LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 378 Arrangement for Brother Shy at Level 1

Chapter 378: Level [-] Arrangement for Brother Shy

"Without further ado, today's LPL Spring Finals' third match between FPX and IG begins now! Will FPX's new king come on board, or will IG reverse the situation? Let's look forward to it together!"

"Now, please give your warmest applause and cheers to the players on both sides, okay?"


"Go on IG!"

"FPX rushes to the duck!"

"Chen Mu, I love you!"

As the emotional and impassioned commentary came down, the atmosphere at the scene was once again aroused.

Every audience and fan who supports IG or FPX, or just a passerby, burst out with unparalleled enthusiasm.

Everyone was holding their throats and cheering for the players on both sides crazily.

At this point, the game has been loaded.

The director turned around.

As ten white light beams lit up, ten players from both sides were already in various springs, ready to go.

After quickly buying their outfits, everyone left the spring amidst the cheers and shouts of the audience.

Immediately afterwards, they all rushed into their own wild area.

"Wow, the game has started. Players from both sides left the spring as quickly as possible and headed straight to the wild area... Huh?!"

"What do you mean, is FPX trying to cause trouble?"

As soon as Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, he saw the scene.

The five people in FPX did not spread out and form a long snake formation to guard the jungle. Instead, the five people directly hugged each other and passed through the grass in the jungle river on the top road.

Then he drove the scan and came all the way to the grass at the mouth of the river on the upper road.

"Wow, they want to squat! It seems that FPX has studied the IG positioning before... But is it really possible to squat in this position?" Changmao looked at the scene on the field and suddenly became energetic.

"Come, come, someone is really here, who is it?!"

"It's brother shy~"

FPX's lineup in this game is different from before. The previous lineup was very unstable.

But the first level of the lineup in this game has the Titan as a killer.

In addition, the crocodile and the wine barrel can be controlled continuously. As long as you seize the opportunity, I don't say you will definitely kill people, but you can at least dodge.

in the game.

The five FPX players are squatting in the grass on the top lane.

at this time.

IG is in a regular position, with five people in a long snake formation, while TheShy's Jayce walks directly to the line and squats in the grass.

"It's over~ Brother Shy's position!"

"FPX's lineup can cause trouble at the first level. Brother Shy must not move forward any further."

Guan Zeyuan continued to practice.

It’s as if he really follows his words!
Just as Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, shy brother Jace took a step closer and got stuck in the first bush of grass on the roadside.

He was still walking forward, and it seemed he had no intention of stopping.

"Ah? I can't see anyone in IG's field of view, can it arouse Brother Shy's alarm?! Are you still stopping? There are five FPX people squatting in the grass next to it! Ouch... It's over, it's over!" Changmao gasped A breath of cool air.

"Brother Shy is going to give you first blood!"

Everyone was on tenterhooks, watching as TheShy was about to give first blood.

"Be careful! I don't seem to see anyone in the lower jungle area. They may be squatting in the grass somewhere!"

"Brother Shy, you should be careful on the road."

I took a field view of the river in the lower half of the jungle, but I didn't see any FPX people. King Ning seemed a little uneasy, feeling that the five FPX people were squatting in a corner, waiting for the evil person.

at this time.

TheShy also realized that something was wrong, and then thought about inserting another ornament into the grass on the roadside and left.

On the road, the long hand will beat the short hand, and the eye position of the edge grass is very important.

So TheShy, like Chen Mu before, ignores this ward position.

But the next second, I saw five big men coming from the river.

crooked day~
TheShy was so frightened that he almost pressed out his flash.

Then Xiao Jiang yelled while sending danger signals to the grass where the five people were.

"Everyone is here, everyone is here~"

No need for him to say anything at this time, everyone has clearly seen it.

King Ning and Bao Lan also expressed their helplessness. IG's focus was still on the lower half of the jungle, so they could only rush to the opposite jungle to make two invasion wards.

As for Brother Shy who is on the road, he can only wish for good luck!

next second.

Brother Shy is also bold and careful. If he retreats from the grass, he will definitely be caught by the five FPX people coming from the side, and at least he will have to flash.

He simply returned to the city where he was in the grass.

Maybe the five FPX players who couldn't find TheShy's position were missed.

Only 8 seconds left.

But now he had entered Shen's taunting range.

The moment Shen E's skill was released!

Bao Lan reacted quickly and moved backward with a W, directly dodging this key control!
ran away!
"Wow... TheShy is really brave as a skilled artist. He just returned to the city in the grass. Can FPX find Jace's location?! If they can't find Jace, I think FPX is at a bit of a loss. This Five people worked together, but they didn't touch anything." Guan Zeyuan breathed a long sigh of relief and "prayed" for Brother Shy!
During Guan Zeyuan's practice.

The five members of IG reached the first bush, and one eye fell.

No, no one!
At this time, Jace's return countdown was down to the last two seconds.

The next moment, Liu Qingsong's Titan made a tentative hook toward the grass on the roadside.

Clear the channel~
A crisp sound!
"At this!"

"Jace's here!"

"Got it!"

Instantly, FPX’s gaming headset exploded.

"Holy shit, me"

Just now he said that he couldn't find Jace's location, but Titan made a blind hook and directly hooked Jace down in the last two seconds of returning to the city.

Guan Zeyuan wants to slap himself~
This is not to offend the fans of IG and Brother Shy to death!

"It's over. Jace has been hooked. Is he going to have to pay first blood?!" I remember suppressing a smile and continuing to explain.

At this time, Titan's unexpected hook directly pulled Jace down.

Then he flattened A again to freeze Jace.

The five people from FPX also rushed forward.

Kai'Sa hit an AQA with no other targets, and even a single Q hit Jace was painful.

Teacher Big B’s Crocodile didn’t learn skills at level one. He didn’t catch anyone and learned the Q skill to fight in the lane. If he caught someone, he could consider learning the W skill.

At this time, Brother Shy has already been tricked
Crocodile learned the W skill in seconds and stepped forward to stun Jace again.

Although it is not Red Fury W, it can still stun the target for 0.75 seconds.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it’s still meat~
What's more, it's only level one at this time, and even 0.5 seconds of control is fatal.Chen Mu's wine barrel did not contain any skills.

He directly passed over Jace's body and started to get stuck, just keeping leveling with Jace.

FPX's cooperation is also extremely good, and every control chain is in place. After the control is over, Jace's blood volume is only about [-] points.

And the Titan's ignition has also been hung on his body.

what? !

TheShy has been caught off guard by the sudden change.

At first he thought he had successfully returned to the city, but at the last second a big iron hook flew over and pulled him down.

The control hasn't ended yet, Brother Shy's fingers are already clicking and flashing.

The moment the control ended, Jace handed over Flash and ran towards the defense tower.

But the corners of Chen Mu’s mouth turned up slightly~
I'm just waiting for this flash of yours!

He had not released any skills before, but had been stuck in his position, just waiting for Jace's flash.

The next moment, the wine barrel directly learns the E skill in seconds.

A belly bumped into Jace.

How could Jace, who had [-] health points, be able to hold on?

Wine Barrel used a simple EA to directly accept Jace's head.


"A blood!"

"Oh my God, Jess is still dead, Brother Shy is down~" I remember shouting with a slightly bitter tone.

Jace struggled for a long time but still fell at the feet of FPX. Everyone realized that Brother Shy's game was not good.

"FPX was so well prepared for this wave. They just guessed that TheShy, you, would come to the grass on the side of the road. Liu Qingsong's hook was also very good. He blindly made a hook and hooked Jess who was about to return to the city." Guan Zeyuan's eyes widened. Eyes, a little surprised.

"But fortunately~ this head is not that of a crocodile or Kai'Sa, but a wine barrel, otherwise the battle between Rookie and Ah Shui might be affected."

Colonel Guan continued to make his own predictions~
As Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, the audience was a little stunned.

Because after the five FPX people caught Jace, they immediately went back to their respective homes.

This wave took at least more than 30 seconds to catch Jace.

We are already far behind in terms of positioning and vision control, and any delay may affect the launch time.

Chen Mu looked at his first blood, 400 gold coins~
There’s nothing to sell, so let’s buy a killing ring first!
Seeing the extra rings in the wine barrel equipment, the commentators and the audience were stunned.

"Colonel, Guan Shen, Guan Ge, stop talking, really stop talking."

"How can my little IG be so virtuous?! The God of Control and the God of Shepherd join forces to attack!!"

"Guan Zeyuan: There is no use holding the head of the wine barrel. Chen Mu: Got it~"

"Fuck, I have a hunch. This wine barrel will definitely have a lot of famous scenes, and of course it will be a ghost scene for IG~"

"Could it be that Chen Mu's underwear is a triangular geometric explosive barrel?"

"Chen Mu, YYDS~!"

"Haha, as expected, Chen Mu is still the same Chen Mu. The first blood economy directly made a ring." I remember chuckled a few times, and then said: "Although FPX captured Jace's first blood, the junglers on both sides should be the same." It’s time to open the wild normally.”

in the game.

Since FPX wasted time in catching Jayce at the first level on the top lane, the bottom lane duo did not have time to help the wine barrel clear the wild, otherwise the bottom lane duo would lose troops.

Instead, Chen Mu Wine Barrel opens the blue single player.

Moreover, the wine barrel learned the E skill at level one, but Chen Mu didn't care. Having a ring also added a little more health.Also increased spell strength.

Critical Dark Seal also increases the healing effect from potions by 25%.

One increase and one decrease will not hurt the wine barrel very much.

However, for the sake of time and efficiency in clearing the jungle, Chen Mu directly handed over the punishment at the first level to get this blue buff and upgrade it to the second level.

"Oh, FPX's wine barrel is a solo jungle, so the speed of clearing the jungle will be a little slower... In this case, the blind monk on King Ning's side should move first!" Guan Zeyuan looked at the solo player. He opened the buff barrel and couldn't help but say.

"That's right." I remember nodded and continued: "This game really depends on the rhythm of the blind monk. In the later stage, I think IG's lineup is not as good as FPX, but just now FPX caught Jayce too easily. Not a single summoner skill has been used, and the FPX lines are actually really hard to catch...Eh? Wait a minute!"

"Something is wrong! What does this wine barrel mean?"

As soon as Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, something changed on the field.

I saw that this wine barrel, which had just received the blue buff, did not follow the normal route of clearing the jungle first.

Instead, he went straight to the triangle grass in his lower lane!


"Is this a level [-] capture? To be fair, even though IG didn't realize it in the bottom lane, both moves are there... it's not easy to capture." Guan Zeyuan looked at Jiugong who was heading towards the bottom lane. , said with some doubts.

Isn't it? !Isn't it? !
Is his mouth really open? !
Say what!
"Are you really coming?!"

In the midst of several explanations and doubts, the wine barrel did not go to the middle of the river.

Because Chen Mu knew that there must be a river eye made by IG in the middle of the river, and he would definitely be seen if he went there.

So I jumped down from the river wall and crouched down.

"Wine barrel, second level arrest? Damn it, who did you learn this from..."

"A certain dead fish eye: Little Bizai, who are you implying?!"

"This is not easy to catch, isn't it? As long as Ah Shui doesn't get sick, he shouldn't be able to die with both attacks. He can only hit a dodge at most!"

"Let me tell you, Chen Mu's jungle performance is really surprising!"

"This wave is a complete waste of time. It probably won't even be able to defeat Flash..."

"I guess the Shepherd is having fun, just having fun?"

“You really don’t treat Prince Ning as a human being!!”

Even the viewers in the live broadcast room were a little surprised.

"The hero Wine Barrel is not like Prince or Xin Zhao. Even if the opponent dodges at the second level to catch him, he will die. But this wine barrel catches people at the second level... If you can't catch him, it will greatly affect your early rhythm." I remember looking at the wine barrels that were already in position, I couldn't help but say something.

"But, I think Wine Barrel has a chance this time!" Changmao had a different view.

"IG didn't expect the wine barrel to be captured at the second level. King Ning's blind monk went directly to the upper half of the wild area!"

"And IG's bottom lane duo is also very aggressive in pressing the line. The Xialuo combination grabbed the line rights and directly passed the line of soldiers, but they didn't notice anyone in the grass next to them."

Just as Changmao said, the Xialuo combination once again grabbed the line rights because they went online first.

This time I don’t know if Ah Shui is angry or if he really wants to.

JKL's Xia played very aggressively, and worked with Luo to set up a line of troops to suppress the old thief Sima.

At the same time, FPX team voice.

"Chen Mu, it's hard to make a move this time! They have both moves and are in good condition... This will waste your time." Old thief Sima said in surprise.

"If you show up in the bottom lane, the blind monk will definitely enter the upper half of your wild area. If you can't catch it... you are broken!" Liu Qingsong was also a little hesitant.

Looking at the wine barrel that had been crouching in the grass for 5 seconds, Guan Zeyuan shouted.

"You can't squat anymore, it's really hard to catch, unless Ah Shui takes the initiative to take a hook."

At the same time, Chen Mu's faint voice came over the FPX team's voice.

"It's okay~"

"JKL will take the initiative to eat Q~"

(End of this chapter)

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