LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 353 Xin Zhao E Flash R

Uzi's policewoman is indeed the best among unique skills, the best among underwear.

Although he was taken first blood, with the longer range of the policewoman and the consumption of Lux, more and more soldiers were gathered in the slow push line.

As soon as RNG pushed the lane, Verus and Tahm had no choice but to retreat.

Tahm Kench can't find a chance to counterattack in the pile of soldiers, and he doesn't dare to fire. The small soldiers' concentrated fire can teach him how to behave~
But at the same time, the junglers of both sides also moved closer to the bottom lane.

Casa wants to ensure that his eldest brother can successfully complete the tower front line and accumulate advantages, while Chen Mu wants to ensure that his bottom lane does not lose too much plating.

What's more, Uzi on the opposite side started to push the line again. He didn't know whether it was because he was really suffering from a headache or because the scar had healed and he forgot about the pain. Anyway, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

6 minutes 42 seconds.

Just when the bottom lane attracted everyone's attention, it stole all the limelight from the middle and jungle.

Xin Zhao, who was far away in the red buff area, fired his spear and took away the red buff with his last normal attack. At the same time, his body also flashed with glory, rising to level 6.

At this time, the Qinggang Shadow who wanted to protect Uzi from the lane was only level 5. His Qinggang Shadow's jungle brushing efficiency was too slow, especially if he didn't do it well in the early stage, the rhythm of the jungle brushing was also damaged.

With a frequency of two screen cuts per second, Chen Mu scanned the overall situation at the speed of light, watching Uzi push a wave of artillery carts directly into the tower of the old thief Sima.

This is the moment.

Then he straightened his spear and rushed towards the bottom lane with the red buff.

At the same time, a signal was sent to Doinb's Ice Girl in the middle. This wave will inevitably involve the Ice Girl.

"Teacher Big B, can this wave of ice girls come?~"


For a moment, Doinb didn't realize that he was addressing himself.

"Teacher Big B? What is this name?!"

But it doesn’t matter. Since Chen Mu likes to be called that, then he can be called that.
"I can come, I can come, I'm already on the way down!"

His Ice Girl is always in a pushing position and can move at any time.

Xiaohu, who has been suppressed and exhausted by pushing the line, was stunned when he saw this. After glancing at the small map, his face became very ugly. After clicking two danger signals in a row, he said quickly:
"Get off the road and retreat! The ice girl has passed!"

UZI immediately became unhappy. He is now enjoying the pressure!

He was about to get the tower skin, so he asked: "Can't you come over? There are two and a half waves of our troops in front of the opponent's tower. We can fight regardless of whether it is 3v3 or 4v4!"

"No! I will lose a wave of cannon cars when I come here. It's a bit explosive, and the other party is one step ahead of me. I can't catch up!"

"It's a loss! You TP over here! After this wave is finished, I will take off directly! I can Kerry!"

"If you don't win this one, it will be gone!"

"Two and a half waves of online fire, it is impossible to lose!"

"My double moves are all here, I can operate them~"

Brother Zaozi roared confidently in the game channel.

In the end, Xiaohu still couldn't get over the stubborn UZI. If his ADC was Able, he wouldn't even bother with him.

But no, he is Uzi, number one in the world
Xiaohu simply gave up the artillery line and came over with Xiaoming's real eye placed in the grass on the bottom lane.

There is actually nothing wrong with UZI's thinking. This game was originally about four guarantees and one.

Top laner Urgot, jungler Qinggang Shadow, and mid laner Galio are all the tools to start a team. Apart from him, the policewoman, who can do damage?

As long as he has an advantage, RNG will always have the capital to fight in a team.

Xiaohu's Galio is more of a functional mid laner and doesn't need C. It is an acceptable deal to replace the core female policeman with a wave of economy and the advanced development of the lane.

But UZI subconsciously forgot one thing, the human heart is full of flesh~
While RNG was arguing, FPX's formation was already in place.

Xin Zhao has already come around from the triangle operation in the bottom lane, and Casa's Qinggangying is also squatting behind Uzi, ready to come at any time.

At this time, the top laners of both sides have a tacit understanding to develop peacefully, regardless of the upcoming battle in the bottom lane.

Chen Mu's Xin Zhao had one health and gained experience, so he was promoted to level 6, but Casa's Qinggang Shadow was only level [-].

The duo on both sides of the bottom lane are only level 5.

After seeing his teammates in place, Liu Qingsong's Tamu was also ready to make a move.

But he is just a Tam~
If he is a hero like a Titan or a Japanese girl, he can start a group without restraint, but how can he start a group with a catfish spirit?

But when Tam took the lead and walked out of the army line, the glorious Q and the EWAQA double headshot combo from behind the E-caliber rope net of the female policeman came over.

Fortunately, Liu Qingsong moved well and took away the glorious Q, otherwise he would have lost his health just from this wave of damage.

But Liu Qingsong, who had retracted, hesitated and tried to dissuade him: "Let's forget about this wave. We can't hit it. We can't drive in!"

His consideration was also correct. Tahm Kench and Verus were only at level 5 and had no ultimate moves yet, so they had no initiative ability at all.

It's useless to rely on Xin Zhao and Ice Girl to start a team. The policewoman has both moves. You can criticize Uzi for all kinds of problems, but you can never criticize him.

The consequence of forcing a group start is to be manipulated by Uzi.

Liu Qingsong has a good relationship with Uzi. He has also played duo queue with Uzi before, so he naturally knows Uzi's situation.

In the commentary box, Miller also pondered: "This wave of FPX is difficult to open. The policewoman's flash is here and her hands are long. If Verus can't get it first, and Doinb's Ice Girl doesn't flash, it won't be able to be opened." You can’t kill the policewoman if you fire her!”

Wawa echoed: "Yes, everyone from RNG is here, Galio and Qinggangying are here. FPX can't be opened, it will explode if it is opened!"

But just when both of them were badmouthing FPX, Guan Zeyuan said after a few seconds: "Believe in Chen Mu, Chen Mu YYDS!"

Just when Liu Qingsong was hesitant, Chen Mu firmly marked the policewoman on the head.

"It's okay, trust me, you can fight!" Chen Mu's calm but cold voice came.

After hearing Chen Mu's words, FPX also unified their thoughts instantly.

If you refuse to accept life or death, do it!

Chen Mu's Zhao Xin was rescued directly from the grass.

Liu Qingsong's Tamu has just cheated a wave of small skills, which is enough for Xin Zhao.

The W Wind Chop Electric Stinger in Zhao Xin's hand hit the policewoman accurately and marked the policewoman at the same time.

The attack range of Xin Zhao's E skill Fearless Charge has been increased from 650 yards to 1100 yards, making it easier for Chen Mu's subsequent operations.

However, despite being marked by Xin Zhao, Uzi not only was not afraid, but stopped moving directly, as if to seduce and provoke Chen Mu.

Come here!Come here!
The policewoman was flashing with healing powers, and there were brothers behind her. Instead, he hoped that Chen Mu's Zhao Xin would rush over.

In this way, blood can be avenged.

next second.
"The spear is here!" Xin Zhao roared.

Chen Mu’s Zhao Xin really rushed over.

ah? !this? !
Come on, Uzi was a little bit happy, the opportunity to operate came.

But at this time, the corners of Chen Mu's mouth turned up slightly.Want to manipulate me? !I think it's too simple!
In an instant, Chen Mu increased his hand speed to the extreme, and his fingers suddenly tapped the keyboard.

At the moment when Xin Zhao's E skill Fearless Charge was flying in the air, a golden light flashed first, and then the spear in his hand was swiped.

R New Moon Sweeps!

By chance, the policewoman was hit hard by Xin Zhao's spear, and was swept back instantly.

ah? !this? !
Uzi went from being surprised to being frightened.

Why? !
Why am I being swept back?

Xin Zhao's ultimate, Crescent Sweep, releases a sweep around himself, dealing damage and knocking back all enemies, but will not knock back targets hit by Dauntless Charge.

But the policewoman was clearly marked by Xin Zhao's E skill Fearless Charge just now!
In the commentary box, Wawa also shouted: "Chen Mu is here! Xin Zhao went up and opened it! Stab him, ah?! Why was the policewoman swept back! It's over, it's over. Ice Girl followed the control, Uzi The flash is not pressed.”

The policewoman was swept back by Xin Zhao, and the rest was very simple.

If Doinb can't take control like this, then he doesn't have to play anymore and can just retire where he is.

Doinb didn't give UZI any room to operate. Although he reacted quickly, he flashed and wanted to run, and his ultimate move directly hit the policewoman's head.

"Freeze" Lissandra's voice froze the entire canyon, ending Uzi's life.

After the policewoman was swept back by Xin Zhao, she was frozen in place by Lissandra.

Coupled with Tahm's tongue licking and subsequent control connection, UZI had no room to show off its operations. Verus followed up with two basic attacks and then Q to take the kill.

But all this happened too fast. Uzi's policewoman was swept back in less than a second, and it took less than a second for Lux, Qinggangying and Galio to react.

When they took action, the female police officer only had a sniper rifle left on the spot, and her body was no longer known where.

But after killing the policewoman, Verus accidentally reached level 6.

This is simply worse.

The old thief Sima stretched his hand speed to the extreme and upgraded his ultimate move in seconds. Then he shot an arrow at Qinggang Ying, pinning him in place and spreading it to the other two people at the same time.

RNG's ADC is dead, its only output is dead, and what follows is a one-sided pursuit by FPX.


The old thief Sima's Verus directly scored a double kill!

Doinb's ice girl also got a head, and it was not in vain.

But unfortunately, Chen Mu's Zhao Xin was killed in battle.

There was nothing that could be done about it. He flashed in and never thought about coming out again.

"The ambition to be trapped in battle, life or death" is the best portrayal of Xin Zhao~
By this time, Uzi had fallen into deep self-doubt.

"It's impossible, it's impossible, why am I being swept back? Can't Xin Zhao's ultimate move sweep back the target of E's fearless charge?!"

"It's impossible. Is there a bug?"

"Yes, it must be a bug!"

On the commentary desk, several commentators also started to discuss it heatedly.

Wawa: "Wow, the policewoman was swept back. This is incredible! I remember that Xin Zhao's ultimate move will not repel the target hit by Fearless Charge!"

Miller also pondered and said: "Yes, what kind of mechanism is this? Is it really a bug?"

But Guan Zeyuan next to him rubbed his chin and said: "This is probably not a bug, but Xin Zhao's game mechanism, Xin Zhao's E flash R!"

"We can watch the replay first!"

The director also knew it very well. He directly slowed down Xin Zhao's actions by 0.25 times, and magnified the actions just now in every frame and every second.

It started with Uzi showing off. After being hit by Xin Zhao's W, he still refused to leave. Instead, he provoked Xin Zhao and tortured Brother Zaozi crazily.

Then came Chen Mu's wonderful operation. Xin Zhao flashed in the air while E fearlessly charged, interrupting his E skill, and then used the light speed R skill to sweep the policewoman back.
That's right, Chen Mu just used Xin Zhao's E Flash R.

However, it is Xin Zhao's most difficult combo and operation, and it is also one of the ceiling operations in League of Legends.

The principle of Xin Zhao's E flash R is to use flash to interrupt his E when E passes and dodge behind the opponent. During this period, E is interrupted so there will be no mark on the enemy, and then zoom in to push the opponent back. .

Xin Zhao needs to release the flash and R skills in the air of E to achieve an ultra-long-distance crescent sweep. The difficulty lies in using flash to interrupt Xin Zhao's E skill. He needs to flash behind the enemy quickly and accurately, and then use R to repel him.

It's a bit similar to the combination of Qinggangying's E flash and Blind Sin's R flash, but it's much more difficult.

If it's Lee Sin's R flash, just turn on the training mode and try a few more times, and you'll eventually succeed.

But Xin Zhao's E flash R is not the case. Even if many professional players try it in the training mode, the success rate is not high, let alone in actual combat such as the professional arena.

In the game channel, Uzi looked at his black screen, still puzzled, and murmured: "Why? Why?"

Kasa, who really couldn't stand listening, explained that Uzi might not play jungle. Xin Zhao, a hero who seemed simple and rough, had the reputation of being a trustworthy and brainless brother.

However, Xin Zhao's E Flash R is a real high-end operation, and people who are not familiar with it may really not know it.

After hearing Casa's explanation, Uzi had a dark face the whole time.

The last sentence came: "Mine~"

Then he unconsciously stuffed his fingernails into his mouth, blushing the whole time.

In the RNG team, not only Uzi had a dark face, Xiaohu also had a dark face throughout the game.

Damn it, I said I don’t want to come, I don’t want to come, we can’t fight this wave, you said you can Kerry.

Turns out this is the Kerry you were talking about? !
It's okay if you die, but it ends up killing me. I lost a wave of artillery trains to support you, but you didn't show up again.

Forget it, I’ll believe you when I come down the road again!

And the barrage guys in the live broadcast room also started to party.

"Hahaha, I'm really laughing to death~"

"Ah?! This?! [-]% off, [-]% off water bottles!"

"I'm a fool, what kind of combo is this from Xin Zhao of the Shepherd? It's so fast, I can't even see clearly!"

"You brat, watch out, this one from the Shepherd is E flashing R!"

"Sure enough, I knew this was the result. Chen Mu is your Zaozi's father QAQ~"

"If you don't understand, just ask, is the ADC who just flashed and healed an unpressed ADC the number one ADC in the world?"

"Close the account, let's do something useful, cancel the account!"

"Closing the account: What a crime, what a crime!"

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. A game is full of famous scenes. Did you see Uzi's expression just now? Hong Wen is eating his hands~"

"Cute pinch QAQ~" (End of this chapter)

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