LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 374 IG’s Rise and Group Start

Looking at the unstoppable FPX, the competition scene in Foshan has reached a climax, and LPL fans seem to be witnessing the rise of a team again.

The last team was IG from Dengfeng Zaoji Realm, and this time it was FPX from Phoenix Nirvana.

At this time, less than 10 minutes later, the five FPX people gathered together and pressed forward, pushing up IG's second tower in the middle!
There is a picture of a fight to the death on the second tower opposite.

But IG saw that the health of the second tower in its middle lane was slowly being worn away, and there was nothing they could do.

At first, only Ah Shui and Nosuke were guarding the tower, but seeing the FPX army approaching the border, they couldn't stand it anymore.

Simply summon back the Sword Demon and Galio who developed in the upper and lower lanes.

The second tower in the middle is also very important.

All IG's outer towers have been destroyed. If the second tower in the middle is pushed down again, the field of vision and jungle will only be further suppressed and invaded, making a comeback even more impossible.

But what about the five of you? !

But just after all five IG members gathered, Chen Mu's Leopard Girl immediately released the Canyon Pioneer.

Looking at this posture, at least he is running towards a high ground on the opposite side!
Then he randomly darts at the five IG people.

The five members of IG have a compact position and are not easy to move around.

A spear hit Kaisha from the gap between the Ten Thousand Hosts!

Although the prince and Niutou wanted to stand forward and help Ah Shui block the skills and damage.

But I don’t know why? !

When Leopard Girl's spear flew over, everyone moved involuntarily, leaving ADC Kai'Sa behind.

"I'll hit you MD"

Ah Shui directly uttered a curse word, but he only said half of it, not the whole sentence.

On the one hand, he was complaining about his teammates for not treating him as an injury, but on the other hand, he was completely surprised by Leopard Girl's horrific injury.

This Leopard Girl, who has developed ahead of her time, is somewhat ahead in terms of equipment and level.

But no one expected that Leopard Girl's damage could be so exaggerated!

The shot in the middle just hit Kai'Sa accurately, directly interrupting the opponent IG's intention to defend the tower.

Another Q shot, hitting Brother Shy's Sword Demon again.

Bright red numbers pulse.

Although Sword Demon is much tougher than Kai'Sa, Leopard Girl is too explosive.

In less than 10 minutes, the additional economy of Leopard Woman Head, Xiaolong and Tapi is not included. Just by clearing the wild, the cost has reached 180 dollars.

You know, Lucian only had 180 knives at this time~
The Book of Murder at about ten levels, the AP Jungle Knife and the Book of Ghosts are roughly equivalent to a three-piece set!

TheShy's Sword Demon doesn't have much magic resistance equipment other than a mercury shoe.

Chen Mu's target directly cut off one-third of the sword demon's health.

Now, this leopard girl has the ability to defeat all IG members by herself!
"Damn it! These two standards almost killed IG's double c!" Sitting in the commentary box, I remember couldn't help but sigh.

"Indeed... this damage is a bit too outrageous!" Guan Zeyuan continued: "I feel that this leopard girl is a bit invincible! He has consumed all the people on the opposite side to residual health by himself, and he must recover. It’s just a matter of supplies at home!”

"That's right." Changmao nodded, and then said: "Now FPX has the vanguard buff! And after what Leopard Girl did, IG can't defend the tower at all!"

"Not to mention the second tower in the middle, even the highland tower in the middle is not easy to defend. Leopard Girl has a goal!!"

"Ah! What a risk, I almost won the bid again~"

As soon as the commentator finished speaking, Leopard Girl's spear narrowly missed everyone in IG.

Before the five IG players could get far, the Leopard Girl had already used W displacement to reach the opposite highland tower faster, taking a closer step to press the opponent's position.

"In front of five people, Leopard Girl handed over her displacement skills. She doesn't regard Prince Ning's prince and Broiler Galio as human beings~"

"Yes, but IG's midfielder and jungler just don't dare to start a team! If only the prince and Galio didn't just start a team casually."

"Yes! The main reason is that Chen Mu, the leopard girl, is too intimidating. His poke ability alone is equal to that of a team!"

In the commentary box, several commentators looked at the scene on the field and were a little excited.

"In that case, FPX will continue to advance to this highland tower with the Rift Herald, but I don't know how IG will defend it!!"

"Oooh ~ FPX! This rhythm of FPX simply suffocates the opponent! This attack rhythm is too compact. After gaining the advantage from the jungle, it completely suppresses IG's midfielder, then controls the map resources, pushes the tower, eats the tower and rolls the economy. After the final economic difference is sufficient, use the equipment advantage to squeeze your living space again."

"I know clearly what FPX is thinking, but I can't figure it out!"

On the field.

After FPX pushed down IG's second tower in the middle, it was still not satisfied.

There are no map resources on the field now, and the upper and lower lines of troops are well controlled. We simply approach the middle highland tower again and take advantage of the Canyon Pioneer's tail to hit another one.

This style of play is also completely different from the previous FPX. The previous FPX was more about the linkage between the midfielder and the jungle auxiliary to drive the rhythm of the team.

In this round of FPX, it was a completely wild core play style. Everyone was serving this Leopard Girl. It can also be said that this Leopard Girl served the entire team.

This style of play even makes people doubt whether they are the same team...

But the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room couldn't be happier when they saw FPX crushing their opponents in this way!
At this time, the game time was only 9 minutes!

"How do I say, should I release this highland tower or defend it?!" At this time, the IG team was hesitant, and Baolan asked hesitantly.

"Uh-huh. Let it go, let it go, I have to go home and replenish the state." Ah Shui said hesitantly. His Kai'Sa was targeted by Leopard Girl before and has not yet replenished the state.

"Let's go, let's go! I can't bear it anymore. If you really can't do it, just play another game. Don't torture your mentality!" Prince Ning really couldn't stand it. When had he ever been so angry? !
"Okay, let's fire, I can use the ultimate move!"

"Okay, I can fight!"

Rookie and TheShy also agreed with King Ning, what is the meaning of such a slow death.

If this highland tower is placed again, the field of vision will be completely lost, and the entire wild area will become the opposite territory.

Coupled with the disadvantage of the military line, in less than 5 minutes, the economic gap may be widened by another three to four thousand.

What's more, FPX has already accumulated the advantage of three dragons in 10 minutes, and can collect the dragon souls of four dragons in 25 minutes.

This is a fire dragon soul!
By that time, Leopard Girl's injuries were unimaginable.

Being "fucked" like this is purely because of my own mentality. Why not give it a fight to the death? What if I win? ~
If we continue to be tortured like this, there is a high probability that our mentality will collapse in the following games.

Although everyone knows that it is too difficult to let two people chase three, but at least win one game and avoid getting shaved!
"I'm on it~" After getting the support of Rookie and TheShy, the two eldest brothers in the team, IG also unified their thinking.

Damn it~
The prince, who was turning around to retreat, stabbed back with two consecutive EQs with his backhand, aiming directly at Chen Mu's leopard girl.

And Prince Ning also knew that it would be difficult for the prince’s EQ to hit Leopard Girl, and the opponent was Chen Mu~
For someone who could hide from the Prince's EQ Second Company, even though it was a surprise attack, there was no chance that Chen Mu wouldn't be able to react.

Even if it is a gamble-style group start, simply increase the weight.

The next second, the Prince's EQ Second Company flashed up at the same time.

EQ flash!
Just poke this leopard girl hard.

But if you are fast, how can Chen Mu not be fast? !

The moment the prince's EQ military flag appeared, Leopard Girl had already moved.

Flash directly and run backwards.
There is no skill at all.

If you save skills at this time and use Leopard Girl's W skill to move, it will be much slower. In the end, she will be provoked by the prince's EQ flash, but if you flash directly, there will be no such thing.

Chen Mu handed over the flash that was regarded as a treasure by others for free, but he still managed to avoid the prince's fatal EQ flash. Then the leopard girl in leopard form jumped back again, widening the distance, and seemed much more calm.

However, although Prince Ning's prince did not pick up the leopard girl he wanted, he still had an unexpected surprise.

Teacher Big B's crocodile followed the Leopard Girl and stood in line with the Leopard Girl, but he did not have Chen Mu's reaction ability.

The prince picked up a skill without pressing it.

Okay, although I didn’t provoke the leopard girl, I still gained something by provoking a crocodile!

What's left waiting for Teacher Big B is the IG people who don't explain the control chain.

Baolan no longer cowered behind Ah Shui, and directly flashed the WQ Second Company to follow the control, continuing to knock the crocodile into the air and unable to get down.

And Galio had already jumped into the air with the prince as his target.

When the crocodile just landed, Galio just landed, and the thud continued to knock the crocodile away.

What followed was Galio's set of taunts and the Iron Fist of Justice.

Although Mr. Big B started making mercury shoes and bloody hands after finishing the crocodile black cut, the smoothness and toughness are still there.

However, this whole set of control chains resulted in at least 5 seconds of stun and knockback. His crocodile didn't even activate the ultimate move or flash, and melted directly under the opposite highland tower.

"Oh my God, what did I see?! IG immediately started a team fight! The prince's EQ flashed, but Chen Mu's leopard girl flashed and fought so quickly!"

I remember being frightened by the huge changes on the field, and said in shock.

"Is this the IG of the King of Kings? Although Chen Mu is gone, he is still the same reckless man as always!" Changmao was also shocked by IG's decisiveness and couldn't help but admired: "Even if I am in adversity, even if I am in adversity, I’m still the same IG, I just want to start your group!”

"I didn't expect that IG still dared to fight back despite being eight or nine thousand behind, and defeated FPX's Crocodile in seconds. Then I don't know how FPX and Chen Mu should respond next. Is it a retreat? Or what to say? "

"But FPX doesn't seem to have much pursuit ability in the follow-up. After so many flashes, it only killed one crocodile. Although it stopped FPX's advance, it didn't get enough things. The crocodile only cost 300 yuan. The real value is the 1000 yuan on the head of the leopard girl."

"If Leopard Girl's 1000 economy is taken by Kai'Sa or Sword Demon, I think IG still has hope, but now, I don't think IG will make a profit. The baron will be refreshed in 1 minute. Now attack Killing the crocodile won’t give you the advantage!”

When the other two commentators started to praise IG, Guan Zeyuan cooled down the other two and the IG fans on the field.

What Guan Zeyuan said makes sense.

Killing just one crocodile won't change the situation at all.

"What do you say?! Brother Mu, why don't you sort it out first?!"

"Forget it, mine, mine, wait until I come back to life."

The FPX team is also a little hesitant.

However, although the crocodile is dead, the FPX team is still relatively relaxed.

Just one crocodile was killed. The opponent had surrendered all their skills and had no pursuit ability.

The remaining heroes on FPX basically all have displacement skills. Leopard Girl has it, Ornn has it, and Lucian has it. Even auxiliary Braum can target teammates for displacement, and except for Leopard Girl, the other three have flash skills. Here I am.

"You can fight back."

Just when the others in FPX wanted to retreat, Chen Mubao's female leopard form suddenly switched to her adult form, and a spear shot out.

Pointing directly at Kai'Sa who flew to the front.


In an instant, Kai'Sa, who was almost at half health, was reduced to residual health.

At this time, there is no need for Chen Mu to shout again.
The moment he saw the spear hitting Kai'Sa, Lucian, the old thief of Sima, flashed forward and directly took away the remaining health of Kai'Sa with his Q point.

Ah Shui was not given any space or chance to move.

"My dear swan, what kind of dramatic turn is this?"

I remember that I hadn’t finished my last sentence to praise IG, so I started to sigh again.

Although there were only 4 people left in FPX, the sudden rise of Leopard Girl and Lucian directly took IG's c-position Kai'Sa away.

The two sides have returned to a 4-on-4 situation, and the next situation is a bit confusing in the eyes of the commentators~
But in the eyes of everyone in FPX, when Kai'Sa died in battle, the situation was decided.

The remaining four members of IG, the Tauren Prince Galio and the Sword Demon all seem to be burly men. Each one is more capable of fighting and carrying than the other, but in the eyes of FPX, they are all just chickens and dogs~
The remaining four members of IG saw Lucian suddenly using a flash Q to kill Kai'Sa. Of course, they had to take the lead in dealing with this ADC.

But except for the Sword Demon who still had a little bit of movement, the remaining three people all relied on walking.

Lucian was Kai'Sa who flashed to kill, and then immediately used the E skill to slide, starting the IG team's pursuit.

Then Liu Qingsong's assistant Braum immediately targeted Lucian, jumped in front of him and blocked Lucian with a shield, absorbing any possible damage.

And Gongzige Aoun's big move Sheep was finally summoned, and a sheep head rolled out of the void.

It hit back again with a thud, knocking off the three IG players.

At this time, Sima's old thief Lucian had too much room to play.No one can touch him.

Broken Defeat first took a sip from the sword demon who was most likely to hit him, and was also the last one among the four IG people who could fight.

With the assistance of Braun and Ornn, Lucian began his smooth output.

When Braun's passive was attached to Sword Demon, it was activated almost instantly, and Sword Demon was once again held in place.

W dot, E dot, big move doo doo doo dou (end of this chapter)

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