Chapter 383
IG is determined to be the pioneer of this canyon.

If you can win and there is still hope for everything, you can continue playing!

But if you lose the fight, you lose
There is no need to continue struggling. Although we can't surrender now, we can still lose it.

Therefore, IG no longer needs the upper, middle and jungle lines, and goes directly to the dragon pit to occupy the position.

And FPX will naturally come to compete.

But it was TheShy's Jace's turn to play.

QE is getting ready.

A cannon shot was fired, and the particle cannon with countless chaotic charges exploded around Ornn and Crocodile.

It doesn't hurt!

Although Jace from TheShy got the tapi, his talent was also a sign of theft.

But after all, he died twice within 10 minutes, and his last hit was greatly affected.

Jace's equipment and level are not as explosive as expected, not to mention Ornn and Crocodile are too strong at this time.

Crocodile black cut cloth shoes are out.

Not to mention Ornn, IG's AP damage is not enough in this game, so Ornn just piles up armor without thinking.

With cloth armor shoes and small anti-armor, Ornn's armor will be piled to the sky.

And after Jace's long-range QE cannon hit, it didn't hurt or itch Ornn.

Jess, who was still not happy, wanted to move forward and tap W.
ah? !Do you think Jayce's 0-2 is 2-0? !

A sheep cry came from the void.

Jin Gong is not used to his shortcomings. In the online game, if you hit me with short hands, just bully me with my short hands.

Now my two eldest brothers are right next to you, how dare you show off to me!
If others don't bump into each other, then Jace will bump into him.

Then Chen Mu's wine barrel also took control and combos at the speed of light.

First, a barrel was placed at his feet, then his E skill, Meat, Egg, Onion and Chicken, knocked Jace unconscious, and he used his ultimate move to explode the wine barrel and then explode it back.

The landing point is just on the Q skill rolling barrel.

Another geometric wine barrel!
Brother Shy's Jace was just pretending to be cool from a distance, but he was arrested on the spot and killed immediately.

"Oh, I really don't understand, what is Brother Shy doing this time?!"

In the commentary box, Changmao couldn't stand it anymore.

A Jace with zero bar and two, did not flash, and was still dangling in front of Ornn.

This is not the same as saying: "Come and drive me! Drive me!"

I remember nodding my head: "Yeah, Jess who didn't flash was too far forward!"

Guan Zeyuan is already used to TheShy: "I can only say it's because of his personality~ Isn't Brother Shy the kind of person who dances on the tip of a knife?! But Chen Mu likes to beat people like you who dance on the tip of a knife the most. ah!"

"Originally five people from IG came to compete for this vanguard position, but Jace was defeated first. In this way, Dragon Pit is still 4v4!"


At this time, in IG’s traditional channel.

"My, my, my~" TheShy was still smiling, as was his character.

But other people on IG were dumbfounded!

We agreed that five people would team up to fight for the canyon pioneer. Why did you, the top laner, die first?
"Fight, fight to the end!" Prince Ning gave direct instructions.

Although TheShy is dead, IG has no retreat at this time.

At least, IG's bottom lane duo has come to support, and the old thief Sima is still leading the bottom lane to eat Tapi.

Kill Jace first, but it's still a four-on-four situation at the dragon pit.

"What do you say?! Can you fight?! My fighting power is very high now!" Teacher Big B's three-bar-zero crocodile has a very strong fighting power.

But Chen Mu took one look at the situation and said calmly: "Forget it! Let it go!"

Their own ADC is not there, Ornn and Grain Barrel have already handed over their ultimate moves, and the two main group control players are not here, so it is difficult for FPX to start a group.

As for IG, Blind Man and Yasuo have all their ultimate moves, if they work together.

It’s easy to lose the team here in FPX.

Moreover, Chen Mu’s wine barrel does not have a stopwatch and a golden body, so it cannot be used again.

This is a super big head. If it is taken by Asui's Xia, everything will be variable.

What's more, Kai'Sa, the old thief of Sima, is getting bored eating tapis alone in the bottom lane.

The last layer of tart crust is about to bottom out.

What is the role of Rift Herald? !

Isn't it just eating the tower skin to push the defense tower into a snowball?

Isn’t that what Kasha is doing now? !
The first blood tower is about to be obtained.

This Canyon Pioneer is not critical to FPX.

Kai'Sa is currently doing Rift Herald stuff!
And compared to several people sharing the economy equally, Kai'Sa, who has the defense tower economy alone, will have a big rhythm with this wave of return equipment.

In the end, IG successfully got the first Pioneer.

But at this time, Kai'Sa has pushed down the bottom tower of IG until only one layer of tower skin is left.

"Fortunately! The old thief Sima's Kai'Sa didn't come up in this round, otherwise IG would definitely not be able to compete with this Canyon Pioneer!" Remember to breathe a sigh of relief for IG.

"But is IG really making money like this?! Kai'Sa has already taken down one tower in the bottom lane! Kai'Sa, who was already 2-0, will be more economical if she takes another tower by herself. This Kai'Sa's economy is immediately better than Chen Mu's wine barrel It's even better!" Guan Zeyuan asked rhetorically.

"Yes, getting Canyon Pioneer doesn't mean that you can bring back the economy. The real benefits are the real benefits that you can hold in your hands!" Changmao also agreed with Guan Zeyuan's opinion.

"What should we do?!"

"Then what do you think we can do?!"

I remember asking a question again, which immediately silenced the two people next to me.

Yes, what should we do? !

Now IG is at a disadvantage across the board. If we don't take advantage of the opportunity of Canyon Pioneer to fight for it, will we lose? !

The game lasts 12 minutes.

The two sides continued to return to the line, this time without re-dividing.

It's not even 14 minutes yet, and Tapi is still there.

If you change the line rashly, you may be seized by others and continue to eat tapioca.

During the game, both sides seemed to have returned to peaceful development.

Although King Ning's blind monk holds the buff of Canyon Pioneer, King Ning knows that this Pioneer cannot be placed randomly.

Whether this game can be turned around or not depends entirely on this pioneer buff!
Be sure to bring a big rhythm!

At this time, after Chen Mu's wine barrel wiped out a wave of wild monsters in the wild area, he walked towards the road with his belly full.

"No, you're still here?!" I remember looking at the direction of the wine barrel, I was completely convinced by Chen Mu, the "oldest man"!
Isn't it just that after you stop playing top lane and move to the jungle position, Brother Shy will inherit your top lane position. As for being so targeted? !

At the same time, the shy brother Jess became much more honest after having three zero points.

The upper half of the river crossing and the triangular grass are arranged to provide a clear view, leaving no chance.

Jace stopped pretending to be cool with Ornn and began to farm money honestly for development.

But like this, will Chen Mu let you go? !

As soon as the wine barrel wolf opened his head, he let out a wolf howl and rushed towards Jace with his belly puffed out.

However, Jess had already discovered the location of the wine barrel at this location and immediately began to retreat.

"Uh-huh. Now that the location of the wine barrel has been found, Jace should be fine this time!" Guan Zeyuan issued his divine punishment again.

At this time, TheShy Jayce retreated, and at the same time came a QE second company, interrupting the predator talent of the wine barrel.

The AP output device from the wine barrel is very fragile, so Jace's shot directly knocked out a quarter of the wine barrel's health. ? ? ?

Do you dare to fight back? !

Chen Mu instantly expressed that he couldn't bear it!
I originally wanted to let you go, but since you're like this, I'm sorry!

Chen Mu put a mark on Jace.

"Kill!" came the cold voice.

"Eh? The wine barrels won't leave! Oh my god!! This wave of wine barrels is going to kill Jace hard, but Ornn is still far behind, so he can't keep up! Jace's flash seems to have just turned around !" I remember watching the scene on the field, my eyes widened suddenly, and my face was full of shock.

"I can't help it. Chen Mu is angry this time. He originally wanted to let you go, but you turned around and wanted to show off. That would be embarrassing!" The commentators were watching the excitement and didn't take it too seriously.

"It depends on how Jace operates this time?!"

Before the commentator could recover, he saw the first change on the field.

in the game.

When Jace saw the wine barrel following him relentlessly, he didn't panic. His flash had been turned and he could operate it.

Instead, Jace controlled the distance between himself and the barrel, driving W and hitting the barrel a few times with A at the same time.

However, I kept walking in the middle of the route.

Therefore, he was relatively close to the barrel at this time.

And Wine Barrel just got his own red buff.

If you get stuck accidentally, even if you can't die, your blood will be consumed.

When the time comes to return to the city, it will still be the same as dying.

But just when Jace switched forms, there was an acceleration effect and he wanted to escape.

I saw that Aoun, who had not made a move just now, finally moved!
Ornn's ultimate move had just improved, so he released it without any hesitation!
A sheep came to open the gate of heaven!

A second later, Ornn hit the sheep's head and flew towards Jace.

If you are ruthless, you will be ruthless!

TheShy is also extremely depressed!

I just hit you with QE, but why are you so persistent?
You're being cruel, I'll give you this flash!
The moment Ornn's second-stage sheep hit him, Jace flashed himself in an attempt to avoid the sheep's ultimate move.

And almost at the same time that Jace's golden light flashed sideways, Chen Mu's wine barrel also took action!
Without saying a word, he used his ultimate move to blast the barrel at the same time!
A wine barrel was thrown towards a position in the direction of Jace's flash.

Available in the next second.

The wine barrel in Gragas' hand is like a depth charge!Jace, who had just flashed into position, was instantly blown back!

At a very tricky angle, Jace was pushed back into the path of the second-stage sheep!

Jace, the wine barrel and the sheep head formed a triangle formation in an instant!

Just when Jace landed from the barrel ultimate move, the sheep's head arrived!

Air interception! !
Just like that, Jess and Yang Jiao came face to face and had a close contact...

This scene is full of drama!
In an instant.

The terrifying explosion of the wine barrel is vividly displayed!

Jace was full of health, and half of his health bar was drained instantly!
Coupled with the control of Ornn's second-stage sheep, Jace was still in the air and did not fly down.

"Wow what! Wine Barrel used a pre-judgment ultimate move to predict Jace's flash position and directly intercepted it in the air!" I remember saying with wide eyes in shock.

"Guigui... what the hell is this? Could this have been predicted?! This is really awesome! And it just hit Ornn's second-stage sheep!" Changmao also exclaimed. .

"What kind of divine combination is this?! Jace, wine barrel and sheep, a perfect triangle, a perfect geometric shape!" Guan Zeyuan was already starting to get nervous.

" this a prejudgment move? It's so cool!"

“What a confident operation!”

"Let me go...what did I see? Is it so showy?!"

"What kind of coordination is this? The barrel's ultimate move just predicted the location of Jace's flash, and it hit Ornn's ultimate move..."

“It’s better to say that Chen Mu played well than Brother Shy received well!”

"What's wrong with this wave of Tianyin waves gliding on the way, it's this wave of wine barrels gliding on the way (funny) (funny)"

"I seemed to have seen a triangle formation just now! Goddess's geometric wine barrel play is simply amazing!"


"Chen Mu! My husband, my husband, loves you!"

"My little IG will never work overtime! Come on!! (Squint) (Squint)"

The audience was already cheering and shouting wildly.

Crazy cheers suddenly swept the entire venue.

For the wonderful operation, all the spectators at the scene will not be stingy with their cheers

At this time, Brother Shy on the court was also a little confused.

He just flashed at will to avoid Ornn's ultimate move, but unexpectedly, Chen Muchen predicted his flash position with one ultimate move.

"My my~"

Brother Shy first apologized frantically through the headset.

"Awesome, awesome~" But he couldn't help but praise Chen Mu's operation.

"Well done, jungle dad~" Brother Gongzi also smiled.

I thought this wave could only produce a flash, but I didn't expect it to send Jace back to the spring again.

In the game, the next second.

Jace was blown back and just hit the second section of sheep.

The barrel was on full fire, and with a backhand Q skill, the barrel rolled to Jace's feet.

Another chicken with meat, eggs and green onions made Jace fly into the sky again.

And Aoun also rushed to Jace's side. QWE was another small combo. Jace had just landed from the sky and flew into the air again.

Finally, looking at the bloody Jace, Gongzi brother even stuck the flat A in great detail.

If these flat A take action, the head will be theirs under the fragile effect.

But he doesn’t need this head!

Why does he need heads for a five-and-a-half top order?
Anyway, this Jace is already in the bag, and he can't escape no matter what. It can be said that there is no way to go from heaven to earth!
"Jungle dad, you eat, you eat!" Brother Gongzi said excitedly.

In the end, Chen Mu was not polite. He drank his wine from the barrel and hit the bloody Jace with the W skill.

Jace tried his best, but still died in the battle...

Then, a game prompt came slowly:

Gragas killed Jace!


At this time, various talented guys in the live broadcast room jumped out one after another.

"Ah?! I just squatted in a trap. Is this round about to end again?!"

"Damn it, this wine barrel is going to have twenty levels of murder books soon~ What should I do, little IG!"

"Oh, they were really killed by Chen Mu! It was too cruel to attack an old teammate!"

"It's really a gift of ginger~"

"After the game, Chen Mu gently put his lips to Brother Shy's ear: You are so good at catching QAQ~"

"TheShy, the best top laner in the world?! The best top laner in the world!?"

(End of this chapter)

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