LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 356 UZI’s red glasses

Chapter 356 UZI’s red glasses
In the RNG lounge, Mala Xiangguo watched Head Coach Heart's decision.

The look in his eyes gradually changed from surprise and questioning to determination.

Every time it’s the last round, I’m asked to take the blame, right? !

Okay, this time, I will take the blame completely.

Then Mala Xiangguo also shrugged nonchalantly, telling Heart that he didn't care and could play at any time.

But RNG's change of starting personnel is the first step.


"How does BP do it? Hmm? How does BP do it!!!"

Although Heart brought up the spicy pot, he still closed the notepad tightly and looked at the five people sitting there with a pair of sad eyes.

Their RNG's BP is still difficult to do.

"Ice Girl! It is recognized that she is weak in the early stage and can only play the control tool mid laner. Ice Girl and Xin Zhao can still roam like this, so how can I BP?"

"Do you know how many mid laners are in the same echelon as Ice Maiden? Is my Ban here?!"

AJ couldn't help but shrink his neck when he heard Heart's words, and moved his butt to get further away from the other five people.

In the last game, his Urgot was a pure blame game and a losing game, which really had little to do with him.

Although policewoman Uzi was arrested by the second level in the last game, which caused the failure of policewoman Lux's system, Heart did not place all the blame on Uzi.

In the last round, FPX came up with triple-ban ADC, and Uzi didn't have any good options.

In the end, we could only choose the combination of policewoman Lux, but the policewoman was chosen to push the line.

There is nothing wrong with being caught by Chen Mu's second level.

Head coach Heart put the main reason for the loss on the midfielder.

Because the midfielder did nothing and the rhythm was a beat slower, FPX's midfielder put unlimited pressure on the bottom lane.

Xiaohu's face was ugly and he didn't say a word. He knew that the coach was pointing at him, but he didn't have any reason to refute.

He couldn't help biting his nails, his thoughts were wandering and he didn't know what he was thinking. It had been a long time since he laughed twice.

Others couldn't help but feel heavy after hearing Heart's words.

Because this time he lost, the situation was completely different from before. If Chen Mu played top lane like before, he would lose if he lost that terrifying suppressive power.

Who makes Chen Mu the world's number one top laner? He is not the world's number one top laner. So many of the world's top top laners have been beaten to pieces by Chen Mu.

But it’s different now!Chen Mu has moved from top laner to jungle position!
But he has only been in the jungle for a few months? !

Can this kind of terrifying rhythm driving ability really be achieved by a first-time jungler? !
Once the mid-jungle line gains an advantage, the speed and influence of the advantage will be far beyond what the top lane, known as the Canyon Orphan Road, can match.

If the top laner collapses, the most likely outcome is that he himself will collapse. If he raises a middle-aged dad, other routes may also rely on rhythm to bring the situation back.

But the midfielder is different. The midlane and jungler are a highly correlated combination in the early stage.

One glory and one glory.

The well-developed two can also frequently catch and play four packs and twos, and the speed at which the advantage spreads to teammates is simply terrifying.

When Xiaohu met top mid laners like Broiler and Junior before, he didn't feel so much pressure!

On the contrary, Xiaohu's side does not lose in the laning, but in terms of support and rhythm driving, Xiaohu has miraculous abilities.

But there’s something wrong with Chen Mu and Doinb’s approach!
Both Hart and the RNG coaching staff and analysts have seen it.

The mid laner Doinb's laning ability is second to none, but with his unique hero pool and support ability, Xiaohu and Kasa were completely defeated by the opponent.

UZI said that he had a strong say in this matter. He even felt that when the old thief Sima on the opposite side saw Qinggangying and Galio thrust into his face, he was not as good as when he saw Xin Zhao and Ice Girl on the mini-map. A moment of despair.

Who could be worse than him?

When Xin Zhao flashes R, what else can he do? !
You can't just press flash when you see Xin Zhao!

It's not safe for him to even stand next to his teammates, and he may not even be able to activate his life-saving skills. No matter what, the old thief Sima still has Tahm next to him!

"I will ban Hu Bingnu by grabbing the lead. Maybe it's because Chen Mu's hands are too hot today. I hope you can compete in the best condition you should have."

"Xiangguo, in the next game, I hope you can put more pressure on Xiaohu, don't let the opponent's midfielder roam again, and give the puppy enough living space. Is there any problem?"

After Heart came up with the tactics again, Xiaohu nodded like garlic, and the spicy hot pot said loudly: "No problem, coach! I caught the second level!"

Heart waved his hand: "Okay, get ready and go on stage, don't let me down again!"

Looking at the RNG players walking out, Heart and the rest of the coaching team looked at each other and shook their heads with a wry smile:
"Chen Mu is really weird. At that time, he was just the manager of the water machine in RNG. But in just a few months, he won the world championship and FMVP."

Compared to RNG, which came on stage with a tragic atmosphere, FPX was much more happy.

Everyone was chatting and laughing when they walked onto the stage. Compared to the serious RNG competition room, FPX was obviously much more relaxed.

But it's true, no team can laugh after losing.

And then FPX also got news.

However, the War Horse head coach didn't look worried at all.

Keeping constant to cope with all changes, now FPX's tactical system has gradually matured. He is not afraid whether it is spicy hot pot or the factory director.

Afterwards, under the notice of the staff, Chen Mu and others also started to appear from the backstage.

Standing in the player aisle of the arena, several people from RNG happened to be here too.

Uzi smiled and came up and hit Chen Mu on the chest with a small hammer.

"Damn it, brother, this is not how the game is played, is it? Did the boss target me like this?!"

"Please let go of this request~"

Malaxiangguo, on the other hand, leaned over and said, "It's okay, I'm going to squat in the middle of this round~", without any concern at all about what he just said about squatting in the middle of this round.

And Chen Mu also smiled and said: "It's okay, don't squat down on the road, I'll catch it!"

AJ next to him had his head full of questions: "???????"

No one had to wait long, and soon the players from both sides were on stage.

At the same time, in the official LPL commentary booth, several commentators were chatting awkwardly, waiting for the game to start.

The commentators were also prepared early: "Welcome back! The next game is the second game of Bo3 between FPX and RNG!"

Wawa smiled and said: "Wow, Chen Mu's performance in the last game is still lingering in my mind. Xin Zhao's E flash R is so amazing. After playing now, I think Chen Mu is still very good as a jungler." successful."

Compared with the prudent doll, Miller obviously has a more genuine temperament, and directly retorted: "Or? The layout is small, you! I think it is very successful! And I just checked Weibo, do you know what I saw? ?”

"Oh? What did you see?"

"I saw someone on Weibo analyzing today's game, and they also said something that suddenly made me react. They said that Chen Mu's jungle style is like... like a spicy guy with full map control. Incense pot.”

But suddenly, several people's headsets twitched and received messages from the background.

The baby then promptly broadcast the news to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Oh?! We just received the news from the backstage. RNG has changed the starting lineup. The Casa player in the jungle position has been replaced by Mala Xiangguo. player." "I wonder what kind of different changes it will bring to RNG after Mala Xiangguo comes on stage?!"

"Let's wait and see!"

While several commentators were still analyzing the strength of both sides, the BP session on the field also officially started. In the second game, the two sides changed sides, FPX came to the red side, and RNG went to the blue side.

RNG has obviously accepted the reality in terms of BP. They banned Qinggangying, Luo and Ryze respectively in the first round.

FPX did not continue the previous BP tactics in this game. In the previous game, it was 3banADC, but Uzi was still able to bring out the female police system.

Although Brother Zaozi's policewoman was arrested by the second level, it can also be seen that his hero pool is deep.

So FPX began to make a fuss about the opposing midfielder. Except for the strong Lucian in one version, the other two bans were given to jungle heroes such as Lee Sin and Xin Zhao.

Alas, I won’t play this game anymore, and neither will you~
FPX directly suppressed all jungle heroes.

Then it was the selection stage. In order to prevent the night from getting too long, RNG directly locked up Ice Girl in the first round without any hesitation.

"RNG locks Ice Girl in seconds! Is this a feud between Xiaohu and Doinb in the middle?! It depends on whether FPX Xiaofeng can take the move~"

When it was FPX's turn to choose, they almost didn't hesitate and locked in the classic combination of Verus and Tahm Kench.

If it’s easy to use, keep using it~
Next, the two sides will come and go, and the top three selections will be confirmed.

RNG: Ice Girl, Captain, Bull Head

FPX: Verus, Tahm, Sword Demon

The first three hands on both sides are very organized, and no loopholes have been revealed.

In the second round of ban, RNG still chose the ban mid laner hero, sending Scorpion and Akali to the ban position, and continued to target FPX's midfielder~
On FPX's side, the two jungle heroes of Rock Bird and Olaf were eliminated, allowing him to continue playing the regular jungle heroes honestly.

Don't you like being a reckless man? !You have the ability to use a pig girl as a reckless man!

In the second round of selection, FPX still had the midfielder left, and then they directly came to Karma.

One of Teacher Big B's underwear and the ultimate bastard.

It's RNG's turn for the last two hands, ADC and jungler. Heart plans to first determine the jungle hero for Mala Xiangguo.

But after looking around at the jungle heroes still present, there were only a few left, and they were all banned.

Heart said a little embarrassedly: "Xiang Guo, how about Pig Girl??"

Spicy hotpot: "???????"

The spicy hot pot has a question mark on its face.

Damn it, you put me on the field like a firefighter, and then you gave me a pig girl? !

You really want the horse to run again, but you don’t want to let the horse eat grass!
Looking at the fragrant pot with a face as thick as the bottom of a pot, Heart knew that he had gone too far.

But there are really not many jungle heroes still on the field.

After hesitating for a long time, RNG finally decided on the jungle hero as the final countdown approached.

Prince Demacia!

Heart gave the last hand to Brother Zaozi.

Seeing that FPX's lineup had basically taken shape, Uzi Zaozi rubbed his chin and said, "How about Vayne?!"

"The opponent's lineup is a bit clumsy! Vayne is very good!"

Heart also saw the same lineup on the opposite side. The top laner was Sword Demon, the support was Tahm, and the mid laner was Karma. Although he didn’t know what Chen Mu’s jungler would choose, it was Vaien’s turn.

"Okay!" The next moment, Heart agreed to Uzi's choice.

RNG's ADC hero is confirmed, Vayne.

As soon as Uzi's red glasses flashed out, there was a burst of cheers at the game.

The commentators in the commentary box were also happy.

Wawa: "Wow, I really chose it, Uzi's Vayne, the signature among signatures!"

Miller: "It's getting more and more interesting. The puppy actually showed his underwear. It seems that the puppy is angry~"

Guan Zeyuan still chooses to support Chen Mu unconditionally: "I only believe in Chen Mu now, and I feel that Chen Mu will also play a big role this time!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room also began to climax.

"Hehehe, it seems that the bathing dog is angry and even has red eyes!"

“What would you do if the dog’s shameless pants were pulled off while bathing?!”

"Believe Uzi, Desperate Fury Puppy!"

"Don't tell me yet, Vayne has a lot of room to play in this game, maybe she can really kill."

"I don't know what Chen Mu will choose as a jungler in the end. It would be best to choose a hero with a thin veil of Vayne."

Then in FPX's last counter position, FPX showed a hero that no one expected.

Silas the Liberator!

The doll shouted directly: "Gurtle, Silas! FPX chooses to use Silas in the middle or in the jungle? This seems to have never been seen before~"

Guan Zeyuan confirmed Wawa's question. He also paid a lot of attention to the LCK division: "The LPL side is currently not available, but the LCK side has made an appearance, but the effect is not very ideal."

"I have seen other people playing this hero before, and I felt that the damage was too low. Maybe the strength has reached the standard."

Wawa nodded to express his understanding: "So how Chen Mu plays Silas today will be a very important reference target for players in the LPL region."

"At least he can steal Ice Girl's ultimate move, which is equivalent to two Ice Girl fighting each other. FPX will not suffer any loss in team play if he is selected."

Seeing Chen Mu take out Silas, Heart suddenly felt something bad in his heart.

He had counted everything but Silas.

Silas the Liberator is the 143rd hero to appear in League of Legends. It was officially launched on the Chinese server on January 2019, 1.

But even though Sylas made his debut in the Chinese server, the mechanism of being able to steal the opponent's ultimate move was loved by players as soon as it was launched.

But I couldn't compete in the game because there were so many bugs that it was hard to guard against.

The mechanism of stealing ultimate moves is very interesting, but there are also a mountain of bugs.

In desperation, Riot Games can only temporarily ban the use of Sylas in leagues around the world. Sylas will be evaluated and re-enabled after the patch.

The next hero to be treated this way will have to wait until the Ruined King a few years later.

In this game, Silas happened to be released from the ban, so Chen Mu took it out immediately.

This is also Silas’ first game in the LPL division!

(End of this chapter)

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