LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 352: Canceling account, let’s do something useful

Chapter 352: Canceling account, let’s do something useful

Chen Mu made a wave of second-level catches, and the audience in the live broadcast room went crazy with joy.

"Hahaha, I'm about to die laughing, it's so effective!"

“Beat Uzi, catch him at level two and that’s it~——Ming Kai”

"Classic, so classic. Caught at the second level. It's not called a flash. Hong Wen's hands are all material QAQ!"

"If you don't understand, just ask, is this a game for the No. [-] ADC in the World Championship? Why did his screen go black at level one? (Funny) (Funny)"


Brother Zaozi died in less than 2 minutes, and the mentality of his teammates was also affected.

Brother Kasra Radar's Qinggang Shadow finished brushing his blue buff, and then planned to collect his red buff, but suddenly "good news" came from the bottom lane, and I didn't know what to do for a while!

Xiaohu in the middle is even more unstable, making all kinds of guesswork and changing Xia Jr's position.

Because Doinb is getting more and more courageous as he plays, and Galio, who is watching JB's blind positioning, doesn't care about him anymore. Returning to his own pushing rhythm is the most important thing.

Chen Mu's Xin Zhao did a good job in the bottom lane, but the rhythm of the subsequent jungle farming will definitely be affected.

Karsa's blind monk may take the Twin River Crab, or even directly counter Xin Zhao's blue buff.

So at this time, Doinb needs to control the line, so that he can better help Chen Mu defend the jungle.

The ice girl simply ignored the wandering Galio and used her skills to push the line, leaving Xiaohu to twist and turn.

At the same time, it also pushed the choice into Xiaohu's hands.

Is it to keep the blood volume state and let the ice girl push the line, and lose the right to fight for the crab along with the jungler, or come out obediently and fight the ice girl's output to grab the line right?
Xiaohu obviously has no choice, because RNG's jungler is Qinggangying, and Qinggangying's advantage is not to clear the jungle but to catch people!

But Xiaohu also thought of a way to deal with it, and immediately shook people: "Can you come to the middle to catch a wave? The ice girl on the opposite side has a chance."

After Kasa knocked out the red buff, he originally planned to go to Chen Mu's upper half of the jungle to counterattack. At this time, Chen Mu had just finished his work in the bottom lane and had no time to come to the upper half of the jungle.

But after hearing Xiaohu's words, he immediately changed his mind. Killing people in the wild is not as fun as killing people, so his green steel shadow rushed towards the middle and asked casually: "Do you have eyes?"

"There should be, so you need to go around this wave and see if you can switch dodges with him~"

"Success! But I think Xin Zhao will also come back to squat on the opposite side."

For Xiaohu's arrangement, Casa agreed very readily. It is definitely profitable to exchange Qinggangying's flash for the mid laner's flash, especially when Galio is his mid laner.

If Ice Maiden loses her flash, or is knocked out by them, she will tend to play conservatively in the lane, and she will not be able to suppress Xiaohu.

When Galio reaches level [-], their Blue Steel Shadow and Galio Do Anything combo can unleash their power.

Even if you don't have a chance to catch it, you have to come and squat for a while to prevent Xin Zhao from making a fool of himself.

After Xin Zhao took first blood, it was impossible for Qinggangying to win a duel in the jungle.

At the same time, a similar conversation was taking place in the FPX team channel: "Brother Mu, do you want to join forces? The other side should be trying to catch me~"

"I know, it's already on the way~"

After Chen Mu's Xin Zhao did what he did in the bottom lane, he returned directly to the city and moved from the Quanshui base to the middle lane.

Although he is very handsome after being caught at the second level~
However, there must be problems with the jungle route in the jungle afterwards. The route from the bottom lane to the upper half of the jungle is too long, so the best option is to go back to the city first and then go out. In this way, you can use the economic advantage of first blood to update your equipment. , but can gain a slight advantage in the subsequent battle.

When the junglers on both sides chose to abandon the jungle and rush towards the middle, the directing team very wisely moved the camera to the middle.

Miller also discovered the smell of gunpowder in it for the first time, explaining:
"We haven't continued to farm anymore, so this wave of RNG and FPX should want to play a 2v2 wave in the middle!"

Wawa continued: "The Qinggang Shadow seems to be faster. The Ice Girl is in danger! At least she needs a flash."

Regarding Wawa's statement, Guan Zeyuan strongly disagreed:
"It's hard to say. Kasra shouldn't be able to take the lead easily. Xin Zhao is also leaning towards the middle. The junglers on both sides are only level three, but Xin Zhao's equipment is obviously better!"

Just as Guan Zeyuan said, Qinggangying had no intention of coming out to gank after squatting in the grass.

The same goes for Chen Mu's Xin Zhao. He stood quietly behind the wall and paid attention to the situation in the middle, and the blue buff across the wall was not in a hurry to brush.

It can only be seen that the mid laners on both sides are consuming each other, and the junglers have no intention of taking the lead.

This is normal, the mid laners on both sides are similar in functionality, one can use W to taunt, the other W can also immobilize, both are skills that can change the situation of the battle.

However, Lissandra is definitely inferior in comparison. After all, the ice girl's talent is Comet, not Aftershock. She can't compare with Galio in terms of frankness.

In the early game, that bit of tankiness is really important.

In this way, the ice girl will naturally not hand in the skills first, so as not to get in but not out.

But RNG also has its own shortcomings, that is, whether Qinggangying's E can hit the kick, it will be a disaster if it is empty, and the taunt range of Galio's W is also shorter than that of Ice Girl, unless it is with flash.

So they are also more inclined to do backhand and reverse squats.

Since both sides had the same purpose, the situation suddenly became weird.

"The junglers on both sides are still squatting! They are very calm!"

"The two sides have squatted for more than ten seconds. If there is no gain, it will have a great impact on the rhythm of the jungler!"

"You can't say that, the rhythm of the midfield is the rhythm, and now both sides are protecting the center!"

Seeing this scene, the barrage in the live broadcast room became lively:

"What are the two sides doing? Fighting against the air?"

"It's so funny. The junglers on both sides were frozen in the air at the same time?"

"This Karsa is causing trouble. Xin Zhao has already done his job. I can just stay here with you. You can either go up and do it, or go back to the jungle!"

In the end, RNG couldn't help it anymore.

Being caught by Xin Zhao at the second level in the early stage, the overall rhythm has lagged behind. If Qinggangying can't do anything in the early stage, the output in the later stage will basically be limited.

At this time, Kasa no longer wanted to squat anymore, but he was still a little confused.

Because of the investment cost, he can't walk now even if he wants to. Once he walks, it means that the counter-crouching for the first two and 30 seconds is a pure loss, but if he starts, he is afraid of Xin Zhao's counter-crouching.

If you expect Casa, who is indecisive by nature, to use E to flash E and engage people, then you might as well expect RNG to produce a Kairi top laner who is more reliable~
And Doinb is also very good at playing.

"I'm going to do it!" Just when Casa finally made up his mind to take action, Doinb's Ice Girl immediately took a step back and stayed at the edge of the range where Qinggang Shadow's E flash E hit.

The aura that Kasa had originally raised immediately vented again.

The little tiger Li Yuanhao who was waiting next to him couldn't help but rolled his eyes, already complaining in his heart.

"Wai Ri, if you want to take action, do it quickly. Don't take advantage of my experience again!"

Normally if the spicy hot pot comes on the scene, it has already been kicked up, how can it be like this?
So it was Xiaohu's Galio who took the lead.

Taking advantage of the gap between Ice Girl's Q skills, charge W to dodge.

The ice girl was instantly ridiculed, causing the ice girl to fall into control.

"Do it!" Seeing Kasha who was still more hesitant than himself, Xiaohu was also very anxious.

In the past, it was Mala Xiang Guo who forced him to operate, but now it is his turn to force the jungler to operate.

But since last year's World Championship, Kai'Sa has changed from Radar Brother to Kachu. Even under such circumstances, his Qinggang Shadow is still slowly coming out.

When Galio completed a set of skills, his Green Steel Shadow slowly hooked the wall, leaned against the wall under the tower and kicked the ice girl diagonally with an E.

Before he could finish his action, the next second the ice girl recovered from control and pressed Flash while she was in the air of the green steel shadow.

But Kasa did the stupidest thing. He waited until Ice Girl had flashed, and then dealt with flash.

However, Chen Mu's Xin Zhao arrived in time and picked up Qinggang Ying with three shots, leaving him no room to continue his output. Doinb's Ice Girl returned to the defense tower unharmed.

"Xiaohu W flashes, are you going to catch the ice girl? It seems like it's serious!"

"Qinggangying also took action! He was about to open! Can E successfully control the Ice Girl? Oh, what a pity, the kick didn't hit! The Ice Girl with residual health flashed out, Xin Zhao also arrived, RNG Nakano pounced It’s all in vain!”

After seeing the ice girl successfully escaping, the two shook their heads regretfully, and the doll sighed:

"The output of Galio and Qinggang Shadow in the early stage is still not enough! But the flash of Qinggang Shadow and Galio is gone, so FPX will be very comfortable in the next few minutes!"

Miller also nodded in agreement: "Although the midfielders and the junglers didn't fight much from the beginning to the end, it still brought us players a wonderful game between the junglers."

In this round of gank, although RNG forced out Ice Girl's flash, it paid more for itself. Both the middle and jungle flashes were handed in.

You must know that Qinggangying's E and E flash E, Galio's W and W flash are completely two concepts!If it's just Qinggangying E or Galio W, it's hard to bring up the rhythm.

But if you add a shuttle flash, no one can guarantee it. There will definitely be times when people are mentally slack. If you don't pay attention to the flash and can't press it, it will be a certain death situation.

Now that RNG's midfielder showed up, the situation of FPX suddenly became clear.

After Doinb's Ice Girl teleported back, his laning style immediately became extremely aggressive, and he began to push the line crazily, which greatly increased the pressure on Xiaohu.

After being hit by another Q, Xiaohu said helplessly: "Why did the opponent become so fierce? Can this position be caught?"

Now the minion is stuck in front of his tower, and the Ice Maiden on the opposite side is standing next to the minion to pierce the pawn Q. He has nowhere to hide, and because the Ice Maiden is separated from his own minions,

Galio's Q War Gangfeng can only choose one of clearing pawn consumption, which is very passive, but it is also a good opportunity for the jungler to help.

Casa's face was a little ugly and said: "I can't go now, I need to make up some development."

Previously, he and Xin Zhao battled wits with the air in the middle lane for 20 seconds, and lost a flash in vain, and there was no counterattack in the jungle.

But Xin Zhao is different. He has already done everything in the early stage, killing people to get first blood, and gaining experience in the bottom lane. Now he just needs to go back to the jungle to patch up monsters, and collect the blue buffs and monsters that he didn't use before. Just download it.

Kasa didn't flash, so he could only go back to his jungle area to develop. Now that his economic equipment is behind Xin Zhao, he is lucky not to be invaded by Xin Zhao in the jungle area.

After all, the ice girl on the opposite side, who has lane rights, will definitely go to the jungle to support the opponent before Galio. He can only adopt the strategy of brushing the jungle to avoid the battle to stabilize his rhythm.

This is why Casa would rather let himself lose than help the middle lane. Whether the middle lane can get the advantage and the initiative has too much influence on the jungler.

However, the midfielders and midfielders of both sides had been struggling in the middle lane for such a long time, and UZI in the bottom lane immediately became aggressive.

Originally, the combination of policewoman Galax was very powerful in laning. Although Chen Mu arranged a wave at the second level, the overall laning intensity did not change.

What's more, Liu Qingsong still plays Tahm Kench as a support, and he still uses flash, but has no offensive ability at all.

As the policewoman and Lux ​​level up, they have control, displacement, and damage. They haven't used the double moves in the last wave, so they naturally become more courageous this time.

Now that it is confirmed that the jungler is not in the bottom lane, UZI has no reason not to press!

He lost a blood, so he naturally wanted to regain the situation.

But the old thief Sima is not a vegetarian. He got the Verustam combination. Even if he can't beat the opposite female police system, it is still easy to stabilize the situation online.

But just when Casa's Qinggangying was thinking about replenishing his development in the jungle and reaching level 6 as soon as possible, what he feared most finally came to pass.

Chen Mu's Xin Zhao started to enter his wild area with a long gun.

There is no way, the economy with extra blood means you can do whatever you want.

400 gold coins is equivalent to an extra long sword or a red crystal, a bonus of 10 points of attack power or 150 points of health.

In the early stages of the game, with this advantage, Chen Mu would of course have to increase Kasa's strength.

"Can you come? Can you come?" Kasa looked at Xin Zhao's invasion, and he was helpless.

Helplessly, he sent a signal to Xiaohu in the middle. His Qinggang Shadow's brushing speed was very slow and very damaging. Facing Xin Zhao's invasion, he was really unable to withstand Xin Zhao's invasion.

But when he saw the distress signal from Kasa, Xiaohu rolled his eyes. He was being pushed crazily by the Ice Girl. If he went to the jungle to support, he would definitely lose a wave of lanes.

He was already complaining in his heart: "If you, Qinggangying, had followed earlier and killed the ice girl on the opposite side, you would have ended up where you are now!"

But he was still very honest: "Okay, okay, as soon as I close this wave of lines, I will go over to support you."

Hearing Xiaohu's words, Kasa was a little confused for a moment: "Wait until you close this wave of lines??"

"By the time you finish collecting this wave of lines, my jungle area will have been completely wiped out by Xin Zhao!"

"Closing the account, let's do something~" Kasa was already shouting in his heart.

But after all, Doinb's Ice Girl in the middle moved quickly. The Ice Girl disappeared in the middle as soon as she pushed the line.

Forget it, looking at Galio in the middle still happily closing the line, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't think he was here to support him, so Casa also ran away decisively.

Forget it, let’s go to Sibao and Uzi~
(End of this chapter)

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