LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 393 Pike jungle and 1 blood in 1 minute

Chapter 393 Pike jungle and 1 minute of first blood
"Wow, Pike!"

"Pike Assistant?!"

"Wow, FPX has also come up with black technology, just to fight with you!"

After seeing FPX's choice, the commentators directly exclaimed.

Because looking at Pike's previous games, Pike's role is actually very limited, and it is actually very easy to complete the matchup.

Whether you have an advantage online or not is another matter. Even if you have an advantage online, it will be lost in team battles.

However, using Pike to deal with the gem and piano combination is a good choice.

Violent enough~
Because of the choice of Pike, it is clear that the SKT team does not take them seriously at all, thinking that the combination of gems and piano girls in the bottom lane can be used all over the world with one move!
"But... do you think there is a possibility that this Pike will swing, not as a support, but in other positions?!" At this time, Miller rubbed his chin and expressed his doubts.

"Are you saying Pike goes to the lane or to the mid lane?!" Remember to follow along.

Wawa also nodded: "I think it's entirely possible. Both top laner Pike and mid laner Pike are possible. This kind of game has happened in both the American server and the European server."

Just as the commentators were thinking crazily, FPX confirmed Kennen as the hero in the third hand.

The hero was determined for top laner A Guang.

A hero who controls large groups.

On the third floor, SKT did not hesitate and locked Qin Nu in seconds.

There are already branded gems on the second floor, so there is no need to install them.

At this point, the first round of BP officially ends, and the second round of banning begins immediately.

Silas and Centaur, FPX directly clicked them.

Kennen and Pike are already out. If you don't ban Silas, it will be a crime~
Sword Demon!Sword girl!
SKT, on the other hand, began to target Chen Mu's jungle hero pool.

Then SKT jungler first decided on the hero Lee Sin.

This version has been enhanced and the competition intensity is very high.

And when it’s FPX’s turn.
"What do you say?!" War Horse patted Lin Weixiang's shoulder.

In fact, in this game, the best choice for the bottom lane ADC is Draven with a violent team-starting support.

Otherwise, if you choose a regular ADC and play slowly with Qin Nu Ge, you will only be tortured.

But Delevingne and Lin Weixiang are really not very good~
He is not Ah Shui~
Just when Lin Weixiang wanted to take Kai'Sa.
"Take Draven, I can send Ke to the jungle, and then choose a Thresh or a robot, and I will have unlimited bottom lane!"

Chen Mu's faint voice came over.

"It doesn't matter if you can catch an ax or not, just know how to attack normally~"

"Pfft." Lin Weixiang almost squirted out.

This is too much!

However, the wild father in the team spoke up, and Da Congming hesitated in his heart.

Anyway, this is just the first MSI game, you can play a little bit, anyway, it is not difficult to qualify.

Pike jungle? !
At this time, the head coach Zhanma's eyes lit up.

"But can Pike fight in the jungle?! Can he fight in the jungle?!" But Liu Qingsong asked.

Now there are Pike assists and Pike midfielders, but there are very few Pike junglers.

"No problem, just play the same game as Qinggangying~" Chen Mu gave the coach and teammates an OK gesture.

"That can be done. Add Thresh as an assistant and charge directly. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, just have fun!" War Horse also encouraged his teammates.

"Okay, let's rush~"

After hearing the encouragement from his teammates, the clever Lin Weixiang gave up.

The next second, Draven locked in.

Anyway, Wild Dad said, it doesn’t matter whether you catch it or not, it doesn’t matter if you use the ax or not, as long as you know how to attack normally.

"Wow, what is this?! Draven?! Is it Lin Weixiang's Draven?!" I remember being surprised when I saw Draven coming out of FPX.

In the impression of everyone in the LPL, Lin Weixiang's Draven and Zaozi's Draven are both "unique brothers".

"Maybe so. Could it be that during this period, LWX secretly practiced Draven?!" Miller was also shocked.

"But let me tell you something, this game is to take Draven and attack the Qin Girl Gem on the opposite side!"

And the barrages in the live broadcast room were also hilarious.

"What the hell, Draven?!"

"Good news, get Draven; bad news, the smart Draven!"

"The only thing LWX has admitted is that Draven doesn't know QAQ~"

"If you call the clever Draven, he might just smile, but if you call him a swordsman, he might be really jealous of you!"

"This one is gone. I told you, no one can take it with you!"


But the next second, the hero on the last floor of FPX came out, shocking everyone.

The sea is boundless!

A heavy voice sounded.

Titan locked!

ah? !this? !
If there is already a Pike, why choose a Titan? !

What kind of trick is this? !

"This?! Is this... the Titan jungler?!" After seeing FPX's routine, the commentators didn't know how to deal with it.

"Probably not. In the previous version of Titan, when it was still the top laner Phantom God, it was possible to jungle, but now there is no such thing!" Miller rejected it on the spot.

"Then it can't be Ryze and Kennen who go to the jungle. It should be Chen Mu's Pike who goes to the jungle!"

"Gitui, start developing new routines!"

"But let me tell you something, this lineup is really good at restraining Kotoko's gem! Especially in the early and middle stages, if there are less than two people next to Kotoko, one of them will die, and no one can save it!"


SKT is also in a panic, but there is nothing they can do. The overall lineup has been determined and there is no way to adjust it.

The last counter position was given to Khan, and he took a Gnar to deal with Kennen.

The horse deduction has a great impact on SKT, or in other words, SKT's style of play has actually been finalized since his era~
From the beginning to the end, SKT's core is only Faker, no matter how it changes, it will not go beyond this system. This is the root problem.

Although Faker's playing style has changed a lot, giving his teammates more space.

But Faker will always be the absolute core.

Once we get rid of this root problem, will SKT still be the same SKT? !

SKT has historically wanted to decentralize Faker's position in the team, but without exception, he was quickly beaten by other LCK teams until he could no longer take care of himself.

In this game, even though SKT's bottom lane used the black technology of Gemstone Girl, the core is still the midfielder.

But Dao Mei is the key point to end the game.

And FPX’s response in this round is also very simple.Pike in the jungle and ADC Draven will fight you hard.

Seize line rights, hit kills and grab resources, use the fastest speed and the shortest time to create an absolute economic gap, and directly overwhelm SKT in the mid-term.

And this is exactly what FPX and Chen Mu are best at.

Soon the lineup of both sides was determined.

In the opening game FPX vs SKT, FPX is on the blue side and SKT is on the red side.

Top lane: Kennen vs Gnar
Jungler: Pike vs Lee Sin
Mid laner: Ryze vs. Dao Mei

ADC: Draven vs Gems
Support: Thresh vs Qin Girl
The BP between both sides has ended.

"Come on FPX! Come on FPX! Come on Little Phoenix!"

"SKT, come on Smecta! SKT, come on Smecta!"

When the coaches of both sides shook hands for the last time in the center of the stage, as the big screen entered the Summoner's Rift, the audience once again gave their most hoarse cheers to the two teams!
Miller was surprised and said: "The lineups of both sides are too hard. In fact, both sides have no late-stage lineups. However, I insist that FPX's lineup is slightly stronger in the late-stage, but SKT's late-stage Qinnu gem is really useless. It’s easy to get fired, and it’s very tiring!”

"But it depends on how the two sides are doing in the bottom lane. If SKT has played 2v2 in the bottom lane and LWX Draven has no voice, it is a lineup that will kill you in the early stage!"

Wawa added and said with a smile: "The main thing is that this is Lin Weixiang's Draven. He is not Ah Shui's Draven. If it was Ah Shui's Draven, I wouldn't worry about it, but"

When they heard Doll Miller's voice like "The wind is rustling and the water is cold, the strong man is gone and never comes back", all the LPL fans at the scene and in front of the screen were refreshed and sat up straight in an instant.

Because they all know very well that neither FPX nor SKT seems to be serious about this game.

Instead, I have a bit of a playful mentality and are trying out black technologies.

But in the minds of fans, this is the opening game of the MSI mid-season, and they really hope that the FPX team can win this game and get off to a good start.

This is the first global event after the S8 World Championship last year.

Encouraged by last year's S8 championship, countless old players returned.

As for this MSI mid-season game, many veteran players who have worked after graduation, no matter how busy they are at work, still take time to watch the opening game.

There were countless barrages in the LPL official live broadcast room.

Therefore, amid the must-win belief of all LPL viewers, the first game of the MSI mid-season main event, the match between the FPX team and the SKT team, officially entered the game stage.

In this game, FPX's Pike was really as the commentator said, not in the auxiliary position, but as a jungler Pike!

The audience at the scene was shocked again.

Who would have thought that European and American teams like to play tricks, and the G2 team's playmaking level in this MSI mid-season tournament is unrivaled in the world, but they didn't expect that SKT and FPX would come from behind.

Jungle Pike?

Which genius came up with this jungle routine? !
"It's actually jungler Pike?"

"This...this should be good news for the SKT team."

"After all, the jungle clearing efficiency of jungler Pike is definitely very slow. In addition, Clid's blind monk will definitely invade Pike's jungle area in this game, so whether Chen Mu Pike can be upgraded to level [-] is a question."

"As long as Clid completes the level and economic suppression of Pike, then the jungler Pike of the FPX team will become a complete joke!"

Fans and commentators in the LPL region hope that Parker FPX will win, and of course some people hope that FPX will lose.

Especially Chen Mushu~
At this time, in the LCK commentary box, which was separated from the LPL commentary desk by a wall, the comments made by the commentators were quite angry.

Chen Mu shocked the world last year, but that doesn't mean he's convinced.

The LCK division has always wanted to come back, and they also said last year that SKT and Faker did not go to the World Championship. If Faker was here, they would not lose.

And this MSI mid-season tournament, SKT and Faker are here, and the god in his heart is back~
Therefore, if the SKT team wants to win the FPX team in this game, it must attack Chen Mu Pike's jungle area, and it must be a deadly attack!

"Although jungler Pike is indeed a bit beyond our expectations, we hope that the SKT team is still prepared for this."

"As long as this Pike is killed, the SKT team can successfully represent the LCK division and defeat Chen Mu for the first time!"

"Then let's witness the decisive battle of the SKT team together!"

Finally, the LCK division has used the word finals, which is more important than the fans in the LPL division.

This jungle game is too extreme. If you can't catch anyone, the sky will collapse. If you are countered by the jungle, the ground will fall apart.

Pike was released in June last year and is positioned as an auxiliary.

But the mechanism of the ultimate kill was developed in other ways.

However, this hero is too extreme and has no disadvantages at all.

Now this version of Pyke can be used as a jungler. E now damages both minions and monsters. In other words, Pyke now has no battery life.
In fact, Pike's jungler can also refer to Qinggangying's jungler, but it is more extreme than Qinggangying.

There is no way to clear the jungle. You can only go on a hunger strike to arrest people.

Catch at level [-], catch at level [-], and catch at level [-] again. Only after Tiamat can you be qualified to clear the jungle~
In fact, like Qinggang Shadow Camille, Pike is not even qualified to enter the jungle after changes in later versions.

Q is a single target damage, and now it does no damage to minions and wild monsters. There is no AOE. Such a hero can't even hit the wild area, let alone hit it.

The efficiency of pushing the line and clearing the jungle is always a measure of whether a hero can mix online and in the jungle.

Pyke can't even push the lane, let alone clear the jungle.

In this game, Chen Mu Pike's main talent is Cluster Blade, and the three blades of Cluster Blade enhance Pike's burst damage.

Then click on the sudden impact, and cooperate with W and E skills to easily trigger.

Eyeball Collector can increase very high attack power in the later stage.

The last point is Ruthless Hunter, which increases Pike's movement speed in non-combat situations and can enhance Pike's roaming ability.

Triumph and critical strike in the secondary precision. Triumph recovers a certain amount of health after participating in the kill, which can save lives at critical moments. Critical strike causes more damage to enemy heroes with low health.

And as both sides enter the game, the war officially begins!
And the commentators are still analyzing and analyzing.

"First Blood!"

"FPX Blood Harbor Ghost Pike killed the piano fairy Sona!"

But at the next moment, all the commentators, the audience, and even the director didn't react.

The game time is 0 minutes and 55 seconds, and the first blood of this game has been born!

Not only is it the first blood of the FPX team, but it is also what all SKT and LCK fans least want to see.

Pike's first blood!

The time went back to 30 seconds ago. After the five people from FPX bought their entry-level equipment, the five people hugged each other and headed straight for the bottom lane.

Without any hesitation, he headed directly towards the grass at the mouth of the lower road.

Sure enough, Kotome came to do the vision first.

As expected, Captain Teddy played too little with the piano girl.

Seeing that the five FPX people were still a little dazed, Titan's hook cleared the channel and hooked them over.

It will be difficult to dodge once you are charged, even though the remaining blood can dodge.

But what was waiting was Pike, who had already secured his position.

Charge Q bone-penetrating spike!

The sharp blade in Pike's hand stabbed the piano girl accurately.

Frstblood! !
(End of this chapter)

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