Chapter 381 The Rhythm Takes Off
FPX's iron-barrel-like siege formation has taken shape, with the bottom lane duo of Kaisha and Titan in the front, and the midfielder combination of Crocodile and Wine Barrel in the back.

And IG’s bottom lane duo still doesn’t know it
"Eh? No! What is FPX doing this time?!... They are trying to jump the tower! Oh my god! Four packs of two in the bottom lane! What kind of script is this?!" Guan Zeyuan looked at the people on the field. The scene was a bit surprising.

"King Ning's blind man is in the upper half of the jungle...he will definitely not be able to get through this wave! Jace and Yasuo's TP teleport was used to return to the lane before, and it is still in the CD. If FPX wants to take action in this wave, IG will definitely explode of!"

"This is crazy... Even though FPX is a team with a very aggressive play style as a whole, I have never seen such a tight rhythm. In 6 minutes, at the right time, they came to the bottom lane with four packs and two !”

Several commentators, and even the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room were all confused!

Everyone held their breath and stared at the big screen attentively, not daring to miss every move that happened next.


in the game.

Liu Qingsong had already begun to move left and right, aiming at Ah Shui's movement.

The moment Ah Shui replenished the tower sword, the hook in Tai Tan's hand came out.

But suddenly Ah Shui pressed the S key to stop leveling A, moved slightly to the side, and accidentally twisted the Titan's hook.

Ah Shui felt a little proud. He had long been on guard against Titan's move, and was highly concentrated and nervous.

The moment Titan raised his hand, he had already started operating.

This kind of operation is not difficult for him who is concentrating on it.

When Ah Shui overturned Titan's hook, he thought he was safe.

But two scary-looking men suddenly appeared in the back of the field of vision.

Teacher Big B saw that Ah Shui still wanted to operate, but he didn't give Ah Shui any way to survive.

Flash Red Fury W to bite, then EQAE
Chen Mu's wine barrel also received the E skill Meat, Egg, Onion and Chicken, and Kai'Sa received another Q skill.

Such a large ADC will be melted in an instant.

"It's over, it's all over, Ah Shui is down." Looking at Xia who turned into a corpse, I remember murmuring involuntarily.

"FPX's four-pack-two tactic is too unreasonable~ It's really just a hard fight. At the beginning, Liu Qingsong's Titans already had their Q empty, but there are so many people, and the damage is enough!"

"The rhythm of IG has exploded~ If the bottom duo is double-killed again, the link will really be broken."

At this time, Ah Shui looked at the black screen, staring blankly at the screen.

He was already concentrating on moving to twist the Titan's hook, but he didn't notice the two fierce men coming behind him.

Of course even if he noticed it, it would be of no use.

There are no double moves, no big moves, and he has no room to operate when facing the crocodile's unexplained combos.
But where did these two people come from? !
He died twice in a row in 6 minutes and was 10 knives behind his opponent in last-ditch hits. How could he still play this game? !

Ah Shui fell into deep thought.
At the same time, the battle continued. In just one second, Ah Shui's Xia was melted on the field, causing only one damage from the defense tower.

And next to him was Luo, who was only at level four.

Still a Luo without double moves~
The crocodile with the ultimate move reached the top of the tower, and the remaining people swarmed up.

Once again, in less than two seconds, a Luo was melted and turned into a corpse.

"Kasha, the daughter of the void, killed Xayah!"

"Rekton, the Desert Butcher, killed Rakan!"

This time, Chen Mu's wine barrel did not steal the heads. One head was given to ADC, and the other head was given to Teacher Big B's crocodile.

Chen Mu's wine barrel just got two assists honestly.

"Oh my god, it's so easy to cross four and two." I remember watching IG's bottom lane being hit hard again, and I couldn't help but exclaim.

"What kind of script is this?! I feel that the rhythm of Chen Mu Liquor in this round is even more suffocating than the last round!" Guan Zeyuan also felt sorry for IG. It was obviously a championship team that won the championship last year. Now it's almost the same team again, so logically it's the time when morale is at its peak.

But at this time, I was played like this by FPX Little Phoenix~
"The last game was the Leopard Girl's ultimate jungle pressure, and this game is the ultimate tower-crossing rhythm. Several guys from IG were beaten a little confused!" Changmao also saw that IG had no rhythm at all now.

If the wine barrel is captured at the second level, it will only inflict heavy damage on Xia.

Even if Xia wants to be lewd under the tower, she can still be lewd.

But after this wave of tower jumping is over, Xia may not be so wretched even under the tower.

Especially after Titan and Kai'Sa rushed to level 6, Xia Luo may have just reached level 5.

At that time, Xayah, who still had no double moves, was seized by Titan. Kai'Sa flew over and was able to kill her in seconds.

2-0 Ka'Sa, with two assists, can do it.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room also started to feel "distressed" on IG.

"What?! Nani?! It's time to take the W instead of the Q instead of Dirty Dancing. That's no problem!"

"No more. It's really all gone now. Kai'Sa has two kills in 6 minutes, and the sheep's knife will come out soon. How can we play this! I clicked."

"What is Prince Ning doing? This blind man is really blind. Why is he acting like a factory director?"

"The whole time I was shopping, I was laughing so hard. I was really like a blank sheet of paper in front of Chen Mu!"

"Little Phoenix rushes to the duck, Chen Mu rushes to the duck, go and win the cup!"

"One thing I have to say is that Chen Mu seems to have won all the championships in the international competition, but it seems that he has not won any domestic league championships yet!"

"Hehe, we all know how to kill soft-legged shrimps at home and indiscriminately kill them abroad~"

"Experts in foreign wars, amateurs in civil wars!!"

"Little Bi Zai, who are you implying?! (Funny) (Funny)"


At the same time, IG's team voice also seemed very flustered and anxious.

"It's over, the bottom lane is gone, everyone is here, there is no room for maneuver!" Xiaobao first looked for the reason for himself.

"The lower road collapsed, it's up to you." Ah Shui also sighed.

"Can you take a look at this Ornn on the way?! Can I come over?!" Rookie was even more panicked and was in a hurry to do something.

"It's not easy to pass. The opponent Ornn is a bit wretched. He has been huddled under the tower and his blood volume is still very healthy!" TheShy Although Jace was beaten at the first level, he played very comfortably later, but faced the aggressive Ornn. Well, he had no choice for the moment.

"Come on, come on! I'm coming too, let's go straight to the three and one!"

King Ning was also impatient. Seeing Chen Mu doing things unscrupulously in the lower half of the jungle, his mentality was a little broken.

"Come on~"

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the four members of FPX were in the bottom lane, the three members of IG also wanted to kill Ornn with a three-for-one plan.

But it turns out that they still think too much.

When Blind Sin and Yasuo rushed to the top lane impatiently, they found that Ornn was no longer under the defense tower on the top lane.ah? !this? !
What about people? !
Are you going to stop eating this wave of artillery trains? !
From the God's perspective, Ornn, who only saw Gongzi brother, saw Yasuo in the middle disappearing behind the center line.

He shrunk directly to the closed grass in front of the second tower on the upper road, and started to dance with the hammer in his hand.
"Wow, this guy is so weird. Doesn't he want to take the line?!" The commentator was immediately stunned by Brother Gongzi's operation. He refused to take the line of a large wave of artillery carts, and Tapi didn't defend it either. He just stood on the second line. Dancing in front of the tower.

Amuse yourself~
Is this still League of Legends? !
"The blind monk and Yasuo searched all over and couldn't find Ornn. Look, Ornn is still dancing in front of the second tower! Really." Changmao didn't know how to describe Gongzi for a while. Brother's brain is broken.

"In this case, Blind Sin and Yasuo missed again. I feel like IG was a little bit fooled this time."

As the commentator said, IG's midfielder went to the top lane and got nothing. Although Ornn was blocked by a wave of troops, he also took two layers of tower skin.

But this little thing is not enough to see!

Taking advantage of the gap between IG's midfielder and jungler, FPX also attacked Tapi in the bottom lane, and then won the first dragon with the cooperation of others.

It's an earth dragon soul with pretty good attributes.

In this way, the gap between the bottom ADC and the ADC is one point wider.

With the dragon's roar, FPX successfully captured the first dragon.

Afterwards, Jiugong cleaned his lower half of the wild area again, and then returned to the city to make equipment.

It’s time to go on the road and take care of Brother Gongzi’s mood~
"Wow... Chen Mu's jungle rhythm really opened my eyes! It's really unexpected. The perfect and tight rhythm is so suffocating. As a spectator, I feel like a rope is hanging at any time while sitting in the audience. Hanging on the neck everywhere!!" Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but sigh.

"That's right." Changmao nodded, and continued: "Chen Mu has completely brought his control of the top lane to the jungle. He used to be the big devil in the top lane, but now he is the little bully in the jungle!"

in the game.

After Chen Mu finished swiping his own wild monsters, he held a huge sum of money in his pocket and happily pressed the button "Return to the City", preparing to go home to replenish his status.

After quickly buying equipment, he hurried towards his upper half of the wild area.

"Now the wine barrel has two heads in hand, and three assists... Now the level has reached level five, eh? The murder ring is also at level 5, but I don't know when it will be synthesized into a murder book, and this wine The equipment coming out of the barrel..."

Just as Guan Zeyuan was explaining, he suddenly glanced at Chen Mu's equipment column.

I discovered that what I bought for Wine Barrel was not a regular meat-equipped jungle knife, but an AP jungle knife!

"Chen Mu produced Fu Neng Echo! Is he trying to play with exploding wine barrels?" Guan Zeyuan said curiously.

"Although in this version, the price of the AP jungle knife does seem to have been reduced, but the overall rhythm of the jungle is still biased toward team or tank types. There are not many junglers with pure output."

"Yes, the jungle barrels that appeared in the previous spring games all seemed to be meat barrels, and I have never seen AP barrels." I remember taking the data to analyze.

Throughout the Spring Split, whether in the LPL or outside the competition, Jiugong usually buys a jungle knife, and then assumes the role of starting a team and taking the lead.

The gameplay is the same as that of Pig Girl Zach, but AP barrels like Chen Mu’s pure explosive damage are rare.

The reason is also very simple. The economy in the jungle is not as much as online, and it is difficult to form AP barrels.

It's possible to play with it, it's possible to do damage but not harm, to be frank but not frank.

And the error tolerance rate is still very low!

"Anyway, I have the upgraded AP jungle knife in my hand in just 7 minutes... The development of the wine barrel is simply unbelievable! Chen Mu's output of the wine barrel can be looked forward to!"

"The current AP jungle knife seems to be really cheap. It seems that it only costs 2500 gold coins. It is cheaper than tank equipment!"

"Eh? What's going on?! Why doesn't this wine barrel brush his upper half? He wants to run to the opposite blind monk jungle again!!"

"Ah...are you really treating the opposite jungle as your home? Just press in?"

Before Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, he saw the wine barrel on the field making new moves.

in the game.

Liquor Barrel did not honestly brush the wild monsters in the upper half of its area first, as everyone thought.

But after coming out of the spring, I just passed through my own wild area...

He walked toward the river menacingly.

Then, he squatted in the grass on the upper river.

He did not continue to the opposite upper half jungle area.

Chen Mu's wine barrel head assist is in hand, and his equipment is much better than that of the blind monk.

Even though the blind monk was busy going up and down the street, he was actually shopping left and right.

No one was caught, no one was crouched, and not even many wild monsters were caught.

The wine barrels are now level 6, but the blind monk is still level 5.

Chen Mu is ahead in experience again~
Moreover, Teacher Big B’s last wave of jumping over the tower resulted in kills, assists, and tower skin.

Now his crocodile is the big brother, completely overpowering Yasuo and beating him violently.

Now with Crocodile's equipment and level, once the cloth shoes come out, even Yasuo Lee Sin's mid-jungle linkage can't do anything to this Crocodile.

"Eh? The wine barrel didn't enter the opposite jungle area! This position... looks like you want to squat someone?!" I remember saying with some confusion.

"Oh... This wave of blind people are still killing their own three wolves. It seems that they are going to kill wild monsters first, and are not planning to fight for crabs... Will you come here now? You can't squat, right?" Guan Zeyuan was also hesitant. said.

in the game.

Wine Barrel didn't even bother to brush his own jungle area, nor did he plan to invade the upper half of the opposite jungle area.

I squatted in the river grass in the upper half of the wild area and turned on the scan to detect whether there was an IG eye position.

And the other side.

The blind man who had just finished killing the three wolves was actually walking towards the river!

At the same time, the wine barrel crouching in the grass used the Q skill!
The bucket was thrown towards the grass in the wild area under his feet.

"This wave of blind men didn't go to brush the toads, but here they are! He's walking towards the river, but he still wants to control the crabs! King Ning is a bit greedy!" I remember feeling sorry for King Ning again.

"Eh? How come the Q skill of the wine barrel was released in advance! This barrel is still a little far away from the blind man, and the time is a little too early..." Changmao looked at the scene on the field and was a little stunned.

"But Doinb's crocodile in the middle pushed the line and came over."

in the game.

Although Prince Ning carelessly wanted to control the river crab, he still had the due caution.

First, use the Q skill Tianyin Wave to see if there is anyone in the grass.

And this sky sound wave happened to hit the wine barrel in the grass.


Prince Ning was startled and just wanted to give up on this river crab.

But the barrel moves faster!
(End of this chapter)

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