei, there are two wild groups of three wolves and toad, and the river crab is also there. At the same time, FPX's bottom lane combination is also pressing the line.

Pig girl only goes this way, there is no other way~
Thinking of this, Chen Mu's hands moved faster, not even swiping the toad that was close at hand. It was such a waste of time. He didn't punish him. He didn't know that it would take him until the year of the monkey to hit the toad.

After receiving the blue buff, Kayn returned to the city directly.

After the first blood, Chen Mu first upgraded the hunter's amulet into a jungle knife, then bought a pair of small straw sandals and headed straight down the road.

And sure enough, the pig girl opposite was as simple as a blank piece of paper in front of the god Chen Mu.

There was no need for him to come to the empty upper half of the jungle.

After returning to the city, Zhu Mei came towards the lower half of the wild area as if following Chen Mu's instructions.

I originally thought about clearing two groups of junglers before doing anything else, but I felt comfortable watching Sima Laothief and Liu Qingsong pressing the line.

So the pig girl who was only at level [-] came directly halfway and went straight to the FPX bottom lane duo.

Due to the lack of experience of the duo, the bottom lane of both sides is only level three.

Seeing that the pig girl had reached the predetermined position, RW's assistant Killua showed no mercy in beating his old teammates.

Braum directly flashed his face, and his Q skill put SMLZ's Verus passive.

(End of this chapter)

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