LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 368: Killing the 1st Game

Chapter 368: Winning the First Game
The arrogant Olaf and Ornn walked into the tower, and the shy Ryze huddled in the corner like an innocent little white rabbit.

There is no room to fight back.

After this wave.

IG has announced a complete collapse.

Ryze's set of skills didn't even drop much health on the tower-resistant Ornn.

After playing the game so far, FPX has unlimited advantages. If the late lineup has such a big advantage in the early stage, even an idiot will play it.

At the end of 14 minutes, while Tapi was still there, the first tower on the top lane was pushed down by Olaf and Ornn.

At 16 minutes, Zoe, who was still in the middle with the Earthbound Spirit, was killed by the Ice Girl and Olaf, who jumped over the tower to kill her.

Subsequently, FPX won the second small dragon, water dragon.

In 17 minutes, after Chen Mu's Olaf defeated Xiaolong, he went straight to the upper half of the jungle and won the second Canyon Pioneer.

Then, directly summon in the middle.

The two visits of Canyon Pioneer directly knocked down the middle defensive tower.

IG's middle door is wide open
The economic gap between the two sides is also getting wider and wider, because FPX's team has enough economy.

The old thief Sima's Kai'Sa can pick up equipment quickly enough, and even Chen Mu's jungle area was directly given to the old thief Sima.

Of course Chen Mu went to King Ning’s wild area to kill King Ning’s monsters~
However, the old thief Sima has to do something after eating Chen Mu's wild monster. The main output of FPX in the later stage still depends on Kai'Sa.

And the old thief Sima also worked hard to think about C.

In 2013, he and his friend GodV formed an amateur LOL team called "Dianliu Mighty Dominance" and achieved good results in the APG League.

Due to their outstanding performance, the "Dian Liu Mighty Domineering" team was acquired by the VG e-sports club.

Later, Sima Laothi also followed the trend and stayed in VG team, M3 team, OMG team, and RW team.

He has also participated in the City Heroes Tournament, the Secondary League, and the LPL League.
But now, after wasting time, nothing has been accomplished.

Today, Han Jin also had good luck. He was directly packaged by RW and transferred to FPX together with Doinb and Aguang.

Maybe it’s bottoming out~
The old thief Sima also changed his position. After coming to FPX, although he did not always start, he had to rotate with Lin Weixiang.

But the team's performance is booming.

Seeing that they have reached the finals of the S9 spring playoffs.

This is already the best result of his career~
In order to cherish this hard-won opportunity, he, the old thief Sima, also played the best form of his career.

In the first game of the finals, Chen Mu's Olaf had already set a huge pace in the early stage, and his equipment was also much ahead of his opponent JKL Xia.

Of course, he couldn't waste the opportunity that Chen Mu had won.

With the team battle in the mid-term, FPX was even more one-sided.

When it comes to people, Gongzi's Orn is a mindless bully.

Olaf, who is luxuriously equipped, is a troublemaker in team fights. He just rushes in and throws axes.

This is where Kai'Sa's performance comes into play.

Perfect output space!
Fly around at will!

Harvest everyone!

In the end, a wave of encounters near Dalong Pit became the last straw for IG.


Just hit a zero for five.

And Olaf, who became more excited with less blood, even though there was only a trace of blood left, he refused to die and continued to stand in the Summoner's Rift like a god of war.

Finally, the time was fixed at 28 minutes and 14 seconds, and the IG blue crystal slowly exploded.

FPX temporarily leads IG 1:0.

"Ah ah ah. Chen Mu Chen Mu!"

"Chen Mu, you are so handsome!"

"Little Phoenix, charge!"

The cheers from the audience were deafening.

But Chen Mu didn't care at all about the cheers from the audience. He calmly put on his coat and led his teammates off the stage indifferently.

At the same time, several people from IG were also walking in the same player channel.

Looking at that handsome, cold and indifferent figure.

That figure was so familiar, yet so strange.

They were familiar with each other last year, when they followed Chen Mu like this, like a few chickens pecking at rice.

But so are the strangers. This year, they became the one getting beaten~
The five people on IG were also deeply moved.

"Dad Chen Mu, have you forgotten your old love now that you have a new love?"

However, at this time, several commentators in the commentary box did not know what to explain.

"Uh-huh, Chen Mu's Olaf performed very well in this game! He defeated King Ning in the early stages of the game!"

If you are indecisive, call Chen Mu first.

"Indeed, with Kai'Sa here, Ornn can still distribute equipment in the later stage. IG's lineup is not as solid as FPX at all and can't take over the team!"

There is nothing to analyze in this game. Chen Mu Olaf's second level god-level detour, and after catching Kayn in the jungle, he has actually killed the game.

A hero like Olaf, who has an early advantage and is unforgiving, will only continue to suppress Kayn and beat him violently if his rhythm does not break.

The War Horse head coach in the lounge also shouted nice.

The first game of the final got off to a good start.

The key thing is that Chen Mu's state today is that of a god.

Now he also discovered that Chen Mu sometimes played games with gods and ghosts.

In God's time, kill from the top lane to the bottom lane, killing all over the field.

When he's a ghost, he's relatively mediocre, and there's nothing wrong with messing around with a pig girl's wine barrel.

It seems that Chen Mu took the "God Card" today~
War Horse's hanging heart fell to the ground.

If he wins today's game, this will also be his best result since coaching!


The half-time break was only a moment, 10 minutes.

There are no adjustments here in FPX, just stabilize the players' mentality.

Guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and fight steadily!
But IG is in trouble.

It is not only necessary to adjust tactics and BP ideas, but also to adjust the player's mentality.

King Ning's jungle area was destroyed by Chen Mu, and TheShy's top lane was also caught autistic.

So the IG lounge seemed to be in a state of panic.

At this time, several commentators in the commentary box were also chatting, and they were also predicting the course of the next game.

"The first game is already in the past. I hope the players on both sides can regroup, adjust their mentality, and contribute to a wonderful showdown for the next game~" Remember to cheer for the players on both sides.

"Hey, Senior Colonel, why don't you make a prediction for this round as well. Who do you like in the second round?!" Changmao started to make trouble.

"Of course it's Chen Mu. No, it's FPX! Hesitating for a second is disrespectful to Chen Mu!"

Guan Zeyuan is not afraid of trouble, nor is he afraid that IG fans will criticize him. In other words, he is used to being criticized, so he boldly bets on Chen Mu.

"The mid-jungle combination of Chen Mu and Doinb is so powerful! I feel like King Ning can't stand it here!" Guan Zeyuan continued to express his opinion: "Brother Shy seems to be able to suppress Jin Gong, but in fact he has a bit of a breakthrough. Looks like this!”

"In addition, I think the bottom lane is also very critical!" I remember I couldn't help but say: "In this season, the IG team has been opening up the situation from the top lane or the bottom lane. After TheShy was targeted in the top lane, Ah Shui must start. Rhythm... But FPX’s bottom lane is not weak at all. After getting the version of the hero, it even slightly overpowered Ah Shui!"

I remember there was nothing wrong with what I said.

After IG's top laner was hit by a thunderstorm, the mid laner Broiler acted like an Earthbound Spirit. The duo of Baolan and Ah Shui must step up.

But FPX’s bottom lane is no rookie!

The old thief Sima, Liu Qingsong, and Lin Weixiang, who is gearing up, are waiting below. If the situation is not right, they can take turns immediately.As for IG, Baolan is obviously starting to feel "full"~
Immediately afterwards, the commentators chatted around the players for a while, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of both sides.

Among them, there is obviously a lot more discussion about Chen Mu.

Chen Mu's Olaf's performance in the last game was so amazing, he fully demonstrated what it means to be a reckless man.

The spicy hot pot, the factory director, and Prince Ning all have to be moved back a little bit.

Chen Mu shocked everyone with every wonderful performance and all kinds of extreme amazing operations!

It is clear what Chen Mu YYDS is.

It also attracted many fans.

As long as he is on the court, FPX seems to have a Dinghai magic needle.

It can often set the rhythm of the entire game in the early stages of the game.

And these also radiate to teammates.

The remaining players have become more confident as they play. FPX has really evolved throughout the spring split, and everyone's performance is much better than before.

"Then no matter what, as long as IG fights bloody battles and creates its own things, it will be fine!"

Guan Zeyuan quickly changed the topic, and his words seemed to imply that team.

In Guan Zeyuan's eyes, it seems that IG has no chance.

Playing bloody games and playing your own stuff means losing the game.

Changmao tried to smooth things over: "It's not that bad, as long as IG adjusts its status well, there is still a chance!"

But beyond words, Changmao doesn’t think IG can beat FPX.

So now not only the commentary, but also many LPL fans may not have high expectations for IG.

After all, Chen Mu Olaf directly destroyed King Ning’s jungle area in the last game...

At this moment, the director at the front gave a notice.

"Okay, without further ado, the contestants ahead are ready. Let's look forward to today's second duel!"

As soon as the screen turned, the huge BP interface appeared on the three large screens in the center.

The audience cheered again.

"Go on IG!"

"Chen Mu, come on!"

"Little Phoenix rushes the duck!"

"Honey, hubby, you are so handsome!"

In this game, FPX came to the blue side and IG came to the red side.

IG was very targeted at banning the FPX midfielder as soon as they came up, and directly killed Silas.

Silas, the hero, cannot be let go at all.

The strongest mid laner currently!
Ever since Chen Mu brought Sylas to RNG and brought him onto the LPL stage, everyone has realized the importance of Sylas as a hero.

I really can’t let it go!
Especially when you play Ice Girl in the mid lane and Sylas on the opposite side, it is equivalent to giving the opponent a big move.

And in the past month, not only Chen Mu's Silas, but also Doinb's Silas has been developed.

If IG doesn't ban Silas, FPX will definitely grab it on the first floor if it's on the blue side.

Then IG continued to ban Olaf. Chen Mu's Olaf in the previous game was too intrusive.

IG really can’t stand it!
A hero like Olaf has no solution for his one-on-one ability in the jungle, especially after gaining an advantage.

In the last move, IG's ban position was given to Qinggangying.

Although heroes like Qinggang Ying are also unique skills of Ning Wang, they are even more unique skills of Chen Mu.

Now that FPX is doing so well overall, IG is very afraid that Chen Mu will take off after getting the Qinggang Film Queen.

"Oh? IG is very targeted here. They directly banned the hero Chen Mu who performed very well in recent games." I remember seeing this and said quickly.

"Silas has been banned, Olaf has also been banned, who knows who will be banned next?!"

"Yes, but everyone knows about Chen Mu's heroes!" Changmao on the side also nodded: "Oh?! Qinggang Ying is also in the ban position!"

"It's another three-ban jungler! But I believe there are many heroes Chen Mu can use, so there's no need to worry."

The ban players on FPX's side are still similar to the previous game's tactical ideas, mainly targeting the hero pool of IG.

Knife Girl, Jess and Ryze.

A hero who can swing wildly on IG.

It's the selection stage.

FPX locked up Lucian, the Holy Lancer, on the first floor without hesitation.

This hero cannot be released to IG!

Lucian was originally a strong ADC hero in this version, and then he was released to IG.

Moreover, IG did not use Lucian for Ah Shui. It must have been used by TheShy to go on the road. So does Gongzi brother still play games? !

Therefore, FPX will grab Lucian if they don’t ban him.

Of course, FPX will definitely take Lucian down the lane. Lucian is not an option in Gongzi's hero pool.

LPL commentary seat.

"Haha, sure enough, FPX locked the Holy Lancer Lucian directly on the first floor. This hero cannot be released to Brother Shy."

"Then the Xialuo bot lane combination, which is pretty good in the current version, will be left outside... What should I say, should IG take it first?" Looking at the BPs on both sides, Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but analyze.

As soon as the words fell, I saw the first selection of IG started.

But it’s not the Xia Luo combination predicted by the commentator.
"Oh... IG has locked the prince on the first floor! There is a high probability that it will be the midfielder combination of the prince and Galio!" I remember saying excitedly.

next second.

Just as Colonel Guan Zeyuan said, we got the two heroes Prince and Galio first on the first and second floors.

And FPX also quickly locked up the support Luo. Lucian has already been selected, so naturally they need to find an offensive and rhythmic support.

Then he gave Jin Gong Ornn.

Ornn is really a treasure after a small buff~
This is simply good news for blue-collar top laners like Jin Gong. Of course, the premise is that the opponent cannot get any Lucian Jess, otherwise they will be beaten to death.

If FPX doesn't get Ornn on the third floor, IG will definitely not give FPX during the second round of selection.

Then the third floor of IG also hurriedly locked Kai'Sa.

In the same way, if you don't take Kasha Xia in the first round, you will definitely be banned in the second round.

BP continues.

In the second round of ban selection, IG directly targeted FPX's midfielder combination, Ice Girl and Karma.

These two bans really made Doinb a little uncomfortable.

The two most chaotic heroes throughout the season were both banned.

FPX also banned TheShy's hero pool.

Victor and Vampire took the ban position one after another, giving TheShy no chance.

Jin Gong plays Ornn. If you get Victor and Vampire for TheShy, you won't be able to develop them casually.

Then it was FPX’s turn to select players.

Without any hesitation.

The crocodile is locked in the middle!

The jungle leopard girl is locked!

Classic crocodile and leopard combination!

(End of this chapter)

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