LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 343: Catch 3 Roads

Chapter 343: Catch the Three Ways
It’s really my old teammates who are extremely jealous when they meet!

Facing the old thief Sima, Killua was really ruthless, flashing his face and giving SMLZ's Verus the passive.

Then Kai'Sa also started her own output, and Pig Girl came over from the side.

Liu Qingsong is playing Tammu, not Thresh, and there is no chance that he can't pick up the lantern.

Seeing something was wrong, he immediately ate Verus and ran back.

But the two of them are too deep!
Due to Piggy's control and being passive by Braum, even though Tam managed to flash, he was still stuck and beaten crazily.

Seeing that the situation was critical, Kayn used the E skill to sneak out of the shadows in the wall.

Although it was a few seconds later than Pig Girl, it seemed just right at this time. He flashed the W skill to slow down the two people, and then swept the Q skill, and rushed into the crowd with the sickle in his hand and waved it violently.

Kayn, whose equipment and status had been replenished, was very strong in combat, and Verus's healing gave him another boost, allowing Tahm to fire the Gray Shield again, and held on for a while.

As for the three people on RW's side, they had all mastered the skills they needed to master. For a while, they had no ability to counterattack and no room to retreat.

Finally a 1 for 2 was played.

Although Liu Qingsong's auxiliary Tahm was killed, two people on the opposite side were killed. Except for ADC, he handed over Flash in time and escaped with his life.

Then Chen Mu's Kaiyin confidently and boldly helped Sima's old thief Verus push a wave of soldiers into the tower, and then comfortably ate a layer of the tower skin.

80 gold coins arrived~
Then seeing that time was running out, Chen Mu did not invade the Zhumei wild area, but just collected the river crabs in the lower half of the river.

This was only a little over 4 minutes.

The game score reached 3:1, and the economic difference was already 1500.

It seems that the game has begun, but it also seems that the game is over.

Only then did the fans of FPX in the live broadcast room react. In just 4 minutes, the situation had already opened up.

"Holy darling, is this the jungler of the Shepherd?!"

"Who just said that Chen Mu was playing JB in the jungle? Come on!"

"It's still a familiar recipe and a familiar taste~"

"Guigui, this reverse crouch, RW will explode!"

"Is this the consciousness of God?!"

And the commentators in the commentary box were not stingy with their words of praise.

"Wow, player Chen Mu's counter-crouching was really timely. He directly saved the FPX bottom lane duo." The doll immediately started boasting.

Miller also answered: "Yes, he is so spiritual. After catching the top lane, he immediately came to the bottom lane. He guessed the thoughts of the young player Xuzhu. In front of Chen Mu, he was just like a blank sheet. Paper."

"This RW is broken!" These two people had all the good things to say, and Guan Zeyuan didn't even know what to say.

But Guan Zeyuan was right, RW collapsed.

The Twin River Crab was taken over by Kayn, with two heads on it, half of its energy collected, more than 20 last hits, and its level reached level four. It can be said to be a fat yuppie.

As for the pig girl on the opposite side, she didn't do a good job in the jungle, she only had 11 last hits, she died once, and her level was only level three.

The next thing he knew, he was the little piggy on Kayn's cutting board.

The key thing is that not only his jungle area collapsed, but RW's top and bottom lanes also collapsed.

Aguang's top laner Urgot stuck his troops in front of his own defense tower and developed comfortably, while Thane on the opposite side flashed and surrendered, but he had to be wary of Kayn's return at any time.

The ADC of the old thief Sima in the bottom lane also got a head. The head he got was the head of Pig Girl, and he had the red and blue buffs of Pig Girl.

At this time, Brother Coin, who was still facing the line in the middle, had his mouth wide open, and his eyes occasionally glanced at Chen Mu sitting next to him.

At this time, he can be considered as using his expertise, and he has become an information recorder.

"There is no dodge on the opposite side of the road, and there is no TP teleportation." After killing Thain, Chen Mu simply clicked a signal.

"OK OK." Doinb thought it was just a coincidence, a blind cat encountering a dead mouse.

The opponent's top laner, Sion, was too careless and Kayn seized the opportunity.

However, the movement of recording information on his hand was not slow.

"TOP, 0806"

Then a series of keyboard typing sounds were heard, and a large amount of information was copied and pasted on the game's public screen.

1 minute later.

Another good news came from the bottom lane, although the voice was still very cold, and at the same time a series of messages appeared on the public screen.

"Scythe of Shadow Stream: Braum Flash"

"Scythe of Shadow Stream: Kai'Sa Flash"

"The Scythe of Shadow Stream: Pig Girl Flashes"


A series of information appeared on the game's public screen again.

Teacher Big B was stunned for two seconds before he could react to this series of impacts.

"oh oh."

After reacting, Brother Coin showed off his hand speed again.


Then the public screen of the game was refreshed again, and everyone could clearly see the skills of the summoner on the opposite side.

Of course, while typing and lining up, Doinb still boasted about Chen Mu.

"Well done, oh my god, this is too strong! Chen Mu is awesome!"

This is not just a pretense on his part, but he really thinks it was a good fight.

In less than 5 minutes, the opponent's jungler was completely controlled without giving him any chance.

A gank and a counter-crouch directly opened up FPX's early advantage.

This level is not like what Chen Mu showed in previous training matches and rankings. These are two different people!
Is this really possessed by An Kai? !
But while Brother Coin was still recovering from the shock, Chen Mu had already swept through his wild area and wiped out the wild monsters that he had not collected before.

Kayn's experience has reached more than level five, and he returns to the city again to replenish his supplies and update his equipment and health.

Then Kayn continued to cut the screen at the speed of light as he hurried on, observing the entire situation.

On the road, Aguang's Urgot developed very comfortably, and he still had Flash in his hand, so he didn't need any help.

The old thief Sima in the bottom lane got the kill and the red and blue buffs. He was playing Verus who was strong in the early and mid-term. He had already pinned the opposite Kai'Sa under the tower and beat him violently. The second layer of the tower was about to be eaten. There is no need for him to lead the rhythm.

So the next offensive target is only the opposite center field.

Then Chen Mu simply clicked a signal to the ice girl in the middle and was on her way.

Seeing this signal, Brother Coin was about to shed tears of happiness.

He even wanted to shout out: "Daddy, you finally remembered your favorite cub~"

I've already helped the top and bottom laners, and now it's finally my turn in the middle lane.

Then Chen Mu's faint voice came: "Make an eye for me." At the same time, Chen Mu also marked the signal at the F6 pit opposite.

Although Chen Mu's tone was as cold as winter, it was like spring breeze in Doinb's ears.

He likes to cause trouble the most, especially when he plays Ice Girl, who is about to reach level 6.

If we don’t cause trouble now, we’ll wait until later.

After hearing Chen Mu's request, Doinb did not hesitate for a moment, and inserted a jewelry eye at the six birds opposite.

There is certainly a profound meaning to inserting this eye position here.

The pig girl opposite actually has even more limited choices.The top laner can't catch it, the bottom lane can't go, and the mid laner, an ice girl with double summons, has no chance.

What's more, his pig girl has just been promoted to level four, and there is already a level difference with Kayn, so pig girl's first choice can only be to clear the jungle to gain level experience.

The jungle area is so big. Either go to the lower half of the jungle area of ​​Three Wolf Toad and start brushing, or go to the upper half of the jungle area of ​​Six Birds Stone Man. There are only two choices.

And sure enough, Chen Mu made the right bet.

When the ice girl's jewelry eye landed on the F6 pit, the six birds were still in place and had not been brushed away.

This also means that after the pig girl was resurrected, she immediately went to the lower half of the wild area to collect the wild areas.

After getting the information, Chen Mu's Kayn ignored his own jungle area and went straight to the six birds on the opposite side.

I want your big bird!
When Kayn hurried to the opposite F6, he suddenly met Ai around the corner, and xuzhu's pig girl also finished the second half of the wild area and came to F6.

But a level [-] pig girl met a level [-] Kayn, and it was Kayn with two heads.

Piggy instantly transformed from a winter overlord into a little piglet.

I can’t play, I can’t play even a little bit!
Without saying a word, Kaiyin came up and used a set of skills, instantly suppressing the pig girl to half health.

The pig girl was a little numb, and he didn't dare to fight back at all.

He didn't flash, and if he used the Q skill again, he might not be able to escape.

So I can only knock him away with Q skill~
Moreover, my own mid laner Dao Mei can’t support her for a while. Even if she comes to support, what will happen? !
Maybe Doinb’s ice girl support will be faster!

Forget it, forget it, mashed garlic!

I'll give this Big Bird to you. Anyway, I'm not the director of the factory. I have no obsession with Big Bird, so I'll give it to you.

Avoiding its edge is the right choice.

But now that Kayn has a level [-] jungle knife and a level [-] Q skill, he starts farming too quickly and takes down six birds in a few seconds.

Then Chen Mu ignored him and used the E skill to walk directly through the wall towards the stone man.

Sure enough, Pig Girl was beating the stone man noisily.

And saw Kayn wandering in the shadow of the wall.

The pig girl really wanted to curse: "Wairima, you are so unhuman! You have already given the big bird to you, and you still want me to be a stone man?!"

Fortunately, the punishment in the hands of Pig Girl turned around. First, he punished the stone-slayer with one punishment, and then he got the food first.

Chen Mu's Kaiyin had no punishment in his hands and could only watch the pig girl punish the big rocks, but the little stone man Chen Mu would not be polite.

Q skill swings the giant scythe, instantly covering up the little stone men.

Chen Mu's Kayn made a huge noise in the upper half of the jungle on the opposite side, but RW couldn't do anything about it.

Pig girl’s level is too low!
At only level [-], he had no power to fight back, and it was difficult for other teammates to support him.

Chen Mu was already in a deserted area in Zhu Mei's wild area, driving her around.

Then he bullied the pig girl while still cutting the screen.

The ice girl in the middle is about to reach level 6.

Chen Mu directly put a mark on the head of the opposite sword girl.

Seeing Chen Mu's mark, Doinb was so happy that he almost jumped out of his chair.

Then the Ice Girl in Doinb's hand pushed the line faster and faster, and even missed two soldiers, but Doinb didn't care about these two soldiers.

After seeing the troops entering the tower, Doinb's Ice Girl took the lead and immediately stopped the sword girl with a sudden RW.

Then Kayn came through the wall with a set of unexplained combos.

However, Pig Girl did not go far at this time. When she saw Kayn and Ice Girl approaching Sword Girl's tower, Pig Girl rushed to the rescue immediately.

However, with Pig Girl's intervention, Kayn and Ice Girl's output was blocked for a moment, and Knife Girl's flash was handed over without being eliminated instantly.

But Doinb is not a noob either. At the last moment, he flashed his Q skill and hit the sword girl at the extreme distance, taking the head.

Then Kayn and Ice Girl took turns fighting the tower, and both of them walked out of the defense tower unharmed.

Pig Girl looked at the two of them and had no idea what to do. What could he, a level [-] pig, do? !

But then, FPX's behavior as a midfielder duo made him even more stunned.

After collecting the heads, Ice Girl retreated while shouting: "NIEC, awesome, good fight, Chen Mu!"

But in a blink of an eye, Kayn not only didn't leave, but was still lingering under the tower.

Just when Teacher Big B was feeling strange, Chen Mu placed a marker under the opposite defense tower.

"What are you doing standing around, eating tapioca!"

"Oh, yes, yes, Tapitapi!"

Only then did Brother Coin realize that the most important thing after the revision was the taping mechanism.

Then the ice girl followed Kayn and ate a layer of tart skin before retreating happily.

But Pig Girl looked at the two bullies, not only killing people, but also eating tapioca.


One layer of the tapioca was destroyed, but Pig Girl saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart, which was even more uncomfortable than the death of Dao Girl.

It seems like something important has been cut away from my heart.

This is also a common problem of some people after the tapi mechanism was introduced. Watching tapi being eaten by the other side is more uncomfortable than being killed yourself.

I would rather die under the tower than be eaten by the other side.

In only 6 minutes, all three routes of RW collapsed, and the economic gap has reached [-].

From the beginning of the game to now, Chen Mu's Kayn is either causing trouble or on the way to causing trouble.

Kayn's energy bar has also evolved by more than half, which is too fast for Kayn.

But in the following time, Chen Mu's Kaiyin did not cause trouble.

His own jungle area was almost covered with grass, and he hadn't even brushed it for a single round.

6 minutes 30 seconds.

Kayn had just brushed a group of junglers, and he had already reached level six.

At this time, top laner Urgot was only level six.

A jungler's level experience is the same as that of the top and mid laners. This is a very scary thing.

But if you think about it carefully, this is also a normal thing.

The most experienced Shuanghe Crab also got all the experience from two players and one assist. He also gained a lot of experience in the three ways of catching people and counter-crouching.

So Kayn can reach level 6 during this time period.

The key thing is that Kayn's energy bar is almost full.

This is the case with the hero Kayn. In the early stage, he must kidnap his teammates and fight to evolve as quickly as possible, otherwise half of him will be useless.

But Chen Mu's game was so smooth. He played from start to finish in the first seven or eight minutes and could evolve at a glance.

As for the hero Kayn, he is completely two heroes before and after his transformation, and his strength is not at the same level.

The situation then seemed to be completely controlled by Chen Mu, hanging over RW's head like a big hand.

At 8 minutes, the first small dragon, Earth Dragon, was captured by Kayn.

At 10 minutes, the first Rift Herald was just born and was captured by Kayn with Ice Girl and Urgot.

(End of this chapter)

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