LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 388 The interview is a big job

Chapter 388 The interview is a big job

Wearing a jersey co-branded by Nike investors, Chen Mu raised the MVP trophy with one hand.

On the big screen behind you are photos of handsome and striking makeup, and on the stage is the high-spirited MVP.

"Ahhh! Brother Mu Niupai!"

"Brother Mu, please call Dad Mu, Shen Mu, it's so fierce!"

"Chen Mu, Chen Mu, I love you!"

"Husband I love you!"

"Dad Chen Mu, I love you!"


The entire Foshan Culture and Sports Center was filled with screams.

At this moment, it seems like the roof is about to be knocked down!
Even the FPX people on the stage were overwhelmed by the roaring and tsunami-like cheers and shouts!

And looking at Chen Mu, who was full of energy on the stage but was already 23 or [-] years old, several commentators in the commentary box were also filled with emotion.

"I'd like to know how the qualifying teams from other divisions think about this game, but for a commentator who is commenting on the LPL division every day,"

"I really have nothing to say about this final, it's too exaggerated!"

"The dynasty has been established, but it is just a dynasty that only belongs to Chen Mu! Chen Mu has created an era that belongs to him, and he is now the mountain of LPL!!"

The live broadcast room was also filled with barrage.

"It's too fierce, is it over so soon?"

"Although I have always known that Chen Mu is very fierce, it is outrageous for me to be so fierce. He won too quickly!"

"Indeed, this year I saw that RNG, EDG and WE were all overthrown. I thought it would be a good game for IG if I didn't have it?! In the end, I still fell at the feet of the devil Chen Mu, 23333"

"This is a good thing! Since Chen Mu left, this IG has become a stranger and scary. If this IG went to MSI, I doubt he would be beaten up."

"Don't doubt it, it must be! Looking at the little saturated shoe king makes me want to laugh~"

Everyone was talking a lot. Although they knew that Chen Mu was a pervert, they didn't expect that he would be so perverted that he directly eliminated last year's championship team.

And they are still old teammates~
After the atmosphere calmed down a little, Ren Dong, who had been standing by, slowly walked onto the stage and shouted with great energy:
"Let us tell you again who the overall champion of the 2019 LPL League of Legends Spring Split is?!"

The audience in the audience also responded loudly and loudly: "FPX!"

"Little Phoenix!!!"

"Then MVP?!"

"Chen Mu! Chen Mu!"

"Let us congratulate the FPX team and Chen Mu again! Okay, everyone, please follow my footsteps and move to the center of the stage. I have a few small questions to ask you."

"Our championship team has successfully won the cup. Next, let's interview our championship team members and what they want to say to everyone at this time."

Ren Dong, who kept smiling all the time, first handed the microphone to the mouth of Gong Zi, who was closest to him and looked the most harmless.

Brother Gongzi was stunned for a moment. Although he was really happy and excited now, Tool Man and Xiao Transparent were used to it. Suddenly being pulled out by Ren Dong for an interview, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

And because of the focus of the camera, the already nervous Jin Gong's expression began to look a little distorted, and his Chinese was not as authentic as Teacher Big B and Rookie spoke.

After thinking for a long time, he finally spit out a few words:

"So happy!"


The moment the three words Jin Gong came out, Ren Dong felt dumbfounded. Seeing that Jin Gong had been brewing for so long, he thought he could say something classic, but in the end it was just three words?

But no problem, I, Ren Dong, have shown off Faker's immortality.

"Is there only three words?! Is there anything else you want to say?!" Ren Dong continued to ask.

Brother Gongzi was so anxious that he couldn't think of any words for a moment.

next second.
"Jungle daddy, I love you!"

"Pfft~cough" Ren Dong almost laughed, but as a professional host, he couldn't do it.

"Pfft~hahaha" unless you can't help it.

However, seeing Jin Gong's sincere giggle, Ren Dong stopped "teasing" the honest man, and then handed the microphone to the old thief Sima.

The old thief Sima has been in the LPL for many years and has experienced so many interviews that he has already developed his own unique interview style.

The old thief Sima who took the phone quickly lowered the corners of his mouth and spat out a few words expressionlessly.

"Have some fun!"

The barrage exploded instantly.

"The jungle dad is not bad, he is too upright!"

"Hahaha, I just want to laugh when I see old thief Sima's cold face~"

"It's so funny, even though he looks serious, he's actually a sultry guy~"

"I'm ashamed! Those who know know that you won the championship, but those who don't know think that FPX is holding an apology meeting after losing! What's wrong, will you be fined if you say two more words?"

"Rendong is being shown off!!"

“Chen Mu’s status as a bully in the team has been confirmed, and he supports the whole network to condemn QAQ (squinting) (squinting)”

Ren Dong, who had always maintained a professional smile, began to have some cracks in his facial expression, and he almost couldn't bring himself to speak.

Good guys, this group of people are really pure problem children, if one is bad, all of them will be bad.

Forget it, he handed the microphone to Doinb next to him.

But then, Ren Dong was dumbfounded.
I saw Teacher Big B taking the microphone and talking non-stop.

Moreover, his pronunciation is accurate and his speech is clear. It seems that he has practiced a lot, and he is no worse than himself as a host.

dude, I direct dude!

This FPX is all about interviewing geniuses!
Forget it, next one!

This time Ren Dong deliberately skipped Chen Mu first and passed it to Liu Qingsong next to him.

But the next moment, Ren Dong saw thousands of sharp weapons, none of which was more powerful than tearing open wounds.

The male protagonist of youth pain literature, if I don’t have a sword in my hand, I can’t protect you; if I hold the sword tightly in my hand, I can’t hold you tightly!

It hurts, it hurts too much!
Of course Ren Dong’s heart ached too much!

This interview was a total disgrace to his career.

In the end, Ren Dong could only hand the microphone in his hand to the final protagonist, Chen Mu.

"Chen Mu, what do you want to say to the fans?!"

Chen Mu naturally took the microphone and opened his mouth to speak:
"I cannot win this championship without the support of my teammates and the encouragement of my coach. I would like to express my gratitude to my teammates, coaches and everyone at FPX. I also want to express my gratitude to my parents and teachers."

"Of course there are my fans. I have the best fans in the world. They have been growing up with me. I am very happy that we can have a life path intertwined. I am very lucky."

Although what Chen Mu said was nice, Ren Dong felt uncomfortable after listening to it.Good guy, you are too official!

Which award speech or Baidu did you get this from? !
"Awesome, awesome plus~"

"This FPX is really a black hole of interviews, one by one!"

“xswl, Chen Mu’s interview is exactly the same as his acceptance speech at the film festival!”

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuori, I'm crying to death, my husband actually said that a part of my life is intertwined with mine, I'm so touched (funny) (funny)~"

"Sure enough, this is the consciousness of party members?!"

"As expected of the people's good top laner, no, he is the people's good jungler (squint) (squint)"


But the fanatical fans at the scene couldn't care less. As soon as Chen Mu finished speaking, the fans at the scene burst into the most violent cheers since the start of the game, shouting Chen Mu's name.

As Chen Mu's interview ended, the awards ceremony ended, and the smile on Ren Dong's face became much brighter.

Finally no more torture~
Under Ren Dong's passionate commentary, the five FPX players once again lifted the championship trophy in the center.

Then in the second round, all the FPX players and coaches took the stage together, once again slowly raised the championship trophy in front of them, and took photos.

The scene immediately erupted into warm cheers and applause again.

Everyone in FPX had different thoughts, and the most excited one was Teacher Big B. His weak body wanted to leave with the trophy on his shoulders.

From the arrival of S5 to the LPL competition area to this year's S9, the four or five years of ups and downs, from chickens and dogs ascending to the sky to explosions in the sky, everything has become insignificant in front of this trophy.

The group of people was very excited and walked towards the backstage lounge.

Big B was holding the championship trophy in his hand, but Chen Mu was holding the small MVP trophy in his hand.

Others in FPX are lying if they say they are not envious. The championship trophy can only be owned by the MVP. It is also the greatest affirmation for a player. Its gold content is self-evident.

However, before anyone had time to sit down or rest, FPX was invited to the stage for a post-game interview.

This interview was different from Ren Dong’s previous one. Ren Dong’s was a routine procedure for an award ceremony.

As for this serious post-match interview, not everyone will be invited, usually only one or two people will be invited.

There is no doubt that Yu Shuang is waiting for us on the stage.

After a brief warm-up speech, Yu Shuang finally came to the point: "Now let's give a round of applause to the two FPX players who won the spring championship, Chen Mu and Liu Qingsong!"

Chen Mu and Liu Qingsong walked onto the stage.

Those who have not left the stage yet are undoubtedly FPX fans or Chen Mu’s personal fans, so everyone cheers very much.

Even though many people had already left the venue, the voices of the fans were still loud.

"Chen Mu Chen Mu!!!"

"Husband! Look here!"

"Chen Mu! Eternal God!"

Yu Shuang took the prompt card and read the manuscript according to the script. Liu Qingsong also answered the questions very officially, thanking everyone he could.

Yu Shuang also quickly changed her goal. At the urging of the director, she came to Chen Mu for the highlight of the night:

"First of all, congratulations to player Chen Mu for winning the MVP honor in today's spring finals!"

"The first question is, looking back on the league history, although Chen Mu moved from the top laner position to the jungle position and maintained a complete victory record, who do you think is the number one top laner in the LPL this year?"

Let me rub it~ The first question will cause trouble!
Chen Mu held up the microphone and thought for a while:
“I don’t know who the top laner in the LPL is, but I know who the best top laner in the LPL is~ but I just won’t say it!”

The live broadcast room instantly became lively:
"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I laughed so hard!"

"Isn't Chen Mu too crazy? Aunt Yuzhen can't even stop laughing."

"Hahaha, who dares to take up the topic? Weibo will be destroyed!"

"Hahaha, you are the interview leader? How terrifying!"

"Don't be embarrassed, you are obviously practicing Yushui's business skills! (Gotou) (Gotou)"

"Although you don't say who it is, I know who you are referring to?!"

"TheShy: I just smiled and said nothing. I don't understand what you are talking about anyway?!"

"Chen Mu's answer is really interesting!" Yu Shuang was also choked by Chen Mu's answer. Her smile gradually began to disappear and she continued to the next question.

Yu Shuang handed the microphone to Chen Mu again: "We also want to congratulate player Chen Mu for winning the MVP of the Spring Split Finals. You have won many MVPs before, such as MSI Mid-Season MVP, S8 World Championship FMVP and so on, but for your first finals MVP in your league, what do you want to say to your fans at this time?"

Chen Mu nodded without thinking:
"I cannot win this championship without the support of my teammates and the encouragement of my coach. I want to express my gratitude to my teammates, coaches and everyone at FPX. I also want to express my gratitude to my parents and teachers."

"Of course I also have the best fans in the world. They have been growing up with me. I am very happy that our lives have been intertwined for a while. I am very lucky."

Yu Shuang, who was holding the microphone, felt more and more familiar as he listened. His smile gradually disappeared again, and a few question marks appeared on his broad forehead.


dude, I direct dude!

Do you think I didn't watch the award ceremony? !

Use a paragraph twice without even changing it!
Did you borrow copywriting from some corner of Baidu and use it twice?
"??? I always feel like where have I heard this? It's over, brother Meng! Something is wrong with my brain!"

"Hahahaha! This is great. The Shepherd just recited it once a few minutes ago. Of course you are familiar with it."

"UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoriIcries to death, my husband once again emphasized that my life paths are intertwined. I'm so touched (funny) (funny)~"

"This is to emphasize the love for our fans! He is so gentle, I cried to death!"

"Can all these husband fans and mother fans please get out of here? Come on, Chen Mu dad!"

“The interview with Black Hole is really rocking~”

After looking at the question card, Yu Shuang opened her mouth to complain, but she didn't know where to start, so she could only suppress her thoughts.

Yu Shuang calmed down and smiled brighter: "Ahem! Last question! Because FPX won the LPL S9 Spring Championship, it has been confirmed that FPX will represent the LPL region in the MSI Mid-Season Invitational. For MSI Mid-Season What are your prospects for Sai?"

Chen Mu took the phone without even thinking about it.

"I will not die for once, and I will be super awesome!"

"I will not lose a game and win the championship!"

The live broadcast room even exploded.

"Waibi Waibi, Waibi Babu!"

"Teacher Ma, is that you?! Just blink if it's you!"

"He really knows how to live broadcast. There are too many memes, so I have to slow down~"

"xswl, Chen Mu's ability to manage things is no worse than Ah P's!"

"It's over, Chen Mu was taken away by the big horse~FPX team is in danger!"

"I will prove at MSI who is the best jungler in the world! (Gotou) (Gotou)"

(End of this chapter)

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