LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 369 Leopard Girl’s Level 2 Invasion

Chapter 369 Leopard Girl’s Secondary Invasion

When Chen Mu's Leopard Girl appeared on the big screen.

Many commentators were also very surprised.

"It can be seen that IG's BP in this game can be said to be crazy about FPX's mid and jungle! Their idea is to curb the rhythm of FPX's mid and jungle, and try to make their own mid and jungle more comfortable, and FPX is now going to play the mid and jungle. !" Guan Zeyuan explained.

"Crocodile?! Leopard Girl?!"

"Wow, my old swan!" I remember exclaiming.

"What kind of midfield combination is this in FPX, and we have never seen player Chen Mu use the hero Leopard Girl." Changmao also said excitedly.

"It seems to be pretty good indeed." Guan Zeyuan nodded: "The opponent's mid laner Galio is good at beating the mage, but it's a bit difficult to beat the crocodile, especially the jungler is a leopard girl!!"

Before Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, he only saw the BP interface.

FPX's last move directly locked the Leopard Girl in seconds!

"Locked! Without changing, FPX locked Leopard Girl in seconds!!"

"It's obvious that Chen Mu is too confident!"

"This version of Leopard Girl seems to be a bad jungler, right?"

"I think Chen Mu's Leopard Girl was a bit aggressive. If paired with Crocodile, there are many other heroes, but Leopard Girl is not necessary. If Leopard Girl can't do things in the early stage, it will be too useless in the later stage!"

The audience also exclaimed in surprise.


"Come on, come on! I wonder which one is better, Chen Mu's Leopard Girl or Canyon Pianist's Leopard Girl?!"

"Just like this one, Chen Mu's Leopard Girl is definitely another one! But she hasn't appeared in the main game yet, so I'm looking forward to it!"


Just when everyone was exclaiming, the next BP was boring.

I saw that IG's fifth move just added a Sword Demon to TheShy.

Victor, Vampire, and Riz Lucian have all been banned, and Brother Shy doesn't have any useful long-range midlaners.

At this point, the BPs on both sides have been finalized.

FPX vs IG final game [-]
FPX is on the blue side and IG is on the red side.

Top lane: Sword Demon vs Ornn
Jungler: Prince vs Leopard Girl
Mid laner: Galio vs Crocodile
ADC: Kai'Sa vs Lucian

Support: Niutou vs Luo

"In this case, I feel that the FPX lineup is still a bit strange. On the contrary, I like IG's lineup very much." Guan Zeyuan calmed down and analyzed the lineups on both sides.

"The prince and Galio form a combination that can do whatever they want. Taurus can also join the team at will, and there is also Kai'Sa, a late-stage core hero. Coupled with Brother Shy's Sword Demon, this lineup... can be said to be perfect! Guan Zeyuan clicked his tongue.

Even though he is now a die-hard fan of Chen Mu, he is still optimistic about IG's lineup.

So solid~
"I think FPX's lineup has a bit of offensive pressure!" I remember analyzing FPX's lineup.

"This is also the only thing I'm worried about. FPX's lineup is a bit too hard in the early game! To be honest, the midfielder and jungle combination of FPX's lineup doesn't do enough damage in the later stages, and they can't fight in the team at all... They have to fight in the early and mid-game. Only by achieving huge economic advantages, otherwise..."

Changmao also gave his own opinion.

Just looking at the lineups on both sides, they are completely different.

The FPX lineup is a lineup that is highly individualistic and capable online...

To be honest, IG can choose this lineup.

However, IG's lineup is very suitable for FPX, a very classic lineup that can work hard in the mid-to-late game.

As long as FPX is not given too many opportunities in the early stage and team fights begin in the middle and late stages, the victory can be easily won as long as the team battle starts.

"In any case, both sides have a chance in this round... FPX's lineup is uncharacteristically biased toward the early stage. As long as they get the advantage in the early and mid-term and push evenly, IG can't stop it. And IG's lineup is biased towards the late stage, and the teamfighting in the later stages will be very difficult. Meng, the game is about to be loaded, let’s look forward to the second game of today’s final, the exciting showdown between FPX and IG!”


"Go on IG!"

"FPX rushes to the duck!"

"Little IG, give me a boost!"

"Let the little phoenix fly as much as you like!"

"Chen Mu, you must hit the C hard!"

"Chen Mu Chen Mu, I am your husband! No. You are my husband~"

As soon as the commentary finished, there was a burst of warm cheers and shouts from the audience.

The director also knew it very well and directly projected the big screen onto the entire arena.

Countless female fans of Chen Mu were waving light sticks, holding support signs in their hands, and wearing support stickers on their faces.

The appearance is even more durable~
"Hey! It seems that our audience at the scene is still very enthusiastic! I believe the players on the field can also feel the cheers given to them by the audience!" Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but sigh.

Seeing this scene, the old guys in the live broadcast room couldn't sit still for a moment.

"It's over, I suddenly don't want to support Chen Mu anymore~"

"Me too, old thief Chen Mu, I am at odds with you!"

"Hahaha, come on IG, come on Ah Shui, beat Chen Mu to death for me!"

"Damn it, are these all Chen Mu's female fans?! I'm really jealous!"

"But let me tell you something, Chen Mu's appearance is really durable. As a man, I am moved by it!"


At this moment, the director's camera switched.

The screen has arrived in Summoner's Rift.

in the game.

The moment the spring protective wall disappeared, all ten players rushed out like wild horses!
Both sides went straight to their own jungle areas and lined up in a long snake formation.

It seems that there is no idea of ​​​​a first-level group.

Seeing the well-behaved Leopard Girl on the field, who was different from usual, she didn't even try to invade the field of view.

Guan Zeyuan said doubtfully: "Huh? Why don't Leopard Girl try her best at level [-] with her opponent? Try throwing two darts?! This...isn't like Leopard Girl's usual style!"

"And the hero Leopard Girl must gain weight in the early and mid-term! FPX's lineup relies heavily on Leopard Girl in the early stage. If Leopard Girl has no rhythm, the lineup will be dragged up by FPX, and it will be difficult to fight!"

"The hero Leopard Girl was born to counter jungle, so there is a high probability that Chen Mu will be counter jungle in this game," Changmao analyzed objectively.

"But in this game, Leopard Girl is not very easy to counterattack~" I remember saying a little worriedly.

"The lineup of IG in this game is different from the previous one. The Sword Demon in the top lane has lane rights in this game, and there is Galio in the middle to assist the Bullhead. Kai'Sa can fly at level [-]. If the Leopard Girl is caught in the wild, , but I can’t leave!”

Remember, your worries are very valid.

In the last game, the support of IG's lineup was not enough, and Chen Mu was a reckless Olaf, who was not afraid of anything!
But in this round, Leopard Girl is a little squishy and can't counterattack well. If she is arrested, she will die as long as she takes one skill!
And at the same time.

The IG people stood in a long snake formation in the wild area, not giving Leopard Girl a chance to invade the wild area to gain vision.

But in this match, Chen Mu had no idea of ​​a first-level invasion...

Even TheShy's Sword Demon sacrificed himself and directly set his eye position to the river in the upper half of the jungle.I'm just afraid that Leopard Girl Lan Kai will invade the upper half of the prince's wild area.

"Oh... In that case, both sides are very cautious and don't have any ideas..." Guan Zeyuan felt a little regretful when he saw that the two sides did not fight.

"In this game, IG has obviously studied Chen Mu's playing style and style." Guan Zeyuan paused and then said: "They have done vision control in the upper half of the jungle and near the river very early. ...I’m afraid that Leopard Girl’s Level [-] will rebel against the prince’s red buff, so I’m still very vigilant!”

in the game.

Both junglers chose to develop peacefully in the early stage.

On the blue side, Chen Mu’s Leopard Girl chooses to open normally with red.

The prince also followed the regular blue route with the help of his teammates.

After all, it’s a bit hurt for the prince to use the buff alone~
But how could Chen Mu be the kind of person who can develop normally with you in the early stage?
What's going on between me, a leopard girl, and you? !

I saw the leopard girl smoothly switching between human and leopard forms while guiding the red buff towards the wall of the dragon pit.

Just at the extreme position where the red buff could attract hatred, Leopard Girl took the red buff with one dart.

At the same time, after the leopard girl finished brushing her red buff and reached level two, she decisively switched to leopard form, jumped lightly, and crossed the dragon pit.

Then he walked towards the lower half of the wild area on the opposite side...

Although there is a field of vision in the river grass in the lower half of the wild area, the Leopard Girl, who is clinging to the wall, still perfectly bypasses the field of view.

"Hey, what's going on? Leopard Girl... Leopard Girl went to the lower half of the wild area on the opposite side, and this has started again!"

"Sure enough, he is still the Chen Mu we are familiar with! Let me just say, peaceful development does not suit this player's style."

Guan Zeye suddenly became serious and a little excited.

at the same time.

The audience at the scene suddenly became commotion.

After watching Chen Mu’s wonderful performance with Olaf’s divine vision in the last game, everyone is now looking forward to his next performance.

And this time, Leopard Girl also perfectly bypassed IG's field of vision.

Is it possible that the situation in the last game will happen again? !

"Ah...Does the Leopard Girl want to go against the jungle this time...or does she want to go against the crouch?"

Watching the Leopard Girl slowly walking towards the opposite jungle area on the field, I remember having a little doubt in my heart.

"Probably going to fight against the wild." Changmao nodded.

"You see, after King Ning's prince finished the blue buff, he went directly to fight toads. This was caught by Chen Mu again...and this time it was the FPX bottom lane who got the lane rights, but he was the first to support" Guan Ze Yuan looked at the scene on the field and said in shock.

And sure enough, I met love at the corner~
After Chen Mu's Leopard Girl invaded the prince's wild area, they found a Demacian prince playing toads around the corner.

And in order to speed up the jungle, the E skill flag was also handed over.

It is being inserted into the toad's body to increase the prince's attack speed. The prince's military flag is constantly leveling on the toad's body.

Without any hesitation, Chen Mu's Leopard Girl stepped out of the shadows.

Switching to the adult form, he started to level with Prince A without saying a word.

"Ah?! Is this the beginning?!"

"Level [-] Leopard Girl still has a red buff."

"This Prince Ning's prince has suffered a heavy blow again. It seems that his punishment has been used. Leopard Girl's flat A plus Toad's attack has already made him half-healthy!"

The commentators really felt sorry for King Ning.

Who can continue to play two games in a row after being put in such a state of mind? !
"Can you come?! Can you come?!"

"WCNMGB, this leopard girl has entered my wild area again!"

"Come, let's fight to death together."

But Prince Ning was only halfway through what he said, and he could no longer speak.

Although IG's lineup support ability is good in this game, we have to wait until the level rises, at least until Galio has a big move!

But what time is it now? !

1 minutes and 55 seconds! !

Not even 2 minute.

At this time, the top lane is still level one, the middle lane is still level one, and the bottom lane is still level one!
What's the use of level one Galio and Tauren coming to support? !

After reacting, King Ning shook his head helplessly and stopped calling his teammates.

At this time, asking your teammates to support you is simply to lead your teammates' rhythm and put pressure on your teammates!
The toad of myself has been saved, but can my teammates still play online? !

In desperation, Prince Ning's prince could only let go of the toad without looking back!
You are good, you are awesome, you are awesome!
Can't I give you this toad? !
You wait
The prince reluctantly retreated to the three wolves and took them in first.

"Ah?! This?! The same opening, the same routine, Chen Mu succeeded again." Seeing this scene, the commentators also smiled helplessly.

"But this time, Prince Ning is much luckier. He didn't die. At least it's much better than the last game." Guan Zeyuan said.

However, Colonel Guan did not notice at all that he had inadvertently sent down divine punishment~
Leopard Girl was opened with the help of teammates and did not need to pay punishment. In addition, Toad had only half of his health left after the prince's attack.

Just as the prince left, a punishment was issued, and the toad was instantly accepted by the leopard girl.

Leopard Girl then followed the prince's footsteps and went to the three wolves.

Still the same move.

Flat A, then flat A
The normal attack with the red buff had a burning effect on the prince who was only at level two.

Then another dart hit the prince through the gap between the three wolves.

It hurts, it hurts too much!
The prince, who had already taken a bottle of medicine, only had half of his blood left.

However, the Leopard Girl's attack still did not stop, and the human form continued to level A, but would not switch to the leopard form.

Wai Ri, Chen Mu, are you still alone? !

Prince Ning was already sweating profusely.

Seeing that the prince was almost at half health, he had no choice but to stab him away with EQ twice.

As for attacking Leopard Girl, he wouldn't dare!
The Leopard Girl, who is almost full of blood, always remains in human form and can switch to leopard form at any time to attack.

And once he rashly handed over the prince's EQ Second Company, he would have no choice but to wait for death!
It's only 2 minutes and 20 seconds now.

The bottom lane is still level one, but the middle lane has been upgraded to level two.

But it’s of no use~
In this game, Doinb got the crocodile, and Liu Qingsong got the Luo. Their ability to push the line and support speed are obviously faster.

Even so, Prince Ning's prince was still unwilling to give in and wanted to see if he could come back and grab it.

A spear flew through the shadows and accurately hit the prince, taking away a chunk of his health again.

At the same time, it also interrupted Prince Ning’s fantasy!
The three wolves can't eat anymore.

Forget it, just give up on the second half of the jungle!

Afterwards, the prince had no choice but to give in, and circled from the second tower in the middle to the upper half of the jungle.

(End of this chapter)

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