LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 367 Brother shy, I’m here again

Chapter 367 Brother shy, here I come again~
TheShy changed from Jiang Chenglu to sending Jiang, and died three times in 2 minutes.

Of course, this also has something to do with Chen Mu's inappropriateness.

The wool is just staring at one person!
But this time Ryze died too quickly, and even Kayn, who wanted to protect him, couldn't save him.

Ryze melted in an instant, and even the frantic Olaf didn't scratch his skin at all.

Olaf, who was not satisfied, raised the ax in his hand and began to chop at Kayn next to him.

Wherever you go, nothing grows!

Olaf roared and charged at Kayn.

Ningwai Kaiyin hid in the tower and shivered like a weakling.

no way~
First, a big move penetrated into Olaf's body. Anyway, he struggled first.

But in this way, he was also taken outside the defense tower by Olaf.

2.5 seconds later, King Ning activated his ultimate move again, but Kaiyin, who had not evolved Blue Kai or Red Kai, did no damage at all.

What's even more terrifying is that Kayn landed and received countless skills.


Ice Girl's ultimate move landed on Kayn without any pause, followed by Ornn's QEWA combo without explanation.

A little crispy Kayn melted in another second.

At this time, the broiler's Zoe was still finishing in the middle.

I don’t know when the broiler also turned into an earthbound spirit~
Raff is violent and the match is exciting.

The audience was even more crazy!


"Chen Mu, this Olaf is so annoying! He's so awesome..."

"This is the correct way for Olaf to play! A real man is never timid!"

"FPX awesome!"

"Chen Muniupi! How reckless!"

"It's too exaggerated! I can only say it's too exaggerated!!"

"No? Is this game played by Jiang Zi?! You don't treat IG as a human being!"

"Chen Mu! Chen Mu!"

at the same time.

The audience at the scene exclaimed in surprise.

The emotions of several commentators also instantly rose.

"Guigui... another wave of perfect tower jumping rhythm! This Olaf is simply a fool! He just killed the two IGs! It's so exaggerated!!" Colonel Guan regained his composure and said with a look of astonishment.

"I now feel that Chen Mu is the number one reckless man in our LPL region. He is doing jungle farming in front of you, and killing people in front of your defense tower! It's like being in an uninhabited land!" Changmao said loudly.

"Lalav, the whole audience cheers!" I remember that it directly set off the climax of the audience.

As the sound fell, the entire audience in the cultural and sports center finally reacted and burst into thunderous applause.

This kind of reckless violence is really shocking!

in the game.

After this wave of tower jumps ended, Ryze on the top lane was directly beaten into a bald melon.Not to mention the pace of equipment, even the speed of stacking Goddess Tears has slowed down.

In FPX, it’s not just Olaf who makes a lot of money, Teacher Big B’s Ice Girl also gets some meat, and even Brother Gongzi’s Ornn also gets killed.

An Orn level equipment is ahead of Ryze!
This is simply bad news for Brother Shy.

Especially when Ornn returned to the city and took out his adaptive helmet.

Moreover, Chen Mu’s Olaf also has a tendency to make adaptive helmets.

The adaptive helmet seems to be specially prepared to target spell machine guns like Ryze Snake.

When taking magic damage from a skill or effect, all subsequent magic damage from the same skill or effect is reduced by 20% for 4 seconds.

Defeat Ryze's combos to death!
At this time, everyone in the FPX team was laughing.

"Brother Mu, you are so strong! You Olaf are so cruel!" Doinb said with wide eyes, a little shocked.

"Good guy, I didn't expect you to have such a skill... I just wanted to ask if there are any heroes you don't know how to do?"

After getting the kill, Ice Girl also speeds up Luden's equipment production efficiency. With this equipment, the speed of pushing the lane is no slower than Zoe.

"Jungle dad, I love you, I really love you."

Brother Gongzi's vocabulary is not rich enough, so he just kept these two sentences over and over again.

The bottom lane group showed envious eyes.

The jungle dad didn’t visit the bottom lane in this round. Did he forget the two cuties~
"Take the Vanguard!"

Listening to the compliments from his teammates, Chen Mu's heart did not waver at all, and he remained calm.



The two people who originally wanted to return to the city stopped at the last second.

If the wild father is in need, of course he must follow him immediately, otherwise he will be abandoned by the wild father!

In 11 minutes, the newly born Canyon Pioneer became FPX's bag.

At this time, the five IG people were still a little confused, like headless flies, not knowing what to do!

At the critical moment before, Chen Mu was the one who stood up.

But Chen Mu is opposite at this moment!
What should we do?

Ah Shui's Xia is pushing the lane back and forth in the bottom lane, Broiler's Zoe is doing the Earthbending Spirit in the middle lane, Ning Wang's Kayn is running around in the jungle like a headless fly, and Shy Gorez has the mentality of dying three times in a row. Small collapse.
Everything is the same as usual, but a little different~
At this time, watching Olaf directly summon the Canyon Herald in the middle, knocking off two layers of the tower, both Olaf and the Ice Girl were covered in rain and dew.

Colonel Guan regained his composure, shook his head somewhat, and said with a smile.

"Wow! It's really too exaggerated... This Olaf! I guess IG is a little confused. I didn't expect that this Olaf would play so recklessly, crashing in IG's jungle without fear, as if there was a person behind him. Division teammates.”

"Yes." Changmao nodded: "Then after this wave is over, the economic gap between FPX and IG can be said to have completely widened. The head ratio is directly 7:0, and the economic gap has reached [-]. This is about to take off. The rhythm!”

"I guess IG has already been beaten. After winning the World Championship last year, IG has never been beaten like this~"

"No one expected that the start of this game would be so exciting and radical, and you must know that FPX got a late-stage lineup! Ornn, the hero on the field, is automatically leading by 5000 economy!" I remember taking out Lineup economics.

"5000 plus 4000, this equals approximately 4 yuan in economy! It's only been [-] minutes!"

After this wave of fighting, there is not much difference between the bottom lane of the two sides, and the gap between the upper, middle and jungle has been significantly widened.

Especially Olaf in the jungle has four heads in hand, plus assists and Tapi.

Olaf's economy is even better than the mid laner and top laner!
It can be said that there will be no chance for Kayn to perform in the next period of time.

It can be said that Chen Mu's Olaf's mission in this game has been completed.

Originally, FPX was a late-game lineup.

With Orngaka'Sa and Ice Girl's team-up, you can fight casually in late-stage team battles!
But at this time, FPX even had such a big advantage in the early stage under the leadership of Chen Mu, and it can be said that everyone can play the next game.

In fact, there is no need for Olaf to do anything anymore. As long as the economic advantage of the top, middle and jungle is radiated to the bottom lane, and Kai'Sa, the old thief of Sima, is helped with the economy and equipment, this round will most likely be won!
But is Chen Mu the kind of person who doesn't cause trouble? !

He is Olaf!
After Chen Mu returned to the city again to update a wave of equipment, the warrior jungle knife was updated, the mercury shoes were put on, and the second piece of clothing was planned to be an adaptive helmet.

Ryze and Zoe on the opposite side of the IG are both AP, and the adaptive helmet is so cost-effective!

"My big ax is already hungry and thirsty!"

Then Olaf raised his ax and ran straight to the upper half of the opposite field.

At this time, Olaf, who had a big move and a flash, didn't care about IG's vision at all, and entered King Ning's jungle area in front of IG's vision.

"Um, Olaf started to invade the wild area again!"

Guan Zeyuan slapped his forehead and he didn't know how to explain it.If you continue to explain it, it may hurt Prince Ning’s self-esteem!

in the game.

Olaf was already alone and walked into IG's upper jungle area aggressively.


Without saying a word, he directly applied the blue buff on the opposite side openly.

"Good guy, this Olaf completely regards the opposite jungle as his home. Then King Ning will feel uncomfortable..." The commentators really started to feel sorry for King Ning.

"Eh? No, this Olaf doesn't just want to rebel against the jungle!" Changmao exclaimed as he looked at the scene on the field.

On the field.

I saw that after Olaf countered the blue buff of the opposite King Ning, he did not choose to retreat, nor did he choose to continue farming.

Instead, after going around in a circle, he squatted in the grass near the wild area on the upper road.

At this time, King Ning's Kaiyin had just finished killing the Three Wolves.

He is staggering towards the blue buff, and has the E skill to penetrate the wall. He is not afraid of Olaf catching him in the jungle.

If I can't fight, I can't run!

But looking at the empty blue buff, King Ning felt a twinge of angina!

"Wai Ri, Chen Mu, you are really not a human being!"

As for the previous mouthful of Brother Mu, I have forgotten it~
"Forget it, forget it! Your Majesty is too generous to argue with him!" Prince Ning comforted himself.

Then Kayn walked towards the toad.

But he didn't notice Olaf squatting in the triangular grass on the first tower on the road.

"He's trying to squat on the opposite side of Kayn! Aren't you afraid of people coming from the opposite side? Olaf is well equipped now, so he doesn't seem to be afraid. Prince Ning should be more careful!" I remember looking at the situation on the field, I began to worry about Kayn. stand up.

"Is there any chance? Kayn on the opposite side has started to farm toads! He is actually approaching Olaf. There is really something to say!"

Prince Ning cursed and then turned around and started beating his own toad conscientiously.

At the same time, he pulled the wild monster in the direction closer to the triangle operation. King Ning wanted to finish the toad, protect Ryze and eat a wave of tower knives, and then return to the city.

At this point of almost 14 minutes, Olaf may not be human yet.

But he was completely unaware of Olaf who was crouching in the grass at this time.

But Olaf was not in a hurry at this time, he just crouched in the grass, motionless.

In front of him, Toad only had about five or six hundred points of blood left.

Just then, Olaf finally moved.

Olaf uses his Q skill!
In the shadow of Kayn's vision, he saw a flying ax pointed directly at his feet.

"Fuck, Olaf!"

Prince Ning was suddenly frightened.

Quickly move the Q skill in the direction behind you.

"Chen Mu takes action! The ax slows down until Kayin pulls it back. His reaction is also very fast!"

"What do you say about this wave? Is there still a chance to kill?" Colonel Guan watched the situation on the field escalate, and his tone suddenly rose.

in the game.

After Kayn was hit by Olaf's flying axe, he quickly turned his Q and tried to distance himself.

But he had already been slowed down and was still stuck by Olaf.

Olaf's level and equipment are much better than Kayn's, and his output is so explosive!
For a moment, Kaiyin's blood volume dropped suddenly!
There is only a hundred or so blood left.

In a panic, King Ning used his wits to punish him, and while taking down the toad, he also recovered a little blood.

Then the E skill quickly penetrated the wall, and the blood was restored again without dying.

Just when everyone thought this wave of Kayn had run away.

I saw Olaf picking up the double ax in his hand again.


With blind vision, he threw his double ax at Kayn who had already penetrated the wall!
bingo! !
Kayn's entire body suddenly fell out of the wall.

next second.

He fell to the ground and died instantly...

Then, the game prompt came:

"Olav killed the Scythe of Shadowstream!"


"Dominate the game!!"

The excited voice spread throughout the Summoner's Rift.


"What's going on?! Can this hit Kayn who has already entered the wall? I'm stupid..."

"This Olaf's damage is too explosive!!!"

"Is this Chen Mu? It's so manly (funny) (funny)!"

"If nothing else, this Bo Que is so handsome!!"


"One thing to say, the way he turned around just after throwing the ax was really cool, hee hee...!"

"Real man, never look back at the explosion!"

"You're showing your feelings, right? This is not giving Prince Ning face at all..."

"Jiang Zi is playing a game?! If you don't understand, why don't you ask Prince Ning if he offended Chen Mu?!"


"Chen Mu is so confident in his operation!" Changmao felt sorry for Prince Ning, but also lamented Chen Mu's operation: "Olav had no vision just now, so he successfully predicted Kayn's position in the wall with his Q! "

"To be honest, I felt like I couldn't win at first."

Colonel Guan also echoed and said: "Even if Kayn's E skill enters the wall and there is a black dot displayed, it only shows a general direction, and the specific location is not known at all."

But while the commentators were still analyzing the previous wave of operations, the game screen on the stage changed again.

Olaf finished killing Kayn, and then stopped in the triangular grass again without stopping.

The meaning is very obvious~
Brother shy, I'm here again!

Surprised or not? !Is it surprising? !
At this time, TheShy's Ryze was pushed by Ornn, and another large wave of troops entered the tower.

"Hey, what are you doing?!"

He knew that there was Olaf in the grass behind him, but when he saw that the troops were about to enter the tower, Ryze felt like nails were stuck under his feet, welded to death under the defense tower.

In fact, he could leave at this time.

There are ultimate moves and flashes, and you can use the golden cicada to escape at any time.

But of course he TheShy Jiang Seung-rok won’t leave!

People can die, their heads can be cut off, and their blood can be shed, but the troops cannot stop eating!

What happened next may have been anticipated by TheShy himself.

After Aoun entered the tower with his troops, he directly started to top the tower.

A set of combos without explanation, Ryze couldn't get down in the air.

Then Olaf walked into the tower holding an axe.
(End of this chapter)

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