LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 372: He appears and disappears, taking the whole place flying

Chapter 372: He appears and disappears, taking the whole place flying

At just over 10 minutes, Chen Mu's Leopard Girl took the first canyon pioneer in her bag like no one else.

Leopard Girl has already taken control of pictures~
Jungle area, heads, dragons, vanguard, I want them all!

After taking the Canyon Pioneer, Chen Mu's Leopard Girl did not rush back to the city, but quickly cut the screen to take a look at the overall situation.

The crocodile in the middle is suppressing Galio, and the old thief Sima in the bottom is suppressing Ah Shui. On the top,
Ok? !

The Sword Demon on the top lane is pressing Ornn's line!

what? !

Brother Shy, weren’t you full from the military training meal in the last game? ? !

Without any hesitation, Leopard Girl walked to the dragon pit and jumped onto the top of the dragon pit with a W swoop.

Sword Demon dares to press the line like this, which means that IG must have vision in the upper half of the jungle, so it needs to be bypassed.

Chen Mu's plan was to go around the triangular grass from above the dragon pit and directly take Brother Shy's retreat.

Now Ornn also has a big move, and with proper coordination, even if the swordsman and demon dodge, he may not be able to escape.

At the same time, Prince Ning's prince had just finished swiping six birds, and was danglingly swiping the red buff, while luring wild monsters out.

Although King Ning was beaten unconscious in the jungle, he is still a top jungler after all.

In this 10-minute period, Leopard Girl has such an advantage that she will definitely take the Canyon Pioneer. After getting the Pioneer, Leopard Girl is also very likely to gank the top lane or the middle lane to expand her advantage.

Therefore, King Ning was swiping the wild monsters in the upper half of the wild area while leaning towards the upper road, hoping to counterattack and protect the development of Brother Shy's Sword Demon.

But I met love again at the corner~
When Leopard Girl jumped up from the dragon pit, she saw a "wild red buff" and a prince carrying a flag.

The two of them looked at each other a bit~
almost the same time.

The first moment the Leopard Girl saw the prince, she immediately switched to her adult form, and a spear flew out of her hand, pointing directly at the prince!
At the same time, King Ning was also frightened.


Although he cursed, the movements of his hands did not change.

next second.

The prince twisted around and began to move around, trying to avoid the dart.

Then, the javelin narrowly missed the prince in front of him!

Prince Ning breathed a sigh of relief, but just watched as the javelin passed by the prince and ran directly towards the red buff behind him.

At this time, the blood volume of the red buff was only two to three hundred points, and there was no punishment on him.

Leopard Girl's javelin hit the red buff directly and accurately, and then a red circle appeared under Leopard Girl's feet.

Yo!And a surprise!

Although Chen Mu wanted to go around and catch a wave of shy brothers, he unexpectedly met King Ning in the jungle.

In this way, the wish to catch Brother Shy was in vain, but the red buff he got was an unexpected surprise.

Immediately afterwards, Prince Ning's prince subconsciously retreated quickly.

Chen Mu's leopard girl was fearless, but she didn't pounce directly on her immediately.

Instead, he always maintained his human form, kept moving A, and kept dealing damage to the prince in front of him.

With a red buff and a second-level magic, he always sticks to the prince under his shoes.

But Prince Ning's prince also reacted after taking a few steps back.

This is my jungle area, why should I be afraid of you?Why should I be bullied like this by you? !
Although Leopard Girl's equipment was ahead of Prince's at this time, due to the jungle level protection mechanism, Prince's level caught up and was only one level behind Leopard Girl.

And the prince knows everything about the jungle position!

He is just a hero who starts a team without thinking, and his equipment is secondary. With his jungle knife, he can directly use it as resurrection armor.

Just keep up with the level!
At this time, before Prince Ning could call for help, his teammates had already begun to support the prince.

"What do you say?! I have a big move and can fly at any time!"

Rookie Galio finally pushed a wave of lanes, and the battlefield is in his red buff jungle area. His ultimate move can support him at any time.

"I'm coming too~"

TheShy's Sword Demon is wired, and I'm very unhappy to see this leopard girl trying to catch me around the field of view~
Brother shy is very angry and the consequences are serious~
The sword demon came directly to support from the triangular grass.

"Huh? We meet again! The Leopard Girl made a move and missed the prince, but she snatched the red buff. This must be too miserable for Prince Ning! ...The prince was still stuck to his own red buff all the way. ~" At the commentary table, I remember crying and complaining to King Ning.

"Huh? What do you say? The prince is not leaving and is going to start a fight?! Prince Ning chose to die standing rather than live on his knees!" Changmao said excitedly as he watched the scene on the field.

"It's broken. IG's mid and top players seem to be coming for support. This is IG's jungle area after all... Leopard Girl will be in danger if she doesn't retreat!"

"Eh? This leopard girl didn't want to run away! He went up and wanted to fight!"

in the game.

The leopard girl kept chasing the prince in front of her.

After a few rounds, he got a level A and stuck to the prince with a red buff.

And the prince also wants to fight back against Leopard Girl, so he just refuses to hand over the second batch of EQ in his hand, otherwise he will not be qualified to fight back!

At this moment, after seeing that his teammates were already in position, the prince also walked towards Leopard Girl, preparing to fight back.

Of course, King Ning's operations are also very detailed, and he is already the only champion jungler in the LPL.

His prince did not directly attack the EQ Second Company at the first time.

The person opposite is Chen Mu, not a rookie.

If the hasty EQ second company is dodged by the Leopard Girl on the opposite side, he will be shown off without saying a word.

When his teammates came to support him, he would not be able to keep this leopard girl.

In this way, the prince resisted the damage from the leopard girl and moved towards the leopard girl's position in front, trying to draw A.

But this is what he, Prince Ning, thinks too much~
Who is Chen Mu? !

The champion FMVP of the S8 World Championship, his warrior top laner is indeed unique.

But what left a deep impression on audiences around the world was his even more exaggerated long-hand top line!

Lucian, skate shoes, Vayne, Jace, Victor
Every time these heroes are used, they are just toying with their opponents.

And now Leopard Girl in human form is such a hero.

Leopard Girl's passive is that when moving through the grass, Nidalee's movement speed will be increased by 10% for 2 seconds.

And when moving towards an enemy hero within 1400 yards that appears in your field of vision, the movement speed bonus will be increased to 30%.

And there happens to be grass next to the red buff pit.

In addition, Leopard Girl's E skill gave him a boost, and also greatly increased Leopard Girl's attack speed, allowing Chen Mu to pull away A better.

Although Leopard Girl is an AP hero, Leopard Girl A with a red buff in human form is also very painful.

What's more, at this time, Prince Ning's prince had no equipment at all.

Prince Ning found that he had clearly slowed down to the leopard girl with W, and was almost close to the leopard girl, but he still couldn't get out of the A!
The Leopard Girl was holding him flat and pulling him behind her.

The distance of level A is extremely stuck!
Unconsciously, the prince's blood volume was reduced to half.

Then the prince took one of Leopard Girl's bids and was hit a few more times.

At this time, the prince's blood volume was less than half.

The prince saw that something was wrong with the situation and knew that he could not delay it any longer!

Decisively, a second EQ company poked in the direction of Leopard Girl.

The angle of his EQ second company is very tricky.

And he was also very close to Leopard Girl's position.

But the next second.Just a few tenths of a second before the prince's EQ second company took action, when the military flag in the prince's hand had just been raised.

The movements in Chen Mu's hands suddenly became rapid, and the crisp sound of the mouse and the sound of typing on the keyboard rang out.

Leopard Girl was seen subconsciously twisting her body slightly to the left.

The prince appeared behind Leopard Girl!
escaped! !



Prince Ning was a little confused.

"Oh my God! Leopard Girl's move... she almost avoided the prince's EQ [-]nd Company by moving close to her face! What kind of move is this! Can this be avoided?" Remember to look at the field At this scene, I couldn't help but exclaimed.

"I'm used to it. It's difficult for others, but...but for Chen Mu, isn't it the right thing to do?!" Guan Zeyuan looked like he was not surprised.

Basic exercises, don’t be six~
at the same time.

The few commentators on the scene couldn't think about it at all, because the battle on the field was still going on.

And Ning Wang’s EQ second company is actually the horn sounded by IG.

While King Ning was EQing the second company, Rookie's Galio launched his ultimate move targeting King Ning.

Here comes the hero! !
Almost the entire red buff area is covered by Galio's ultimate move.

Although King Ning was dodged by the second company of EQ, he quickly regained his composure.

Turn around immediately.


The prince shouted loudly, and directly hit the leopard girl with a big move.

But after EQ's second company was dodged, IG's control chain was actually broken, giving Leopard Girl room to operate.

When Leopard Girl saw this, she said nothing.

Although he was trapped in the ultimate move by the prince, he was not timid at all.

It looked like the prince's blood volume had dropped to a dangerous level.

The prince's ultimate move locked Leopard Girl in place, so it wasn't his own cage!
Leopard Girl in human form placed a W skill trap at the prince's feet.

The prince, who had nowhere to move, immediately stepped on him and was marked by Leopard Girl's passive.

Leopard Girl decisively switched forms and pounced with a W!
Immediately afterwards, there was a Q skill with extra damage, and the E skill swipe followed closely.

After a set of unexplained combos, the prince's health dropped sharply again.

"What the hell?! What kind of harm is this?!"

King Ning was also frightened.

But he didn't want to think about the equipment gap between the two sides. Leopard Girl's AP jungle knife has come out, which is equivalent to a ready-made outfit. What's more important is the magic shoes he wears.

At this time, the prince did not have any magic resistance equipment. He just had some magic resistance on his own, so the 18 points of magic penetration brought by Leopard Girl's magic shoes were too terrifying!

Without hesitation, the prince immediately flashed the range of his ultimate move.

But Chen Mu's leopard girl was also fast, and followed closely, biting the prince.

Level A again kept up with the output, and at the same time killed the last bit of the prince's health.

"The Wild Huntress killed the Prince of Demacia!"

At this time, rookie Galio finally landed.

However, the mechanism of Leopard Girl's W skill will significantly reduce the cooldown of the W skill when attacking a passively marked hero.

At the same time that Galio landed, Leopard Girl once again jumped out of the range of her ultimate move with her W skill.

And looking at the leopard girl walking away, Galio could only sigh in despair.

Galio has flash, W and E skills, and Brother Shy's Sword Demon also surrounded him in the triangle grass.

If IG wants to chase me, I can definitely chase him!

But whether he can chase this leopard girl to death is another matter!
Doinb's crocodiles have already arrived for support, and even Gongzige's Orn army line is no longer needed, and they are also rushing here!

At this time, Leopard Girl was still in very good condition, and the prince did not cause much harm to Leopard Girl at all!

So it's probably two against three!

Brother shy's sword demon can be trusted, but at this time, the crocodile is also very good at fighting!

Forget it, let’s stop the loss!

IG could only watch helplessly as Leopard Girl jumped into the dragon pit with her W skill, returning where she came from.

At this time, several commentators were all shocked by Chen Mu's extreme wave operation!

Although Chen Mu created more famous scenes when he was on the road in the past.

But I never tire of it!
Just looked at it from God’s perspective.

The Leopard Girl and the Prince were indeed very close.

But almost at the same time, Leopard Girl even started to move the moment Prince EQ took action!

In fact, after the EQ was empty, the prince became a bit reckless.

But there is no regret medicine in the world!
Leopard Girl's super high explosion was something that King Ning did not expect.

After being passively marked by the leopard girl, the leopard form's set of skills almost evaporated nearly half of the prince's health.

Meanwhile, the game continues on the court.

After killing the prince alone in the jungle again, Leopard Girl's ring increased by two levels.

Then he rushed towards the wild area non-stop. Now with Leopard Girl's speed of clearing the wild area, the wild monsters in the wild area were completely taken care of.

It may not take more than ten seconds to complete three groups of wild monsters.

And faster clearing efficiency equals more opportunities to do things.

After clearing the entire lower half of the jungle, Leopard Girl also used the scan to clear out IG's field of vision in the jungle.

Afterwards, with flexible multi-stage movements, Leopard Girl directly jumped up the wall of the triangular grass behind the first tower of IG, avoiding the possible vision that IG still had in the wild area.

After standing still in the triangular grass, a real eye fell directly.

It also eliminated one of IG's accessory eyes in the triangular grass, leaving IG that originally had a field of vision plunged into darkness.

At this moment, Ah Shui, who was cowering under the tower, couldn't help but frown.

It's here, it's finally here!
It was difficult for his Kai'Sa to fight Lucian, but at this time there was a leopard girl squatting in the grass behind him.

Therefore, IG's bottom lane duo can only release lanes and eat troops under the tower.

As for FPX, it shouldn't be possible to jump over the tower. Leopard Girl is very good at controlling the map, but jumping over the tower will lack strong control. Kai'Sa can create miracles.

At this time, Liu Qingsong had pressed Bron to the edge of the tower and tried a Q skill to hit Kai'Sa.

But Ah Shui then turned slightly to avoid Braun's Q skill, but then a spear floated from behind!
At this time, Ah Shui's Kaisha can no longer twist his position.

"Crooked sun!"

Ah Shui grimaced in pain.

Now Chen Mu's Leopard Girl is far ahead in level, with luxurious equipment and level [-] Q skills. A spear dart instantly took away nearly half of Ah Shui's Kai'Sa's health.

What the hell!

What harm is this? !

What kind of tower is this guarding? !
Give in, give in~
(End of this chapter)

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