LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 348 Deja vu E flash E

Chapter 348 Deja vu E flash E
The Sofm fan's wine barrel also wanted to compete with Chen Mu for hand speed, and rushed into the dragon pit to fight for punishment, but after a lonely rush, the dragon failed to grab it, and instead pulled all his formations apart.

After Chen Mu's Qinggang Shadow snatched the dragon, they continued to break off the team decisively, and ER directly went to the opposite back row to save people.

What's left is Lin Weixiang's harvesting teaching. As soon as his ultimate move is activated, he gets a group acceleration.

Driving W, countless wheels were flying in the crowd on the opposite side, and Bron was assisting in passive mode.

A wave of small ACEs, FPX played a 1 for 4 at the Xiaolong Pit.

The person who died on Little Phoenix's side was none other than Chen Mu.

When the team battle started, the Snake team collapsed immediately, and everyone was running away.

Chen Mu had nothing to hesitate. He directly covered Kai'Sa in the back row with ER, and then he sold himself and it was done~
However, although he asked the kasha people from the opposite side to stay, he also fell under the concentrated fire from the opposite side.

Qinggangying did not have any defensive equipment on his body at this time, and his flash was also in the CD and could not come out again.

The Snakes also got a small finish from Chen Mu.

But compared to the small ending gained, there are too many things lost.

A wave of small groups were wiped out, and then at the end of 14 minutes, FPX Little Phoenix pushed down the middle defense tower again.

In 14 minutes, there were only 15 layers of tapas in total. FPX Little Phoenix had already eaten 11 layers and was about to get numb.

At this time, the economic gap between the two sides had reached more than 4000, and the Snake Team was almost unable to stabilize the economic gap.

Later, Xiaofenghuang and others also showed their terrifying teamwork and integrity.

Linkage between the midfielder and jungler, linkage between the jungler and auxiliary, and the combination of top, middle and jungle.
All kinds of hugs.

15 minutes.

Without the protection of the defense tower in the middle, Qinggangying kicked directly from the six-bird pit on the opposite side, hitting Yasuo who was still carefully clearing the line.

Then Galio of Doinb fell from the sky.

"A Hero Appears~"

A whole set of control chains followed and pinned Yasuo to death, and his head was taken away by Qinggangying's two kicks.

The game lasts 17 minutes.

The saucy fan was indeed a master at playing with snakes. Under such a disadvantage, he did not want to stabilize his own wild area, but instead invaded Chen Mu's wild area.

But he was caught on the spot by Chen Mu.

There are thieves? !

Okay, little brat, how dare you steal my F6 in Dark Kai mode. Don’t you know that F6 is a taboo in Dark Kai mode?

Then Qinggangying cooperated with Kai'Sa and Braun who came from the middle to chase and intercept the wine barrel.

However, the sexy fan went into Chen Muye District to steal something. After stealing something, he was stopped on the spot. As a result, he wanted to resist the law violently and tried to struggle.

Immediately, an exploding wine barrel was thrown at Qinggang Ying, trying to blow him away.

But Chen Mu would not spoil a "thief"~
At the same time that the barrel's ultimate move, Exploding the Barrel, was thrown over, his own ultimate move, Hex Ultimatum, had also been launched.

He avoided the barrel's ultimate move and covered the barrel in place.

After receiving the mark, Kai'Sa flew directly to the barrel and began to violently output.

In the end, the sexy fan Sofm stole a six-bird, but also lost one of his own heads, and still gave it to Qinggang Shadow.

The rich die rich, the poor die poor!
This makes Snake Team's already not wealthy family even worse.

The game lasts 18 minutes.

Chen Mu led the crowd to directly capture the second canyon pioneer.

This canyon pioneer, the Snake Team has no thought at all and can't compete at all.

In the last wave of dragon team battles, the Snake team had already lost completely. This time it was a 5v5 team battle. FPX Little Phoenix had Urgot the Crab, but the Snake team had the Holy Gun brother. The name Victor is a sleeping dragon and a phoenix.

Speaking of Victor, I am already deaf - decoration~~
Chen Mu took Doinb through five-minute military training four times, and he was completely worn out!

He was actually pushed away from the lane and the tower by Urgot.

The Omen of Thieves is a pure laning rune. During the laning phase, Victor can bully short-handed heroes and steal money without restraint with Omen of Thieves.

But once there are no defense towers and the laning period is out of the way, the talent of Thieving Omen will be compromised.

There was no protection from the defense tower behind me, so I didn't feel confident about stealing anything.

It was almost 10 minutes into the game before Holy Gun's Victor finished upgrading the core Hex technology, and he didn't have any of the two pieces of equipment.

And look at the Snakes team, almost everyone in the upper, middle and jungle fields has a mercury shoe.

The three hands of Victor, the holy gun brother, do not look like "electrotherapy holy hands" at all. Instead, they are like scraping masters.

After getting the second vanguard, it was time for FPX to launch a more rapid offensive.

The best way is of course four-and-one splitting, but the person splitting is not Urgot or Galio.

But Chen Mu's Qinggangying.

Originally, Qinggangying was a good player in the top lane position.

It's just that switching to the jungle position is not as good as the top lane position economically, so there is no single-band effect.

Sometimes the jungler Green Steel Shadow Camille, or even the three items and Tiamat are not used. After the jungle knife is upgraded, he immediately switches to the resurrection armor.

However, Chen Mu's economy was very good in this round. In less than 7 minutes, Tiamat came out.

FPX got a total of 11 layers of tart skin, and Chen Mu got to 8 layers.

In addition, there are so many heads on them, so you can kill them casually in the jungle.

As for whether there are "tolls" collected on the way to gank, only the person involved knows.

So Chen Mu still chose to do three things after playing wild knife.

Now I have two items in hand~
Chen Mu's jungler Qing Gangying is completely playing as a top laner.

So instead, Urgot and Mr. Big B's Galio became Gongzi's to protect the wheel mother and put pressure in the middle.

Chen Mu's Qinggang Shadow, with the buff of Canyon Pioneer, broke through all the way from the bottom lane, and pulled out the first and second towers of the bottom lane one after another.

After breaking through two defensive towers, Chen Mu easily took down the third dragon.

This third fire dragon is another fire dragon.

Chen Mu moved to the jungle position, but luck seemed to be on his side.

When the dragon attribute is not needed, useless attributes like wind dragon soul are used. When needed, sought-after attributes such as fire dragon and earth dragon come one after another.

10. Just over [-] minutes.

The economic gap has reached more than 7000, mainly concentrated on Chen Mu, who only accounts for half.

Now Chen Mu's Qinggangying's economy is even better than ADC.

After returning to the city, Qinggangying has already finished the three items, and he is following the same path as the top laner.

Jungle knife, three items, and Tiamat, and a stopwatch.

You must know that Jin Gong's Urgot only has two pieces of equipment now.

After 10 minutes, all the outer towers of the Snake team were destroyed one after another. At the same time, all FPX members went out with their real eyes, clearing up all the vision in the upper half of the jungle.

Looking at the dark wilderness, everyone in the Snake Team couldn't help but murmur in their hearts.

You won’t be fighting the dragon anymore, right? !
Not to mention, the FPX Little Phoenix lineup rushes Baron quite quickly. Even though it is only 10 minutes old, the damage is enough.Wheel Mom, Qinggang Shadow and Urgot are all good at rushing the dragon.

But all the members of the Snake Team were feeling frightened when they looked at the black dragon pit. They all knew that FPX might have been beating the baron, but no one dared to go there!

ADC's farsighted transformation has been used and is still on CD.

So in desperation, the five of us could only hold together and move step by step to the top of the dragon pit.

One of the assistant's true eyes fell into the dragon pit.

Everyone in the Snake Team clearly saw that in the field of view of Dragon Pit, everyone in FPX was not rushing the dragon.

Everyone in the Snake Team breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

Fortunately, FPX was not in a hurry to defeat the Baron.

The next moment, everyone in FPX scattered, brushing the wild, and closing the line. If they don't develop quickly now, they will wait until later.

Holy Gun's Victor also passed by his jungle area, intending to return to the highland tower to close the line.

At the same time, Chen Mu's Qinggang Shadow and Doinb's Galio were squatting in the grass next to the stone man in the upper half of the snake team's jungle area.

"Brother Mu, can we catch someone if we squat here?!" Teacher Big B asked weakly.

A minute ago, under Chen Mu's command, Qinggangying and Galio were already squatting here.

"It's okay, don't worry~"

"We will definitely catch someone!"

Chen Mu comforted Doinb, who was a little restless next to him.

On the opposite side of the road, under the highland tower, there is a large wave of troops that are about to enter the tower.

For the Snake Team, if no one comes to collect this wave of soldiers, it will be no different from losing.

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure appeared in front of the two of them.

If not Victor, who is it? !

Without any hesitation, Chen Mu hooked the wall with his Qinggang Shadow E skill, and then kicked Victor at the speed of light.

I don't know if Brother Holy Spear was too old to react, or he was trapped in the third game, and Victor didn't have time to hand over his flash.

He was kicked firmly in the chest by Qinggang Ying.

Then, Doinb next to him was impatient for a long time, and his Galio followed the control immediately, without even needing to use his ultimate move.

The direct E skill Justice Punch knocked Victor away again, and then a charged W taunt controlled Victor again.

Holy Spear Brother Li Xuanjun was walking, his perspective still focused on the military line under his highland tower. This military line was his only source of income, and he felt heartbroken every time someone died.

He wished that Victor would transplant his third arm to his leg and run faster.

But the sudden buzzing sound of the game instantly brought him back to reality, and he hurriedly switched back to his own perspective.

On the wrong day, Qinggangying and Galio, two "unhuman beings", came to mess with him!

Although his Victor is also a half-flesh Ice Fist Victor with high armor.But Chen Mu's Green Steel Shadow deals real damage, while Galio deals AP damage.

His Ice Fist Victor can bully the short-legged crab, but it faces the upper and lower hands of two people.

In just two seconds, there was already residual blood.

Brother Holy Spear was also pressing his own flash crazily, trying to struggle.

Although there was still the last trace of blood left, Victor recovered from the control and flashed out.

But at this time, Qinggangying's E skill was too good. He hooked the wall rope again, kicked Victor, and took the head.

Li Xuanjun slammed the keyboard and played with snake skin~
No matter how I play snakeskin top laner in the future, I will be a puppy!
When the other four members of the Snake Team reacted, they also wanted to outflank these two people from the back, making it impossible for them to come back.

But it is obvious that the linkage of FPX Little Phoenix is ​​getting better and closer.

When Chen Mu and Doinb took action, the bottom lane duo of Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong had already moved to the top lane, plus Urgot and TP teleportation were in hand.

In the end, the Snakes gave up the idea of ​​double-teaming.

Victor was already dead, so it was better to stop the loss in time. It would be bad if we were surrounded by the enemy again.

But the death of one person is the same as the death of five people.

After killing Victor, the five FPX people immediately adjusted their vision and status and gathered at the dragon pit.

"Hit!" Chen Mu gave a cold command.

All the skills and attacks of the five FPX players were aimed at Baron Nash.

But at first glance, I couldn’t drag it on any longer.

The remaining four members of the Snake Team began to gather outside the Dragon Pit and began to interfere with the FPX Baron, exerting as much pressure as possible to drag Victor back to life.

However, FPX's rush dragon is very fast. The wheel in the wheel mother's hand is about to smoke, and Urgot's six crab legs are about to burst into smoke.

Chen Muqing's Steel Shadow's equipment is also very good, and his super high real damage against dragons is also very powerful!
In just 10 seconds, the dragon's health had dropped to half.

Victor still has 10 seconds to resurrect.

Seeing that they could no longer drag on, the four members of the snake team were getting closer and closer to the dragon pit, and they felt like they wanted to rush in.

While fighting the dragon with regular attacks and skills, he cut the screen at the speed of light and stared at the opposite position, and then took a look at Victor's resurrection time.

That's too late!

The fact that this was too late was not because it was too late to rush the dragon, but because it was too late for the team battle.

The five FPX players rushed the dragon, and they were all crowded into the dragon pit, and their positioning was very bad.

When Brother Holy Spear was resurrected and TP entered the frontal battlefield, FPX was completely trapped in the dragon pit.

Even if FPX wins the Dragon Pit by then, their status and positioning will not be very good, and the team will be easily wiped out.

So starting a group is the best choice!

When the dragon's health dropped to an ambiguous level of two to three thousand, Qinggang Shadow moved!
At the same time, the mark hit Kai'Sa's head.

"Hit!" Another faint command came out.

E flash E!

A sudden, lightning-fast E flash E not only prevented the opponent from reacting, but also bypassed the person in front of Kai'Sa.

This scene seemed familiar. Chen Mu had previously played Qinggang Ying in the same way.

Qinggang Shadow Wanjun kicked Kai'Sa from it.

The snake team's auxiliary bull-headed souls appeared and immediately wanted to drive away the green steel shadow.

But after Chen Mu kicked Qinggang Shadow, he didn't make any fancy moves. He didn't add skills or basic attacks, he just blocked his big move.

Not only did it cover Kai'Sa in place, it also circumvented Niutou's skill control.

"The hero is here!"

Doinb's finger had already been on the ultimate move button, and it immediately fell from the sky.

Galio once again knocked Kai'Sa away, and at the same time beat the Snakes' already uneven lineup to pieces.

Kai'Sa, who didn't have Purification or Quicksilver, just landed from Galio's ultimate attack and was ridiculed by Galio again.

Under such a series of controls, if the rest of FPX cannot kill the opponent's ADC, they can disband the team on the spot~
At this time, Holy Spear Brother's Victor had just recovered from the black screen, and TP was in the center of the battlefield!
(End of this chapter)

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