LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 382 Another murderous book!

Chen Mu watched as King Ning carefully used the Q skill Tianyin Wave to find out his position.

Without any hesitation or hesitation.

E skill: meat, egg, onion, chicken + flash.

E flash!
In an instant, the fat belly of the wine barrel was already pushing against the blind monk's face.

Afterwards, Jiugong didn't want to be greedy for the flat A, and directly threw his ultimate move.

Blast the barrels!

An irresistible force came and the blind monk was blown directly to the grass in the middle of the river.

It just so happened that there was a rolling barrel with Q skill that was buried in the grass before and it exploded at the limit time.

The damage and slowdown effect of the wine barrel's Q skill will increase as the barrel ferments, up to 2% after 150 seconds.

In the end, the basic attack with W extra damage fell heavily on the blind man!

In an instant, the barrel's AOE damage was maxed out!

The blind man's health bar seemed to be swallowed by a black hole!
In just a few tenths of a second, most of it disappeared!


Prince Ning looked at the wine barrel that appeared in front of him, then looked at his blood volume, and suddenly his whole body trembled.

Why is there another wine barrel? !

And what kind of harm is this?

At this time, the crocodile who pushed the line first also came to the river in the upper half of the wild area.

There happens to be a river crab nearby as a displacement target. The E skill uses the river crab as the target to move for a period of time, and then another E skill comes right in front of the blind monk.

While the blind monk has not recovered from his dizziness.

W bite!

Although it is not Red Fury W, it still has a 0.75 second stun.

Then an A connected to the Q, and the head was collected.

"Desert Butcher Renekton killed the blind monk!"

Not long after the last broadcast, the passionate female voice came again.

"This... this should be the legendary geometric barrel!" The commentators were also stunned when they saw Chen Mu's set of fancy combos.

I didn't expect it to hurt so much!

You must know that King Ning's Blind Monk still has the W that touches his eyes, as well as the flash.

But he didn't show any skills, and was killed by the combo of Wine Barrel and Crocodile in seconds.

"Look at the replay. First there was a barrel with the Q skill lurking in the grass. Then the moment he saw the blind monk, E flashed his hand and hit the blind monk. Then the big move blew the blind monk back, just on the Q skill, the limit Time to detonate. Then take over the control and damage of the crocodile!" Guan Zeyuan smacked his lips and couldn't help but marvel.

"Wow, this calculation and this operation are so extreme. Even if a skill or damage is just a little bit off, it seems that the blind monk can touch his eyes and walk away or flash directly! The damage calculation and angle calculation of this geometric barrel are too accurate!" I remember it thoroughly! Impressed.

"Wuhu ~ take off ~"

"Thank you Jungler Dad! Thank you Chen Mu Dad!"

I didn’t submit any skills, just a simple EEWAQ and received one kill.

Teacher Big B is almost smiling~
"I will definitely win this one!" Teacher Big B did not forget to put down his bold words.

At this time, IG looked at the injured blind man and could only observe 3 seconds of silence.

Originally, Yasuo and Jace wanted to rescue them from the middle immediately and double-team the crocodile and wine barrel.

But within a second, the blind monk died.

This also double-teams Der~
Let's go back to our respective homes and find our own mothers!

"In this case, the wine barrel's killing ring has increased one level. Now it has 6 levels. This killing ring is too cost-effective in Chen Mu's hands!" Looking at Chen Mu's equipment, Changmao also smiled. .

"Yes, 350 gold coins are exchanged for 45 points of magic power. This does not include other attributes. It is indeed a huge profit!"


"What do you mean by this wine barrel? Aren't you going home yet?! Aren't you going to clear the jungle either?!"

Several commentators were a little confused when they saw that the wine barrel on the field did not choose to return to the city or to clear the jungle.

in the game.

The blind monk had just died, and Rookie's Yasuo and Shy's Jace originally wanted to go to the river to support them.

But the blind man died so quickly, he was gone in the blink of an eye.
Yasuo and Jace can only return to the lane and continue to make money, but the key is that Jace is still pushing the lane.

But at this time, after the wine barrel, which was also full of blood, took control of the river crab, he did not go back to his jungle area to farm, but walked straight towards the top road position.

After Weiwei was stuck for a while, he waited for an opportunity.

"Chen Mu is still very greedy this time! Is he trying to catch TheShy? But Jace's flash is there, but there is no barrel ultimate or flash!" Changmao looked at the scene on the field and was a little dumbfounded. road.

"Ah... to be honest, there shouldn't be a chance this time!" I couldn't help but say.

"Yeah." Guan Zeyuan nodded, and then said: "As long as TheShy's Jace doesn't take the initiative to get sick, he should not be caught."

As soon as Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, he saw the scene.

TheShy's Jace looked at Ornn, who was already half-healthy. Suddenly, a lightning-fast QE hit Ornn twice in a row, blasting him to less than half-health.

Then he directly switched to hammer form and struck.
"Ah?! This?!"

"TheShy he actually knocked on it!"

Guan Zeyuan fell into deep self-doubt.

"Damn it, God is awesome!"

"What kind of operation is this? I'm not talking about TheShy, I'm talking about Guan Zeyuan!"

"You can't follow what you say?!"

"TheShy: Don't blame me, you really don't blame me! I didn't want to do it at first, but suddenly I couldn't control myself~"

Not only the commentators and the audience in the live broadcast room were shocked, but Gong Zige and Chen Mu were also shocked.

Without Chen Mu's greeting, Brother Gongzi took the initiative to mark Jace's head.

Then the ultimate move was activated, and a sheep's cry came from the void.

Chen Mu's wine barrel also opened the wolf's head directly, took a sip of old wine, and took over from the side and behind.

At this time, TheShy switched forms and struck, and he immediately regretted it.

After hearing a wolf howl nearby, I felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

His Jace also ran backwards in a hurry, but he had just switched forms and there was no acceleration gate in the cannon form, so Jace was a little unable to pull away.

He was just twisting left and right, trying to avoid Ornn's ultimate move.

But it turned out that he still thought too much.

Without movement speed, it is too difficult to move.

There was no other way, Jace directly handed over the ultimate move of dodge Ornn.

You can't eat this ultimate move!
However, Chen Mu's wine barrel was opened with the wolf's head open and he was drinking old wine. He was not in a hurry, but kept following behind.

After seeing Jace hand over the flash, he first used a Q skill to roll to the wine barrel to block Jace's movement.

Then he didn't rush to hand over the E skill, but walked up to him and played an enhanced W.

At this time, Jace did not switch forms, but still knocked away the barrel with a hammer in his hammer form.

But the wine barrel was hammered away, and in the next second, the E skill meat, egg, green onion, and chicken stuck to it, bumping into Jace's belly.

At this time, Aoun also followed from behind.

Combo moves that were not easy to hit originally were all due to the cooperation of the wine barrel skill. Ornn could easily hit a small combo.Although Ornn is a big piece of meat, he still has a round of wine barrel skills.

But Jace, who had no power to resist, had already fallen between the two big men.

"Ouch~ What are you doing?! My, my, my!"

TheShy was still smiling, not realizing the seriousness of the situation.

At this time, his teammates were no longer in the mood to support TheShy.

"My mine!"

When TheShy apologized frantically in the team's voiceover, Colonel Guan also apologized frantically in the live broadcast room.

"My, my, my, I shouldn't say it casually, it's too imprecise~ But I still can't figure out why TheShy knocked it up this time. He obviously already knew that the wine barrel is in the upper half of the jungle!"

Guan Zeyuan is really distressed~
Next to them, Remember and Changmao were almost unable to hold back their laughter.

"What about Chen Mu, what about Faker, what about TheShy, I care about Zeyuan being the best in the world, come and argue if you don't accept it!"

"It's so weird, TheShy can hit it. I don't know whether it's Guan Zeyuan's prediction that's accurate, or TheShy's ability to catch it?!"

"Hey, is this the successor who is known as Chen Mu?!"

"It's so funny, no more suspense now, first congratulations to the FPX Little Phoenix Spring Split Champion!"

"Give me ginger?!"


in the game.

Jace's head was obtained from Chen Mu's wine barrel.

Meaty Ornn's damage is limited and he can't grab this kill, but the AP equipment from the wine barrel naturally does higher damage.

The wine barrel's murder ring adds two more layers, making it already 8 layers!

After taking down TheShy's head, Wine Barrel returned to the wild area again, sweeping and controlling the wild monsters.

After returning to the city, directly upgrade the murder ring dark seal to the murder book.

Originally, Chen Mu didn't even want to write a murder book, but wanted to make a stopwatch and a golden body first.

After all, the wine barrel has to bear the responsibility of a team-opening final, and having a stopwatch or golden body has a high fault tolerance rate.

Moreover, the wine barrel now has a bounty of 400 gold coins, which is a big bounty. If the C position of IG gets the equipment, it will rise very quickly.

But now it's less than 10 minutes, and the killing ring is almost full!
Doesn't this force Chen Mu to write a murder letter first? !

Naturally, you have to find something to do after you get the Book of Killing. You can't go to the wild area with the Book of Killing to farm in the jungle. That won't increase the number of layers.

Chen Mu looked at the three lines opposite.

Yasuo's flash in the middle is still there, so it's not easy to catch.

The duo on the bottom lane has already pressed under the opposite tower and started eating the tower skin, so there is no need for him to make unnecessary efforts.

Then I'm sorry, it has to be you, Brother Shy.

Jace didn't flash, and IG's situation is so disadvantageous, so aren't you just a cash machine? !
The key thing is that Chen Mu clicked the signal to go on the road.At the same time, he clicked on the crocodile in the middle that had become the overlord.

"Come! Jump over the tower! This Jace will die!" Chen Mu's cold voice came.

But when it reached the ears of Teacher Big B, it was like a spring breeze.

"Come here~"

At this time, due to his personality, TheShy did not realize that he had been targeted by someone again.

He was also thinking about how to use Jace to continue to suppress Ornn in the line and fight back the heads of the previous wave.

But when a wine barrel followed by a crocodile appeared from the side, Jace was almost stunned.

Isn't it? !Isn't it? !Game Jiang Ziwan? !

Although this time Jace had the acceleration gate in the form of a cannon and the thunder strike in the form of a hammer, he was faced with the three tower jumps of Crocodile Barrel and Ornn!

And TheShy doesn’t have the Golden Gong gameplay.

Faced with a certain death situation, Jin Gong could just stand in front of the second tower and close himself in the grass, playing with his hammer by himself.

You can even hang up for 3 minutes to refresh your phone~
But you let TheShy stand in front of the second tower and watch the minions die one after another.

It would be better to kill him directly, or even carry him down with a chair.

Although Jace was still struggling with all his strength, he pulled the accelerator door left and right in the cannon form, making King Qin walk around the pillar; or struck a thunder blow with the E skill in the hammer form, hammering away a person.

But the three top, middle and jungle players in FPX are really capable of playing and carrying it now!
Especially Ornn and Crocodile, the damage of the army line and defense tower is determined, and the skills are directed to Jace.

In the end, Jace fell under his tower,
"The Desert Butcher Renekton killed Jace!"

The crocodile once again took a kill. The 2-0 crocodile was really powerful.

No, it's 3-0 now!
But IG's midfielder combination also took advantage of the Buddha-type midfielder wave to do what Yueshang also did.

IG's midfield and jungle combination also knows that it is unrealistic to play in the half jungle with such a fat crocodile at this time.

So Yasuo and Lee Sin walked directly in the opposite direction to catch a wave of FPX's bottom lane combination.

But at this time, the overall performance of FPX is doing very well!

Seeing their own midfielders doing things on the top lane, Sima Laothi and Liu Qingsong on the bottom lane immediately cooperated very well. They stopped eating the tower skin and began to consciously hide under the defense tower, waiting for the line to be released.

But Prince Ning's blind man still found an angle.

The blind man came out from the triangular grass W behind the first tower of FPX, and then flashed and kicked the Titan back.

Then Yasuo took the ultimate move, Xia Luo followed up with the output, and took it away in one set.

Of course, King Ning wanted to kick ADC Kai'Sa back, but the old thief Sima shrunk so much that he couldn't find an angle.

I can only kick an auxiliary back first!
In the end, the broiler Yasuo got the head.

Then the four IG players also forced away Sima's old thief Kai'Sa, and began to eat the tapi of the first tower in the bottom lane of FPX.

But at this time, FPX's top, middle and jungle trio were enjoying themselves on the top lane.

In this wave of rhythm, the two sides were considered to be in a tie.

After exchanging the economy, IG was able to recover some of the economy and replenish equipment for Xayah and Yasuo.

On FPX's side, Jace continues to desperately suppress TheShy.

In addition, Mr. Big B’s Crocodile is almost out of weight. The 3-0 Crocodile will be a prehistoric giant in the mid-term!
At this time, the economic gap between the two parties still reached about [-].

Except for Jin Gong's Ornn on the top lane who is a little behind in last-minute hits, the other three lines are all one to two thousand gold ahead.

It's like half a finished product.


At 11 minutes into the game, Rift Pioneer has been born for almost 1 minute.

Both sides once again focused their attention on the Canyon Pioneer.

It is impossible for IG to release this Canyon Pioneer. Now both sides already have an economic disadvantage of 4000.

If you release this Canyon Pioneer again, you can destroy one tower's economy at will, and then eat two layers of tower skin's economy, and it will increase to more than 5000 in an instant.

Moreover, the snowball of FPX will only get bigger and bigger in the future. Letting go is equivalent to admitting defeat!
Therefore, IG's upper, middle and junglers also first have a good vision in the upper half of the jungle.

The Xia Luo duo in the bottom lane was also directly transferred to the upper half of the jungle, and the five of them teamed up to compete for the canyon pioneer.

Looking at IG's actions, FPX responded quickly.

Liu Qingsong's Titan hooked all the way to the wall and supported the upper half of the jungle at an extremely fast speed.

However, Kai'Sa, the old thief of Sima, did not rush there immediately, but continued to push the bottom lane to eat Tapi. (End of chapter)

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