LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 355 "Xiang Guo" brand scapegoat

Chapter 355 "Xiang Guo" brand scapegoat

Watching Uzi's policewoman turn into a corpse again, the barrage in the live broadcast room did not regard him as the world's number one ADC at all, and once again "crazy output".

"I eat three ways for one person, and I have zero output when playing in a group."

"If you don't understand, just ask, is this the world's number one ADC playing?!"

"The world's number one ADC?! That's right, my brother Zaozi. (狗头) (狗头)"

"Another famous scene!"

"Young man, your road is narrow."

"Xin Zhao is awesome!"

"I laughed so hard, Xin Zhao also made a big move to show respect."

"Hahaha, for a moment I couldn't tell whether Uzi was playing or Wang Sicong was playing!"

The game lasts to 10 minutes.

Chen Mu has already accumulated three small dragons, two fire dragons, and one earth dragon with FPX, perfect dragon attributes.

His Xin Zhao also had a record of 5-2. He was stabbed from beginning to end. Of course, most of the heads were picked off from Brother Zaozi.

With the economy so good, Xin Zhao also directly switched to the three powers after the jungle knife.

Generally speaking, jungle heroes, whether they are Xin Zhao or other heroes, no matter how suitable they are, they don't have the ability to do all three things.

The three powers are worth more than 3000 gold coins, which is too expensive~
For junglers, it's too slow.

However, in this round, Chen Mutian was fat, and the few heads provided by Brother Zaozi were already worth half of the three-person force.

Even during this time period, Chen Mu's Xin Zhao was able to put on a small stopwatch.

And look at Brother Zaozi's policewoman at this time, with a record of 0-4 and only one hundred, seventy-eighty last hits.Only two pieces of equipment after 10 minutes.

In a normal game, Brother Zaozi's last hit would reach [-] or [-] knives during this period, and the third piece of equipment is on the way.

But this is when the policewoman is at her weakest.

The policewoman is an early-stage hero and a late-stage hero, but it is the weakest state in the mid-term at this time.

In the early stage, the female police officer can use her long hand advantage to suppress as much as she can. In the later stage, if the attack speed and critical attack equipment are equipped, it is normal for one shot to the head to kill a thousand blood.

But the most embarrassing thing is in the mid-term. When the female police has a two-piece set, the attack speed is not enough, the critical hit is not enough, and the armor penetration is not enough. It is the weakest and cannot hit people. It is just scraping.

And it just so happened that this was the time for Brother Gongzi's top laner Sword Demon to join the group.

If Chen Mu's Zhao Xin is the biological father of the policewoman, then without any interference, the Sword Demon with luxurious equipment can be said to be the ancestor of the policewoman.

Maybe the policewoman's water gun fired at the people for a long time, but the sword demon came back with a mouthful of blood.

The situation of Uzi on RNG is like this, and the situation of others can be imagined.

Except for top laner AJ, whose Urgot equipment can keep up, the others are purely teamfight tools, either providing control or stepping forward to take a beating.

For more than 10 minutes, a sudden team battle began around Baron in the first half of the jungle.

RNG's assistant Lux was protected by AJ's Urgot and Xiaohu's Galio before she dared to enter the wild area for vision.

He doesn't dare to enter the jungle alone now, it's too fragile~
Whether it's Xin Zhao, Sword Demon or Ice Girl, as long as they catch him, they don't even need a big move, they can kill him directly with a small set of skills.

But even if RNG uses a combination of mid and auxiliary to create vision, will FPX not dare to take action? !

of course not!

RNG underestimated FPX's damage.

The moment he saw Urgot, Verus, the old thief of Sima, took action. The big move in his hand came out and hit the crab.

With the ruined sheep knife and attack speed boots, Verus's output is not low, and his tanking ability is also excellent.

As soon as the team battle starts.
Casa's Qinggangying and the policewoman came closer.

And everyone in FPX, who already had the advantage of having a good view of the river, couldn't wait.

Brother Gongzi's Sword Demon Destruction was already swollen forward as soon as it was launched, and Doinb's Ice Girl E skill Glacier Path reached the middle of the crowd.


Teacher Big B directly gave his ultimate move to himself, causing area damage to enemies around him and causing a huge amount of slowdown.

Moreover, Teacher Big B's unexpected move to start the team also scared Lux ​​who was standing in the front to flash out. Xiao Ming thought that Ice Girl was going to use her ultimate move on his head, so he directly flashed to move away.

At this time, RNG's team battle lineup was pulled apart due to FPX Ice Girl's team start.

AJ's Urgot on the top lane, Xiaohu's Galio and jungler Qinggangying are in the front row, while Zaozi's policewoman and assistant Lux are directly cut to the back row by the policewoman and Sword Demon. The entire lineup is seriously divided. .

Chen Mu's Xin Zhao was not in a hurry to join the battle group at the beginning, but kept looking for positions and opportunities.

This is his best time.

Knowing the timing and position, Chen Mu fired the spear in his hand and hit Lux accurately with his W skill.

The attack range of his E skill has been expanded from 650 yards to 1100 yards.

Then Xin Zhao's ambition to trap the enemy was life-or-death. He once again charged fearlessly with his E skill and rushed in without caring about his own safety, getting close to Lux.

Although he got close to Lux, the target of his attack was not Lux, but the policewoman next to her.

Punishment slowed down and hit the policewoman, and at the same time activated his Q skill. A bit of cold light arrived first, and then the gun shot out like a dragon.

The spear with a cold glow kept stabbing at the policewoman.

Brother Zaozi's policewoman had just mastered the displacement of her E skill. She was slowed down by Xin Zhao with a red buff, and was punished and slowed down by Xin Zhao. She couldn't even move her legs.

Under such circumstances, Brother Zaozi finally handed over his ancestral flash.

Next to her, Lux also hurriedly threw out her Q skill, hoping to temporarily hinder Xin Zhao's actions.

But Chen Mu was very focused, at the moment when Lux's hand, which was almost touching his face, had just been raised, and the Q skill had just been released.

Chen Mu had already pressed Flash, followed closely by the policewoman, and at the same time continued output from the spear in his hand.

Xin Zhao's talent is Cluster Blade. When Cluster Blade is triggered, Xin Zhao's attack speed is maxed out, and the spear in his hand flies up.

Xin Zhao with three powers and without three powers are two completely different heroes. Xin Zhao with three powers has the ability to kill alone.

In the end, Brother Zaozi's policewoman was unable to do any harm, and she couldn't get up when faced with the cheeky Xin Zhao.

A clever woman can't cook without rice~
In the end, the policewoman was shot to death by Xin Zhao.

Immediately afterwards, Xin Zhao turned the gun and aimed at Lux next to him.

Xin Zhao's CD reduction is very fast with three items of power. Coupled with the jungle knife's CD reduction, the CD reduction reaches 30% with just two pieces of equipment.

The next E skill quickly changed for the better, and another EQAAA took the head of Lux, the radiant girl.

The two people in the back row of RNG were directly cut off by Chen Mu's Zhao Xindan, while the three people in the front row of RNG were unable to support themselves and were almost taken care of.

At the beginning, RNG's top, middle and jungle trio were still very dreamy. Xin Zhao rushed into the back row of the policewoman and Lux, and the three of them also wanted to rush into the old thief Sima's Verus.

But they didn’t even think about it. Verus’ support was Tahm~
Verusgatam's combination is a snake oil combination from beginning to end.

Seeing that Urgot, Galio, and Qinggangying still wanted to rush Verus and change their fate against the will of heaven.

But when Tam swallowed Verus in one gulp and pulled away, the three of them were dumbfounded.Then the old thief Sima also opened up his firepower. Verus shook his head and stacked the sheep's knives, instantly cutting off the health of the three people and harvesting them one by one.


A wave of zero for five wiped out the team!
Small advantages accumulate big advantages, from quantitative changes to qualitative changes!
This zero-for-five team annihilation was also the accumulation of FPX’s small advantages in the early stage, like a stream flowing into the sea, and eventually turned into a victory.

After the team wiped out the opponent, the five members of FPX also took advantage of the situation and took down the baron that was close at hand.

With the Baron buff, FPX's advancement is even more overwhelming, and there is no way for RNG's lineup to stop it.

Except for Brother Zaozi's policewoman who has longer hands, everyone else in RNG has short hands.

Moreover, with the Baron buff, the policewoman's ability to push the line is also limited. It took a long time to click on the cannon cart with the baron buff. Fortunately, the Qinggang shadow next to her helped punish it, otherwise it was just the cannon cart policewoman. It takes a long time to process.

At this time, FPX directly pushed one, three and one points, and Chen Mu's Xin Zhao was already used as the top laner.

And it’s easier to use than ordinary top orders!

After all, Man Yixin's reputation is resounding throughout the Summoner's Rift, and Chen Mu's Xin Zhao build is also a violent build of three powers.

AQAAA instantly turned a defense tower into ruins.

At 23 minutes and 45 seconds, RNG's two highland towers were destroyed one after another.

Seeing that the last defense tower could not hold on, the number of super soldiers in each lane changed from one to two.

Uzi was still working tirelessly to replenish his sword, but Casa and Xiaohu couldn't play anymore and began to speed up crazily.

Qinggangying didn't have a stopwatch on his body, nor did he flash, but he just kicked into the crowd so suddenly.

Then Xiaohu's Galio ignored it and directly used his ultimate move.

The two of them didn't want to continue the game. The game they played so far was just a fun game for their opponent and a torture game for themselves. There was no legend of a [-]-yuan economic comeback.

Rather than being tortured by FPX for 2 minutes, it is better to start a group wave with the death of teammates and end the game as soon as possible.

And of course the result was as expected.

It is impossible to drive to Verus with Tahm by his side. At this time, the equipment and damage of both sides are no longer at the same level.

ACE, no, this time it’s not a team wipeout.

Because Brother Zaozi’s female police officer was still finishing the attack on the line where the highland tower on the lower road was not broken.

Although RNG lost this game, his brother Zaozi did not lose.

At least he didn’t lose the last hit~
The final time was fixed at 25 minutes and 56 seconds, and the RNG base slowly exploded into pieces.

FPX1:0 temporarily leads RNG.

Seeing the ending that was beyond everyone's expectations, several commentators in the commentary box began to organize their thoughts and began to clear their minds.

If it were other teams, they could say whatever they wanted, or they could brag about FPX without thinking, but this is the RNG royal team.

In addition to the IG championship team, it is still one of the most popular teams this year. Even FPX, now with Chen Mu joining the team, can only compete on equal terms.

As for EDG, whose factory director has gradually semi-retired, it can't be compared.

Wawa: "Uh-huh. This game was beyond everyone's expectations. Chen Mu's second-level catch was really real." Wawa couldn't find a good word to describe it for a while.

Miller quickly took the doll and said: "It really caught RNG and Uzi off guard. RNG's policewoman Lux system was actually over when the second level was captured in 2 minutes. The rest is just to delay time." That’s all”

"I don't think Uzi and RNG will be given this kind of opportunity in the next game." Guan Zeyuan also rarely said good things for RNG: "What sparks will be created between the two sides in the next game? Let's wait and see." !”

Although the commentators have good words for RNG, the old friends in the live broadcast room will not let RNG go. After all, the world has been suffering for a long time~
"Hahahaha, why am I so happy when I see RNG losing? QAQ!"

"I give up, I lost, I'm happy~"

"Princes, why don't you laugh? Isn't it funny?"

"It's true as the saying goes, when the tide goes out, you will know who is swimming naked!"

"Five sons can't do it, and they won't have a crown in their life!"

"Speak in white!"

"xswl, Chen Mu is indeed the biological father of the bathing dog."

"Hongwen eats hands and hands (squinting) (squinting)"

"Hahaha, the look in Xiaohu's eyes just now made me laugh to death. One day he will also stare into death~"


After the first round, Chen Mu led everyone back to the lounge excitedly, and the war horses were already waiting at the door to greet them.

This game is very important for FPX. The previous winning streak of Little Phoenix was against weak teams.

At the beginning of this game, the strength of FPX Little Phoenix's opponents was also increasing one by one, and it was also the time when FPX was truly tested.

Seeing the players in such a hot state, Zhan Ma, as the head coach, is of course happy.

At this time, RNG's exclusive lounge was gloomy and no one spoke.

Uzi, who was messing around in Hongwen, put a huge amount of pressure on everyone.

Finally, after a long silence, head coach Heart spoke.

"For the next round of Casa, you should take a rest and prepare the spicy hot pot."

"You play in the next game!"

After hearing the head coach's words, Casa breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

His mentality has always been a problem. Under such pressure, his operation is a bit wrong, so whether it is FW Flash Wolves or RNG, fans say they are weak in the competition.

Now outside the RNG team, the fans and black men are crazy about the rhythm, and Uzi in the team is crazy about the pressure. He no longer wants to play.

Now that the head coach wants to replace him, of course he wants it.

But the spicy pot sitting in the corner rolled his eyes in his heart and complained in his heart.

"Wori, you are a fairy~"

"As soon as this situation comes, you will lift me up to be a firefighter. Do you think I am a professional scapegoat?"

"I beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep."

Of course, these words were just running wildly in Mala Xiangguo's mind, but he never cursed out of his mouth.

Before the start of the season, he wanted to quit.

But after listening to Chen Mu’s guidance during the All-Star Game, my ideas opened up.

At this time, he did not break up with the RNG management, but they seemed to be inseparable.

Just start showing off your face.

Originally, Brother Zaozi was already a stress monster in the game, but Mala Xiangguo's temper was even more irritable and stronger than him.

In the training matches, he put crazy pressure on his teammates, especially during the review, with the pace of the game frame by frame. For a while, even the tactical coach was a little afraid of the spicy hotpot.

(End of this chapter)

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