LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 358: The strange man with a whip in the wilderness

Chapter 358: The strange man with a whip in the wilderness

Looking at the black screen, Xiaohu and Mala Xiangguo looked at each other, a little at a loss.

"Oh my god, TMD, my EQ was interrupted by the opposite party. Damn it, this stupid hero on the opposite side could interrupt my prince's EQ!" Mala Xiang Guo scratched his greasy hair in frustration. Frequently uttered foul language.

Xiaohu also apologized in a low voice: "My problem this time is that I didn't turn away Silas's E skill."

Mala Xiangguo smiled reluctantly: "It's okay, there's still a chance next time! I'll come back later when I have a chance."

But the two people who were still good brothers suddenly became speechless.

After holding it in for a long time, Xiaohu choked out a sentence: "Forget it, I'll develop it myself in the middle!"

Spicy hotpot: "."

Kasa does nothing at most on the court, but your spicy hotpot can kill people~
However, this wave cannot be blamed on Xiaohu or Mala Xiangguo. It can only be blamed on Chen Mu's Silas playing too beautifully.

Originally, the prince's second EQ attack was bound to kill Karma, but unexpectedly, it was interrupted by Silas, which directly broke the rhythm of the two of them.

And if Xiaohu's Ice Girl can finally twist off Silas's E skill and evacuate unharmed, nothing will happen to the two of them.

But there is no regret medicine in the world!

However, the failure of this wave of gank also caused the rhythm of Mala Xiangguo to stop immediately.

If a prince loses flash, the pressure he can bring to the line is completely different from when he has flash.

Moreover, the red and blue buffs that the prince had just obtained were gone, and he had a hard time farming in the jungle after that.

But Xiaohu, the spicy hotpot brother, didn't say or complain about these words. Everyone knew this in their hearts, and there was no point in criticizing him. I can only say that Chen Mu's Silas on the opposite side was a bit fierce.

When the commentator saw this, he also shook his head. He originally thought that RNG would have a different change if it played spicy hot pot.

There are indeed changes now, but they are not positive. As soon as Mala Xiangguo comes on the court, he starts to set the rhythm and sets the pace of his teammates~
Wawa: "Wow, this spicy hotpot session just now was a bit too reckless. I didn't expect that Chen Mu's Silas was right next to him, and the prince's EQ was directly interrupted."

Miller: "I feel that Xiaohu's state is not quite right in this game. Silas' E skill was not twisted just now, otherwise he should be able to get away."

Guan Zeyuan had a different view: "I think it's not so much that RNG didn't play well, but rather that Chen Mu played so well."

Following the playback, Guan Zeyuan began to play: "Look at this wave, E followed by E flashed to close the distance of almost a thousand yards, and then W interrupted the prince's EQ second company and saved Karma's life. "

"Then the skill was sandwiched between level A and passive, taking both the ice girl and the prince away!"

Wawa and Miller also agreed with Guan Zeyuan's statement: "That's true~ Chen Mu is really unexpected in terms of unexpectedness."

And at the same time.


"too strong!"

"Well done, Dad!"

Teacher Big B praised Chen Mu while recording the flashes of both parties with extremely fast hand speed.

While Teacher Big B praised him one after another, Chen Mu still remained awake.Ignoring the commercial exchanges between his teammates, his Silas immediately returned to the city after accepting the Twin River Crabs.

It had only been more than three minutes, but Silas already had a huge sum of money.

One of the two heads is still a first-blood economy, plus two river crabs and wild monsters, which brings more than 1000 gold coins.

Without saying a word, Silas first added a murderous ring and dark seal. With such a huge advantage, it really makes no sense not to use this.

Then the excess economy directly bought a 900 Demonic Codex, instead of turning the Jungle Protector into a 650 Jungle Knife.

What Sylas wants in the early stage is burst damage, and the jungle clearing efficiency will not be very high before the big jungle knife is synthesized, so Chen Mu did not choose the 650 secondary jungle knife at the first time.

The 30 points of magic power provided by the Demonic Code allow Sylas to gank and fight in the jungle. The damage in small-scale team battles is greatly increased. The 10% cooldown reduction can sometimes be used to hit an extra W, which is of great significance.

Afterwards, Silas ran directly towards the wild area and continued to line up normally.

First, he simply tidied up his jungle area, and Silas directly started his invasion.I went directly to the six birds on the opposite side, and sure enough, the prince of the spicy hotpot was hunting wild monsters.

The prince's jungler was very injured in the early stage. His prince died once in the early stage, and the red and blue buffs were directly thrown to the opponent, which was even more difficult.

Without any hesitation, Silas seamlessly used the extreme distance of E to hold the prince, and electrocuted the prince with EQAWA close to his face, killing most of the prince who was full of health.

"Damn, that was such a fierce fight! With one set of skills, the prince of Mala Xiang Guo was crippled!"

"What kind of harm is this?! I can't understand it!"

“I feel like Chen Mu’s Silas plays differently!”

Fortunately, the prince of Mala Xiangguo knew that he was at a disadvantage now, so he kept his EQ skills. Seeing that the situation was not right, he directly EQed away twice.

And Chen Mu did not pursue him deeply. This was near the defense tower in the middle of the opposite road, and Ice Girl could support him at any time.

It’s just that even if the Ice Girl comes, Silas won’t be afraid.

It was at this time that Silas's advantages began to gradually come to the fore, and perhaps Ice Girl's early weakness was revealed.

The Ice Girl, who was at a disadvantage, was too slow to push the line. When the equipment and level were behind, the skills hitting the minions were like scraping, and even two Qs could not clear the front row of minions.

The advantage of Aftershock Ice Girl is that she has a high fault tolerance rate, and she is not afraid of being hit by others. She can even actively step forward to start a group to resist a wave of damage.

But the weaknesses are also obvious. The push in the early stage is slow. Especially after Ice Girl brings Aftershock, recovery of mana and damage are both a problem.

But he happened to meet the player Doinb.

If a player like a broiler or a junior player would put enough pressure online, then it would only be Xiaohu who would be tortured.

But Teacher Big B is different. Instead of mixing lanes with Ice Girl, he frequently disappears from RNG's field of vision to put pressure on the upper and lower wings.

Karma directly uses RQ to push the line. Mixing two assists is enough for a hero like Karma. He can complete the line push in a few or two and start to cooperate with Chen Mu and Silas to roam to put pressure. On the contrary, Xiaohu is firmly trapped. Suppressed and hit the last hit under the tower.

This is also one of Doinb's laning ideas. Xiaohu is Aftershock Ice Girl after all. If it is not a very good opportunity, there is no point in mixing with him.

At this time, Chen Mu's Silas was walking sideways in the jungle.The prince of Spicy Hot Pot is equivalent to Silas’s blood pump, he fights and returns at the same time~
At this time, UZI's Vayne felt very uncomfortable. After not confirming Sylas's vision, he didn't dare to play with confidence. After all, no one could afford to bet on whether Syras would come to gank.

The scene where Chen Mu was caught at level [-] in the last round is still vivid in my mind~
This scene also made RNG's fans couldn't help it: "Y1S1, Xiaohu should retire? How can anyone beat him? Why!"

"Doinb's laning isn't strong to begin with! There's something really wrong with this Nimahu's big boss. He plays whatever other people do, but he still can't get results."

"Squeeze, I didn't know that Ice Maiden had another hook when she was pressed. It's better to continue playing Galio. At least the early line rights won't be lost."

"The puppy finally played Vayne, but it turned out to be so uncomfortable. It made the whole house angry. Is it really that difficult for teammates not to hold them back?"

"Playing as an ice girl and being pushed wildly by Karma made me laugh. I can do it too~"

"There's also the spicy hot pot, the number one reckless man in JBLPL. He wasn't just held down and beaten by Chen Mu, he was also bragging!"

Not to mention the complaints of water friends, what they said is not wrong. Not only Xiaohu, but also Mala Xiangguo was in the wilderness playing in the wilderness. There was a strange squid with an iron whip trying to catch him wherever he went!

Moreover, the whip in the monster's hand is extremely painful when it hits someone.

This version of the prince is not weak in jungle collisions, not to mention that it is the prince's own jungle, and the support speed of his teammates is bound to be faster than that of the opponent.

But the problem is that now that Silas has the Demon Codex, he only has a pair of small straw sandals.

And behind Silas, there is Karma who can push and move first at any time. He has no hair on his back!
He still can't call other people. No matter who comes to the wild area to support in the early stage, it means at least a wave of losses. If there is no gain, it is easy for his teammates to also collapse.

The only ice girl who could move with Silas was still stuck in the line of soldiers and couldn't move. He had already destroyed Xiaohu with his third level wave, and he was too embarrassed to lead Xiaohu anymore.

Therefore, Mala Xiangguo can only ensure its own development through a battle of wits and courage.

Xiaohu also felt angry when he saw Silas doing whatever he wanted in the jungle. He drove the Prince of Spicy Hotpot to run around, but he could only suppress his emotions desperately. Now his Ice Girl is of average strength and can only scratch Gua Sha, it is possible to be beaten two by Silas.

His top priority is to upgrade his equipment and economy as soon as possible and regain the line power.

Compared with the solemn RNG, FPX seems much more cheerful. Doinb's Karma disappears into the jungle from time to time, and Chen Mu also treats the opposite jungle as his home.

As a result, RNG's wingers did not dare to press the line, or even cross the center line.

AJ's captain has almost turned into the opponent's Jin Gong, pushing back the line, but his captain does not dare to push on the line.

Because Silas once again drove away the Prince of Spicy Pot in the upper half of the jungle, he started to stand in the grass and play with his mobile phone.

But if you often walk by the river, how can your shoes not get wet?
He is always passively defensive, always beaten passively, and always gets caught.

As time goes by, it comes to Xiaolong's refresh node, 6 minutes and 30 seconds.

Silas has been promoted to level 6, which is almost the same as the experience in the middle lane. The Prince of Spicy Hotpot is only level 4 at this time, and even the support in the bottom lane has been upgraded from level [-].

Silas came directly to the middle to help Karma push a wave of lanes, and by the way stole the ultimate move of the opposite little tiger Ice Girl. At this time, RNG only had the captain and Ice Girl with ultimate moves.

Still pushing first and moving as before, keeping the Ice Girl stuck under the tower to develop, Karma and Silas directly disappeared into the wild area and rushed to the Xiaolong Pit.

The first little dragon is a water dragon, which has very good attributes.

Although it is not a dragon soul like a fire dragon or an earth dragon that directly increases the hero's attributes, it has only been 6 minutes and it is still in the laning phase. The recovery effect brought by a water dragon soul is too comfortable.

Looking at the dark lower half of the jungle, RNG also wants this little dragon. Vayne gets this water dragon, which is very comfortable online.

But RNG also knows that this little dragon is difficult to compete with.

Therefore, RNG Ye Fu cooperated, and the prince took Xiao Ming's Bull Head to the lower half of the wild area to do a round of vision. As for whether this small dragon group can fight or not, it depends on the situation.

But RNG also quickly found a way to deal with it, gaining line rights through UZI's suppression.

Speaking of this, Uzi's unique skill Vayne is really not just a lip service. Facing a support like Tamu who has no offensive pressure, Zaozi's Vayne can steal the old thief Sima every time, but instead let him in the bottom lane. Start playing.

Taking advantage of a wave of pushback, they directly restricted the two FPX bottom laners under the tower, and then rushed to fight for the dragon.

"Quick! Quick fix! We can't afford to delay."

After Uzi's Vayne pressed a large wave of troops under the Verus Tower, they moved directly to the dragon pit.

On the way here, UZI directed Malaxiangguo to move the dragon first. Now RNG has four people in the dragon pit, two more than the FPX midfielder.

At this time, FPX only had two midfielders and two junglers at the Dragon Pit. Tahm Kench was still on the way, but he hadn't arrived yet.

UZI wanted to be the first to take down Xiaolong before FPX adjusted their formation, so that Ice Girl would already be on the scene when they picked up the team later, so their chances of winning were not low.

RNG's choice was very decisive, which immediately put FPX in a difficult position. No matter who entered the game first, it was not appropriate now.

If FPX is on top, RNG may not be able to focus their fire and drop one in seconds, which will make their subsequent team battles difficult.

"Chen Mu, how about letting this little dragon go?"

Before Doinb could finish speaking, Chen Mu interrupted: "It's okay, I'll drive!!"

Then Chen Mu took a look at the bottom lane position and gave instructions to the bottom lane duo.

"Tahm come to the Dragon Pit first. Verus will come as soon as he clears the line!"


After receiving the instruction, Liu Qingsong immediately maneuvered Tahm Kench towards Silas, while Sima Laothief's Verus also used his skills and basic attacks to speed up the clearing speed.

"RNG seems to want to forcefully defeat Xiaolong! FPX has a number gap and can't take over now!"

"Silas can take a round of damage, but there are four people on the opposite side. They might not be able to get out~ I think we can let the dragon go and start a team fight. Chen Mu has entered the field!"

Just when the commentators thought that FPX was about to release the dragon to pick up the team, Silas sneaked a section of E close to the small dragon pit without warning.

At the same time, the prince in the Xiaolong Pit was kidnapped in the second stage E and rushed straight into the Xiaolong Pit.

Just as everyone expected, RNG's attacks came like a storm almost instantly, with Niutou's control and Vayne's output.
The captain’s ultimate move also came down immediately~
It can be said that RNG used almost everything it could use, and Silas's health plummeted at an extremely fast speed.

But just when everyone thought that Chen Mu’s Silas was going to send the dragon group away.
(End of this chapter)

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