LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 354 "Zaozi" brand piglet

Although Brother Zaozi and the policewoman's double moves were all there, under Xin Zhao's E flash R, none of them were pressed, and Ice Girl took over and took control instantly.

Next, they were beaten one for three by FPX.

Verus, the old thief of Sima, directly took two heads and ate two layers of the tart skin.

Wuhu, take off from the same place~
Chen Mu’s Xin Zhao also implements Xin Zhao’s lifelong beliefs.

"The will to fall into the battle, there is death but not life!"

E flashed R in, and his own way of survival was cut off at the same time.

However, the team won a big victory, and Chen Mu also got three assists.

RNG's side was completely black. Compared to Uzi's embarrassment, Xiaohu and Kasa's faces were even uglier. They could be described as having faces like the bottom of a pot.

Casa's Green Steel Shadow was at level five when it came, and it was still level five when it died.Xin Zhao is about to reach level 7 soon, and he is still level [-]~
It seems that this four-guarantee one is embarrassingly useful!
Galio, the little tiger in the middle, lost a wave of lanes before TP, and even put his own life on the line. He couldn't get any lanes for nearly a minute, but the ice girl on the opposite side not only got an assist. , and also got the head.

"Awesome, good fight, Shepherd~" Teacher Big B got the head, naturally smiling.

"Awesome!" The first person to shout out was Jin Gong who was on his way.

His Sword Demon didn't have TP to transmit, but it still defeated this team battle.

It was not easy for FPX to start a team at first, but Chen Mu's sudden E flash and R not only scared the opponent, but also scared him.

This flash of Chen Mu's Zhao Xin swept back the policewoman, simply sacrificing himself to help everyone.

Facts have proved that Chen Mu understands RNG, an old club. That shot seemed to hit UZI, but in fact it was no different from hitting RNG in the butt.

Just poke it with one shot and get an ADC back.

Although he himself died miserably, it also laid the foundation for the subsequent harvest of his teammates.

After Xin Zhao was resurrected, he immediately rushed to the lower half of the jungle with his spear drawn.

This time he wasn't going to catch Brother Zaozi. The policewoman had not yet handed in the flash, and Xin Zhao had no flash, so there was almost no chance of ganking.

Xin Zhao went to control Xiaolong.

FPX has such a big advantage in the bottom lane, so it is natural to control Xiaolong first.

At this time, it is impossible for RNG to compete with FPX for this little dragon. Casa is looking for wild monsters in the jungle to reach level 6. As for the little dragon, everything else is secondary.

Uzi's female police officer was selected to push the lane in the early stage to capture Tappi, but she died twice in the first 10 minutes. The rhythm of RNG was already a bit broken.

Next, the continuous rhythm of FPX's midfielder will bring great concerns to RNG.Moreover, the opponent Verus also got a double kill, which also left some haze in UZI's heart.

The old thief Sima is very strong, and it feels really bad to let him get the advantage.

After returning to the line, Xiaohu was completely pinned under the tower by Doinb and could not move.

Doinb's outfit is completely different from other people's ice girls. It is also an echo of Luden. Teacher Big B started with the explosive wand on the right side, and then bought a small codex and a murder ring.

Such a set of spells does much more damage than the lost chapter first. The disadvantage is that the mana cost is a little higher.

The advantage is reflected in the speed of pushing the line. As long as it is not a cannon line, basically a basic attack is used to pad, two Qs can close a wave of lines, and hitting people will hurt more.

However, in this game, he was very economical, and he just wanted to give Xiaohu a face.

But just like this, it is impossible to give Xiaohu a face.


Still the third child~
Mercury shoes, banshee, golden body, Xiaohu three-piece suit.

No matter how high your ice girl's output is, there is a limit. The fact that it hurts when you hit someone can't be reflected in the "bastard" outfit of Xiaohu Naked Mercury Shoes.

Thinking that the equipment has advantages, Teacher Big B wanted to go up and do something aggressive, but Galio rushed up to EAQWA and ordered a set.

"Fuck! This Galio is so meaty!"

Looking at Galio, who only lost two bars of health after being hit with a whole set of skills, Doinb also held his head and complained.

Fortunately, Doinb does not struggle with matchup suppression, and he is not a laning player.

If you disgust me, I will disgust your teammates~
With the equipment advantage, Ice Girl pushed the lane faster and frequently disappeared from the field of view in the middle, putting pressure on RNG.

The loss of the right to push the lane in the mid lane also made RNG extremely uncomfortable to play, for fear of being taken away by the Ice Girl TP.

Originally, they were happily and peacefully developing on the road. You pushed a wave of lanes and I withdrew a wave of troops. Sword Demon and Urgot were about to become good brothers.

But as the rhythm of FPX's midfielder and jungler became more and more compact, AJ's Urgot couldn't keep up.

The same is true for UZI in the bottom lane. Now he doesn't dare to press the line. It would be good if he doesn't even get pressed by Verus.

But this thing doesn’t mean that you won’t catch Chen Mu unless you suppress him.

At 8 minutes, Chen Mu accepted the first dragon, which was a fire dragon with very good attributes.

At 10 minutes, Chen Mu led the Ice Girl to directly take down the Canyon Pioneer, while Kasa had no choice but to retreat. Xiaohu no longer wanted to link up with him.

After taking down the Canyon Pioneer, Chen Mu immediately led Ice Girl towards the bottom lane, and opened the scan to remove the field of view in the grass arranged by RNG in the river.

Every time Ice Girl and Xin Zhao lose their vision, RNG has to retreat from the wing, and UZI, who has an already irritable temper, gets stuck in the back and forth.

UZI took the time to cut out Tap and take a look at the midfielder equipment.

Good guy, with Ice Girl's outfit, even if she has a flash, she will still die if she takes control of it!And this Xin Zhao is also a fat yuppie. How am I going to play in a group after this!
"This Xin Zhao and Ice Girl are really annoying! Xiaohu, Kasa, can you light up your vision and stop them from moving!"

"Or come to the bottom lane to protect me from a wave of lines. If I don't eat this wave, I won't be able to play!"

"Can we still play?!"

Uzi, who was having a hard time playing, started to take advantage of others and put pressure on his teammates like crazy.

There was a lot of resentment in Xiaohu's heart, and he couldn't hold it in anymore.

If Able dared to talk to him like this, he would have greeted him long ago, but who made the current ADC carry Uzi's ID on his head?
But Xiaohu still complained: "What should I order? His equipment is too good. If the jungler on the opposite side squats on me, I will be gone!"

And Casa is even more arrogant. He has always been like this. Once he is at a disadvantage, he becomes indecisive and loses all rhythm. Otherwise, he would not be called a weakling in the competition.

His Green Steel Shadow does not go to its own jungle area to farm, nor does it control resources, nor does it capture people.

Instead, he started doing meaningless counter-squats.

But this can also be said to be a blind Jr. shopping~
In 12 minutes, Chen Mu led the Canyon Pioneer to threaten the bottom defense tower.

Mingpai saw Xin Zhao passing through the triangular bushes from his field of vision, and Uzi looked at his own jungler Qinggangying, who showed no intention of coming.

Xiaohu's Galio was also entangled in the middle by the Ice Girl.

Forget it!This defense tower is incredible.

Uzi's policewoman took Lux and retreated backwards, directly abandoning the first tower in the bottom lane.

And Chen Mu didn't hesitate and directly released the Canyon Pioneer.Boom!
The RNG bottom tower with more than two floors left was instantly emptied and turned into a pile of ruins.

A policewoman, Galax, used a speed push system, but was pushed down the road by the opponent in 10 minutes.

It can be said to be a failure among failures. The tactics expected by RNG have failed, and the next step is to be led by the nose by FPX.

Subsequently, FPX also re-divided the lines.

Verus and Tamu moved to the middle lane to continue pushing the lane, Jin Gong's Sword Demon went to the bottom lane to develop, and Ice Girl went to the top lane to push the lane.

In 15 minutes, the defense tower without the protection of the tower skin was as brittle as a piece of paper, and RNG's three outer towers were broken one after another.

Uzi's policewoman also went to the seemingly safe road to attack the enemy line. However, at this time, the policewoman did not go deep and did not know that the danger had quietly come. She was still on the road and wanted to push a tower to replenish the economy before retreating.

But Qinghe didn't know that jungler Xin Zhao, who had received the red buff in the jungle, was already looking for him on the road with a long gun in his hand.

When Brother Zaozi saw Xin Zhao from his field of vision, it was already too late.
The policewoman, who had nowhere to escape, was shaking her head and moving around like a headless fly in panic.

The clips are arranged in a row as the front.

But Xin Zhao was not a mage, so he walked straight towards the policewoman with his spear pointed out.

The row of clamps seemed like air, and Chen Mu squeezed through the two clamps.

The policewoman didn't know where to go. There was a defense tower on the opposite side in front of her, and there was no defense tower of her own behind. She could only retreat step by step and hide in the grass.

The next moment, Xin Zhao immediately inserted a real eye and clearly saw the position of the female police officer. Then, Xin Zhao thrust a long gun in his hand and stabbed it up.

At this moment, the two parties seemed to have their identities reversed. Xin Zhao looked like a ruthless and overbearing president with the cold gleaming spear in his hand, while the policewoman looked like she was wearing a police uniform, but it was more like a uniform temptation. The sniper rifle is more like a little white rabbit holding a water gun.

The story of a domineering CEO falling in love with me is unfolding quietly. She flees, he chases, but she cannot fly; No matter how rich the licking dog is, it will shed tears.

"The spear is still here!" Xin Zhao shouted loudly.

AQAWAA, pick up the policewoman two or three times, and take the head with a draw at the end.

And seeing the policewoman being beaten to death by a set of skills from Xin Zhao on the opposite side, the entire barrage in the live broadcast room went crazy with laughter.

"It's another underworld scene hahaha!"

"With N hell scenes in one game, the ticket price is so worth it!"

"I just saw a small shot of Uzi laughing wildly. He was smiling so happily!"

"How can he still laugh?!"

"If you don't understand, just ask, was the one who was beaten just now and was running around like a rat with his head in his arms, the number one ADC in the world?!"


But this time, when Brother Zaozi looked at the black screen, Hong Wen no longer licked his hands, but laughed directly.

The first two times he was indeed caught autistic by Chen Mu's Zhao Xin, but the lice on his body didn't itch even if they were numerous, and it didn't matter to him anymore.

Seeing Chen Mu "taking care" of him like this, he even laughed out loud.

Originally, he got the combination of Policewoman and Lux ​​in this round, and he was originally going to crush Verus, but he didn't expect to be treated as a piglet, and he was raising pigs like crazy.

For a moment, he felt like he had returned to three or four years ago, and the hot man was back~
Level two capture, blocked vision, tricky angles, and obsession with six birds.
Exactly the same, so similar~
By now he knew that this game was going far, so he laughed angrily.

In 15 minutes, his policewoman only managed over 130 last hits, which was a huge shame for him.

This is unacceptable to him who regards last hits as his life.

On the opposite side, Verus' last strike steadily followed time, and he also had plating and heads on his body, making him much fatter than him.

Then the game went to 18 minutes.

Taking advantage of FPX's three-way push, Uzi found a safe place to take the lane, and was gathering a safe wave of troops under the second tower on the top lane.

This was one of the few opportunities for him to develop. Lux, who was assisting Xiao Ming, also left him to wander around to gain vision.

Xiao Ming had a hard time playing this game~
In fact, Lux has little effect now, or even has a negative effect.

Lux was selected to cooperate with the female police line to suppress the situation, but now their tower was pushed to the ground.

He is Lux's most vulnerable hero in the game, and his level is also the lowest, with only over 1000 health points.

If any hero is given a set of skills, he won't be able to stand it.

If you are a hard assistant in this situation, you can also rely on your hard body to create vision, start a team fight, and resist damage.

But there is really only one way for a Lux to be given away!
No, Xiao Ming's Lux is careful to control the field of vision in his jungle area.

But suddenly a crampon stretched out from the darkness, followed by Xin Zhao.


In one second, Lux turned into a corpse.

Xiao Ming, who looked at the black screen, was also a little confused.He died so quickly that he didn't even hand over his flash.

Then he also made a helpless tactic and lay back on the e-sports chair, symbolically making two marks for his teammates to indicate that there were people in the jungle.

Then he fell into deep self-isolation.

At this time, Galio and Qinggangying were guarding the second tower in the middle, but the second tower in the middle, which had been hit by the Rift Herald, was running out of health. These two people had short hands and no ability to clear the line.

FPX continued to advance strongly, but Brother Zaozi's female police officer saw that the line of soldiers under his tower had been taken away, and he did not dare to go any further, so he wanted to go from his own jungle area to support the second tower in the middle. .

However, in the grass above the red buff, where Lux had just been killed, Xin Zhao holding a spear did not leave, but was still squatting with the scan on.

Watching a living ADC walk by in front of his eyes, Xin Zhao fired his spear.

A little cold light comes first, and then the spear shoots out like a dragon! !
AQEAWAR, with a set of skills, evaporated the female police officer in minutes.

At this time, Uzi's screen angle was still in the middle, and he didn't notice the life bar of his policewoman at all.

But suddenly watching his screen go dark.

"Huh?! Why is there still Xin Zhao here?"

"Huh? Isn't this my own jungle area?!"

"Oh?! Why is my screen black?!"

"Oh?! Why is my policewoman's health bar gone?!"

"Huh?! What about an ADC that's so big like me?!"

There were five question marks on Uzi's forehead.

But the answer was that Xin Zhao stepped over his body. (End of chapter)

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