Kai'Sa with full health and status, plus a bull head.

Of course Ah Shui dared to operate it and guard the defense tower.

But after being beaten to half blood by Leopard Girl's dart, Ah Shui instantly fainted.

How to defend the tower? !

Can't play!

Not to mention gaining some control, as long as they gain another damaging skill, FPX may have to use it!
Kai'Sa, who was still alive, couldn't survive for a second under the explosion of Lucian and Leopard Girl.

At this time, Prince Ning's prince was still on the road protecting TheShy's sword demon, wanting to do something!

But Ornn’s tower is difficult to climb~
At this time, Brother Gongzi also transformed into Wu Wu and opened the top order. Aoun was just trying to mess with the Sword Demon online.

"Get out!"

In desperation, Ah Shui had to retreat even though he was reluctant to leave.

"Well, let's go, this tower can't be defended!"

Ah Shui said to retreat, and Bao Lan was relieved.

He would still be a little nervous if he had to fight hard under the tower.

Then Niutou directly covered Kaisha and retreated to the second tower.

Chen Mu's Leopard Girl did not interfere with Asui Kasha's retreat.

He walked directly out of the triangular grass and helped Lucian start lighting the tower.

Ah Shui's laning strength is really good. Even when faced with a strong lane tyrant like Lucian, the old thief Sima didn't touch the first layer of Tap Skin.

However, with the arrival of Leopard Girl, IG still lost the first and fifth-floor tower skin in the bottom lane.

One layer of tart crust.
160 gold coins divided equally.

Two layer tart crust
Another 160 gold coins.

Seeing that the defense tower had been reduced to half health, Chen Mu had no regrets.

He directly summoned the Canyon Pioneer on his body.

The defensive tower in the lower lane instantly had only a trace of blood left, and with Lucian's last draw, it turned into ashes.

too fat!
Although no one was killed, Chen Mu's rhythm directly stretched the economies of both sides.

The five-layer tower skin and the economy of one tower instantly increase the economy of FPX by about 1000.

At this time, the economic difference between the two parties has reached 3000.

The one who is far ahead is the jungler Chen Mu.

Then Chen Mu's Leopard Girl also brought the bottom lane combination to control the newly born second dragon.

It's a wind dragon soul.

I don’t know if there are any benefits for other people, but there are definitely benefits for Leopard Girl.

Movement speed is still very important for Leopard Girl.

At this time, King Ning finally did it.

That's brother shy.

It was obviously an Aoun, but Prince Ning's prince actually chose to jump over the tower.

He just swapped the tower for one and helped TheShy get a head.

But Brother Gongzi looked relaxed, it didn't matter!

What does it matter if he swaps one Orn Tower for the next? !

Even if the sword demon eats two layers of tapioca, it doesn't matter much.

Anyway, my own Wild Father Leopard Girl has liberated the bottom lane.

And liberating Lucian, who has an advantage in the early and mid-term, is a terrible thing.

Then FPX took the initiative to split the line.

Lucian led Braum and Leopard Girl in the middle to continue to advance to eat Tapi.

Doinb's Crocodile goes to the top lane to face off against Sword Demon, while Gongzi's Ornn goes to play against Galio.

At this time, IG's middle lane cannot be defended at all.

Without the two leading brothers, Sword Demon and Galio, even Prince Ning's prince came to the middle to help defend, but the rest of them are just little Karami~
From the shadows, a spear suddenly flew out!
Hit Baolan's bull's head.

Even a bull's head instantly cut off nearly half of the blood volume.

At this time, a bull head who is only level 7 and does not use his ultimate move is not much stronger than Kai'Sa.

"Fuck!" This dart was also beyond Baolan's expectations.

He originally wanted to help Ah Shui push forward and absorb the damage.

But obviously, he can't bear it himself!
The next second, Niutou, who was originally brave and not afraid of difficulties, began to shrink behind Kaisha.

Your support shrinks behind my ADC? !

Okay, in this case, I will also shrink back!

But as soon as the two men shrank back, Prince Ning's prince also shrank back.

Coming and going, Lucian, the old thief Sima, felt so comfortable when he pushed up the tower.

W dot dot Q dot dot E dot dot
He even handed over his displacement skills directly in front of everyone on IG.

But no one from IG dared to step forward to start a group.

"Leopard Girl's Q attack does so much damage! Her mouth is almost out of blood after one strike..."

"One person scares away three people. Is it necessary for you to be so panicked?"

"One thing to say, Chen Mubao Girl's dart is really accurate. Just now, she scared away the bottom duo with one dart, and now she scares away the three IG guys with one dart."

Seeing FPX's Lucian push the tower without any pressure, the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room suddenly became commotion.

"Now, the equipment and level of this Leopard Girl are already ahead of the game! This kind of hero is very dominant in the early and mid-term! I feel that no one in IG can be the opponent of this Leopard Girl. , even Brother Shy’s Sword Demon can’t beat Leopard Girl!” Guan Zeyuan looked at the situation on the field and analyzed.

"Yes." Remember nodded and continued: "Looking at the current situation, IG must find its own rhythm! If it can't find its rhythm anymore... after all the outer towers are broken, the economic gap between the two sides may come. It’s seven to eight thousand, which is a very scary number!”

At this point, in the game.

14 minutes, taking advantage of Tapi’s last moment.

FPX successfully knocked down the first tower in the middle, and the five-story tower skin was eaten up again.

Afterwards, Leopard Girl continued her fast pace.

Time is money~
After turning around and sweeping the wild area, return to the city and upgrade the Killing Ring first.

The original 6th floor ring became a 6th floor murder book.

Then the redundant economy created Little Ghost Book.

The only fat point of the opposing IG right now is TheShy's Sword Demon, and Ghost Book's reduced healing is very restrained in Sword Demon's blood recovery.

Leopard Girl returned to the city and quickly bought equipment and then went straight on the road.

The murder book has already been written, so we can’t go wild again, right? !Clearing the jungle will not increase the level of the murder book!
What's more, the Little Ghost Book is prepared for Brother Shy's Sword Demon, so he naturally wants to visit it.

"Oh? Chen Mu's Leopard Girl is moving again! Where are they going?!... Are they going to hit the road?!" Changmao explained as he watched the scene on the field.

"But now IG's middle, lower and outer towers have been destroyed, and only the top tower is still there. This can be considered good news among many bad news!"

"But the top tower cannot be saved right now. There are no map-neutral resources on the map and IG's mid-tower is gone. Lucian, the old thief of Sima, is obviously moving faster than Ah Shui~"

Guan Zeyuan explained with a slight cry.

It seems that the next scene is too cruel, I feel sorry for Brother Shy~
TheShy's Sword Demon was originally on the road and had an advantage against Ornn. Although Ornn was mixed, Sword Demon's development was not bad at all.

Now 15 minutes, 153 dollars plus a head.

If it were a normal situation, TheShy's game in the team battle might really change his fate.

But what he encountered was FPX~
Ornn on the top lane can't beat you, so my crocodile in the middle lane will come up and fight you.
The crocodile can't suppress you, so the leopard girl will come too.Crocodile and leopard girl, the famous crocodile and leopard combination in Ueno are finally coming together~
When Teacher Big B saw that Chen Mu's leopard girl had arrived at the predetermined position, he stepped forward to take action.

E wears the soldier and comes to the sword demon.
But I don’t know if there is someone behind Brother Shy, or there is something wrong with his thinking.
He clearly saw the leopard girl in his field of vision, but he just refused to leave. Not only did he not leave, but he fought with the crocodile.

I just want to play~
Then if you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude~
Crocodile's firepower was fully activated, his ultimate move was launched, and Red Fury W bit the sword demon.

Then a spear floated up and hit the sword demon who was bitten by the crocodile.

Bright red numbers dance on the sword demon's head!

"F*ck! What kind of harm is this?!" TheShy said a curse word in a XJ language.

No more playing, no more playing, it’s not fun at all~
But it’s a bit late to leave at this time!
After the Leopard Girl Dart hit the sword demon, she transformed into a leopard form and pounced on him without saying a word.

Although Sword Demon wears mercury shoes, Leopard Girl's damage is too explosive.

After a set of combos and the damage from the crocodile, the sword demon's health dropped to one-third in an instant.

At this time, a military flag suddenly came over. It turned out that there was someone behind the sword demon. Prince Ning's prince had been hovering around the road.

But even if the prince came to support, IG had already lost the opportunity.

Moreover, King Ning's prince was poorly equipped and his combat effectiveness was very weak.

In addition to providing control, the combat power is no match for Crocodile Leopard Girl, and Brother Shy's Sword Demon also has very low HP.

"Just kill this sword demon!" Leopard Girl's mark hit the sword demon hard on the head.

"it is good!"

At this time, the sword demon's equipment has reached the black cutter, mercury shoes, and bloody hands are also on the way.

But this equipment is not good enough and does not have enough fault tolerance.

If someone gives him support, Sword Demon can deal all the damage.

However, in the face of Crocodile Leopard's concentrated fire, Sword Demon could not recover his blood volume at all, and eventually fell to the ground and died.

Looking at the black screen, TheShy scratched his head in distress: "Oh, what are you doing?!"

Then he said with a smile: "My, my!"

"I should have waited!"

The battle continues.

The sword demon is dead, but the prince is still alive!
Although the Crocodile Leopard Girl's health is not healthy at this time, it is still no problem to hit a harmless prince.

However, the prince's blood volume was also continuously reduced, but he was safely back to the top tower.

At this time, Ah Shui's Kasha and Niutou also came to support, and Sima Laothief and Liu Qingsong also came to support from the river.

FPX is determined to win IG's top tower.

It's a pity that the troop line is a bit insufficient.

A wave of troops could not directly knock down the first tower on the top lane.

But at this time, the top lane has already formed a situation of four and three, and it doesn't matter much if we wait for another wave of troops.

IG's bottom lane duo also wanted to defend the defense tower with the prince.

But the Leopard Girl who didn't know when she hid on the side wall casually took out her spear.

Pass through minions from a tricky angle
The hit hit the half-health prince, and instantly the prince only had one-third of his health left.

This also frightened King Ning, and he pressed his fingers on the flash involuntarily.


"Forget it! We can't defend it!"

"Let it go!"

Prince Ning looked at his blood volume and helplessly made a signal to retreat.

When the commentators saw that Chen Mu's Leopard Girl's Q skill was as accurate as laser guidance, it could even pass through two minions and hit the prince, scaring him out of the flash.

"Oh my God! This leopard girl... what kind of harm did the leopard girl do! Why did the prince just dodge?!" I remember saying with wide eyes and a look of shock on my face.

"Is there really such a thing as bloodline suppression?!"

"Prince Ning usually has a strong sense of rhythm. How come meeting Chen Mu is like a mouse meeting a cat?!"

Several commentators were also puzzled at this time.


Ah Shui on the field still wanted to work harder. After all, the HP of Leopard Girl and Crocodile were not very healthy, so he wanted to operate.

But after Lucian, the old thief of Sima, cleared the line, he immediately started firing at the three people under the tower with his two guns.

The three people who could not escape were once again hit by a wave of damage.

"Forget it, let it go!"

Ah Shui also sighed helplessly.

IG worked hard and gathered four people to rush to the top road, hoping to save the upper tower with a precarious bloodline.

However, it is obvious that quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. At this time, Chen Mu was not the only one on FPX to deal high damage.

Lucian can't handle this anymore!
The game lasts about 6 minutes.

IG has broken all three lanes, and the second lane on the top lane, Canyon Pioneer, will be refreshed soon.

At this time, IG can no longer compete with FPX for these map resources, so it can only let go of them all and hinder the development of the C position.

After successfully winning the vanguard, the Leopard Girl ran non-stop to the bottom lane again, because the third dragon was about to refresh.

This is a fire dragon, which greatly increases the damage of Leopard Girl.

Now it is impossible for IG to come and compete with FPX for the dragon.

The third dragon was successfully captured by FPX.

After taking down the dragon, FPX immediately returned to the city to reorganize their equipment. The five of them gathered in the middle and led the Canyon Herald for a new round of offensive.
Seeing the rhythm of FPX rising from wave to wave.



"FPX Little Phoenix is ​​awesome!"

"What kind of suffocating rhythm is this? It's taking off!"

The entire Foshan Cultural and Sports Center.

The atmosphere at the scene has reached an extreme at this time!
Tens of thousands of LPL fans raised their arms and cheered, and their screams and shouts resounded throughout the venue!

The head difference between the two sides was only four to one, and most of them were concentrated on Leopard Girl.

But the economic gap between the two parties has reached eight to nine thousand.

"Wow... IG! IG was fooled?! In less than 10 minutes, IG was almost hit with a financial deficit of [-] yuan. Is this the same invincible championship team a few months ago?!" Remember the tone? He became excited, and it was obvious that he could no longer control his emotions.

"Chen Mu's Leopard Girl is so unexpected. This rhythm is so suffocating!! From the 2 minutes into the game, King Ning's jungle area has been penetrated!" Guan Zeyuan continued to praise Chen Mu .

"Yeah, this seems to be the first time that Chen Mu has used a map-controlling jungle hero! Sometimes I really don't understand, is he proficient in all the heroes in the League of Legends?!"

"Chen Mu YYDS~"

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience once again burst into warm applause and cheers!


"giegie, you are so handsome!"

"Chen Mu, I am your husband, no, you are my husband."

"FPX will win!! Little Phoenix will give me a chance!!"

At this moment, all LPL fans and viewers are going crazy! (End of chapter)

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