LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 366: Catch Brother Shy

Chapter 366: Catch Brother Shy
"Movement! Still moving! Oh my god...what kind of position is this Olaf doing?"

"Blind Vision twisted Zoe's sleep bubble! The key to avoiding Luo and Kayn's control is to hide close to the face. This is too outrageous!!" Colonel Guan looked at the scene on the field and said, His eyes suddenly looked astonished.

"Good guy, if he gets a skill like this, Olaf, who doesn't have a big move, will be charged to death..."

For a moment, the audience off the field and in the live broadcast room were all stunned.

"However, Olaf is now also being attacked by the other three people on the opposite side at the same time. This wave is still very dangerous. How can I say, can it still be operated?" Changmao took a breath of cold air.

Everyone held their breath and watched every move that was going to happen next on the field.

in the game.

Although Olaf avoided the control skills, he relied on the large number of people in his wild area.

IG's Nakano Suke and three others are still focusing on him like crazy.

For a moment, Olaf's health was reduced to about half.

But Chen Mu didn't panic at all.

Facing the flying star that Zoe pulled over, Olaf made another fine-tuning move, twisting his body towards the side and front.

It passed by Zoe's flying star.

"What the hell?! Is there something wrong with this guy?"

Seeing that his skills were empty again, Broiler shook his head helplessly.

You can't hit it at all!
Broiler was completely confused.

Zoe's two most important damage skills were all twisted away by Olaf's movement!
He can't take it.

Chen Mu's Olaf faced the double-team of three people and made a flashy move. He didn't use any skills and twisted them all away.

"Prince Ning, we have to retreat!" Broiler shouted.

The skills of the three IG players, Nakano Suke, are about half-empty. Although Broiler is a little confused, he is very sensible and knows that if he continues to pursue this wave, bad things will happen.

But it’s obvious that Brother Ning is a little over the top...

He has no skills, but he still has to chase Olaf hard.

"Oh, my old swan... Olaf has used countless skills, and FPX teammates are about to rush to the battlefield! But Kayn is still chasing at this position, and I feel like IG is going to be outnumbered!" Remember to watch the field The situation above, his eyes were shocked.

As the commentators see.

The ice claws of Doinb Ice Girl's E skill Glacier Path have already reached out.

Liu Qingsong's Titans came from the river in the lower half of the jungle to support them. Although the route was a bit long, they arrived at the battlefield quickly and slowly.

next second.

Seeing that his teammates had come to support him, Olaf threw the double ax in his hand with his backhand.

Flat a!

Level a and then connect to e skill! !

Chen Mu had no intention of retreating and started to fight back on the spot.

Instead, Chen Mu's Olaf came towards IG!
"Oh... Chen Mu is here. Instead of being a coward who runs away, it's better to be a hero who stands and dies!" Colonel Guan said jokingly.

At this time, Olaf's blood volume was not much, probably only about [-] drops.


If three of you fight one, if you don't respect martial ethics, of course I will run away.

But now my teammates are here, it’s a fair 3v3, why should I run? !

A real man must move forward bravely and fight to the end!
Olaf picked up the double ax in his hand again and smashed it towards Kayn in front!

At this time, King Ning only had Olaf in his eyes.

But Chen Mu’s teammates have arrived!
Without any hesitation, Liu Qingsong's Titan flashed out and hooked Kai Ying from a distance of nearly two thousand yards.

After seeing the performance of his teammates, Olaf directly took out his trump card.

When W is turned on, it's like a drugged mad dog.

He suddenly swung his ax crazily at Kai Ying.

How could Kayn, who was only at level [-], suffer such damage? He fell to the ground and died in an instant.

Kayn fell to the ground and died...

"Olav killed the Scythe of Shadowstream!"

"Dead! Kayn is dead! Turtle... what is this operation?! He is still killing this Olaf! Can Olaf still kill him?"

in the game.

At this time, Olaf's health volume has also been beaten to a hundred or so points!
He was about to die.

But after killing Kayn, the blood-sucking skill of W and the miracle of Triumph's medical treatment, Olaf's health suddenly returned.

The blood that had just been lost was sucked up sharply.

Then Olaf, who had not yet passed the medicine, continued to dance wildly with the battle ax in his hand.

next second.

Luo came after Bao Lan.

Seeing the arrogant Olaf running straight towards him, followed by two bodyguards, Baolan felt nervous and activated his flash.

However, the wall at the red buff in my jungle area is a bit thick.

Luo's flash hit the wall!
"Pfft!" Doinb almost laughed out loud.

But the movement in his hand was not slow, and the ice girl flashed W and immobilized Luo.

Then Titan followed up and once again flat A followed the control.

Then under Olaf's violent output, Luo died in a second!

"Olav killed Rakan!"

"Double kill!"

"Double kill!!"

"Sapphire Flash hit the wall! My God... This Olaf, he is really still killing, it's too exaggerated!" Guan Zeyuan's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, with a look of disbelief.

But at this time, Zoe, who was a broiler, saw that something was wrong and immediately retreated.

Fortunately, there were flashes all over the ground. I randomly picked up a flash and ran away, returning to the embrace of the defense tower in the middle.


"Holy shit!! How come Chen Mu's Olaf plays like the Sword Master!"

" can't play until you have residual health! Right?!"

"Xiao Bao, it has to be you. This family can't survive without you!"


I don’t know if the director of this final is a fan of IG. After the team battle, the video was slowed down again at 0.5x speed and continued to kill the two IG brothers Nosuke.

At the commentary table, Guan Zeyuan shook his head and said helplessly: "King Ning is a little over the top. After all the skills of IG Nakano Fu were empty in this wave, no one could control Olaf at the first time. There was no way to control Olaf later. We can’t pursue it any further.”

Changmao also echoed and said: "Yes, but in the final analysis, Chen Mu Olaf is the better player. This kind of positioning is like dreaming back to S8! I really don't use any skills!"

"Actually, there is no need for IG to continue playing at that position. It's just an F6! Olaf can just give it to him if he wants."

"Is it possible that Prince Ning is the one who inherits Qi's will?!"

Back in the game.

Chen Mu's Olaf dared to invade the wild area at level 5, but he just got two kills.

After reaching level 6, Olaf had his ultimate move. After the warrior jungle knife was made, he was even more crazy and walked sideways in the jungle.

But on IG's side, Nosuke's rhythm is in chaos. King Ning's Kayn is only level 5 with the help of jungle level protection.

After the sapphire blue Luo flashed into the wall, he was even more in a trance.

After going online, he obviously had a line of troops, but he still got hooked by Titan. Kai'Sa found an opportunity to fight in vain, and lost half of his health.

Ah Shui, who was next to him, shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he needed to carry alone in this round~
"Olav the red side got the elemental wind dragon!"

But the next second, "good news" came from Summoner's Rift.After returning to the city to regroup, Olaf directly soloed the dragon.

Anyway, Olaf, who is already at level 6, has the ability to solo a dragon, not to mention Olaf who has three heads in hand.

As for IG, Kaiyin, who has just reached level 5, would not dare to fight for Xiaolong. Now King Ning can only keep upping the level in the jungle.

Kayn, who is not at level 6, is now not even qualified to do anything.

But if you don't do things, Chen Mu will continue to do things.

at this time.

Brother Shy's Ryze is happily farming troops on the road. With the release of Tears of the Goddess, Ryze's farming efficiency has improved a lot.

Shy was enjoying the game, but he didn't notice at all that a ferocious monster holding two axes had slipped into the upper half of the wild area at some point.

It's stuck in the blind spot on the outside of the triangular grass on the lower road!

Although Brother Shy made a vision at the mouth of the upper half of the river, Chen Mu's Olaf was stuck at the edge of the limit as if he had turned on his vision.

At this time, another wave of artillery troops came online, and Ryze started pushing the line without saying anything.

And Jin Gong's Ornn naturally has no way to stop Ryze from pushing the lane.

However, the pressure on Brother Gongzi is not great. This version of Ornn is actually slightly strengthened.

Chen Mu’s top lane performance in last year’s World Championship not only shocked the world, but also shocked Riot Games.

One person fights a team!
When Riot Games saw this, it was amazing!
Therefore, the status of the top laner in the S9 Spring Split has actually declined, especially for the top laner, a carry warrior like Sword Demon, which has been cut a bit badly!

Although I can still play, it is impossible to have the same dominance as before!

Riot Games then deliberately strengthened Ornn and Thain in a small way to encourage tank top laners and give blue-collar top laners a way to survive.

So after Brother Gongzi's Ornn levels up, at least it will be no problem to clear the line under the tower.

In particular, Gongzi's Ornn plans to wear an adaptive helmet as the first piece of equipment.

After the magic resistance came up, Ornn QW forced the line of troops outside the defense tower, not giving Brother Shy a chance to eat the tower skin.

At this time, Chen Mu was already stuck in the clouds in his field of vision.

It's too late to change!

Brother Gongzi didn't hesitate and took action directly.


A sheep is coming!
A goat is coming!

"Something's wrong! Something's wrong!" At this time, Brother Shy has not completely turned into a black man, and has not completely turned into a "sending ginger"

Looking at Ornn who suddenly released his ultimate move, TheShy realized that someone was coming to catch him.

Sure enough, the next second!
Chen Mu's Olaf walked out from the shadows holding an ax and surrounded Ryze's side and rear.

Fuck it, you old six!

You promised not to catch me before the game, but now that you have just reached level 6, you can't wait to catch me on the road.

It’s a shame that we were brothers before!

TheShy complained in his heart, but his movements were not slow.

While moving, EWQ freezes to delay Olaf's output.

Facing Ornn's second-stage sheep, TheShy also had quick eyesight and quick hands to dodge and avoid it.

Then the R skill makes a winding jump in order to escape like a golden cicada.

But he underestimated Brother Gongzi too much.

Since Chen Mu has come to help him, he will go all out.

Look at the range of Ryze's ultimate move and directly flash to close the position.

The Q skill raised a mountain, and then the E skill hit Ryze.

If Ryze falls into a state where he is unable to cast spells or move, the portal for his ultimate Warp Bounce will be cancelled.

Does flashing cost money? !
TheShy was stunned on the spot. He flashed and used his ultimate move.

Ryze stayed where he was, helpless.

The lion fought the rabbit with all his strength, and Chen Mu also gave shy Gorez face.

Press the R skill lightly and Ragnarok begins!

Ryze's restraint on Olaf immediately disappeared, and then Olaf rushed towards Ryze like a mad dog as if on adrenaline.

The last thunderbolt ended, cutting off Ryze's head.

"Woohoo, good fight, my jungle dad!" Brother Gongzi also smiled.

This wave greatly relieved Ornn's pressure. Once the adaptive helmet was put on, Ryze was completely unable to do anything to him.

But Brother Gongzi is satisfied, but Chen Mu is not satisfied yet!

This is where to go!

Just once~
One minute later, after Shy's Ryze was resurrected, he walked to the line and continued to brush the line.

I just launched the troop line, and I want to go to the grass on the road and river to make a real eye.

In order to guard against Chen Mu's Olaf patronizing him, he could change his past and spend a precious 75 gold coins to buy a real eye.

The 75 gold coins made him feel distressed for a long time.

This game is different from the past. There is no source of kills, no tapi economy, and his equipment does not rise so fast.

But Ryze hadn't taken two steps yet.

Suddenly a flying ax appeared from the grass, hitting Ryze accurately and causing a slowdown at the same time!
Then two rough men emerged from the grass on the road.

It was Olaf and Ornn.

TheShy quickly tried EW to target Ryze, but couldn't target Ornn next to him.

Although there is no ultimate move, a lava pillar blocking the terrain appears behind Ryze with the Q skill.

Then the E skill knocked Ryze up again.

After the control ended, Olaf picked up the ax and rushed forward again with a ferocious expression.


It was the same thunder ending again.

What's even more outrageous is that after Olaf and Ornn teamed up to kill Ryze, they pushed a wave of troops over.

Two crisp voices sounded.

I ate two layers of tart crust!
One day, TheShy looked at the black screen and suddenly felt like there were ants crawling all over his body.

But is this the end? !

of course not!

Another 1 minutes later.

Chen Mu's Olaf is here again, and this time he is more than one person, and there is even Doinb's Ice Girl behind him.

However, IG was not unprepared. When TheShy's signal was about to die, Kayn, whose development was severely damaged, finally came to the road and counterattacked.

However, facing the ruthless linkage between FPX's top, middle and jungle, it seems that these two people are as brittle as a piece of paper.

Ornn and Olaf's ultimate moves are fast, but Ryze's ultimate moves take a long time to cool down and flash.

Facing Ryze who was huddled under the tower, Brother Gongzi didn't hesitate at all. He called out "Sheep" and a sheep's head rolled out of the void.

And Olaf, who had already put on the mercury shoes, activated Ragnarok, his ultimate move, and rushed into the tower with the ax in his hand like a drugged mad dog.

In just one second, Brother Shy's screen went black again.

Even having a Kayn nearby has no effect. It can neither provide shield healing nor kill Olaf who only carried the tower for a while.

In more than two minutes, TheShy died three times in a row!

A sentence floated on the barrage:
"Give me ginger?!"

(End of this chapter)

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