LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 350 E-Sports Lantern Festival Chapter

Chapter 350 E-Sports Lantern Festival

After the game against the SNG team, several young guys from FPX sneaked back to the base without even doing a post-game review and announced a holiday on the spot.

This year’s New Year’s Eve is February 2th, and there are only a few days left.

That night, most of the people in FPX's base had already left, and even people from other divisions had already taken a break without games.

What Chen Mu bought was a ticket for tomorrow.

Chen Mu's hometown is a small third- and fourth-tier city in Hui Province. Although the city is not big, the living standard is not bad, and the per capita disposable income is not low.

After getting off the high-speed rail station, Chen Mu felt a little emotional when he saw the changing scene.

Unconsciously, Chen Mu has been participating in the LPL professional league for more than a year.

After I graduated from college, I lost my mind and wanted to play in a professional league. Naturally, I was opposed by my parents, relatives and friends.

But at that time, Chen Mu seemed to have been possessed by some kind of poison, his mind was racing, and the contract had already been signed.

Seeing this, Chen's father and Chen's mother had no choice. The contract had already been signed. Looking at the liquidated damages in the contract, they had no choice but to let Chen Mu go on.

Anyway, Chen Mu had just graduated from college and had enough time to try and make mistakes and hit the wall.

Since the beginning of 18, Chen Mu has been carrying a bag to the RNG base, determined to play clearly.

However, he sat on the bench for half a year. It was not until the MSI mid-season that Chen Mu was reborn again and awakened the god of the World Championship.

Later, with the blessing of the system, Chen Mu killed everyone, and his reputation became more and more famous day by day.

But Chen Mu has not come back even once this year.

For no other reason than the MSI mid-season, Chen Mu's schedule has become increasingly full day by day, and he has no time for this at all.

After the MSI mid-season, Chen Mu left RNG directly and transferred to IG after a month of hard work.

After arriving at IG, there were intercontinental games and summer games, including Asian Games exhibition games. Chen Mu didn't have a day off.

After the summer split, the S8 World Championship will follow.

After the World Championship, Chen Mu attended various awards events, went to the All-Star Game, and was busy with the transfer period.

After tossing FPX Little Phoenix, the spring split began again.

There was no rest at all for more than half a year.

Thinking about it this way, the bad teams are still comfortable. The regular season lasts for about ten weeks. The bad teams will know that they will miss the playoffs after six weeks of games and start to let themselves go.

In a year, you only play two or three months of games. How can you play from start to finish like Chen Mu?

It seems that sometimes being too strong is a worry~
After returning home, Father Chen and Mother Chen were very surprised to see "Big Tou Baozi" who had not been home for a year.

Delicious food and drinks are here~
It coincides with the New Year, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going from the Chen family to pay New Year greetings.

Everyone knows that Chen Mu is now prosperous, playing e-sports, and winning world championships.

Even when the seventh and eighth aunts learned that Chen Mu was still single, they had already arranged a blind date for Chen Mu, starting from the first day of the new year to the fifteenth day of the new year.

Of course, Chen Mu declined them all. E-sports does not require a girlfriend~
Happy time is always short-lived, and the 10 days after Chen Mu returned home flew by in the blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, it’s the seventh day of the new year, and Chen Mu needs to return to the FPX base. The LPL Spring Split will continue on February 2th.

On February 2, Chen Mu returned to the FPX club base.

It happened that other teammates also returned to the base around this time, and the originally empty club base became lively again.

Warhorse head coach and boss Chunli also appeared at the right time and gave everyone a heart-warming meeting.

The New Year has passed, and now it’s time to focus on the LPL Spring Split.

Some teams were already disappointed in the competition before the year and were naturally out of shape, but after the New Year all teams will definitely go all out for the spring competition.

The bigger challenge has just begun.
At the beginning of the fourth week of the game, FPX still only had one game, which was against WE.

The current WE team can be said to be the WE2.5 generation. Xiye and his brother-in-law Mystic are still in the team, 957 has retired, and the son of Kang Dilong has become the son of a prostitute.

The strength of the team is completely different from that of S7's WE, and the brother-in-law is also obsessed with women, and his strength has declined extremely seriously. It's completely because Xiye is the director of the orphanage.

As for Xiye, a teammate who had fought side by side in the Asian Games, Chen Mu was also ruthless and merciless.

Doinb plays an ice girl, and he plays a green steel shadow.

The mid-jungle combination started in just 3 minutes. Facing such a shameless mid-jungle combination like FPX, WE obviously couldn't stand it and won easily in two games.

In the fifth week, FPX vs. LGD. It’s not the end of the season, and Lao God is not the Water Devils. FPX won 2:0.

Week 2, FPX vs OMG, continued to win 0:[-]
Three consecutive weeks of games have passed, and FPX has achieved an eight-game winning streak in addition to the previous games.

The Phoenix is ​​about to reach Nirvana~
This is everyone’s intuitive feeling.

If IG's game is an exaggerated display of personal strength, when it comes to FPX, it is a completely different performance.

A perfect linkage and cooperation between teams.

During this period, the FPX club’s traffic also suffered.

As Chen Mu gradually stabilizes in FPX, Chen Mu's personal fans, some fans of the IG team, and a large number of casual fans in the LPL have all gathered here in FPX.

No one paid attention to FPX’s Weibo in the past. Now every time a Weibo is posted, everyone on the Weibo posts builds high-rise buildings in a short period of time.

The team uniforms that were originally empty are now densely packed with trademarks visible to the naked eye.

This is all money!
There are also various commercial activities that have been met with jeopardy. If it were not for the fear of affecting the professional status of the players and the reputation of the FPX club and players, FPX would even want to hold a commercial activity every week.

By the way, there is also the live broadcast contract among Chen Mu's agency contracts. After all, the 8-digit contract also includes various agency contracts.

After Chen Mu's last live broadcast contract ended, FPX also renegotiated with Dousha Platform, which was a figure that satisfied all three parties.

Not only Chen Mu’s live broadcast, FPX has now discovered that Doinb is also a live broadcast genius and a master of all things.

In the past, the lack of popularity was due to too little traffic, but now that a great figure like Chen Mu is sitting next to Doinb, his live broadcast popularity is also rising visibly.

Yang Yan, the manager of the League of Legends branch of the FPX club, has not been involved in the team’s affairs at all during this period, and is all busy with external business affairs.

In just two or three months, FPX discovered that Chen Mu’s contract was really profitable~
Sure enough, Chen Mu is a treasure. This sentence is not said casually.

Not only are external business activities about to earn back Chen Mu's contract price, but FPX Phoenix's future is also full of optimism in the professional arena.

With the gradual changes and development of the version, everyone has discovered that personal strength does not seem to play a decisive role in the current version.Instead, they pay more attention to the integrity and rhythm of the team.

In fact, this is just a "small impact" brought by the tapi mechanism.
Not only is IG having a hard time adapting to the version, but the opposite LCK division is also doing the same.

Chen Mu is also very concerned about the situation of one team, DWG.

A team very similar to IG, the individual players are so outstanding, including top laner Niu Guli, jungler Sanshu, mid laner Showmaker, and support Genshin Brother.

A team that can drag the team into the World Championship by relying on its personal ability even when the LCK is surrounded by powerful enemies!
But adapting to the version is also very difficult.

On the contrary, Little Phoenix feels a little like a fish in water.

Now Chen Mu has gradually transformed from an operational top laner into a commanding jungler.

Under normal circumstances, in order to adapt to the needs of the team, his playing style is no longer like the top laner in the S8 season who pursues the ultimate laning ability and a single belt that can lead to death.

Instead, more emphasis is placed on linkage ability and rhythmic ability.

Of course, if he has memory, he is very clear that single-line suppression or even single-killing has no meaning in S9.

The following World Championships will also tell everyone that although TheShy, Niuguli, and Showmaker are as strong as monsters, they just can't win!

On the contrary, Mr. Big B’s mid laner Titan is unbreakable, and even a single stoner in his hand can get the championship skin, which is also unexpected.

No matter how strong a player is, even if he is a world-class top laner, if he cannot kill online like Chen Mu, it will be useless.

There are even times when you can kill them online and achieve a small crush on the matchup, but it has no effect when the team has the advantage.

The gap between this person's strength and economy can be smoothed out in S9 by adapting the version. It is like knocking off an extra potion of your opponent in the line, or even killing the opponent alone and taking the lead.

In S8, you can rely on this step-by-step lead to widen the gap and expand your advantage, because the opponent has no way to close this gap from other places.

But the S9 set doesn't work anymore, and the weight of teammates is rising rapidly.

If the opponent's teammates can coordinate better and cooperate better to win the Pioneer, the Pioneer can knock off three layers of plating with one head, and the economic gap is less than [-], then what is the use of your leading head? !
What's more, even if you can force others to lose experience for 3 minutes when you go on the road, under the same rhythm of others jumping two and three, one wave can make you spit out all the things you suppressed before.

This is also the main reason why Chen Mu started to transform into jungle. The root cause is the issue of version income.
The current dilemma for teams such as IG and DWG is that when there is plating, the economy gained by suppressing opponents or even killing them online is far less than what they can get back by removing the vanguard dragon and reaping the plating.

This is not to say that Theshy, Niuguli, and Showmaker are useless in the lane. The main reason is that when the strengths of both teams are similar, whoever knows more about operations can take more initiative.

FPX's league results are good, and the pressure on the players is very small, and they even take the initiative to reduce the burden on the players.

Chen Mu and others were also provided with special conditioning and recuperation. After all, after a year and a half of professional competition, Chen Mu's own physical condition was not very good.

Although there are no major problems, there are already signs of many minor problems, such as tenosynovitis, a common problem among professional players, and strain on the waist.

Although Chen Mu is the God of World Championships, he still uses his own body!

In addition, Chen Mu's schedule for the S8 last year was too intensive, and his iron-clad body could not withstand such torture.

Even though Chen Mu's operations were soaring under the influence of the God of World Championships, the keyboard and mouse on his hands were about to burst into flames, and coupled with the speed of cutting the screen at the speed of light, it was still quite a heavy burden on the body.

However, under the influence of the God of the World Championship, Chen Mu could not feel this negative state at all. Therefore, once the God of the World Championship faded away, Chen Mu would feel obvious discomfort and a sense of gap.

Sometimes, Chen Mu even feels that the God of the World Championship is a kind of adrenaline!
Therefore, under the strong advice of doctors and medical teams, the FPX club is also reducing the burden on all players.

FPX even wanted to give Chen Mu a substitute, and let the substitute play directly in some unimportant games.

One is to reduce the burden on Chen Mu, and the other is to cultivate a backup system.

But now is not the transfer period, so this idea will be put aside.

This method is also RNG's way of dealing with UZI's physical condition.

In addition to key events, allowing players to rest while playing can extend the player's career life in disguise.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was early March, and the LPL league schedule entered its seventh week.

After Chen Mu was able to maintain a stable state without relying on the God of the World Championship, although he didn't play C much, he could do everything he should do, and he was a very qualified LPL jungler.

But with mouse and Jin Gong on the top lane to share the pressure, the two ADCs on the bottom lane are in good shape due to competition.

In addition, the teams FPX encountered were not strong. Except for JDG and Snake, they were pretty good, and the others were all mid-range or bad teams.

Therefore, after six weeks, FPX is still far ahead in total points at the top of the list.

But since Week [-], things seem a little different.

RNG, IG, TES, EDG and other teams will meet in the seventh and eighth weeks of the schedule.

The first level since the FPX Spring Split is approaching.

March 3, FPX vs RNG.

As soon as the schedule came out, the tickets for this event were sold out, and even scalpers took notice.

Although it can’t be called the e-sports Spring Festival Gala, it can definitely be regarded as the e-sports Lantern Festival.

Moreover, the feud between Chen Mu and RNG is also one of the long-lasting topics among LPL fans.

At that time, Chen Mu had just won the MSI mid-season championship and left RNG. It was still a mystery~
And on Tieba and Weibo, countless good friends in the forum have begun to warm up the atmosphere and add fuel to the fire between the two teams.

"The emperor must die!"

"Thank you Chen Mu for letting us get our nationality back happily QAQ~"

"Haha, I'm laughing so hard, even the slaves with the third surname want to brag!"

"That's right, from RNG to IG, and now to FPX, a slave with three surnames!"

"You really made me laugh to death. The Royal Miscellaneous Team is the Royal Miscellaneous Team. It's really awesome!"

"What kind of logic is this? As long as I don't renew my contract with RNG, I will be deprived of my nationality!"

"Uzi, crazy puppy, come on, slap that slave with the third surname in the face!"

"Haha, ask Uzi if he dares to say this in front of the Shepherd?!"

"xswl, ask Uzi how he won the only MSI mid-season championship. Couldn't it be through account cancellation?!"

"Uzi: Don't take me with you, you braggart!"


(End of this chapter)

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