LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 359 Silas, the Immortal God of War

After being targeted, Silas's health dropped sharply.

Everyone thought that Chen Mu sent a wave of dragons.

Silas didn't panic at all. First, he hit the prince with W close to his face, and then he sucked up a mouthful of milk in an instant.

Then Chen Mu pressed his ultimate move. Just when Silas passed by in the middle, he stole the ultimate move of Little Tiger Ice Girl.

Instantly, a ball of dark ice enveloped Silas for 2.5 seconds.

Silas' body is glowing with green light crazily, healing his own health, and for every 1% of his health lost, the healing effect will increase by 1%.

Looking at RNG and looking at Silas who is bigger than him, there is nothing he can do. Lissandra's ultimate move is immune to any damage and cannot be selected, but it cannot perform any actions.

However, FPX's wild assistants Karma and Tahm did not rush into the battle with Silas, but surrounded the outside of the Dragon Pit, waiting for opportunities.

At this time, the four RNG players were stuck in Xiaolong's pit, and were attacked by Xiaolong crazily.

At this time, RNG didn't care about Silas. Taking advantage of Silas's inability to move, the four turned their guns and used all their strength to attack the dragon, hoping to rush the dragon away as soon as possible.

2.5 seconds later.

Xiaolong's health was already very low, and the time for Silas's ultimate attack had just expired.

Mala Xiangguo looked at Xiaolong's blood volume and applied his own punishments frantically.

But the prince is at level 5 and Silas is at level 6.

The two punishments fell almost at the same time, but Chen Mu Silas's punishment had higher damage and had more advantages.

"Red Fang Silas got the little dragon!"

In the end, the little dragon was snatched by Silas.

"I'm going to fuck you up, I'll beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep.

Mala Xiang Guo immediately got angry and started swearing. He didn't care that he had a good personal relationship with Chen Mu, and he also forgot that he was going to "lead the rhythm" in this round.

It's no wonder that RNG four people rushed Xiaolong, but they could still be robbed by Chen Mu.

How not to irritate red temperature? !

"Gan! Hit him!"

Mala Xiangguo couldn't stand it anymore, so he directly hit Silas with a double EQ.

But before, Silas punished the little dragon and regained a mouthful of health. At this time, Karma and Tamu, who had been wandering around the periphery, finally took action.

Liu Qingsong's Tam flashed forward and swallowed Silas, who had little health.

Then he accelerated and ran directly back.

At this time, the old thief Sima Verus finished collecting his troops and finally arrived at the Xiaolong Pit.

However, Mala Xiangguo's EQ Second Company harmed its teammates. If Xiaolong was robbed, they would immediately retreat in one direction as a group, but they would be able to escape safely.

However, the prince of Spicy Hotpot was too angry and directly EQ stabbed Silas. RNG could destroy the team, but this Silas must die.

At this time, all four RNG players were surrounded by four FPX players near the dragon pit.

Behind is the wall of the dragon pit, with Karma on top and Verus on the bottom. There is no suitable retreat route at all.

The four RNG players were sprayed by the dragon in the dragon pit for such a long time. Coupled with a wave of AOE from Silas, the health of the four of them was almost within half, and their skills were also at a minimum.

At this time, FPX still has three full states of Karma, Verus and Tahm.

When Silas came out of Tahm's belly again, Doinb's Karma directly hit RE, and everyone's shields accelerated and charged.

Chen Mu's Silas is also very brave. Even though his health is very low, he still dares to enter the field again while taking advantage of Karma's shield.

At this time, all the CDs of his small skills have been improved. A section of E refreshes a white shield again, and at the same time moves forward a small distance.

Then the second stage of E accurately hit the prince who had no skills.

You just wanted to kill me, but you just couldn't. Now it's my turn~
The magic power provided by the Demonic Code makes Silas' current burst extremely high, and EQAA instantly empties the prince's health.

Then W Regicide stabbed the bull's head close to the face, and Silas's health bar, which had already fallen to the bottom, suddenly rose a lot, returning to half health.

During this period, the CD of Silas's W skill was relatively long, but the corresponding benefits were also terrifying.

The high amount of blood recovery and the additional bonus provided after the blood volume falls below 40.00% are the only way to achieve this recovery that can be called a medical miracle.

RNG's teamfight situation took a turn for the worse.

Sima Laothief's Verus was outputting without any pressure, and the bow and arrow in his hand never stopped. And look at Brother Zaozi's Vayne. He moved in ten seconds and output in one second.

Little Tiger Ice Girl's ultimate move had no effect at all, it just saved her own life.

After Xiao Ming's Niutou was handed over to WQ's second company, he had no ultimate move at this time and was not even qualified to resist damage.

Miller's tone in the audience gradually became more passionate: "Chen Mu is not dead! Chen Mu's Silas is still there. He sustained RNG's first round of offensive, second round of offensive, and this health recovery is outrageous! "

"Wow, my God, he is still fighting, can I still kill him?!" The doll also became excited.

"RNG's team battle is a bit one-sided. Does RNG still have hope for a comeback? By the way, Uzi is still there, Shunfeng Jian proudly, Desperate Crazy Puppy, Uzi flashed to distance himself! Can Uzi still show off? !”

After Silas' health returned to a safe level, he also stared at Uzi's Vayne.

The stuck Vayne had no choice but to flash out first, but after ten seconds of moving, she just wanted to deal damage for one second.

After Xiaohu's Ice Girl ultimate move ended, he directly slipped through the glacier path of the E skill above the Xiaolong Pit.

slip away~
Xiaohu couldn't help wiping his sweat in his heart. As for Brother Zaozi, he could only wish for himself.

Vayne, who was helpless, tried her best to twist her position left and right.

Are you twisting your mother? !
Karma's shield accelerated and its CD improved. Once again, a group accelerated, and FPX's remaining four big men swarmed forward.

UZI slapped the keyboard angrily: "Nimma, that's fine too!"

"The puppy was killed! The puppy fell to the ground! The RNG dragon team lost!"

No one expected the outcome of this wave. At first, they thought Chen Mu’s Silas was going to send Xiaolong Tuan away, but they didn’t expect that they would block the door and kill them.

"Three kills! Chen Mu's Silas got three kills! This Silas is invincible."

As Miller's words fell, the FPX fans at the scene burst into enthusiastic cheers, and the live broadcast room was also filled with 666 barrages:
"Holy shit, is this Silas Mustard handsome? He's not even dead. It's a medical miracle. I want to play with it too!"

"This hero is too unreasonable. He just chases and kills four people on the opposite side, and it's all a joke."

"xswl, I just saw Brother Zaozi's Vayne, twisting and turning, moving in ten seconds in a team battle, and dealing damage in one second."

The puppy was killed!The puppy fell to the ground! RNG Xiaolong team lost!It's like all dogs are silent, it's Huang Za's underworld scene again! "


As the commentators and the barrage outside the field said, this wave of dragons was completely Chen Musilas' personal show. One person blocked the four RNG players in the dragon pit, and there was no place to run.

After eating RNG's "1" skills, the four RNG players are like mobile blood stations. Silas can draw blood anytime and anywhere.Completely like an immortal war god!
Not to mention the off-court discussions, at this time RNG in the game fell into the disadvantage they are familiar with.

In Xiaolong's group, Chen Mu had the greatest contribution, but he also gained the most. He successfully scored three kills and received three heads.

Of course, at this time, FPX's Silas has the highest burst damage, and the output of others is just to compensate for the damage, which is not at the same level as Sylas' damage.

Silas had already put on the dark seal of the ring before, and a wave of dragon team battles directly increased the level by 6 levels.

After returning to the city, Chen Mu upgraded it to a murder book without making any other equipment with a stroke of his pen.

This was only about 7 minutes, and Silas already had the 6th level murder book in hand.

On Mejia's Soul Stealing Scroll, the names of the five RNG people were clearly engraved on it.

Next, it’s not Vayne’s hunting time for those trapped in the darkness, but it’s Silas’s hunting time~
This kind of change is not only difficult for UZI to accept, but also the last scene that the RNG team wants to see.

The other four members of the FPX lineup are not afraid, but they are afraid that Silas will gain weight.

But now this Silas is not just fat, but fat!

Of course, this version is really the most powerful version of Silas. When he gets fatter, he can be said to be one of the most unsolvable heroes.

It is also invincible in the middle lane, not to mention that Chen Mu used it in the wild area.

At this time, there was not much time left for the RNG team. The two waves of Mala Xiangguo's rhythm successfully brought the entire situation to a halt. Now his prince may be defeated in the air when EQ enters the field for the second time.

The current situation cannot be solved by just relying on Uzi Vayne to delay the game.

Unless Xiaohu has also opened up the second line of Ren and Du, and can start various rhythmic god-level team fights, but this probability.
Uzi opened the game equipment bar and took a peek at Ice Girl's mercury shoes. He silently dismissed the thought that had just arisen in his heart. It seemed that he had to rely on him to win the game again~
RNG thinks they are at a certain disadvantage, but they don't know that this is just the beginning.

With the victory of the team battle, the two sides entered a brief period of peace. Chen Mu made the killing book and did not rush to kill people. Instead, he cleaned up the wild monsters in his wild area.

After all, the jungler's brushing efficiency and map control ability in the jungle are also very important data.

However, at this time, Silas, who had the Demonic Codex and the 6-layer Murder Book, became stronger. The efficiency of clearing the jungle was not slow, especially with the passive existence of Silas. Even wild monsters such as six birds and three wolves could be easily cleared. .

8 minutes 30 seconds.

Chen Mu's Sylas has been upgraded to level 8, which is completely on the same level as the level experience of the middle lane.

Chen Mu started to work and directly invaded the upper half of the jungle area of ​​Mala Xiangguo, chasing the prince.

And at the toad in the spicy hot pot blue buff wild area, I met love around the corner.

At this time, the prince was carefully tapping his toad, but Silas appeared around the corner.

The whip in his hand moved and was tied to the prince.

After a small set of skills, the prince's health was already reduced in an instant.

"Wairui, let me show you!"

The spicy hot pot has started to get hot, and as for Chen Mu's identity as a personal friend, he has forgotten about it.

Fortunately, Mala Xiangguo has a good idea this time. Although he is farming, EQ [-]nd Company deliberately stayed on him.

Seeing that he couldn't hold on any longer, he directly used EQ twice to poke away, but he didn't even notice that Chen Mu's Silas stole the ultimate move from him before leaving.

Then Mala Xiangguo just made two signals in the jungle in annoyance, indicating that his teammate Silas was in the upper half of the jungle, and then the prince with remaining health returned to the city directly from the second tower.

And Chen Mu was not rude.

He immediately pocketed half of the toad that the prince had beaten.

At this time, the three lines of FPX have begun to press the line with the invincible strength of Silas in the jungle. Especially after the big B teacher's Kalma in the middle lane pushed the line, he also liked to roam up and down.

This made the wing even more miserable. Originally, AJ's captain was fighting Jin Gong's Sword Demon.

Both sides are blue-collar top laners, and no one is in trouble with each other. The two of them are developing steadily.

But suddenly, the sword demon began to frequently cross the line of troops to put pressure on the captain.

AJ also understood very well at this time, Silas was in the upper half of the jungle~
OK, I get it!

After receiving the signal, AJ immediately retreated and withdrew the defensive tower. At the same time, he set up a barrel formation on the first tower on the road and waited for the Sword Demon to push the line over before closing the line.

But how did he know that the first tower on the road was no longer a safe zone.

After Chen Mu's Silas scanned the upper half of the jungle where the Spicy Pot was empty, he squatted directly in the triangular grass behind the first tower on the upper road.

Seeing that "Jungle Dad" finally came to his "top lane orphan road".

Jin Gong also became excited: "Jungle dad, I love you~"

"I'll fight the tower first, I can open it!"

Then the sword demon who pushed the troops into the tower was destroyed, spread his wings, and went straight to the captain in the corner.

At the same time, Silas also emerged from the triangular grass.

"Damn it, we promised to develop peacefully, but why have you already launched the Great Destruction?"

"Fuck! Why is Silas here? Why is he still here?!"

"Damn it, can someone please lean on me! Can someone come on the road to protect me?!"

Seeing the sword demon being destroyed, AJ was stunned on the spot, a little at a loss.

But after hearing AJ's request for help, what they received was indifference from the other four members of RNG.

Zaozi's Vayne on the bottom lane has been suppressed by Verus, and the jungle prince has just been beaten back home by Silas.

Although the Ice Girl in the middle has TP, Xiaohu still pretends to have a fierce battle with Karma in the middle.

He only transfers teleports to the road when he is confused. Isn't the army line in the middle not good? !Moreover, by this time, the TP was already too late, and the captain could not survive the teleportation TP landing.

Xiaohu just cut to the road and glanced at it, then stopped paying attention. The captain was already a dead man~
Sure enough, what happened next was brutal.

The Sword Demon, who was driving the Great Destruction, leveled his A directly at the captain who was forced into the corner, inducing and resisting the damage from the defense tower.

Next it’s Silas’ performance time.

The seamless double E pulled in, and the QAWA hit the face, directly reducing the captain's health to the remaining health.

But AJ didn't give up and pressed his own flash in a hurry.

But Chen Mu just happened to steal a prince's ultimate move.


Directly clear the captain's blood volume and complete the kill.

Then he released his ultimate move and walked out of the defense tower with the sword demon unharmed.

At this time, the sword demon could only bear the damage of the defense tower~ (End of this chapter)

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