LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 349 The turbulent LPL league

Chapter 349 The turbulent LPL league
His own ADC was already dead, and Holy Spear Brother's Victor teleported to the frontal battlefield.

But it's still a 4-on-5 situation, and the Snakes' entire lineup is scattered to pieces, and it doesn't look like they can have a perfect team fight at all.

After using the second company, Niutou was packed away. Wine Barrel and Yasuo were separated and had no chance to enter the field.

After Victor landed, he was surrounded by everyone. Before using his skills for one round, the screen went black again and he returned to the spring.

In the end, FPX Little Phoenix perfectly played a group annihilation.

Another ACE!

But Team Snake also wants to kill Qinggang Shadow, the culprit of everything.

But the last move, ding!
Chen Mu pressed his stopwatch at the last moment to avoid damage and once again frustrated the Snake Team's wish.

After the team destroyed the Snake Team, the five FPX players easily captured the Baron that was within easy reach next to them.

After returning to the city to sort out their equipment and troop lines again, FPX advanced in three directions.

The Snake Team could no longer organize an effective defense, but in the blink of an eye, all three highlands were destroyed. With the advancement of the three super soldiers, the Snake Team could not defend at all. They could only watch the defense towers and super soldiers wear away little by little. The HP of the incisor tower.

In the end, the fragments of the crystal base slowly flew in the air, and the time was fixed at 26 minutes and 33 seconds.

game over.

FPX Little Phoenix defeated the Snakes 2:1 and got a 2-0 start in the spring split.

At this time, everyone in the commentary box also gave applause and encouragement.

Guan Zeyuan first summarized this wonderful duel:

"What a wonderful game. In the last game, Snake played top laner Lucian's unique hero, while Chen Mu's blind monk performed normally. But in this last game, Chen Mu and Little Phoenix quickly Returning the favor, Qinggang Ying's near-perfect performance seemed to bring Chen Mu back to the familiar top lane field. Even though Brother Holy Spear wanted to steal money from Victor, he was completely sanctioned. In the end, he was 0 With a record of -7, he is only one head short of surpassing the ghost!"

The doll also nodded and said with great agreement: "Yes, this little phoenix is ​​getting better and better. It really feels like nirvana and rebirth. We can clearly see that their integrity and linkage work It’s better than the Snakes, and I’m already looking forward to them in the future.”

Wawa concluded: "Then let's wait and see. Today is the last day of the first week of our LPL S9 Spring Split. There are still many days to come!"

"I'm also looking forward to the changes in the version in the future. I heard that TheShy is practicing skateboarding in the Korean server. I'm already looking forward to what sparks will come from the collision between Chen Mu and TheShy, an old teammate?"

The barrage in the live broadcast room also made Chen Mu rise to the top.

"Little Phoenix rushes to the duck, Chen Mu, come on!!"

"I'm sorry, now FPX Little Phoenix is ​​my home team!"

"It really feels like Battleship Galactica, a bit like last year's IG!"

"IG:??? Then I'm leaving!"

“The theme of last year’s World Championship was reaching the top. Could it be that the theme of this year’s World Championship is Nirvana?? (Squint) (Squint)”

"Hehe, win it steadily, today is full of happiness again~"

"Damn it, Chen Mu feels like a ghost now!"

"Chen Mu: Hee hee, it's a big deal, it's a big deal, now the domestic league is having fun with you, wait until the World Championships and see how I kill~"


At the same time, on the competition stage.

Chen Mu, who had just slowly retreated from the state of being the god of the World Championship, still looked very confused.

Every time he uses the God of the World Championship, there will be a huge sense of gap.

Suddenly, he descended from a god who once controlled everything to an ordinary person. In the game, his reaction was stretched to the limit, his operation was extremely fast, and every bit of it could not escape his control. However, at this time, he was just an ordinary person.

This huge gap and discomfort will take a while to adjust to.

This is also the reason why Chen Mu's God of the World can be used for the entire game once he uses it. He will not use it in key team battles or key operations, and will quit at other times if it is not used.

Otherwise, Chen Mu might have just completed a wave of team battles in the God of World Championship state one moment, and after exiting the God of World Championship the next second, the huge gap would cause Chen Mu to hang up in the spring.

After coming back to his senses, Shen Chenmu simply high-fived his teammates to celebrate, and then took the lead towards the opposite player bench.

At this time, several young men in the Snake Team were severely hit, especially Li Xuanjun, the holy gun brother who was on the road.

In the previous game, his Lucian was still dotting madly, killing everyone, but in the next game, he directly hit him in the head.

Black died three times in 5 minutes and less than 10 minutes, leaving his top laner Victor unable to even scratch his head until the end.

However, some people may just have sex attributes, and the more they are abused, the more excited they become.

Li Xuanjun, Holy Spear Brother, was also a well-known dog fan. He once said a classic saying, "I feel a little excited when I think about being abused by a dog master."

And now Mr. Gou has been stepped on to become the world's number one jb player, but the man in front of him is seriously the world's number one.

Seeing Chen Mu walking over calmly, he directly grasped Chen Mu's extended right hand with both hands, shook it excitedly, and gave a thumbs up.

"Awesome, I'm convinced~"

There may be one less dog fan in the world, but there is one more animal husbandry fan!
The Vietnamese jungler Sofm fan sitting next to Brother Shengqiang was also a little confused.

The Qinggang Shadow in this last game is completely different from the previous two games!
In the first game, Chen Mu's wine barrel was not bad, but it was definitely not a perfect wine barrel. It was just that under the linkage of the opponent's mid laner Doinb, he could play well.

In the second game, this man's blind monk was a bit weak. If he had to say that he was very similar to someone he fought, it would be 7-chan.

But the Qinggang Shadow in the last round.

Perfect jungle route, extremely aggressive jungle style, always one step ahead in gank and anti-crouching.

Gan!He was really powerless. Although he wanted to set the pace, he seemed to be seen through.

Chen Mu's recklessness is completely different from the spicy hotpot's recklessness.

The kind of recklessness that Mala Xiangguo has is completely iron-headed. If you don't develop yourself, you just have to go to the jungle to expose yourself to you, or exchange with you in a certain way.

Therefore, Mala Xiang Guo's jungle area sometimes has an advantage, but his number of jungle brushes cannot keep up at all. This is the reason.

But Chen Mu's reckless method is different. He kills people, clears the jungle, and controls the map. Every brushing route or gank route is carefully designed.

Not a single bit of time is wasted~
Finally, the Vietnamese jungler scratched his hair, which had not been washed for several days, and casually shook hands with Chen Mu.The corners of Chen Mu's mouth twitched slightly, but he still shook hands with the sexy fan politely.

The three people behind the Snake Team, Chen Mu, were not familiar with them, but they still shook hands respectfully and bowed.

With the end of the game between FPX Little Phoenix and Snakes, the first week of the LPL Spring Split has come to an end.

In the second week of the game, FPX Little Phoenix only had one game, which was against the upper-tier team JDG.

Now Chen Mu and FPX are gradually finding their own gameplay.

Especially the midfielder combination of Chen Mu and Teacher Big B.

Neither playing pure jungle core play, nor playing mid lane AP big core, just playing a mid and jungle combination with a very strong linkage rhythm.

Doinb doesn't even touch late-stage AP core heroes like Clockwork Tsar. Instead of playing an AP mid laner like Ice Girl Galio who controls him to death, he starts to attack warrior mid laners like Kled Crocodile.

And Chen Mu is either playing a rush jungler like Blue Steel Shadow Nightmare in conjunction with Ice Girl Galio, or he is playing a combination of Wine Barrel Pig Girl and Kled Crocodile.

Not to mention, this unique combination cannot be beaten by ordinary midfielder combinations.

If you play a mid laner like Clockwork Czar, a late-game core player, FPX’s mid and jungle system will be able to break through you in the early and mid-term; if you play a rhythm mid laner like Ice Girl Galio, you won’t be able to beat FPX’s mid and jungle auxiliary rhythm. ; But if you want to play a tactical mid laner like Kled Crocodile, ordinary mid laners don’t have such a unique hero pool, so it’s really hard to play~
Therefore, the integrity of FPX is getting better and better. Even if Chen Mu does not use the God of the World Championship, he still performs well under the leadership of the team.

As for JDG, this upper-class team is pretty good.

Top laner Duke Zoom, jungler Flawless is also an old teammate of Doinb, Sima Laothief and Aguang in RW. The mid laner is Pingxiang’s second mid laner Toothpaste, the ADC is IMP, and the support is Green Hair. They are all veterans. face.

However, under the heavy blows and three blows from Chen Mu and FPX's old teammates, JDG really couldn't withstand the offensive and fell abruptly.

And Chen Mu is also rare to be useless in the World Championship.

Just rely on three-axe heroes like Wine Barrel Pig Girl and Qinggang Shadow Zhao Xin to cut down the opponent forcefully.

In the third week of games, FPX still has a small schedule, with only one game scheduled, against SNG.

The SNG Suning team is a new team, and its strength configuration itself is limited.

Originally, the SNG team wanted to strengthen the team configuration and introduce Sima Laothief during the transfer period, and they had been talking with Sima Laothief for a long time.

But in the end, they were intercepted by FPX Little Phoenix. They directly applied for a contract and combined with the team configuration, they took away all the essence of the RW generation of Rogues in an instant.

Therefore, in desperation, the SNG team cannot find a good ADC player. Teams generally want excellent ADC players, but the SNG team looks down on weak ADC players.

So the SNG team was in an embarrassing situation and could only find a good player from the second youth training team.

However, the FPX team, which is facing a certain amount of pressure as it gets better and better at running in and competes for positions at the same time, cannot resist.

Aguang and Gongzi brother compete for rotation, and now the top lane has become a sacrifice position in the FPX team. It is also a good thing to have someone to help Jin Gong share the pressure.

Otherwise, Chen Mu felt a little distressed when he saw someone forcing him into isolation at every turn, a man who was incompetent and furious, hammering the keyboard and slamming the table.

Now that Mouse Aguang is here, he can at least rotate and give Jin Gong some room to relax.

The bottom lane is a head-on competition. In order to secure the starting position, Sima Laothi and Lin Weixiang used all their cards and tried their best. Their condition is getting better day by day, and they don't even need to gank in the jungle during training. In the bottom lane, he directly penetrated the opponent just by relying on his laning strength.

Against the SNG team, it was another happy 2-0.

FPX Little Phoenix's performance reached a 4-0 victory record without a single defeat.

However, FPX's results are going smoothly, and several other teams in the LPL division are also on the rise.

The first is IG, last year’s championship team.

Although Chen Mu left IG and caused countless turmoil during the transfer period, the team of champions is still there, and the foundation is still there.

Although Chen Mu is no longer on the road, TheShy has stepped up and still has a strong dominance in the LPL.

Jungler Ning Wang still likes to squat in the upper half of the jungle as always, but there are a few more pairs of shoes in the shoe cabinet at home.

The position of Broiler Chicken Allah in the middle lane has become more stable, and Ah Shui in the bottom lane has gradually begun to take up the leading role.

After three weeks of competition, IG also crushed its opponents with a complete victory.

EDG, another traditional giant in the LPL division, seemed like a different person once they returned to the domestic league. They were in rapid form and had a very good record.

But surprisingly, RNG, another traditional giant in the LPL division, has a slightly different change.

Letme, who is on the road, seems to have lost his soul and heart in Incheon since last year's World Championship, but God has not favored him. After the Tapi mechanism came out, the tide receded and his true form was about to be revealed, and his hands were shaking even more.

I can hardly play anymore~
Kasra himself has a bad mentality. When Flash Wolf was criticized for being invisible in the competition, it was a cancer. When he came to RNG, he was still criticized for being invisible in the competition. It was a cancer. Due to his mentality, he could only rest for a while. The first game was Spicy Hotpot.

But this is not the key yet
The key thing is that the other two people in the team seem to be gradually going berserk.

Uzi and Mala Xiangguo have also changed since they returned from the United States during the All-Star Game.

Brother Zaozi, who has gradually lost his temper, seems to have returned to the irritable Uzi he once was, and the spicy hot pot has become even more violent and irritable.

Whenever something goes wrong, they start to give red and warm warnings. What’s interesting is that these two people don’t lose their temper at other people. When something goes wrong, they start to criticize each other.

And the most disturbing thing is that the performance of the two people in the game can be said to be catastrophic.

If you don't pay for the ancestral flash, you won't pay until next year's World Championship; if you don't care, you will press the line and don't leave when you see someone; if you don't brush in the jungle, you will just go shopping in the three-way and lead your teammates to the rhythm.
There are countless operations for cerebral palsy.

So RNG has handed over the burden of carrying to Xiaohu.

Oh my god~ But Xiaohu couldn’t help but roll his eyes!

You guys are so good at giving me away, I’m such a dick!

The atmosphere within the team was in chaos, the results were a mess, and even the management and boss were in a very bad mood.

This also surprised RNG fans.

Is it possible that the all-Chinese Royal Family Team is about to fall apart? !

But more other fans are secretly happy. Is it possible that we will get our long-lost nationality back? QAQ? !
However, despite the turmoil in the LPL division at the beginning of the S9 season, with the end of the game between FPX Little Phoenix and SNG Suning on January 1, the LPL league has come to an end for the time being.

With the arrival of the Spring Festival, the LPL division has also entered the offseason.

(End of this chapter)

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