LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 363 Decisive Battle with IG

Under Guan Zeyuan's personal explanation, FPX eliminated JDG 3-0, secured the right to compete for the spring championship with a complete victory, and successfully joined the other half-region IG team in the finals.

The loser JDG can only compete with Taobo, who also lost to IG, for third place.

"Congratulations to FPX, you got the ticket to the finals!"

"Let me just say, FPX won this game easily~"

"My predictions are sometimes very accurate!" Seeing that he had predicted once, the senior colonel boasted proudly in front of the audience in the live broadcast room.

The blood and tears of the Yusan family before were completely forgotten.

"I understand, all Guan Gou's love is not given to Yuzhen, but to Chen Mu!"

"Guan Dajun's prediction rules: 1. When the prediction takes effect, the score remains unchanged, but the winner and loser of the team are exchanged. 2. When encountering Chen Mu, all rules are invalid (funny) (funny)"

"xswl, it seems that the rank of the senior colonel is still one level lower than that of the shepherd!"

"By the way, Guan Zeyuan is not Samsung's licking dog, so why did he become Chen Mu's licking dog~"

"Licking a dog will also change~"


But when the audience in the live broadcast room asked: "God damn it, let me predict tomorrow's game, will IG win or FPX win?!"

Seeing this barrage, Guan Zeyuan suddenly fell into deep thought.

One is last year’s World Championship champion, and the other is Chen Mu!

This is too difficult to predict!

In the end, Guan Zeyuan gave a prediction that surprised everyone: "I think I think, FPX will beat IG 3-0!"

Doinb, who was squatting in Guan Zeyuan's live broadcast room, spat out a mouthful of old blood. Is there anyone so poisonous? !

Then without hesitation, a few rockets were fired.

"Please, stop poisoning your milk QAQ~"

Seeing this, the viewers in the live broadcast room were also happy and started to complain one after another.

Although I knew that Guan Zeyuan was infinitely biased towards Chen Mu, I didn't expect that Guan Zeyuan would give such a predicted score.

After all, the IG team was also the championship team last year. This year they tried their best to maintain the championship lineup, and so far IG's results are still very good.

Apart from FPX, the IG team has the best results, ranking No. 12 in the regular season with a record of 3 wins and 2 losses.

At first, the industry thought that Chen Mu's departure from IG would have a huge impact on IG. However, they did not expect that Theshy perfectly replaced Chen Mu and was like another big devil.

S9 also defeated all lane laners in the LPL division in the spring split.

Ah Shui is also in very good condition, a bit as good as Uzi!

Under such circumstances, Guan Zeyuan still dared to give a three-to-zero prediction. For a while, fans of the IG team almost destroyed Guan Zeyuan's live broadcast room and official blog.

Time flew by quickly, and in a blink of an eye, we arrived at the finals of the LPL Spring Split.

April 4, Foshan International Sports and Culture Performing Arts Center.

It was only one o'clock in the afternoon. We had just had lunch and there were still more than two hours before the game started. There were already huge crowds of people outside the venue.

Compared with the last summer finals, the biggest difference is that there are more booths for various sponsors outside the venue.Normally, one can only listen to the names of various financial sponsors being narrated in front of the screen. Today, people are out in groups, putting themselves on the front line of contact with offline audiences.

Mercedes-Benz, Guoliduo Drink, and the e-sports poisonous milk Colonel KI that players love to hate also appeared outside the venue as robot models.

Of course, it is indispensable that the queues for distributing supporting props for both teams became the two longest queues outside the venue.

At 15:00 in the afternoon, half an hour before the start of the game, the audience, invited media, staff, teams, etc. have already entered the venue, waiting for the showdown to start.

What is different from the past is that this time the organizer built a huge Summoner statue on the main stage in Foshan. Its size gave people a strong sense of oppression at the scene.

This time, the LPL division also rarely used the same circular computer area as other divisions, so that fans can see the players on both sides from any angle.

The audience has filled all the seats in the venue.

At this time, as the audience took their seats, the participants from the two teams IG and FPX had also arrived in the backstage lounge.

The two teams shared a dressing room. When Chen Mu led everyone from FPX into the dressing room, everyone from IG was already inside.

I saw Chen Mu walking in.

"Fuck, Brother Mu~"

"Brother Mu, I miss you~"

"Brother Mu, give me a hug, please give me a hug~"

In an instant, Ah Shui, Ning Wang, and Bao Lan, who were still putting on makeup, turned into monsters and came up to beg for a hug.

Chen Mu also smiled and hugged everyone and said hello.

When it was TheShy's turn, TheShy said with a suppressed smile: "Oh, please don't catch me for a while, okay, I like to grow, please!"

"Yes, yes, please don't come and catch me, please, Brother Mu," Ah Shui also said with a hopeful look on his face.

"Hahaha, we must arrange it, we must arrange it~" Chen Mu smiled slightly.

I don’t know how to arrange it~
"Welcome everyone to the post-season finals of the LPL Spring Split. Hello everyone, I am the commentator Zeyuan~"

"Hi everyone, I'm the commentator remember!"

"Hi everyone, I'm the commentator Long Hair!"

Even when he came to the explanation session, he still had an inexplicable smile on his face, and he looked at Guan Zeyuan frequently.

Guan Zeyuan asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"No, I just remembered something happy~"


"Ahem! Today's game can be called a battle between dragons and tigers, with this season's strongest dark horse FPX facing off against the defending champion IG!" I remembered to change the topic and started to explain the game seriously.

"Yes! FPX maintained an unbeatable record this year and reached the finals. The last time it set such a record was the IG team. Chen Mu still has the same terrifying dominance as last year."

"But IG has also told us through recent games that we must not underestimate them. This team is still the best team from last year."

"All in all, today's game will definitely be very exciting, let us wait and see!"

At this time, in the IG backstage lounge.

Coach Mafa glanced at the time and felt it was almost up.

Since coach Jin Jingzhu left the team, Mafa has taken up the important role of coach again.

Mafa clapped his hands to signal everyone to focus on him.

Then, Mafa said earnestly: "Everyone knows that today is the final of the spring competition. The time to test the results of a season has arrived. Whether we will grow or regress this season depends on today's game..."

"So, I hope everyone can maintain the state of playing TES yesterday and win this game neatly! Show everyone the true strength of our IG! We also need to show our IG's spirit to Chen Mu!" Mafa raised her voice and looked excited.

"Are you confident?"

Coach Mafa's high-pitched and passionate voices reached everyone's ears.

The emotions of all IG players were instantly infected.




The shouts suddenly resounded throughout the rest room, and even the staff's emotions were aroused.

At this moment, a notification came from the front staff. "Okay, let's go! Let them see what the 'IG style' style of play is!"

Mafa took the lead and slammed the door hard.

IG's five starting players also held back their energy and walked out of the lounge angrily.

The corridor is densely packed with people.

Hearing the roar in the IG training room, everyone in FPX next door was stunned.

Am I so powerful? !
However, under the active atmosphere of Mr. B, the live treasure in the team, the momentum that IG gathered in an instant disappeared in FPX.

The lively atmosphere of laughter and laughter has returned to the FPX team.


While the commentators were making jokes, members of both teams also began to enter the field one by one.

The huge summoner statue on the scene also successfully broke the dimensional wall, bringing the game to the scene, appearing in the same frame as the top players. Coupled with the spring championship trophy in the middle of the stage, this scene gave people an indescribable sense of solemnity and excitement. Feeling, the audience's expectations for this showdown were raised to the highest point.

Looking at the two teams on both sides of the competition stage, the IG team, as the winner of the S8 world championship, is undeniably powerful. As the fastest dark horse team in the spring split, the FPX team, this phoenix-like momentum is also surprising. Don't take it lightly.

FPX's starting five today are all in high spirits, but they still look very dull, which is normal.

After all, from FPX's perspective, every opponent they face from the regular season to the playoffs is an evolution for the FPX team.

Now FPX's momentum has accumulated to its peak.

Anyway, they have nothing to lose at all. As the saying goes, those who are barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes are naturally quite good in terms of self-confidence.

Everyone here at IG has an impatient momentum and the air of a champion.

"These two teams had played a game before in the regular season... but it was a bit unexpected. FPX defeated IG 2:1. At the beginning, we predicted that IG would win." Changmao and Remember began to recall the previous Regular season head-to-head record between the two teams.

"I remember that in the first game of the game, IG's shy brother performed well and defeated Jin Gong online. However, in the next two games, FPX made timely adjustments."

"Let Aguang rotate Jin Gong, and then the midfielder combination of Chen Mu and Doinb used their strength to kill from the bottom lane to the top lane, targeting TheShy until he died."

"But I wonder what will happen in today's game? I believe both sides will give us a wonderful showdown!"

And the barrage in the live broadcast room also surged.

"FPX takes off!"


"Has it started? Is it taking off now?"

"No way, you can still boast about B03 in a regular season? You are still invincible...funny."

"As we all know, bo5 and bo3 are not the same game at all, and the regular season and playoffs are not the same event at all~"

"Tell me a piece of hot knowledge. Eighteen consecutive wins in the overall palace. Who are you talking about?!"

"To be fair, I'm optimistic about the Shepherd!"

"I won't listen, I won't listen, my Chen Mu giegie is the most handsome~"

For a while, this game against FPX can be described as IG's revenge battle.

IG wants to prove that it can win the championship even without Chen Mu, and defeating FPX is a must.

In the previous regular season, IG successfully won the first game, but the next two games were flattened by FPX in less than 25 minutes.

The IG players suddenly doubted their lives...

In today's showdown, IG is bound to find its own place.If we lose to FPX again, it will really be unjustifiable.

I will probably be criticized to death by LPL fans.Our LPL fans have always had a very explosive temper.

All of them have unique skills and are known as "Zuan's number one pianist".

Five sprays per second is no joke.

If you are not careful, you may not even be able to protect your loved ones.

After the S8 World Championship, there were a lot of fans, but now the fans of Yusanjia are waiting to see IG’s jokes!

We can lose, but you, IG, can’t win either~
In the competition area, the players are already debugging peripherals.

At this time, the director also thoughtfully gave the camera to Chen Mu.

Suddenly, the audience became excited.

"I feel good. The moment I saw Chen Mu, I couldn't control myself. Brothers, what should I do?!"

"The Shepherd is here, no surprises."

"Chen Mu! Husband, I love you! I want to be full of energy today and carry it all day long!"

At the scene, many people came for Chen Mu.

Some of them held up "Chen Mu" support signs and light signs in their hands.

Some have stickers with "IG", "FPX", "Dengzhijijing", "Little Phoenix", and "LPL" on their faces.

As soon as he finished speaking, the director announced that everything in the camera entered the BP screen.

In this game, FPX was No. 1 in the regular season and actively chose the blue side, while IG was the red side.

The starters in the first game of FPX were Jin Gong and Sima Laothi.

In the late games of the regular season, the old thief Sima directly performed at an explosive level. Even if he faced several strong teams with good strength, even if Chen Mu did not use the God of the World Championship and only relied on the performance of the bottom lane, The line has already exploded.

So FPX saw that the old thief Sima was in hot form and directly started him.

As soon as the game started, IG banned Chen Mu's hero who had performed very well all season - Qinggang Shadow.

There was an uproar at the scene.

"Oh? It seems that IG also studied Chen Mu's game very well. They directly pressed down Chen Mu's Green Steel Shadow!" Changmao explained.

"However, this version is also the last glory of Qinggangying's jungler. Next season, Qinggangying will be greatly reduced in the jungle and will no longer be able to jungle." I remember doing some popular science.

"To be honest, I feel that IG will continue to ban player Chen Mu in this game, not just Qinggangying." Guan Zeyuan analyzed calmly.

as predicted.

As soon as Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, he saw the BP interface.

IG has blocked the two heroes Silas and Xin Zhao one after another.

The third ban jungler gave Chen Mu enough respect!

"I'll go... Isn't this a bit too specific? In the first round, you directly selected three junglers?"

"It's cruel enough, this IG is so targeted..."

"Should I say it or not, the college's predictions are still acceptable."

The audience at the scene also suddenly sighed.

When it came to FPX, they banned Lucian without saying a word.

IG can ban any hero this season, but Lucian must be banned.

Ever since Chen Mu brought Victor, Vayne, Lucian and Skateboard Shoes to the World Championships last year, Brother Shy has been obsessed with long-handed laners.

Moreover, this is the peak moment of the talent of Stealing Omen.

Lucian is perfect for this talent! (End of chapter)

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