LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 344: What else can he not do? !

Chapter 344: What else can he not do? !

Chen Mu has become the master of the canyon.

I want wild monsters, heads, dragons, canyons, and big dragons
In just over 10 minutes, the head ratio reached 4-1, the economic gap reached 3000, and two important map resources, Xiaolong and Canyon Pioneer, were also controlled.

The key thing is that Kayn's transformation energy bar is full.

Chen Mu chose Hongkai.

Kayn is also a very unique hero in League of Legends.Can evolve into Blue Kai or Red Kai form.

Lan Kai belongs to the assassin type. In terms of damage, he has a very high burst that can instantly remove brittle skin. He has a very powerful single belt and second C position ability. However, although the burst of flexibility is very high, he is very brittle.

As Hong Kai is a warrior, his skills will gain some blood-sucking effects, and his frankness has also been significantly improved, which naturally increases his fault tolerance rate.

Although Hong Kai's burst is a little lower, the damage is still very high, with percentage damage and a certain tanking ability. Hong Kai is mainly biased toward the team, and can even start a group fight physically.

However, in this game, Chen Mu did not have many choices.

Kayn attacks long-range heroes to accumulate energy to evolve Blue Kai, and attacks short-range heroes to accumulate energy to evolve Red Kai.

In this game, apart from Kai'Sa, RW's other four Sion, Pig Girl, Sword Girl and Braum are all melee heroes.

Chen Mu didn't have many opportunities to accumulate the energy to evolve into Blue Kai, so he directly evolved into Red Kai.

After evolving into Hong Kai, Chen Mu's aggressiveness became even higher.

After taking down the Rift Herald, Kayn went straight to the top road, because Pig Girl's figure clearly appeared on the mini-map, appearing in the lower half of the wild area.

Although the fleshy Thane knew that Kayn was on his way after defeating the Rift Herald, he still relied on his strength and stayed under the tower.

But Chen Mu doesn’t like you~
Do you think you are fat? !

In fact, it breaks when touched!
After Chen Mu's Kaiyin evolved into Red Kai, he not only had tankiness, but his skills also had percentage damage, and his tanking ability was also good.

Aguang's Urgot ultimate move has a killing ability, but it has a full 25% lifeline!
Sion seems to have a set of armor equipment, which is very restrained by the jungle combination of Urgot and Kayn, but in fact they are all empty.

In the end, Kayn and Urgot took turns resisting the tower. Thane tried his best to walk around the pillars of King Qin, but he still fell under the tower of hatred.

Afterwards, Kayn did not summon the Rift Herald he had just accepted, but just rubbed a layer of tower skin with Urgot, and then returned to the city under the accelerated return effect of the Rift Herald.

At this time, as a jungler, Chen Mu's economy was so good that it was even more gorgeous than heroes in positions such as top laner and mid laner.

In only 11 minutes, the warrior's jungle knife has been upgraded to level three, and level three cloth armor shoes have also been made.

Then, with the extra precision, he took out three small long swords.

Kayn's skills all have high attack power bonuses, so the price-performance ratio of three small long swords is still good.

Anyway, these three small long swords will all have suitable synthesized equipment, and there will be no equipment jams.

Finally, Kayn’s two true eyes were hung directly on the equipment rack.

As a jungler, vision control is essential.

You can be more independent when playing solo, and if circumstances permit, you can use less real eyes.

But this is not possible in the jungle. Vision control is also one of the essential tasks in the jungle.

After his savings were wiped out in the hands of the old man in the store, Chen Mu's Kayn also started the next round of rhythm.

First, he simply cleaned up his jungle area, and then started to use the Rift Herald buff that he still had to do things.

Accompanying him is Doinb Ice Girl in the middle, and the target is naturally RW's bottom duo.

The classic four packs of two have taken shape~
Previously, RW was counterattacked by Chen Mukaiyin in the bottom lane, giving Sima the old thief a head and a pair of red and blue buffs.

Therefore, Kai'Sa's development was not good. She was kept under the tower by Verus, and another layer of her plating was eaten away.

And when Chen Mu's Kayn and Ice Girl took over the bottom lane, RW's bottom lane duo was also ready, and Pig Girl had already crouched behind the defense tower.

Mid laner Ice Girl disappeared in the middle, and jungler Kayn was no longer on the map. FPX had such an obvious tower jumping rhythm.

No matter how young RW is, he can still react.

But even if you are prepared, actually dealing with it is another thing.

Chen Mu's Kaiyin directly hit the wall with his Q skill and blocked the triangle of grass on the opposite side. Standing with him was the Ice Girl.

At the same time, a real eye is inserted, draining out the accessory eye on the opposite side, blocking all vision.

Although their positions had been exposed, the two of them just stood blatantly in the triangular grass and refused to move.

At the same time, FPX's bottom lane duo also pushed a large wave of troops into the tower.

"Do it, do it, get ready to do it!"

"Go, go, go!"

The atmosphere in Little Phoenix's voice channel instantly became tense.

However, Chen Mu was unusually calm. He first marked the teleportation TPs of Urgot and Sword Girl, and signaled his teammates to be careful of the two teleportation TPs.

Then he directly summoned the Rift Herald buff in his hand, and at the same time put a mark on the opposite ADC's head, signaling to focus on ADC Kai'Sa first.

All is ready except for the opportunity!

The vanguard crashed into the defense tower with a crash, and in an instant, the defense tower with two layers of skin was left with only a trace of blood.

At the same time, Ice Girl and Kayn took action directly, targeting the opposite ADC Kai'Sa.

However, RW also tried its best to support. The pig girl who was hiding behind and squatting came out immediately, and the sword girl in the middle called TP immediately.

However, Thane was caught in a fight by Aguang's Urgot on the top lane, and could not find a good TP opportunity for a while.

So the 4V4 battle in the bottom lane started instantly.

However, the equipment is slightly ahead, and FPX, which has the initiative to start a group, is obviously more powerful.


The ice girl's ultimate move that came into play was thrown directly at Kai'Sa without even thinking about it.

FPX's goal is very clear, which is to beat Kai'Sa first.

Kai'Sa's summoner skill does not have purification, and Mercury cannot see the edge. Faced with Ice Girl's chain control, the operating space is really limited.

Although Braun next to him helped raise his shield to protect him from the wind and rain, Kai'Sa was immediately hit by the fire and died instantly.

At this time, the TP transmission of the single-sword girl in RW also landed, and RW wanted to organize a counterattack.

But under the command and marking of Chen Mu.

FPX Little Phoenix played smarter. After everyone killed Kai'Sa, Sima Laothief's Verus also received an assist, triggering his own passive attack speed.

In the blink of an eye, the defense tower with residual health that was hit by the Canyon Pioneer was about to turn into a pile of ruins under his almost cramping attack speed.

When the sword girl landed, the defense tower was destroyed, so it was still a 4v3 situation.

Everyone in RW was also a little dizzy. They originally thought that although the main output of ADC was killed, they could still fight back with the defense tower and at least earn something back.

But the defensive tower that was still at about half health just now has not a single hair left.

I really tied Q!

Dao Mei was almost speechless.

I originally thought it would be a good opportunity for me to become famous, but I didn't expect it to be a big trap.

Four against three.

RW only has one output, Dao Mei, and Dao Mei's equipment is not very good. He was also caught to death by Kayn once.The four people on the FPX Little Phoenix side are close to full combat power. Just when they jumped over the tower, they just used Ice Girl's big move.

The next situation can be imagined.

"Double kill!"

"Dominating, the Scythe of Shadow Stream has dominated the game!"

"The Scythe of Rampage Shadow Stream has gone berserk!"


Chen Mu was almost going crazy.

After killing the people, a little dragon happened to be born, a fire dragon with good attributes.

This round's luck also favored Chen Mu. The first little dragon, Earth Dragon, and the second little dragon, Fire Dragon, both had very good attributes.

In less than 15 minutes, the economic difference has reached 6000.

Although Chen Mu's Kaiyin evolved into Red Kai, the equipment he produced was not warrior equipment, but serious assassin equipment.

After the warrior hits the wild knife, he directly turns to the curtain blade, and then Youmeng comes out from behind the curtain blade.

An assassin's armor-piercing and violent output outfit.

What followed was a ruthless massacre.

At 15 minutes, FPX's bottom lane duo fell to the middle, and a wave of pressure directly pushed down the first tower in the middle.

At 16 minutes, Kayn appeared on the road again, and now Thane was as brittle as a piece of paper in front of Kayn.

Kill the tower.
At 17 minutes, the second Canyon Pioneer was born. Chen Mu's Kayn stood directly in front of RW's true eyes and played the vanguard openly.

The pig girl from RW just came over to take a closer look, sitting down with the exploding fruit to see if she could grab it.

His Pig Girl's presence was too low in this game, and she wanted to find some presence.

But with his level almost two levels behind Kayn, how could Chen Mu give it to the opponent? !
Punishment firmly captured the Canyon Pioneer, and then immediately stuck to Pig Girl and started hammering wildly.

Pig Girl immediately hit the wall with her Q skill, but Kayn also hit the wall with her E skill.

Pig Girl wanted to turn back and use her ultimate move to control Kayn, but the moment she took action, Kayn had already penetrated Pig Girl's body with her ultimate move, landed on the ground and continued to chase Pig Girl and beat her wildly.

The half-blooded pig girl released a flash that she had not used much in the game, but was accurately hit by Kayn's last W and took the kill.

After getting the second vanguard, FPX's offensive attack by RW was completely unstoppable.

The five people gathered directly in the middle and summoned the Canyon Herald.

But RW obviously couldn't organize a counterattack. After the second tower in the middle was knocked down, they still lingered on.

As a result, Verus, the old thief of Sima, turned around and controlled the sword girl with an R, and at the same time, it spread to the people behind him.

At this time, FPX is already crushing equipment, economy, and level.

In an instant, RW killed two people again.

Taking advantage of the trend, FPX pushed forward again, pushing down RW's middle highland tower, and then stopped pushing RW's highland crystal.

Anyway, the Highland Tower has been broken, and the crystal can't be pushed at any time. Pushing the crystal now gives RW a chance to develop.

FPX simply gathered together to take down the third dragon.

The game up to this point is nothing more than garbage time.

Kayn, who has a three-piece suit, directly activates his E skill, running around all over the map.

Brushing wild lands and killing people when they see them.

In the early 10st minute, all of RW's outer towers were destroyed, as well as the middle high ground, and the economic gap reached [-].

A situation that almost no one can change!
Then, under the leadership of Chen Mu, in about ten seconds, Rush dropped the Baron and leveled the RW base with the Baron buff.

The final time was fixed at 22 minutes and 13 seconds.

Chen Mu's Kayn record is also fixed at 7-0-6, an almost perfect record.

Maybe it’s just a little bit imperfect, but it’s just the last head away from being super awesome~
"Awesome! Chen Mu!"

"Good job~"

As soon as the game ended, Teacher Doinb took off his headphones and jumped up from his chair.

Chen Mu no longer surprised him, but frightened him.

In normal rankings or training matches, Doinb plays with Chen Mu and helps Chen Mu get up the rhythm.

But today Chen Mu is completely the same person as before.

It's really ridiculously strong!
From the early stage, the rhythm was fierce, and he directly captured the upper and lower lanes. In the mid-term, he invaded the opposite jungle area and linked up with his ice girl, directly destroying the opposite midfielder.

Then to the later map resource control, jungle route planning, and jungle clearing efficiency.

Almost always a perfect route.

If I insist on saying it, Doinb really wants to say, are you using clairvoyance? !

It's like all the actions on the other side are detected by you in advance.

Now he finally feels the pleasure of being a teammate with Chen Mu, and finally enjoys the treatment of IG.

How is this a professional game? It's just the big brother who ordered me to play with him.

Tongtiandai is responsible for random killing and carry competitions, and occasionally can give you a sense of gaming experience. This is a service that can only be enjoyed by paying money!

This signature is so nice!
Doinb really wants to have one with Chen Mu in his arms~
However, Chen Mu, the god of the World Championship, was still there at this time, with a cold face, and Doinb was embarrassed to get close to him.

At this time, the commentators in the commentary box were also chatting.

Wawa didn't say much when they met. He first said wow: "Wow, perfect data of 7-0-6. Is this Chen Mu's jungle strength?! What do you think of Chen Mu's jungle performance in this round?"

Miller continued: "It's too exaggerated. It's such a perfect rhythm. Almost [-]% participation rate, full control of all neutral map resources. This young player xuzhu has really been taught a lesson. He really did it in front of Chen Mu." You are as innocent as a piece of white paper, you can be played with as much as you want?!"

Guan Zeyuan was even more generous with his praise: "I think Chen Mu's Kaiyin gave a perfect answer in this game and answered the questions throughout the transfer period. I, Chen Mu, don't care whether I'm on the road or not." , still in the jungle, or in other positions, it’s all YYDS!”

"At the same time, I also want to say something."

"My poisonous milk has no effect at all in front of the God of Shepherd~" In the end, Guan Zeyuan also wanted to "prove his innocence."

At the same time, the barrage in the live broadcast room surged with exaggeration.

"Guigui, now I finally understand what YYDS is all about. I really killed it from beginning to end!"

"IG is confused, Wang Shicong is confused, can they be let go?!"

"FPX found a treasure!"

"Oh my god, the little phoenix is ​​really going to reach nirvana this year~"

"This is really outrageous. If the top laner is so good, the jungler is also so strong?!"

"Sure enough, I only gave him the wrong name, not the wrong name. It's really a gift from God!"

"What else can he not do?! What can he not do?! What can he not do?!"


(End of this chapter)

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