LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 360 Kill 1 in 1 Step

FPX Ueno's brilliant cooperation successfully killed AJ's captain and successfully evacuated safely.

In fact, this cannot be said to be a wonderful cooperation, and the damage is completely overflowing.

Chen Mu's Silas plus the Sword Demon, the captain who was forced into a corner had no power to fight back, and instead handed over a death flash.

Chen Mu's Book of Killing also skyrocketed again, directly reaching the 10th floor, providing 50 points of spell power.

More than 1000 gold coins can be exchanged for 50 points of magic power. It can be said that the price-performance ratio is extremely high.

In 10 minutes, as soon as the Canyon Pioneer came out, Chen Mu led Doinb's Kalma to capture the Canyon.

Kalma, who has fully controlled the line, can go wherever he wants~
Then looking at the captain who dared to stay under the tower on the road, Chen Mu then continued to hit the captain on the head with a simple mark.

"Come on, go on!"

"Jungle dad, I love you, okay~" Jin Gong saw Silas coming to the top lane again, and almost kowtowed to his jungle dad.

At this time, AJ looked at the river view in the upper half of the jungle, clearly knowing that Silas was on the road.

But he is not the opposite Jin Gong, and he does not have the courage to play with his mobile phone in the grass for three minutes. He knows that Silas may come to gank and jump over the tower, but he still can't bear to leave.

The next second, when AJ was trembling, Chen Mu's Silas arrived.
Without any pause, he directly entered the tower with his E skill, and then stole the captain's ultimate move, directly blocking the captain's retreat path.

Even if the captain wanted to leave at this time, there was no way out.

Then Silas once again locked the captain with an extra-long two-stage E hook.

EQAAWA, the chains in Silas' hands are about to smoke.

The sword demon next to Jin Gong also caught up with the output in time and once again beheaded the captain who did not flash.

Silas, who was the first to carry the tower, only carried the tower twice, and then walked out of the defense tower unharmed.

But this time when they jumped over the tower, the captain's head was chopped off by Jin Gong's sword demon.

"Dad, I love you, okay~"

"Chen Mu, you are my jungle father!"

After seeing that he got the head, Jin Gong was even more like his father than his father.

But the next second, Silas's actions made Jin Gong call him grandpa.

Silas had just received the unheated Rift Herald and summoned it directly on the top lane.

Originally two layers of the tower skin were eaten, and only three layers of the tower skin were left. The defense tower was hit with a thud and was left with residual health.

Then Silas and Sword Demon worked together to directly take down the first tower's economy.

At the same time, Xiangguo, who had never shown up, also launched his own attack in the bottom lane and began to put a damper on FPX's bottom lane duo.

Xiao Ming's Niutou also seized the opportunity and took the lead in WQ to control Sima's old thief Verus in seconds.

Although Tam ate Verus in time, he was successfully bypassed by the fragrant pot.

The prince of Spicy Hot Pot flashed and raised his hand, framing Verus and Tam.

The old thief Sima handed over his flash in time to get out of the range of the prince's ultimate move, but the prince deliberately kept the second company of EQ to challenge Verus again.

Vayne, who had disappeared into the darkness, also successfully completed the harvest and scored a double kill.

Wawa: "Wow, RNG finally picked up a rhythm in the bottom lane. The prince went around and got two kills for the puppy Vayne, which relieved a lot of pressure!"

"But at this time, RNG's top lane collapsed again. The captain died twice in a row and the defense tower was pushed down. It can be said that this person was no longer in the game in less than 10 minutes! It seems that Vayne can no longer solve the problem!"

Miller continued to explain: "RNG's main problem now is that it cannot move in the middle. Kalma's push speed is much faster than Ice Girl."

"Chen Mu's Silas is too powerful. He just walks sideways in the jungle and kills wherever he goes!"

"After this wave, it's not just a game of heads. The most important thing is that the RNG summoner skills have been used. What about the next little dragon? This is another earth dragon!"

Miller's question hit the mark, and RNG's team voice also asked the same question.

Xiao Ming: "What to do with this earth dragon? Has it been released?"

Mala Xiangguo replied directly without thinking: "Let it go, I have no use for it."

His prince didn't flash, and his ability to enter the field was greatly reduced. When he entered the field, he couldn't get anyone to play, but the rhythm was lost.

"Let it go!" AJ also muttered.

A captain only has one piece of equipment until now, so play with it~
"I can't go!" Xiaohu also followed and stopped talking.

His ice girl is not hurt at all now, and it is completely scraped when she goes in, and there is no harm at all.

Xiao Ming also sighed: "Forget it, let's keep UZI growing."

Even if they don't know much about Sylas as a hero, they still know very well that the CD of his ultimate move is fast. This was also one of the selling points of Sylas's original introduction to the hero.

Uzi said nothing because the problems he faced at this time were more serious than others.

After taking a look at the equipment of both sides, he frowned.

Vayne's teamfight output space seems to be smaller again.

After Chen Mu's Silas returned to the city to replenish supplies, the 12th-floor Killer Book made people dizzy, and the AP jungle knife was in place in one step. This is equivalent to two complete sets.

But it was only 4 minutes at this time.

His Vayne is nothing more than a worn-out attack speed-boosting shoe, just a piece of equipment~
And sure enough, Chen Mu's Silas became even more crazy.

After updating the equipment, I was ready to go directly to the Xiaolong Pit to take action without saying a word of Doinb. At this time, Doinb's Karma was returning to the city to replenish his health.

RNG's Nakano Ice Girl and Prince jointly came to Xiaolong for vision. Xiaohu took the lead, and Prince from Spicy Hot Pot was still on the way.

After seeing the Ice Girl, when Silas met, EREQAWA forcibly caught the Ice Girl and masturbated, forcing Xiaohu to use the same WQR ultimate move to force Silas back.

But even with the ultimate move to restore his state, his supplies were directly consumed by Silas in this round, and Xiaohu has seen the disgusting aspect of this new hero.

It was clear that the captain had just started and Silas had stolen a big move. Only a short time had passed before things turned around again. The logic of this blood exchange was simply outrageous and did not follow the basic laws of the League of Legends at all.

After Mala Xiangguo succeeded in the bottom lane, he became more aggressive again. He also knew very well that he could not continue to watch Silas's perfect rhythm and continued to kill all the way. He rushed over as soon as Xiaohu and Chen Mu exchanged big moves. Relieve stress.

Mala Xiangguo's calculation was very good. No matter how fast Silas's CD rotated, it would not be refreshed just after throwing his ultimate move. This gave him a very good opportunity, but it was of no use~
Silas didn't mean to be cowardly at all. A sneak attack with E avoided the second EQ company of the prince, and a layer of white shield was used to offset the QA damage of the prince and ice girl.At this time, with the improvement of Silas' level and equipment, Silas's skill CD is already very short.

Facing the prince of Mala Xiangguo, Silas backhand Q chain whip fell on the prince and hit a set of EAQA to electrocute, without giving Mala Xiangguo a chance to react, and once again connected with the passive reset basic attack and W Regicide thrust. ,

A set of mediocre skills knocked the prince's health down to residual health, and his own health returned to a healthy state, making Mala Xiang Guo's cheeks twitch.

What kind of jr hero is this? !So unreasonable!

But the next second, Silas's second stage E kidnapped and hit the prince, successfully taking the prince's head and adding four more layers to the murder book.

At this time, the middle lane turned into a 1v1 real man battle again. Xiaohu saw Chen Mu chasing him even though he had no skills. He was frightened by his momentum for a moment and withdrew directly with the E skill Glacier Path.

"Can you beat it? The damage seems to be enough!"

"Kill him instead! Xiaohu also retreated and didn't dare to fight again. Chen Mu's damage now is too high!"

"It can't be beaten, the ice girl's outfit has no output!"

Seeing Silas, who was killing one in 1v2 and chasing Xiaohu’s butt like Pingtou brother, Wawa couldn’t help but sighed: “Killing one in 1v2 and chasing the other, I seem to have seen this scene somewhere~ "

The audience was also ignited by Chen Mu's completely inappropriate one-on-two reaction, and they shouted loudly in the audience:
"Chen Mu Niubi!!!"

"Chen Mu, YYDS!"

"One hit two and get killed, will you play? Will you play!"

"Let me wipe it, what kind of damage is this! One against two, why did he kill me with one set of skills?"

Malaxiang Guo slapped the keyboard hard, and this wave of death and giveaway between the middle and jungle completely shattered his mentality.

If Chen Mu could hear Mala Xiangguo's complaints, he would ask him: "What kind of 1v2 is this? You only have mercury shoes and Zhongya at home, where did the harm come from?"

This is not the end, but the beginning!
Seeing Xiaohu's ice girl slipping fast, she no longer chased him, and with the help of Karma who rushed to Xiaolong Pit, she successfully captured the second small dragon, Earth Dragon.

Then Silas returned to the city again to update a stopwatch and began to send out Zhongya.

And considering that Silas is currently at the peak of his life, life-saving equipment is the most disgusting and will put more pressure on RNG.

The dominant side producing meat is the most unsolvable royal style of play, especially against a hero like Sylas after using Stopwatch or Zhonya~
It's really like a son meeting his biological father and being spanked~
Time is passing, Xiaohu still refuses to look back on the way to release the exclusive three-piece suit, and seems to think that the opponent will spend energy on him as he expected~
As the game progresses, Ice Girl's equipment level also increases, and she gradually gains the ability to push a wave of lanes with just two or three QE skills.

But pushing the line quickly can't relieve Xiaohu much pressure, because the opponent FPX once again changed its mind and began to group together to put pressure, not wanting to drag with RNG.

In 16 minutes, all three outer towers of RNG were destroyed, and the economic gap reached 5000, most of which were concentrated in Silas.

Later, Silas also got the second Canyon Pioneer without any pressure.

Chen Mu's rhythm in this game was so perfect. His attack and rhythm were getting higher and higher and never stopped.

Looking at the captain leading the line at the bottom of the road, Chen Mu's Silas and Kalma simply spared a view.

After Doinb's Karma gave him an acceleration, Silas, who was running very fast, flashed directly into the face of the captain.

After a mediocre chain, EQAWARAA came up, a set of mediocre combos that instantly took away the captain's health.

AJ was a little confused when he saw the captain who had already made mercury shoes, but still lost them in one set.


What kind of harm is this? !

Then Chen Mu Silas directly summoned the Canyon Herald on the top lane.

The second tower on the road is destroyed immediately!

Then the Canyon Herald, who was still in health, crashed into the bottom highland tower and disabled it. Silas made up two draws and directly broke the RNG bottom highland.

However, Chen Mu did not continue to push the low-level highland crystal, so that the army line would always be pushed to the RNG side, but instead gave the captain room to develop.

Chen Mu Silas' murder book has also reached the twentieth floor!

By the way, Karma who just followed Silas also published a murder book!
When Teacher Big B saw this situation, he originally thought of making Luden the first piece of equipment, but suddenly changed his mind.

The first thing I needed was to equip myself with CD shoes and an incense burner, and I bought a murder book with the extra money.

How tiring it is to deal damage yourself, isn't it uncomfortable to be a dog behind the jungler? !

Look, following Silas, Karma’s murder book has reached several levels~
At the 20-minute game node, the third little dragon was born, a fire dragon.

After the third dragon was refreshed, both sides began to eagerly contact the dragon again, and the team battle was about to break out.

If this little dragon is obtained by FPX, Silas's damage will be even more explosive, and it will be impossible to withstand it.

Just when Xiaohu thought Silas would be more restrained before the team battle, after all, Silas had just used flash when he killed the captain, but now he didn't flash.

But Chen Mu would not give in. Silas used the same seamless double E, hitting the ice girl who wanted to explore the field of vision at a tricky angle.

QRAWA landed on the ground and crippled Ice Girl. Fortunately, Xiaohu used mercury shoes, otherwise the set of skills just now would have killed Ice Girl in seconds.

The little tiger with his remaining blood was frozen in place, but he quickly realized that he was not allowed to play in a group!

Although it seems that both sides have no ultimate moves now and have the same effect on the team, after Silas level 11, with the second level ultimate move, the rogue ultimate CD can completely open a second ultimate move in a team battle. , the effect is not weakened at all.

Moreover, Sylas is very powerful in group fights without his ultimate skill, and the combination of small skills also causes explosive damage.

But Ice Girl is different, how can he enter the arena without a big move? EEWQ puts his body in place and leaves his hands off the keyboard?

Xiaohu said in a hurried tone: "If the dragon group wants to attack, then attack quickly. Silas doesn't have any big moves now! I don't have any big moves either!"

However, he kept something in his mind and did not say: You won’t be able to tell for sure after a while!
Xiaohu's shouting also made the other four RNG people more and more nervous.

The first half of Xiaohu's words is indeed good news, but the second half is bad news. What's the use of Ice Girl without a big move? !

The blue side is on the back of the dragon pit, which is even worse news for the dragon team fight.

Once the team battle fails, FPX may be blocked in the dragon pit and killed, and there will be no place to run!

But you have to try after all~
But this is a game. If you don’t defend the defense tower, you don’t want the Canyon Herald, and you don’t want the dragon team fight, then what’s the point of playing? !

It's better to just click it. By the way, there is no surrender option now!
In addition, Sylas does not have a big move, and Vayne got two kills before. In their eyes, this wave can be tried. (End of chapter)

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