LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 365: Rough Love

Chapter 365: Rough Love
Chen Mu's Olaf quietly circled the field of vision and successfully entered King Ning's wild area.

Colonel Guan looked a little surprised, and couldn't help but admire: "If Chen Mu doesn't know that there is a field of vision here, then Chen Mu's consciousness must be too terrifying!"

"To be honest, this must have been studied. It must have been specially studied about King Ning's opening route and the position of the vision. Otherwise, it would be impossible to get around it so accurately." Chang Mao sighed with emotion, also feeling sorry for Chen Mu's move. I looked around to find a reason.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was in the game.

Olaf perfectly avoided vision and successfully lurked into IG's lower half of the jungle.

Not found.

Then, Olaf walked to the grass on the right side of the red buff and waited quietly.

At this time, Kayn was playing with his red buff and was enjoying the fight. He didn't even notice that there was a reckless man with an ax in the grass next to him.

In fact, I don’t blame King Ning for being so careless. Whose Olaf would invade the wild area at the second level? !
It’s not the male gunman or Kindred!
What's more, I have a view from the entrance to the wild area, and I can't see any people at all!

If Olaf dares to invade and is caught, it will be a fatal situation and he will not be able to escape!
That's why he dared to clear the wild with confidence, but he didn't go to the grass nearby to take a look.

Just when the red buff has four to five hundred health points left.

When Kayn's skill just fell, there was no gap for Ping A to catch up next time.

I saw Olaf, who had been crouching in the grass just now, move!

A Q skill shot!
The throwing ax thrown by Olaf hit the red buff in the air, and at the same time, it slowed down Kayn on the left side of the red buff.

Then a golden punishment fell from the sky, steadily taking down the red buff.

next second.

A red halo of light suddenly lit up under Olaf's feet.

Got it!
When Chen Mu saw this, he didn't hesitate at all.

Decisively take action against Kaiyin Pinga in front of you!

Another round to tie a!

After Kayn cleared six birds alone, he then used the red buff alone. His blood volume, which was not much to begin with, was suddenly knocked out by about half!

"Ah? This?!"

Prince Ning was frightened at first, then his expression became one of astonishment, and finally turned into disbelief.

"Why is there an Olaf here?!"

"Crooked sun!"

"Come and save me, there is Olaf here, come and save me!"

Prince Ning shouted miserably in the game channel.

Too bad it's too late.

Looking at Olaf with the red and blue buffs in front of him, King Ning knew that Kayn, with his remaining health, was no match for him.

He quickly handed over the Q skill for a short distance and ran towards the F6 position. At the same time, he also leaned towards Zoe on the broiler, trying to pull away from Olaf to a relatively safe position.

But how could Chen Mu just give up?

Chase forward decisively.

Pick up the battle ax on the ground and throw it towards Kayn in front again!
Upon seeing this, King Ning began to move at the same time, and began to move Snake Skin back and forth.

Are you taking the NM position? !
When Olaf just raised his axe, Kayn's body immediately moved slightly to the left and right, trying to avoid Olaf's flying axe.

But the direction in which Olaf's battle ax shot was exactly in the center of Kayn's position, without any prejudgment!
next second.

The battle ax hit Kayn accurately!
No one has any predictions! !


"Crooked sun!"

Prince Ning cursed again.

Chen Mu, you are an old man, you don’t have martial ethics!

In the original VCR before the game, King Ning boasted that he wanted to defeat Chen Mu in the jungle, but...
Is it possible that I will be single-killed by the jungle at the second level? !
At this time, Kayn was slowed down again, and Olaf held the ax in his hand high like a pure fool and approached Kayn.

King Ning saw that his blood volume had bottomed out, and Zoe, who could no longer hold on to the broiler, came to support him, so he decisively dodged and fled towards the first tower in the middle behind him.

And right now.

Olaf walked near the grass and used his Q skill again!
Continuing to hit Kayn, who had already flashed, Kayn had less than 100 drops of blood left.

As we all know, if Olaf's first ax hits, there is a high probability that the following axes will hit. If Olaf's first ax is empty, there is a high probability that the following axes will also be empty.

This seems to have become a kind of metaphysics

next second.

After seeing Kayn being slowed down again, Chen Mu didn't hesitate any longer. Olaf jumped out and took action decisively!

Level A then E skill.

A thunder fell from the sky.

Kayn suddenly fell to the ground and died...

Then, the game prompt came slowly:

"First blood!"

"first drop of blood!!"

1 minute and 58 seconds, single kill!

Looking at the field, Olaf recklessly killed his opponent Kayn at the beginning.

Everyone was stunned!

"Olav walked over! The flying ax in his hand was shot with blind vision! He followed up with a flash, and Olaf got the first blood! My old swan!" I remember looking at the scene on the field, and suddenly said in shock.

"No, Chen Mu, did Olaf play so recklessly? At the second level, he first launched a wave of god-level detours, directly invaded the opposite jungle area, and just killed the opposite Kayn..."

"Wow! Chen Mu's Olaf throws these axes very accurately. It seems that Kayn is moving in all kinds of coquettish ways, but the ax in Olaf's hand is guided and tracked! But the key is the wave that surrounds the field of vision, otherwise it will be behind. So many things won't happen anymore!!" Changmao's eyes widened, with surprise and horror written all over his face.

As the voices of several commentators fell, the audience suddenly burst into enthusiastic cheers and shouts.


"First blood! Sure enough, Chen Mu was not surprised and got the first blood of this game again!"

"Damn it! can he play so hard with Olaf?"

"Isn't Olaf in my impression just a stupid hero?! How did he run to the opposite jungle area and kill the opposite jungler at the second level?!"

"Good guy, you're killed by the opponent's jungler in less than 2 minutes of the game? That's awesome!"

"FPX! FPX! Rush the duck"

"Chen Mu took first blood and felt comfortable! This one is enough."

"Prince Ning: Didn't I let my guard down in the wild area? How did he get in? This Olaf..."

At this time, Prince Ning also scratched his head, looking completely confused.

He obviously set his sights on the outside of the six birds, but he never expected that Olaf was not discovered when he entered his own wild area!

How did he get in? !
Just come in and kill him?
The key thing is why he is so courageous. Once Olaf's invasion is discovered by the field of vision, there will be no way in or out of the sky!
And just when Prince Ning was scratching his head, the corpse was whipped again on the big screen on the stage.

The previous scene of Olaf, Chen Mu, circling his field of vision was replayed repeatedly.

"Wow! This Olaf's orbital vision is really spiritual and surprising..." Looking at the playback of the director teacher, the commentators also boasted again. "The last time I saw someone so distracting, he was a hot man~" Guan Zeyuan also said something sexy.

"This wave of single kills is really impressive! The hits of Olaf's two flying axes are also crucial. If they miss, he won't be able to kill..." Remember to play from a different angle.

"I feel that Prince Ning is like a little brother in front of Chen Mu, and his whole person is seen through."

in the game.

After Olaf killed the opponent's jungler, he also began to plan to retreat.

At this time, IG's Xialuo combination in the bottom lane went online first and grabbed the line rights. They may come to the jungle to block him at any time.

The Broiler's Zoe has already given up her army line to come to him, but fortunately Doinb's Ice Girl has to come to the jungle to meet him even if she gives up her army line.

In the end Olaf returned to his jungle area safely.

This wave of second level invaded the jungle and killed Kaiying, directly messing up IG's entire early and mid-term rhythm.

King Ning's Kaiyin died at the second level, and the red buff was also sent out, and the entire wild area had no rhythm at all.

However, Chen Mu Olaf was very comfortable. After killing everyone, he safely retreated to his own jungle area and first took down the river crabs in the lower half of the jungle area.

Then pass directly through the middle road, take advantage of the experience of the two soldiers, and then take down the river crab on the upper road without haste.

It's the start of the Double River Crab again, and Olaf still has two groups of wilds in the lower half of the wild, and the entire upper half of the wild has not been brushed yet!

so comfy!

Anyway, Olaf's jungle clearing efficiency is still very fast, and it doesn't hurt.

Chen Mu did a round of brushing with his head covered in his jungle area without any scruples, and he was directly promoted to level 5 in just 5 minutes.

Again, the experience is similar to the solo lane experience of mid laner and top laner.

But at this time, King Ning's Kaiyin was faced with a situation where he had no choice but to fight.

After finishing brushing the upper half of the wild area, looking at the dark jungle area, he had nothing to do.

But fortunately, there is a mechanism to protect jungle experience, and his Kayn level has also reached level four.

After reaching level [-] Olaf, Chen Mu continued to do things.

As a jungler, the best way to suppress the opponent is not to frequently gank, but to invade the jungle.

After Kayn died just now, he would definitely clear out the wild monsters in the upper half of the jungle, so now King Ning must go to the lower half of the jungle.

In this case, Chen Mu's Olaf continued to invade the lower half of King Ning's wild area without even thinking about it.

This time he didn't go around the field of view, but went straight into the jungle openly.

The target goes straight to King Ning's F6.

At this time, King Ning's F6 has just refreshed, and of course Kayn is coming to collect this wild monster.

But Olaf, who was one step ahead, immediately stood up and started to output six birds.

But King Ning didn't dare to step forward. How dare his Kayn touch a hero like Olaf at this time.

A hero like Kayn would never dare to touch a reckless guy like Olaf in the jungle.

But now King Ning's Kayn has not evolved, and his level equipment is lagging behind Olaf.

So he could only squat in the grass next to F6 and watch Olaf move his hands up and down the six birds.

Fortunately, he is not the factory director and has no obsession with F6~
But Prince Ning didn’t do nothing.

"Can you punish this Olaf?!" King Ning said through gritted teeth. Kayn's mark had also been slapped on Olaf's head.

As for Chen Mu, he used to be the big daddy of the IG team. There used to be King Ning within three steps of Chen Mu, but now King Ning doesn’t care much anymore, he just wants to kill this Olaf~
"Be careful, the opponent Luo is no longer there, he may have gone to the jungle, and I am on the way too." Liu Qingsong's signal also pinged at F6.

As Liu Qingsong spoke, he also controlled Titan to rush towards the opposite jungle area.

And Chen Mu already knew it in his heart. Although he was slandering Prince Ning, he still watched and listened in all directions!

He noticed the moment Sapphire's Luo disappeared from the line, but Ah Shui's Xia didn't come, but took the line.

It would be fine if I caught Olaf, but if I couldn't catch Olaf, in order to help a jungler whose jungle area collapsed, and then destroy the ADC's development, IG would not do such a stupid thing, so only Luo Qiang started in the bottom lane. .


"Olav is so greedy this time! Support from the bottom lane has already arrived, and Kayn is right next to him... They want to catch this Olaf!" Watching the situation on the field escalate, I remember taking a deep breath.

"It's hard for Chen Mu to leave. FPX's bottom lane duo has been pushed out of the lane. Although Titans are rushing to catch up immediately, this position is IG's jungle area after all!"

"The broiler's Zoe is already squatting in the grass, so it should be gone." Guan Zeyuan sighed and sentenced Chen Mu to death.

But he always felt that there was still a little hope~
in the game.


The IG people who were the first to form a circle around Olaf all took action under the instructions of King Ning.

Broiler Zoe relied on an extra-long sleep bubble on the wall to take action and went straight to Olaf.

But Chen Mu, who spotted the sleep bubble with his peripheral vision, increased his hand speed to the extreme.

At this time Olaf is only level [-], has no ultimate move, and no flash.

He can't take any skills!
Olaf immediately moved at a right angle and passed by Zoe's sleep bubble.

However, this sleep bubble also blocked Olaf's retreat.

At this time, Baolan's Luo and Ning Wang's Kaiyin had also taken action.

When King Ning saw his old teammate being blocked by Zoe's sleep bubble, he felt happy.

"Run, why didn't you run?"

Prince Ning smiled evilly, feeling that the moment for him to avenge his shame had finally arrived.

Seeing this, Kayn decisively used his Q skill to sweep the giant scythe!
Kayn immediately rushed towards Olaf's direction.

But right now.

I saw Olaf, who had been walking in his direction, suddenly stopped and retreated!
next second.

Kaiyin suddenly felt lonely!

Q skill has been dodged! !

Not only that.

Olaf's delicate movement also easily avoided Luo's control skills behind him!
Baolan also directly lifted his W skill towards Olaf just now.

But Olaf, who had already raised his feet, stopped suddenly. With a move like a beast, he not only blocked Kayn's output, but also blocked Luo's control skills.

"What the hell? Go to hell!"

Prince Ning was obviously really angry and a little angry.

Without saying a word, Kayn fired his W skill at Olaf's position!

But Olaf twisted slightly to the side.

Dodged Kayn's W skill again!
Broiler, Baolan and Ning Wang couldn't help but swear.

Is this a human's position? !

When we were teammates before, I only knew that Chen Mu was awesome!
But I don’t know how awesome it is!
But now that they became Chen Mu's opponents, they realized how thick the thighs held by their S8 were!

With so many skills, how can one simply rely on movement to twist things around? Is this something a human being can do? !
It’s like walking through thousands of flowers without a single leaf touching me!

(End of this chapter)

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