LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 364 Perfect Vision

As long as Holy Spear Ranger Lucian is outside, FPX must ban him. There is no other way. As long as Brother Shy is on the opposite side, he must ban this hero.

Brother Shy's Lucian is one level higher than Brother Holy Spear's Lucian.

This is also a point where FPX is more uncomfortable.

After all, if this is the case, there will be one less ban seat on my side.

Then FPX continued to ban people, and Jess and Dao Mei took the ban position.

Although Chen Mu left the team from IG, the BP tactics against the IG team have not changed. Dao Mei and Jace are basically banned.

"As expected, IG really attaches great importance to Chen Mu. The three junglers...are they really not considering the middle and top lanes?" I remember wondering.

"It's understandable. After all, in FPX's game, they don't have an advantage online, but they must guard against Chen Mu."

"As we all know, Chen Mu sometimes acts like a ghost or a ghost. When he is a ghost, everyone goes shopping, and when he is a god, everyone kills people. You must not slack off!" Changmao also said with a smile.

The IG team knows everything.

It has always been a team that focuses on midfield.

Brother Shy on the top lane and Broiler in the middle lane, their laning abilities are definitely among the best in the LPL, and even the world!
If FPX lets go of the hero pool of the two IG brothers, it will definitely suffer a big loss.So be sure to limit it!

As for the FPX team, the midfielder and jungler are actually the absolute core. Even the jungler is the absolute core. Even Teacher Big B serves Chen Mu.

FPX had nothing to hesitate and directly took down Ice Girl. When Silas is not on the court, Ice Girl is the best mid laner in the current version.

When FPX happily took out Ice Girl, IG directly took out Xia Luo in the second and third hands. It was done very quickly and was carefully prepared.

After such a strong laning combination in the bottom lane, IG has been able to determine one thing, that is, none of my three laning lanes can be bad.

Then, since the opponent's bottom lane combination has come out, FPX doesn't have anything to think about here.

The extremely classic bottom lane combination of Kasha and Titan was taken out directly.

IG's third hand took down Ryze, who was more adaptable to the line.

What are the advantages of Ryze?The top laner is difficult to restrain in lane, but the mid laner has ways to restrain him.But FPX already has Ice Girl in the middle. Obviously, Ice Girl has no way to restrain Ryze.

Then Ryze will not be at a disadvantage no matter which way he goes.

"The combination of Xia Luo and Kai'Sa Titan is a dream comeback to S8. This is also a classic matchup in the bottom lane. I think it is also the highlight of this game..." Changmao looked at the first round of BP and analyzed it.

"However, this version of Luo's fault tolerance rate is not very high. It is difficult for players to operate. I wonder how Baolan's operation is?!" Guan Zeyuan said one point carefully.

Although IG in the Spring Split looks the same as last year, the industry can still see a little difference.

Some people within IG seem to have a problem with their thinking~
King Ning is heading towards the King of Shoes, and Xiaobao is becoming Xiaobaan.

This is not good news!
The first round of bp is over soon.

But in the second round of ban selection, it completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

It directly makes the game more enjoyable to watch!
In the second round, FPX continued to target the jungler and mid laner, and was not swayed by IG's move at all. They were sure that Ryze was going to be the top laner, not the mid laner for Broiler.

The Enchantress, who has pressed down the Broiler, and added the powerful online hero Syndra, did not give the Broiler any chance to perform.

IG also banned Blind Sin and Urgot.

Then IG first determined the jungle hero Kayn for King Ning.

At this time, there are actually no good heroes to choose from in the jungle position, and all the heroes with strong versions have been eliminated.

Moreover, if Ryze is selected, he must add an AD hero. Broilers will not be able to mid-range warrior heroes, otherwise IG's lineup will be biased toward AP and lack AD damage.

The last counter position is given to Rookie.

"Then what hero will player Chen Mu use to fight Kayn?"

After several commentators saw IG choosing jungler Kayn, they were a little curious about Chen Mu's choice.

When the words fell, I saw that FPX had decided on an avatar for the last choice——

"Wherever you go, nothing grows!"


"'s Olaf!!"

When the casters saw the hero under the FPX lock, there was a sudden commotion.

next second.

FPX immediately locked Olaf in seconds on the fourth floor.

"Oh hoo~"

The audience immediately burst into warm applause.

"It's confirmed! I've locked Olaf!" Colonel Guan said in shock: "Wow... Chen Mu has taken out Olaf. I remember this is the first time Chen Mu has used this hero! He seems to have never used this hero before. Played with Olaf”

"Yes..." Changmao nodded and said, "The hero pool of player Chen Mu is so deep! This is too exaggerated!"

"But think about it, this is also a normal thing. Think about how many top laners Chen Mu took out last year when he played top laner. Almost the entire top laner hero pool was refreshed. Regardless of whether he was a top laner hero or not, he You can take it all out”

"That's right, you never know what Chen Mu's next pair of underwear will be?!"

"Furthermore, FPX needs Chen Mu to have a strong jungler in the early and mid-term. Ornn in the top lane needs to develop and equip equipment, and Kai'Sa in the bottom lane needs to have a strong core in the late game." I remember stroking my chin and analyzing.

"Then FPX's lineup... I feel like it's going to be reckless! The ice girl in the midfield and Olaf, this midfielder is also a classic combination, isn't it?"

Guan Zeyuan looked at the lineup selected by FPX and immediately felt that this game would be fierce.


"IG rushing duck!"

"Little Phoenix, charge!"

"Should I say it or not, the midfielder in FPX is really reckless!"

"Chen Mu, be reckless and kill him!"

"Brother Shy, come to me and kill the traitor Chen Mu!"

"Chen Mu: Hehe, I just like the way you can't kill me and can't do anything to me~"

"I have a hunch, this is the year of FPX!"

The audience was very excited.

Friends in the live broadcast room also discussed IG's lineup, and countless barrages suddenly occupied the entire live broadcast room.

There are words like "Revenge" and "Traitors will not die well", there are also words like "Phoenix Nirvana" and "Rebirth from the ashes", and of course there are also words like "Come on, old godfather" and "Emperor Zai will not die well".
At this time, the lineups of both sides have been finalized.

FPX vs IG Spring Split Finals Game [-]
FPX is on the blue side and IG is on the red side.

Top laner: Ryze vs Ornn
Jungler: Kayn vs Olaf

Mid laner: Zoe vs Ice Girl
ADC: Xia vs Kai'Sa
Support: Luo vs Titan
"It seems that IG is going to win this game in their own way. It's a shame." Changmao couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

"Well, anyway, the lineups of both sides have been finalized. Let's enter the Summoner's Rift together and look forward to today's showdown between the two sides!"

Voice, the game officially begins!

"Little IG rush!"

"Come on FPX!"

"Little Phoenix rushes"


As the voices of several commentators fell, the scene suddenly erupted into wild cheers and shouts.

Fans from both sides cheered almost 8-[-]. Needless to say, IG won the first world championship trophy in the LPL region in the S[-] World Championship.

The highly personal style of play has attracted countless fans. The cock is the real thing. Ah Shui, who has just grown up, has attracted countless mother fans.

TheShy's extremely oppressive playstyle on the top lane replaced the fantasies of LPL viewers after Chen Mu moved to the jungle position.

No matter how many kings IG plays, FPX only plays Chen Mu.

The Internet has memory, and not long has passed.

Chen Mu's performance throughout S8 has been deeply ingrained in the hearts of all LPL viewers, and even fans around the world.

In the hearts of LPL viewers, Chen Mu is the Faker of LPL! !
It is worth mentioning that in terms of player support rate, Theshy's support rate has reached 90%.

But Chen Mu is as high as 100%!

"Oh... In this game, the lineups on both sides are very strong!" While the game was loading, Colonel Guan looked at the lineups on both sides and began to analyze.

"FPX's lineup is very solid, especially in the later stages. Ornn knows everything about the hero. According to the lineup economics, the game has not yet started to directly lead the economy by 5000. The support is a titan, and the combat effectiveness of Kai'Sa's bottom lane is also quite strong. "

"Yes, that's right, but whether Ornn's 5000 economy can be delayed until the money is distributed depends on Chen Mu and Olaf!"

"IG's lineup is also very powerful. The combination of Xialuo and Ryzezoe have double AP. The team-building in the mid-term is so powerful!"

Several commentators analyzed the lineup.

The lineups chosen by both sides for this game are indeed very team-specific.

Needless to say, IG does not play disadvantageous lanes. The three lines are all advantageous lanes.

The FPX Little Phoenix side also needs the midfielder Olaf and Bingnu to have strong rhythm driving ability, otherwise the upper and lower wings may suffer.

Therefore, when the lineups of both sides were determined, the audience could also see how bloody the game was!

At the same time, Chen Mu looked at the game loading screen.

Close your eyes slowly.

Without any hesitation, with a thought, he entered the state of being the God of the World Championships.

This province is now in the finals, so of course it has to show some trump cards!

When I opened my eyes again, my head was instantly empty.

The moment your hands touch the mouse or keyboard.

That familiar feeling came back, that feeling of being in control.

As a jungler, the overall thinking in this game is much clearer.

The overall lineup of FPX in this round was biased toward the late stage, and Ornkasha was a late-stage lineup as soon as she was selected.

The FPX lineup is very easy to play in the later stage. As long as the economic equipment of both sides is not completely different, as long as the team starts up, it will win.

Therefore, his Olaf and Doinb's Ice Girl need to support the game in the early stage and withstand the pressure.

At this moment, the director's camera turned.

The game has been loaded.

Ten players from both sides are ready to go.

The moment the invisible wall of the spring disappeared, it was like a wild horse running wild.

They all rushed out!

Players on both sides went straight to their own jungle areas and had no idea of ​​a first-level team.

After all, both lineups have backhand ability at the first level, and the reckless first-level team is just giving up the rhythm.

Everyone also wants stability and no one dares to act rashly.

Both sides are heading towards their normal routes.

Chen Mu's side is a normal blue opener, and he is very fast with the help of his teammates.

On the opposite side, Kayn did not choose to open with red, but with six birds.

This is also a more common opening route for the hero Kayn.

With his Q skill with a very short cooldown, Kayn is not very slow and does not take much damage when killing six birds alone.

There is another reason, that is, IG's bottom lane Xialuo combination was launched ahead of schedule.

Ah Shui and the others wanted to suppress Kai'Sa Titan at the first level, so instead of helping King Ning open the jungle, they came to the lane in advance to push the lane.

Some junglers will concentrate on farming in the first few levels and will not watch the situation.

But while Chen Mu was brushing the field, the other side was already cutting the screen at the speed of light.

When he saw Ah Shui's Xia Luo combination arriving at the bottom position first, he had already moved instantly and knew Kai Ying's opening route.

Asui's Xialuo combination did not help Kayn open the wild, so Kayn would not be able to open the wild alone, and Kayn would be too injured and too slow.

Therefore, Kaiying must open with six birds, and wait until the second level before opening with a single red bird.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu's heart moved in the next second.

After receiving the blue buff with Olaf's ax in his hand, he did not turn around to farm.

And immediately walked towards the lower half of the blue side's wild area.

However, IG was not prepared in the early stage. Kaiying had previously made a vision above his six birds and at the entrance to the wild area!
This is a defensive eye.

This version of Kaiying has good combat power, but it’s not enough to face Mad Dog Olaf in the early stage!
Olaf’s 1V1 in the early stage was worthy of everyone!
"Eh? Does Olaf want to invade the jungle this time? But IG is very vigilant and has a good vision in advance. This will be discovered in the past..." Colonel Guan looked at the scene on the field and suddenly became energetic.

Just when everyone was confused, it was at this moment.

In the picture, Chen Mu’s Olaf did not walk in immediately when he reached the entrance to the lower half of IG’s jungle area.

Instead, he slowly moved close to the wall next to him.

With my vision stuck, I stepped in step by step!

This move was as if he was aware of the eye position above the entrance to the blue square jungle area.

The director also understood it very well and immediately switched the two game perspectives on the screen.

One is from Chen Mu Olaf’s perspective, and the other is from the IG game perspective.

Although from Chen Mu's perspective, such a big Olaf didn't want to be sneaky while holding an axe.

But from IG's perspective, there was a field of vision at the entrance to the jungle, but there was no trace of Olaf at all.

In a very extreme position, Chen Mu just avoided IG's vision!


"Damn it, it's out of sight!"

"There's something there. The last time I saw something so distracting, it was a hot man QAQ~"

"Chen Mu: Hey, I'm already studying MSI's opponents."


The audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room were shocked by Olaf's terrifying consciousness.

"Oooh...what's going on? Does Chen Mu know that there is an eye in that position?!..." Changmao said with a look of astonishment.

"Just now when Kayn was looking out, Olaf was still brushing blue in his jungle area, and the rest of FPX were also online. All I can say is... Chen Mu realized that there might be a ward over there!" Guan Ze Yuan explained.

"This is Chen Mu's jungler. I feel that King Ning has been thoroughly studied by him~" (End of Chapter)

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