LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 357 LPL’s Silas’ first battle

With the confirmation of Chen Musilas, the lineups of both sides were also determined.

FPX vs RNG second game
FPX is on the red side, RNG is on the blue side
Top laner: Sword Demon vs. Captain
Jungler: Sylas vs. Prince
Mid laner: Karma vs Ice Girl
ADC: Varus vs Vayne
Support: Tahm vs Tau
After seeing FPX's lineup, the commentators didn't understand and asked. Wawa asked curiously: "Sylas is jungler, is this hero jungler now? I have played two games. Although the mechanism is excellent, I always feel that there is something wrong with it. strange!"

"Is he a warrior, an assassin, or a mage?!"

“I wonder what kind of effect Chen Mu’s jungler will have in this round?!”

Guan Zeyuan explained: "The official positioning of Silas as a hero is the mid laner."

"But. But we just need to unconditionally believe in Chen Mu~" Guan Zeyuan has transformed into Chen Mu's licking dog, bragging about Chen Mu without thinking.

Miller also gave affirmation after hearing this: "I feel that if Chen Mu and Silas's jungle effect is good in this round, he may lead a trend again. If Silas's strength can keep up, he may even go to the middle to fight. It’s all possible.”

At the same time, even though Heart's BP was over, he still stayed on the competition stage, giving instructions to Xiaohu and Malaxiangguo.

When FPX Little Phoenix's Silas showed up, he felt that something bad was going to happen.

Their RNG analyst team really did not expect that FPX and Chen Mu would come to jungle Silas. They felt that the consequences of this game were not good. If they lost this game, their coach would take the blame.

Finally, under the urging of the staff, Heart turned back from one step to three and walked off the competition stage reluctantly.

At the same time, both parties also entered the game loading screen.

The newly launched Sylas mechanism is very good. It seems that the basic value is very low, but the combination of skills is very, very exaggerated.
And now the strength of this version of Silas is, well, all I can say is, super model!

A serious all-around hero!You can play in any position!
The Q skill does full damage regardless of primary and secondary targets, the W skill increases damage and healing according to the changes in the enemy's health line, the E skill also has a shield in the first section, and the WE skill has short-term small control.

The most outrageous thing is the ultimate move. It only takes 15 seconds to install level 40 with no CD, and 9 seconds with [-] CD!
This is tantamount to saying that if the team battle is pulled well, what the hell is Silas guaranteed to be able to release at least two big moves in a team battle!There are many more!

It is really not a joke to say that the team behind RNG will take the blame. This hero was released and was obtained by Chen Mu. It was obvious that the other party did not pay attention to the data updates in real time, which was a very serious dereliction of duty.

Of course, during this period, perhaps the RNG analyst team has not clearly realized the strength of Silas, and may not have enough knowledge about Silas so they don't care.

Several commentators in the commentary box also have a vague understanding of the hero Silas and their positioning is unclear. RNG's coaching team may also have made this mistake.

At this time, Silas's strength is not only in the jungle line, but also in the mid lane and top lane, where the intensity of confrontation is very intense.

And this game is the best material for them to improve their memory~
Chen Mu's Silas's main talent in this game was the Domination system, Electrocution, and did not choose the Precision system.

What is needed is burst and damage to increase the resistance ability in the early and mid-term.

The sudden impact strengthens Silas's damage, and has a dual effect when paired with the E skill displacement. The eyeball collector increases eye rowing and kill benefits.

One of Sylas's characteristics is to copy the enemy's ultimate move, so Chen Mu selected the ultimate hunter. Sylas' ultimate move has a fast CD, and now it is even faster.

The secondary laces are Medical Miracle Triumph and Fatal Blow.

The game officially entered the game. Both sides bought equipment at a very fast speed and walked to the predetermined positions.

In this game, Chen Mu's Silas didn't cause any trouble. Instead, he kept his regular starting position and opened blue with the help of his teammates.

Although Sylas's damage is very explosive, this version of Sylas' E skill also has a white shield, but there is no recovery, and the jungler is still too hurt in the early stage.

It’s always better to have teammates to help you.

Chen Mu's early jungle brushing route is also very conventional. After blue opens, he brushes three wolves, then goes directly to red, and then collects six birds.

Let’s look at the alignment in the middle.

In this game, Xiaohu's Ice Girl still very conservatively chose to bring the Aftershock talent to ensure her fault tolerance.

Unfortunately, all these preparations were in vain for Teacher Big B.

He has already taken out Kalma just to be a dog, and he still cares about your talent.

Although Xiaohu also changed his playing style in this game and began to push the lane as hard as possible to put pressure on Doinb.

But the hero Karma is a rogue. No matter how you operate, I am RQRQRQ
If you come up and hit me, I will put a shield on myself and a rope on you.
"Wow, both sides are very competitive in this game. Xiaohu and Doinb are fighting fiercely in the middle!"

"No! It's Xiaohu's loss in this wave of blood changes! The damage of the minions in the early stage is too high!"

"That's what the hero Karma is, you can't compete with him!"

Watching the ice girl on the TV screen losing more blood while beating others, Heart, who had just returned to the lounge and sat down, sighed.

Throwing away the notebook in his hand, he leaned back on the sofa and rubbed his face with his hands a few times. He was silent and didn't know what he was thinking. He was always a little uneasy in his heart.

If there was no Silas, he would definitely encourage Xiaohu to push the line and get the line rights, so that he could better cooperate with the prince of Mala Xiangguo.

But Chen Mu was playing Silas.

As the head coach of RNG, Heart was filled with excitement.

"Xiaohu, is there a chance in the middle?! I've reached level three, and I feel like I have a chance!"

At the same time, the wild route has red open, six birds, three wolves and blue buffs, which is a complete mirror image of Chen Mu Silas's wild route.

After receiving the blue buff, the prince of Mala Xiangguo was already thinking about doing things when he reached level three.

After playing blue, I planned to go to the opposite top lane to arrange a wave of golden sword demons, but my top laner was also the captain, so I really didn't cooperate.

So I thought of looking for opportunities in the middle lane, but he doesn’t like to farm jungle~
This is also the difference between Mala Xiangguo and Casa. Mala Xiangguo started to operate with Xiaohu as soon as it came on stage.

Even forcing Xiaohu to operate~
At this time, the ice girl and Karma in the middle were fighting each other very fiercely. At this time, they both had half of their health left, and they were knocking on the blood bottle to restore their health.

"Wait for me, I'll be there soon!!!"

At this time, the artillery line in the middle was advancing under Doinb's tower and preparing to reset. Xiaohu was also releasing the line, trying to find a gank angle for the Mala Xiangguo crouching in the grass.

As long as the army line is reset and pushed back to the center line, if the ice girl and the prince cooperate well, there will be almost no room for Karma to resist.

"I'm here! It's ready to go!"

After Xiaohu saw the spicy hotpot in place, Bingnu immediately pressed forward, trying to find an opportunity.

But this time, Doinb's Karma still thought that the ice girl just wanted to come up to exchange blood. Before she could move away, she stood and exchanged blood with the ice girl.

The two skills of QE were used without thinking.

After seeing the opponent hand over a skill, Xiaohu's Ice Girl flashed W directly and crashed into Karma without even thinking about it.

Karma was suddenly controlled by the ice girl. Spicy Hotpot walked out without hesitation, flashed to close the distance, and then a light-speed EQ [-]nd Company was about to poke at Karma.

At this time, Doinb's fingers were tapping the keyboard frantically, almost making it smoke.

The moment the prince appeared, he knew something was wrong.

Karma didn't have much health to begin with. He had just taken a set of Ice Girl's skills and had only about a quarter of his health left. He had also used all his skills. Then he was poked by the prince's EQ with a red and blue buff. It's basically a doomed situation.

So Doinb wanted to press his flash and then struggle, but the ice girl's level 1.1 W skill has a control time of [-] seconds.

Karma didn't have much toughness. Even though Doinb was about to smash the keyboard, he just couldn't move.

Seeing that the prince's flag was about to poke Karma's face, Doinb almost closed his eyes in despair.Could it be said that Chen Mu's first attack on Silas was going to fall into the hands of his own Karma? !

But at this moment Doinb was about to give up.
A figure broke in.

This is of course Chen Mu’s Silas.

Sylas's jungle clearing in the early stage is very painful, and his W skill's blood recovery has no effect on wild monsters.But fortunately, Mala Xiang Guo’s prince’s wild brushing is also very painful, and the early wild brushing efficiency is also very slow.

On the contrary, Silas has a passive effect, and Silas was the first to reach level three.

After Chen Mu's Silas received the red and blue buffs and reached level three, he actually had the same idea as Mala Xiangguo and wanted to go on the road first to do a wave of things.

However, the captain of AJ on the opposite side has already prepared his defensive position, and his Silas has no chance to enter the field.

So Silas quickly brushed the river crabs in the upper half of the jungle first.

At this time, Chen Mu, who was cutting the screen at the speed of light, saw that Xiaohu's ice girl was acting uncharacteristically. Even though her health was low, she dared to come up and operate.

This little tiger is completely different from the usual one~
Without even thinking about it, someone nearby must have given Xiaohu courage.

So Silas immediately moved to the middle.

Sure enough, the prince from Spicy Hotpot poked him, but Chen Mu's Silas had not arrived at the scheduled battlefield yet, and was still 1500 yards away from the battlefield.

But this time, Karma must be saved again.

Without any hesitation, Chen Mu's E skill of Silas moved forward a short distance.

There is still some distance from the battlefield.

But it doesn't matter, it flashes by.

Silas directly handed over the most critical flash skill. At this time, the prince's flagpole was almost poking the tip of Karma's nose.

Chen Mu also used his hand speed to the extreme, and immediately launched his W skill, Regicide Thrust.

Interrupted the prince's second EQ company in the air.

Although the spicy pot's prince flagpole had already poked into Karma's face, it did not cause any harm.

Of course, although Silas used the W skill to interrupt the prince's second EQ chain, Silas's W skill did no damage at the extreme level.

However, Doinb's Karma's life was temporarily saved.

Doinb looked at himself who was destined to die, but survived because of Chen Mu Silas's rescue from thousands of miles away, and instantly jumped up from his chair.

"Awesome, Shepherd, I love you so much~"

Doinb started dancing while operating.

Of course, he did not pull down the operation. He immediately pressed the flash that he had not pressed before, and opened the distance.

It would be funny if Chen Mu had acquired so many skills and he still died.

but it's not over
Chen Mu marked the opponent, signaling a counterattack.

Doinb, who received Chen Mu's signal, also quickly operated with both hands. He had already taken the corruption potion to restore his blood volume, and stepped forward to start a basic attack.

How handsome Xiaohu was when he entered the arena, but now he looks so embarrassed.

Even though Ice Girl activated Aftershock and increased her double resistance, facing the focused fire of the two, he still reached the killing line despite not having much HP.

Fortunately, Xiaohu entered the scene in a flash, and still had a little mana left to release the E skill and retreat along the glacier path.

But Chen Mu smiled coldly, I have used so many skills, how can I leave without making a little money? !
Then Silas's second stage E kidnapped the ice girl who retreated with accurate prediction and hit from a long distance, giving her control.

When zooming in in the air, connect to Q. At this time, Silas has just been made and can EQ for two consecutive rounds.

The EQA damage is triggered at the same time when he lands on the ground, and the red lightning of the electrocution also strikes his head.

Almost instantly, the ice girl's bloodline was cleared.


"Doinb's Karma is very dangerous this time. He was immobilized by the ice girl, and the prince also poked him."

"What. Chen Mu's Silas interrupted the prince's EQ second company. Is this a mechanism?!"

Then seeing Silas suddenly taking first blood, the commentators exclaimed:
"The damage of this Silas is not right, it's too explosive when it's fully hit!"

"It seems like the prince of Spicy Hotpot can't leave either."

After Chen Mu's Silas took away the ice woman's head, he still turned the gun and aimed at the prince.

The CD of Prince's early EQ double CD is too long, you can get in, but you can't get out.

What's more, after being slapped randomly by Silas's passive whip, his blood volume was only a little more than half full.

At this time, Karma, whose skill CD had improved, stepped forward again and tied him up with the RW chain.

But he didn't move, and was stuck by Silas's red buff.

Two seconds later, Karma's chain was still tied to the prince, causing restraint again.Although the defense tower is right in front of him, the prince just can't get in.

Under Karma's RW, it has a full 1.9 seconds of control.

And Doinb is also extremely sensible. Although his Q skill has been improved, he just can't trigger it.

"Daddy, you eat, you eat!"

"I don't want the head, you take the head!"

His Kalma was chosen to be a dog, and Chen Mu's Silas flashed thousands of miles to the rescue and saved his "dog life".

He had nothing to repay, he could only repay with a mere head!

And Chen Mu was not polite at all.

After the W skill improved, Silas once again hit the face with a WA, killing the prince who was still alive.

"Double kill!!"

Silas gets another kill.

However, in only 3 minutes, Chen Mu’s Silas had already started with two bars and zero.

After taking the head, Silas was not in a hurry to return to the city immediately. Instead, he took advantage of the gap between the opposite party's resurrections and immediately rushed to the lower half of the wild area to collect the river crabs.

Silas has two heads, and the double river crab starts the game.

The game has indeed started, but it seems to have ended again~ (End of this chapter)

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