LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 379 Ah Shui who must eat Q

Chapter 379 Ah Shui who must eat Q

"Don't worry, if you pick up Qlove, you will take the initiative to pick up Q~"

As soon as Chen Mu said these words.

"Pfft." Liu Qingsong almost laughed out loud.

Looking at Xayah, who was still struggling to press the line, she wanted to suppress Kai'Sa in the early stage.

At this time, although Kai'Sa and Titan are still at level one, Xayah and Rakan are the first to grab level two and have lane rights.

But the army line is pushed towards FPX.

Xia and Luo's positions went a little deeper.
"Okay, Brother Mu, let's give it a try. If I QQ him this time, I can kill him!"

Having said that, Liu Qingsong had already manipulated Titan to move back and forth, keeping an eye on Xia's movements, and began to eagerly try.

Chen Mu's wine barrel also left the crouching grass, stuck in IG's field of vision, and circled to the side and rear of Xia Luo again.

This position is even more deadly~
At this time, the IG bottom lane duo was completely unaware of this wave of secondary captures by Wine Barrel.

I haven't had time to do eye work near the grass at the mouth of the lower river.

"Oh? Jiugong has made up his mind to do this Xia... He has been squatting in the bottom lane for 10 seconds, right? What do you mean by this wave? Is there an angle?" Guan Zeyuan looked at the field. scene, hold your breath.

"I feel like I can't catch it. Ah Shui's double moves and Baolan's double moves are both here!"

The moment he finished speaking, Liu Qingsong's Titan spotted the opportunity.

At the moment when Asui's Xia wanted to use the knife, the giant hook in her hand came out.

Hit Kasumi right in the middle!
Then Titan did not immediately attack Xia and follow the control again, but first attacked the minion with residual health next to him.

The Titan happened to have the effect of a holy shield, killing the minion instantly.

A burst of light flashed from Titan and Kai'Sa behind him.

Both of them were promoted to level two! !
And seeing that "Dirty Dancing" has indeed lived up to expectations, if you say you want to eat Q, you will eat Q~
Chen Mu's wine barrel also quickly surrounded the two of them from behind. He was not in a hurry to use his skills, but kept getting stuck.

"What?! What is this?! What on earth did I see?!"

"Ah Shui, he really picked up the Q~ My old swan, then Ah Shui will be in danger. The wine barrel has been covered from the rear."

"I don't know how to describe it anymore."

The three commentators were all shocked by the situation on the field. They had thought of ten thousand scripts, but they did not think of picking up Q. Hot Dance Party and picking up Q!

in the game.

Just when the wine barrel kept walking forward and appeared in IG's field of vision stuck in the position.

The IG bottom lane duo reacted immediately, but what can they do if they react? !
Having lost the initiative, they were chased and beaten by Titan and Kai'Sa.

Especially Xia, who took over Q Dirty Dancing, his blood volume is not very healthy anymore, and he ate a QAEA from Titan.

The old thief Ka'Sa from Sima caught up with him and beat him AQAA.

The blood volume has dropped to one-third, but with treatment, Xia Xia took an emergency sip, which also had an acceleration effect.

Fortunately, Titan handed over his Ignite when he captured Jace at level one, and things haven't turned around yet.

Otherwise, Kasumi’s treatment will have no effect~
"Wai Ri, Brother Mu, Chen Mu, are you really not a human being?"

"Under arrest at the second level, you think I'm Brother Zaozi!"

Although Chen Mu used to be the well-deserved boss in the team, he couldn't care less about it now, and Ah Shui was also cursing.

His Xayah and his auxiliary Luo retreated directly towards their own defense tower.

But because the push line is a little deep, their positions are a little awkward this time.

The wine barrel has reached behind their buttocks.

However, they were not panicked at all.

After all, Kasumi still has a flash in hand, so it's a big deal.

Xiaobao's Luo also has a W skill that can interrupt the barrel's skill.

Therefore, Luo's position was slightly to the right, close to the barrel.

Looking at the wine barrel getting closer and closer, Luo walked directly in the direction of the wine barrel and used his W skill to cover his ADC's retreat.

"Eh? The wine barrel has circled back! But the opposite laner didn't panic. Luo came over and raised his hand with his W skill! This wave of wine barrels will be lifted up and there will be no follow-up... Titan and Kai'Sa should not be able to keep up. ." Guan Zeyuan let out a long sigh.

in the game.

Watching Luo flying toward him, the wine barrel, although a bit bulky, was unexpectedly flexible in Chen Mu's hands.

The moment Luo W started to move, he performed a right-angle dance step at the same time!
Move in the opposite direction.

next second.

Luo Zhen appeared behind the wine barrel!

escaped! !


"What the hell?! Is his position so outrageous?"

Baolan was a little stunned.

As an assistant, he used to be a little transparent in the team. There were so many big brothers in the team, so he just had to follow along.

How could he recognize Chen Mu's position? !
W, who was almost touching his face just now, was twisted by Chen Mu's wine barrel.

"Damn it, forget it, I'll just dodge!"

After seeing that Luo's W skill was empty, Ah Shui had no hesitation anymore.

Let’s cross-dodge!
Otherwise, if the wine barrel E flashes, he may not be able to react.

But at the same time that Ah Shui pressed his flash button, Wine Barrel's E skill "Meat, Egg, Onion Chicken" also took action!

But looking in the direction of the meat, eggs, onions and chicken in the wine barrel, Ah Shui was a little confused.

Because the direction of barrel E is just the direction in which it flashes, and the distance seems a bit insufficient.

The next second, the wine barrel also flashed with golden light.

E flash!
The whole person crashed towards the direction of Kasumi's flash.

At this time, there is no one in this position.

"The wine barrel circled back, and Luo W's skill lift... was dodged! Oh my God, the wine barrel actually moved to avoid it!! What's the follow-up?" I remember his eyes widening, and he said in shock.

"The barrel of wine hit E, and Kasumi also dodged... What?! Did the barrel of wine hit E, or did it hit Kasumi? Oh my God!!" I remember one mouthful.

"Wow, the angle of the E skill of Wine Barrel is very tricky! ... Such a confident operation!"

" this E-flash prediction flash? It's so handsome!"

"Chen Mu is so confident in his operations!"

The commentators continued to praise Chen Mu's operations. Chen Mu's operations are always unexpected and can always be believed.

next second.

The wine barrel's E flash predicted the location of Xia's flash, and knocked Xia unconscious again, causing a 1-second stun effect.

Then the wine barrel used the Q skill to roll the wine barrel again, and a wine barrel that was about to explode rolled in front of Xia, blocking Xia's movement.After Xia recovered from the dizziness, she was blocked by the wine barrel Q.

Even if there are thunder, earth and fire ahead, or mountains of swords and seas of fire, Xia has to go through it~
When Xayah walks up to the barrel, it explodes, causing damage and slowing down again.

The first level Q of the barrel can reduce the movement speed by 40%. Its damage and slowing effect will increase as the barrel ferments, up to 2% after 150 seconds.

60% deceleration!

Xia can hardly lift her legs~
At this time, Titan and Kai'Sa also caught up.

You hit me, Ah Shui's Xia finally fell under the belly of the wine barrel.

Even though Ah Shui used his double moves, he still died...

Then, a game prompt came slowly:

"Barrel Gragas killed Xayah!"

Chen Mu didn't kill anyone. His barrel squatted in the bottom lane for ten seconds, wasting at least 30 seconds back and forth, which was a serious waste of his jungle speed and efficiency.

It is estimated that King Ning's blind monk has defeated Chen Mu in the upper half of the jungle.

At this time, the wine barrel has dropped from level two, so Chen Mu needs to use a human head to replenish it~
And FPX at this time is not playing with four guarantees and one!

When it comes to the four guarantees of one, Chen Mu is the one~
What's more, isn't there a Luo next to him? !

With Xia's death, FPX's offensive is not over yet.

Sapphire's Luo wanted to use his W skill to lift Chen Mu's wine barrel and protect his ADC.

But he didn't expect that he was forced to twist by Chen Mu's movement. Now his ADC is dead, but he himself is also in a dangerous situation.

Luo chose the QW skill at the second level, and it was a window period at this time.

However, Wine Barrel, Titan and Kasha surrounded him tightly.

Titan once again made a flat A, restraining Luo in place for 0.75 seconds.

Luo was caught in a gang fight between three people, and his health dropped rapidly.

I can't hold on anymore, I can't hold on anymore~
Baolan looked at her blood volume and couldn't hold on any longer, so she could only retreat towards the bottom of the tower in a flash.

But the three FPX people are still chasing after them.

From FPX's defense tower to IG's defense tower, Liu Qingsong's Titan Q's CD has almost turned, but it only takes two or three seconds.

Seeing Luo who was about to run to the bottom of the tower, Liu Qingsong flashed his hook.

Luo was hooked out, and at the same time, Kai'sa's W Void Search accurately hit Luo, causing a huge amount of AP damage and applying 2 layers of plasma effects.

Originally, Luo had several layers of plasma on his body, and the immobilization effect of Titan allies could also help superimpose the plasma.

Kai'Sa's W directly detonated the plasma rupture, causing damage directly based on the Titan's lost health, instantly killing Luo's health.

"Kasha, the daughter of the void, killed Luo!"

The passionate female voice sounded again.

Kai'Sa also managed to get a kill.

"Wow, Liu Qingsong flashed his hook and hit Luo. Kaisha's void search hit Luo! He killed him directly." Guan Zeyuan's face changed one after another, and he exclaimed: "Wow, these three FPX people It’s too bold to play…”

"Yes." I remember nodded: "It can be seen that these young guys from FPX have perfect touch. It can be said that the bigger they get, the more confident they are. They are all operating!"

"This is not just Chen Mu's operation. I think Liu Qingsong's Titan is also a big contributor. One time he hooked Ah Shui's Xia, and another time he flashed the hook to take down Luo, and helped Kaisha too. Get the head!" Changmao also spoke highly of it.

Everyone was shocked by the operations of these three people from FPX!
First, it was Chen Mu’s meticulous positioning and bold operations.

Then, under the influence of Chen Mu, Liu Qingsong also got excited and appeared directly to cut off Luo's life.

After saying this, the director also showed the camera to Chen Mu, Liu Qingsong and others very wisely.

Seeing the delicate operation of wine barrels and FPX on the field, not only the several commentators were dumbfounded, but as the commentator's voice fell, the audience and fans in the live broadcast room also reacted, and suddenly burst into applause.

"I'm having fun, I'm having fun, I'm having fun..."

"Handsome, handsome! Chen Muniupi!"

"What is this? Is this really my little IG?! I feel like I'm not as good as playing in the secondary league~"

"I can see that it's not IG who's stronger, but Chen Mu!"

"Ah Shui, Ah Shui, you're really cute. Taking on Q Dirty Dancing is exactly what QAQ is!"

"The shadow of a famous tree is the shadow of a person, I believe this now~"

"JKL: When I say you pick up Q, you must pick up Q."

"Guan Zeyuan: I don’t know how Ah Shui died in this wave?! Ah Shui: I will fight the group that I don’t know how to fight, and I will pick up the Q that I don’t know how to answer, hehe."

This wave of spiritual level two successfully captured Xiao Pao. Although Doinb did not participate, he was OB in the whole battle. While typing, he said a little excitedly: "Brothers, we won this wave!"

"Brothers, come on, I will follow you for a while~"

Of course, while he was talking and bragging, he was facing the lane with Rookie's Yasuo, while he was still typing quickly in his hand, recording the opponent's summoner skills.

A series of Kai'Sa and Titan Summoner skill record times appear on the game screen.
Several teammates around him also became more and more excited as they played.

"Brother Mu played well! E Flash predicted Xia's flash position, otherwise this wave might not have caught the two opponents to death." Liu Qingsong said with admiration.

"Songsong, you are also very good! These two hooks are so accurate!" Old Thief Sima did not hesitate to praise his close comrade and partner.

"Well done, dads!!" Brother Gongzi was also very happy on the road.

Although he was suppressed by Jace, Jace, who did not flash, did not dare to suppress Ornn.

And now the situation has opened up in the bottom lane. He only needs to stabilize the situation at the top and fight in team fights to equip his teammates and he can win.

"Come on~" Chen Mu responded calmly.

Everyone: "..."

"Make a ward for me in the upper half of the jungle~" Chen Mu said casually.

At the same time, I marked the grass between the red buff and the dragon pit in the upper half of the wild area.

"Okay, Smecta, emoji~"

After hearing Chen Mu's words, Teacher Big B immediately inserted his jewelry eye in the corresponding place.

The next second, when the crocodile inserted its eye, he saw a blind monk walking out with a red buff.

This red buff is of course not the blind monk's buff, but Chen Mu's buff.

Chen Mu had expected this a long time ago. Although Chen Mu's wine barrel did a good job in the bottom lane, the entire upper half of the jungle should also have fallen, being killed by King Ning's blind monk.

King Ning's Blind Monk was created after the red was opened, and then brushed all the way up.

The blind monk saw the wine barrel appearing in the bottom lane and killed his own ad. At this point, he must enter the upper half of Chen Mu's jungle area to counter the red and counter the jungle.

If he can't do this, he really can't be considered a qualified jungler.

Wine Barrel can do things at Level [-], and it can also allow Wine Barrel to open two jungle areas comfortably. King Ning doesn’t want to play this game anymore~
After seeing the blind monk in the upper half of the jungle, Chen Mu's wine barrel did not hesitate at all and did not return to the city.

Then, without stopping for a moment, he looked at the opposite jungle area and brushed away.

It is impossible to go back this time.

(End of this chapter)

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