LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 389 SKT is already studying MSI opponents

Chapter 389 SKT is already studying MSI opponents
"Although the opponents in MSI this time are very strong, we will not lose a game in the next game and win the championship!"

Following Chen Mu's life-like declaration, the entire venue suddenly burst into violent cheers after a moment of silence.

"Chen Mu!!!"

“FPX is awesome!!!”

"Little Phoenix!!! Little Phoenix!!!"

Seeing Chen Mu with a bright smile and the audience standing up and cheering in the audience waving thanks, Yu Shuang only had one thought left in her mind: "As expected. As expected of you~"

And everyone in FPX standing in the backstage lounge had question marks on their faces!

dude, I direct dude!

"In the MSI Mid-Season Invitational, we will not lose a game and win the championship!"

Teacher Big B, who can be called a talker, and Old Thief Sima, the representative of boring men, both personalities are speechless.

Even if it means winning the championship~
Why don't you lose a game and win the championship!
When Da Sima comes, he should call the expert directly~
This Flag also directly puts pressure on the team.

I can only say that having Chen Mu is really a blessing for all of them~
So now that the wild dad in the team is frantically setting up flags in front of so many media, what can they do?
Of course, with tears in my eyes, I also want to carry out what the wild father boasts about.

Then there is only one way!

The boss of FPX is also a veteran who understands operations, watching this scene.

Directly and "warmly" led everyone to declare that they will never return if they don't win this MSI mid-season!
And this scene "just happened" to be accurately captured by the photographer!
The camera clicked, freezing the scene, and then cut it "beautifully" and posted it on FPX's official WeChat account.

Chen Mu was "bragging" on the stage, and the rest of FPX were dreaming about each other in the lounge~
Amid the expectations and applause of countless people, the LPL Spring Finals came to an end.


Anyway, whether it was embellished or over-interpreted, in the end, the sentence "We will not lose in the next game and win the championship" was successfully used, coupled with Teacher Shang Ma's devilish video, detonating major forums and forums.

Even many forums from outside the competition area made headlines, with bright red characters announcing Chen Mu's bold words.

In addition, this year's FPX has indeed achieved a brilliant record of winning the LPL regular season.

And defeated last year's champion team IG in the spring finals, becoming the most amazing team in the LPL region and even all regions this spring.

The praise for Chen Mu has spread from the west coast of the Pacific to the east coast.

And various posts have come out.

For example, Hupu posted a hot post: "How to evaluate the performance of FPX vs IG in BO5!"

And the replies below are also very exciting~
"Is it BO5?! Why do I think it's BO3?! Is it my illusion QAQ~"

"It's so funny, it's indeed a BO3. IG probably screams Brother Mu in his dreams at night, don't catch me, don't catch me!"

"I told you, you would never guess what big treasure Chen Mu would take out from under his underwear!"

"What else is there to say? When will Chen Muqian pull out the USB flash drive (dog head) (dog head)~"

"I reviewed the game carefully, and I can't do this even if I cheat!"


Another post is also very popular.

"How do you view Chen Mu's current honor? Is he LPL No. 1?!"

"I suspect this is a fishing post?!"

"When fishing, just fish hard and make a nest, right?!"

"Being able to ask this question means that you already have the answer in your mind. How can you compare with him in LPL?! The best JB player in the world?! Or the 4396 who can't kick a kick?!"


"Let me tell you straight, what LPL No. 1?! You just want to ask how it compares with Faker? (Squint) (Squint)!"

"Uh-huh. Teacher Da Fei has indeed been in trouble in the past two years, but the Triple Crown winner is indeed worthy! This is really a luck bonus!"

"Isn't it the MSI Mid-Season Invitational soon?! Isn't Teacher Da Fei going to meet him soon?!"


At this time, SKT club members who had watched the entire LPL finals had already started analyzing and researching FPX.

The LCK Spring Split finals ended a few days ago, so SKT also has some free time to study MSI's opponents~
This MSI is very, very important for them. Since the S7 Bird's Nest finals, SKT has disappeared from the global audience for too long.

Even in the S8 World Championship, they were not even qualified to enter the World Championship, and Faker played all the games in the base OB.

This is also a shame for SKT~
Now, they desperately need a chance to prove that they have risen again.

Coach Kuumajin, who was a bit fat, looked at Chen Mu, who was "talking nonsense" on the stage, with endless vigilance in his eyes.

As a coach myself, I looked at Chen Mu's performance in this final from a God's perspective.


No matter how he reviewed it, every move he made was correct.

Generally speaking, the most important thing for a jungler is awareness. You must be able to catch people for ganks, control the dragon and control the map, and counter-crouch, so that you can help your teammates gain greater advantages as much as possible.

Moreover, this guy Chen Mu's operations are still terrifyingly sharp.

Operational heroes are even more capable, which also gives them endless possibilities in the jungle.

Then Kuma couldn't help but adjust his glasses, patted the jungler Clid next to him, and said seriously: "Clid, your burden is very heavy!"

Others secretly pricked up their ears when they heard the words, including Faker who was sitting on the main seat with his eyes closed and meditating. He also opened his eyes and sat up silently.

This year's SKT lineup is very luxurious, with top laner Khan, jungler Clid, substitute jungler Haru, mid laner Faker, bottom laner Teddy and support Effort.

There is also a substitute assistant, the most powerful brain assistant Mata, but Mata does not have many opportunities to play and plays more of a coaching role.

In the playoffs, they first defeated the old Galaxy Battleship KZ [-]-[-], and then defeated the new Galaxy Battleship GRF [-]-[-] in the finals.

GRF was originally ranked No. 1 in the LCK spring regular season, but they had no power to fight back against this SKT team.

Two three-to-zero bo5s directly brought back SKT's reputation in the country, and it has the momentum of the S5 and S6 era.

The new SKT was also highly praised on the Internet.

"Faker returns to the throne, captain Teddy turns on the super god mode, SKT sweeps GRF and wins the championship!"

"Faker: I don't want to be positive about anything, I just want to say that I want to get back what I lost with my own hands!"

"The talented mid laner, Faker, the iron-clad devil!" "The hot man is back, Brother Li and his SKT king are back!"

"Faker: A talented mid laner bdd, this time it's chovy, now we can hire another talented mid laner!"

"Faker: You can only have one brother in LOL, and that's me, Brother Li!"

"Chen Mu, just wait! There can only be one god in LOL, and that is me, Faker~"


And the key thing is that this team of SKT and Chen Mu have not played against each other many times. They only played against each other once in last year's intercontinental competition.

And that SKT was still an incomplete version of SKT, which was far inferior to this SKT.

Therefore, many LCK fans have high hopes for it.

It's not as embarrassing as some teams in the LCK division. Several star players in the team were more or less defeated by Chen Muhai.
Kiin, Semb, Socre, and Chi Di were all educated by Chen Mu.

Of course, there is also such an embarrassing person in the SKT team.

I’m talking about you Khan.

It can be said that most of Chen Mu's reputation came from him in his first battle.

It was also last year's MSI mid-season, when Chen Mu was still in RNG, he met KZ's Khan.

He directly pushed Khan from the top laner in the world to the top laner in the LCK, and then became the leader of the LCK division.

From the peak of his life to the end of his life, 70.00% of his net worth was wiped out by Chen Mu.

The problem is that his strength is really not good, and his strength has been growing in the past two years, and he is obviously getting stronger every year.
Truth is a lifelong enemy and an eternal nightmare!
However, having been abused so many times, he couldn't help but feel a very strange feeling. He couldn't wait to get to know him, become him, and surpass him~
It's just that the man has moved to the jungle position.

"This man is really our fierce rival. He is really the most perfect professional player in my mind~"

Watching the replay of Chen Mu's operation again, Kuma couldn't help but sigh.

Faker couldn't help but move when he heard this. This sentence has been used by others to describe him before!
Now his head coach has assigned this name to another team player, which makes him feel a little at a loss.

Chen Mu didn't pay attention to his little movements, but looked at the analyst next to him who was holding a pen to record his words, and shook his head at him:
"The analysis of his data is meaningless at all~ He may not train the hardest, but...but he is definitely the most unexpected. As Chinese netizens say, if you take off this layer of underwear, you will never know what he will do next. What are layer bottoms?!”

Kuama shook his head helplessly.

Chen Mu's intelligence collection and analysis began as early as the end of last year's MSI mid-season.

Kuma's personal connections are not limited either. Not only are there many players in the LPL division who are Korean aids, but even the coaches and analysts behind the scenes are also Korean aids.

He thought he already knew Chen Mu very well.

"He can adjust his playing style according to the needs of the team and the tactical system, and he can implement the team system in a way that exceeds everyone's expectations."

Dun Ma's eyes gradually became sharper, and just watching the video of the game, he felt a suffocation coming over him.

Too strong, really too strong, without any weak points!

Captain Teddy had never fought against Chen Mu, so he subconsciously retorted: "Then he must have his own shortcomings! If you are aggressive, you will easily make mistakes, and if you are conservative, you will easily die!"

Others nodded silently, acknowledging Teddy's statement.We are all old professional players. The total number of games we have played is [-], which is exaggerated, but there are definitely [-] games.

They have never seen any player who can do it all!
Even Faker is the same. In order to change his style, he gave up a lot of things, and his suppression in the midfield position became weaker year by year.

Seeing that it might have put too much psychological pressure on the team members, Dun Ma also breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.


"Maybe just ban him directly and that's it!"

But there was still one sentence left unsaid.

"Originally we still had this opportunity, but after S8 this year's Spring Split it was obvious that the weight of the top lane was decreasing, and this guy seemed to have predicted it in advance and moved to the jungle position in advance!"

"Looking at his performance in the jungle, he seems to be more terrifying than last year!"

Then Dun Ma also scanned the circle, and finally concluded:
"Although our results in the LCK league are very good and we won the Spring Split, which is the first step for us to return to the top, we are not the strongest division now. You have to remember this."

“Not only the LPL division, but also the European EU division is catching up!”

Finally, he fixed his sights on Faker and said meaningfully: "In this competition, we are not the demon kings who defend the ring, but the brave men who challenge the demon kings. Everyone must remember this!"

Faker couldn't help but roll his eyes in his heart.

Damn it, am I not your favorite cub? !

Is it true that the news that he transferred to SKT last year and wanted to buy Chen Mu? !
At this time, the protagonist that everyone in SKT is talking about is in a special high-end restaurant in Magic City, really holding a wine glass and enjoying the delicious food!
It’s natural to celebrate after winning the championship. This year is FPX’s richest year yet.

Chunli waved her hand, and the devil would go wherever he wanted. !

FPX has already defeated IG in the Spring Split, so the celebration party cannot be any less impressive than Wang Sicong.

And this post-game interview also caused public opinion in the LOL world to explode instantly.

Chen Mu made frequent risqué remarks throughout the interview, which was so effective that media outlets around the world that followed the competition began to read and understand it. After all, headline-grabbing creatures are not unique to China.

The hot search for FPX to win the spring championship has been rising, because the popularity of IG winning the S8 World Championship last year just fell silent and then soared again within two months.

In the past, apart from clearlove factory director, uzi, crazy puppy and other hot words, there were few other hot words on LOL hot searches.

But now only Chen Mu stands out!

The player with the highest honors in the LPL division has now won the spring championship of the league. In addition to one summer champion, he is also a Grand Slam player in the LPL division!

God-like competitive strength, coupled with stunning looks.

His sense of presence is simply off the charts, and he is out of the spotlight because of his looks!

Chen Mu's Weibo has not been ignored since it was opened. Apart from publishing some important announcements, he rarely posts other Weibo posts, let alone interacts with fans.

But even so, the number of Chen Mu’s Weibo fans is still soaring into the sky.

The number of fans has long surpassed that of the factory director and Brother Zaozi, and compared with some celebrities in the entertainment industry, they are not overly generous.

What’s funny is that the comments on Weibo, which is not updated all year round, are full of daily check-in parties.

What about honor fans, technology fans, strength fans, appearance fans?
Of course, there are also all kinds of weird fan groups like husband fans, mother fans, and other female fans, and even son fans.

Ever since Brother Gongzi shouted "Jungle daddy, I love you" at the award ceremony!

My son’s fan is so excited~
(End of this chapter)

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